Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 245 Fetters

Chapter 245 Fetters
The black girl was startled by the sudden attack, her big head stared at Tang Yan fiercely, her eyes were indescribably strange.

Tang Yan smiled awkwardly, ran away with a roar, and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

The black girl was full of fighting spirit, and her killing heart had not yet cooled down, but the situation in front of her was obviously beyond her tolerance.If the four big monsters were to be killed all at once, he would not be able to take care of two of his lives.

I have no choice but to escape!
The four great demon kings were in hot pursuit, and with the assistance of the Jedi during the day, they kept track of the whereabouts of Tang Yan and Hei Niu.Both the golden-backed mantis and the four-winged scale python can fly in the air, and their speed is as fast as lightning, not to mention that they were specially arranged by the Jedi during the day to deal with Tang Yan's speed.

"Girl, hurry up, get out of this ghostly place!" Tang Yan used his Shadow Shadow Martial Arts and ran like lightning in the snow and ice. The black girl was not weak, and followed closely behind.The only regret is that they are all newly promoted kings, and they don't have the ability to control the walking through the air, otherwise the speed will be even faster.

But... click! !
There was another clicking sound from the depths of the silent mist, and the expressions of Tang Yan and Hei Niu suddenly changed.

Kaka!Click! !

The sound is getting louder and denser!The source of the sound was right in front of them fleeing!

"Stop!! I'll fight!! I'll fight now!!" Tang Yan stopped abruptly, roaring hysterically.The four big demon kings are enough for them to bear, if there is another stronger and fiercer one, they will definitely fall here today!
The intention of the Jedi during the day is very obvious, they just don't want them to continue to escape, it's a fight, keep fighting!

Hei Niu was also aware of it. After all, she has struggled in this place for three hundred days, always fighting alone, and has never been attacked many times. The current situation can only show... punishment!Punishment for running away!
If they continue to escape, maybe there will be a sixth, seventh, and eighth one. By that time, there will be no other end except for being beaten by the group.

"Flame...Four strikes!!" Tang Yan flashed out his ancient saber, flipped his body and ran wildly. After more than ten steps, the scene suddenly exploded. Here comes the golden-backed mantis.

The black girl attacked at the same time, without much fancy martial skills, directly soaring into the sky for the wildest collision.

The golden-backed mantis was fast and flexible, and it deflected instantly to avoid Tang Yan's Lie Yan Jue, but... the black girl's [-]-day desperate experience was not wasteful, and the direction where it jumped into the sky was actually on its dodge track.

It's like anticipating it!
boom! !There was a drum-like collision sound in the air, and the black girl actually slammed into the golden-backed mantis head-on. The raging thunder and lightning swept across, and with the help of the violent impact, it took it to volley into the air.

"Tiger Seal!!" Tang Yan appeared in a flash, and the Tiger Seal Jue turned into a fierce tiger, and blasted towards the golden-backed mantis with the deafening roar of the tiger.

The black girl dodged, and the golden light rubbing the tiger's mark dodged, but the golden-backed mantis completely accepted the swift blow.

"Girl, come again!" Tang Yan continued to attack, and decisively used the Explosion Art, condensing more than a dozen head-like fireballs, and blasted them densely. The black girl understood, and all the dense black electricity rushed towards the fireball.

The effect is exactly the same as that of the Shadow Wingspan. The volume of the fireball is slightly condensed after the black electricity is wound, and the power is stronger, and the speed suddenly soars.

Tang Yan's biggest reliance is the ghost blue fire, and Hei Niu's strongest weapon is the black lightning.

How powerful is the combination of the two?

What about the power of a chain attack?

The golden-backed mantis is brutal by nature and launched an impact against the fireball, but it obviously underestimated the power of this combined attack. Amidst the violent roar, the most powerful sickle arm shattered on the spot, and six fireballs hit the body, blasting out Ten meters away.

Tang Yan would not give up the opportunity. The Eight-phase Thunder Seal burst out and appeared in front of it instantly. The Eye of Nirvana was aroused, drawing twisted and rotating ripples, and blasted fiercely on the head of the golden-backed mantis. He was promoted to King Wu, and Nirvana The eyes mutated again, and even spread out after being activated, completely covering the golden-backed mantis, and in the blink of an eye... turned into ice dust all over the sky... A series of intensive and fierce combined attacks, taking a little luck, successfully killed the demon king Jin Back praying mantis.But before they could breathe a sigh of relief, the four-winged scale python, the white demon wolf, and the ice and snow white lion attacked one after another.

Fortunately, the clicking sound in the white mist did not continue, that is to say, as the fierce battle broke out, the stronger monster was not released.

"Niu, I'll leave the white wolf to you, and the other two... I'll take care of it!" Tang Yan ran wildly, taking the initiative to meet the ice and snow white lion and the four-winged scale python.

The black girl didn't stop at all, and chose the white demon wolf.I was not an opponent before, but after the fierce battle just now, the white demon wolf has suffered heavy losses, and it is not certain who will win and who will lose now!

Fierce battle broke out again!
The two new kings are facing off against the three Jedi demon kings!

Fierce, irritable, and fierce, the black girl quickly suppressed the white demon wolf and gained the upper hand in an almost brutal way; Tang Yan has been passive since the beginning, especially the four-winged scale python in its heyday. is fatal.Thinking back in the psychedelic forest, it was because of stealing its demon eggs that the Eye of Nirvana was successfully refined, let alone the shocking scene at the moment of its rage.

A few years later, Tang Yan was able to face this kind of monster head-on, but the sense of oppression has never been eliminated, and he is not an opponent at all.

Originally, he hoped to use his complicated martial arts to mediate with the two demon kings, but after several collisions in the blink of an eye, Tang Yan fell into a desperate situation, and had no choice but to put away the ancient sword and enter the semi-demon state.Relying on their scale armor to resist their attack, the sharp claws and python tail swept one after another, looking for an opportunity to attack.

After entering the semi-demonized state, both confidence and defense are multiplied, and the offense is even stronger.

A gust of blood and evil spirit gushed out from the soul, almost falling into a state of rampage.

After all, it was the first time to fight with the help of demon spirit veins, and it was impossible to control it perfectly.

But... when Tang Yan fell into a state of berserk, the blood baby appeared again in the sea of ​​qi!

"Bury it in this Jedi forever!" The corners of the mouth curled up into an evil arc, and the hands wrapped in golden chains were slowly raised high, traces of blood spread silently, and slowly merged into the fog baby!

The blood doll itself is the remaining living body after the self-explosion of the blood pill. The blood energy is equivalent to life, and it contains extremely strong vitality, especially for the Wuying who was born while practicing the Immortal Yantian Art, it is definitely a great tonic.

In an instant, Wu Ying's heart beat violently, and even the blood soul fruit of the blood soul tree trembled slightly, as if very satisfied with the sudden nourishment.

hum!The Buddha's heart in the sea of ​​qi counterattacked, tearing the blood doll back to the abyss, but the blood doll firmly controlled the body, no matter how eroded the chains were, it floated steadily on the sea surface, continuously spreading the blood energy, and the expression revealed Evil and madness.

Tang Yan was immersed in the strength of the demon spirit veins, and his sanity was a little unclear. He didn't notice the strangeness of the sea of ​​​​qi, but felt that the power was more surging, and the fighting spirit became stronger. Even the occasional Shadow Wing Spread was greatly increased. .

Spiritual power is infinitely flowing.

"I'll see you off first, don't be a human puppet in the next life!" Tang Yan became more and more courageous as he fought more and more. Accompanied by an excited scream, he tossed and fell in the air, and hit the back of the ice and snow white lion fiercely, clasping his four claws tightly. The radiant light raged, piercing through its spine on the spot, and the Eye of Nirvana followed, strangling it mercilessly.

After killing the ice and snow white lion, the target was transferred to the four-winged scale python.

"Roar!!" "Roar!!" The four-winged scale python was particularly irritable, triggering the overwhelming bombardment with the power of wind and thunder.

Relying on the strength of the demon spirit veins, Tang Yan faced difficulties.

This fierce battle lasted for half an hour. Not long after the black girl defeated the white wolf, Tang Yan destroyed the four-winged scale python with unparalleled power.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!"

The black girl was soaked in blood, lying weakly on the ground, panting with difficulty, the successive fierce battles were about to drain her dry.Tang Yan continued to enjoy the blissful power brought by the semi-demonization, which seemed endless and inexhaustible, and he was able to win the battle against the two big demon kings one after another.

But... Looking at it, Tang Yan's face slowly sank, and a trace of doubt emerged in his heart.

Something is not quite right!

Although the semi-demonization is powerful, it is impossible to be so powerful!
Even if the four-winged scale python in front of him is not the second-order demon king, it is the peak of the first-order, and the ice and snow white lion is also an existence of the overlord class.Although the demon spirit veins are strong, he is a new martial king after all, how could he kill two demon kings in a short period of time?Or complete destruction!

Not right! !

Tang Yan frowned tightly, spread out the demon spirit veins, and looked at the fog vigilantly.

It is quite now? !

All the demon kings have been killed, there should be new and stronger ones appearing, but... what happened?

The black girl struggled to stand up, feeling the fog around her intently, with a vigilant growl rolling in her throat!
(End of this chapter)

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