Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 246 The Weird Invasion

Chapter 246 The Weird Invasion

Tang Yan took two steps back involuntarily, and the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense: "...girl...go...quick..."

The black girl's tiger-like body shrank rapidly, but this time it did not return to the petite and weak form it once was. After shrinking back to a normal wolf, it no longer shrunk, and the wildness that was dead from the inside also did not shrink in any way.

The once childishness no longer exists, she has transformed into a king, and is destined to mature.

Tang Yan didn't have time to take these things into consideration. He continued to take two steps back and then turned around and ran wildly. The surrounding area was covered with white fog, and he couldn't tell the direction at all. However, Tang Yan firmly believed that as long as he sprinted in one direction, he should be able to escape from this mountain area.

quiet! !

The daytime Jedi continued to be eerily calm, the wind still, the snow stopped, the extreme cold, and the white mist. The main theme of the two daytime Jedi continued for eternity.

Both Tang Yan and Hei Niu felt a great crisis, and their speed increased again and again.It is impossible for the Jedi during the day to give up just because they defeated the four major demon kings. What's more, the aura Tang Yan showed before clearly surpassed the first-rank martial king. According to the rules here, the one who will appear immediately should be the second-rank demon king, or... Judging from the current situation, it may be more troublesome than the worst expected phenomenon.

"Girl! Once you are in danger, I will hold you back and you run away! Remember, don't look back!" Tang Yan solemnly reminded the black girl that if he really encountered an irresistible threat, he would accept the ice again at worst. The blood soul tree retains its vitality, but if the black girl resists stubbornly, the result will be her own destruction.

The black girl ran wildly, without making any obvious response, just panting heavily, chasing after Tang Yan's footsteps at the fastest speed.

finally!In the depths of the dead mountains, a long-awaited voice sounded.

Tang Yan and Hei Niu's hearts tightened slightly, the voice was empty and they couldn't tell the direction at all.


The crackling sound became more and more clear, as if... it was right in front of my eyes!
"Stop!!" Tang Yan slammed to a stop, but due to the impact speed was too fast, he almost fell out.

The black girl bared her teeth and glared at the mountain in front of her.

At the foot of the low snow mountain, a piece of ice is falling off, gradually revealing a black object, the cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and the snow is gradually shifting.


The black object was fully revealed, and it turned out to be a dark gourd!It's not too big, only half a person's height, and it's a kind of evil black, very deep and thick, like a boundless abyss, trying to suck people's souls into it.

The cork of the black gourd was opened, and it fell soundlessly into the snow.

Tang Yan and Hei Niu were fully on alert, staring closely at the exit of the black gourd.

But... Quietly, the expected surging momentum did not appear. With the opening of the bottle, the world of ice and snow returned to silence, and there was not even the slightest movement.

But the more this happened, the more vigilant Tang Yan and Hei Niu became.

His eyes were fixed on the black gourd for a moment.

Except for the black hole-like black lines that affect the mind, there is no special discovery.

A strange sound echoed between the ice layers, and a black object was moving smoothly through the ice layer under his feet, approaching Tang Yan's direction.

Tang Yan continued to be on guard. After a long while, there was still no movement inside. He quietly gestured to the black girl, preparing to go over and investigate by himself, but before he stepped forward, a strong sense of dizziness suddenly rushed into his brain.

same time!
The purple lines in the meridians are brilliant, and the half-demon state is actually activated independently.Muscles tense and condense, scales emerge densely, even the hands are turning into beasts, and the head even turns into a ferocious animal head amidst the chaotic sound of bone cracking!

With the stimulation of the demon spirit veins, the feeling of dizziness eased slightly.

"Girl, step back!" Tang Yan was still in shock, and while motioning the black girl to get out of the way, he checked his body carefully. At first, he didn't find anything unusual. He continued to check many times, but still found nothing.

At the moment when he withdrew his consciousness, he suddenly woke up unexpectedly.

It was this unintentional discovery that made Tang Yan's face pale and almost shocked.

The blood in the big and small blood vessels all over his body... obviously shallow!

The life mist baby in the air sea... also became shallower!

what happened?

Thin blood?The demon spirit vein has just been activated, and the blood is full of its own blood essence, and the life mist baby is condensed by devouring countless spiritual source liquids with great difficulty. Any wisp of life mist contains the surging power of life and the energy of fresh blood. Wouldn't the sudden thinness be worse than death?

Tang Yan hurriedly regained consciousness, fixedly staring at the black gourd in front of him.

Could it be it?

The black girl looked at Tang Yan strangely. She didn't know what happened, but she felt that this appearance of neither human nor animal was a bit... oppressive!It is a sense of oppression from the soul!
"You don't have any special feeling?" Tang Yan suddenly saw the black girl looking at him stupidly, as if he didn't feel any pain.

The black girl was at a loss and didn't know what she was referring to.

Tang Yan watched the black gourd vigilantly, and stepped back step by step.The black girl didn't know why, but she kept backing away.

With the activation of the demon spirit veins, the strange phenomenon did not happen again, and the black gourd was still there intact.

"This gourd is a bit weird, girl, let's go around it, you retreat first." Tang Yan didn't dare to stay any longer, and retreated more than [-] steps step by step. He turned around and was about to run away, but before he could take a few steps, his weak The feeling reappeared, as if the blood was suddenly drained, the brain felt dizzy, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

The whole body is weak and weak!

This time, you can clearly feel the blood flowing, and the life mist baby is weakening!
how so?Where did the blood go?
"Huh?" The black girl finally found out the problem, glared at Tang Yan's back, raised her paw and yanked it down.

Clang!The wolf claws collided with the scales, making a piercing metallic sound.

But... "Is there something on your back?" Tang Yan was extremely weak, except for the feeling of blood flowing, there was no other abnormality.On the other hand, the black girl's paws went down, and the part that was hit hard didn't seem to feel anything!
Anesthetized your back? !

The black girl turned left and right around Tang Yan, staring closely at his back. Between the tough dark blue scales, there seemed to be a black bump, which was squirming slightly. It was still soft like a ball of water just now. , it was already tense like a diamond at the moment, easily resisting the sharp claws.

The black girl didn't give up, the black lightning blasted down, except for Tang Yan's body trembling slightly, the black bulge still didn't respond.

It's stuck firmly on top.

No need to ask, it must be sucking Tang Yan's blood!

But why did it lie on Tang Yan's body silently, and how could it bear such a huge amount of blood?
The black girl became impatient and a little annoyed. She raised her right paw towards the black and bit again. Hei Dian struck successively, and finally spit twice exaggeratedly.

"Damn! Is there really something? Hurry up and get it off for me." Tang Yan became weaker and weaker, watching the blood flow, but he was powerless to resist, because the feeling of numbness was spreading from his back to his whole body.

The numbness wasn't that obvious kind of anesthesia, but... a completely imperceptible numbness, similar to progressive weakness.

Just like just now, his attention was completely focused on the black gourd, and he didn't realize that he was being attacked until he felt weak.It was not until now that I was about to lose the ability to resist that I realized the existence of numbness.

Intuition told Tang Yan that this is a strange toxin!An ingenious way to control!

This is the new demon king sent by the Jedi during the day?
This weird attack method is more terrifying than the violent and huge demon kings like the Ice Snow White Lion!More cruel!
This is to suck yourself dry!

and many more!

It can actually suck its own blood through the scales of the Azure Bull Python?At the beginning of the activation of the demon spirit pulse, it seemed to be stopped, but it was silent for less than a minute, and the inhalation continued, that is to say... it actually broke through the scales?Or is there any special way to suck blood through the scales?

what the hell! !
"Girl, get out of the way!!" Tang Yan was both startled and angry, and immediately dispersed the demon spirit veins, covered his whole body with ghost green fire, and burned it from the inside out!No matter what kind of poison it is, it should be able to suppress it when it encounters a strange fire like ghost green fire that can purify all things.

Sure enough, the numbness began to weaken, and the speed of blood flow also slowed down. Although it still existed, it was better than the uncontrollable situation just now.

With the elimination of the numbness, Tang Yan's whole body regained consciousness, and he also felt that there was something on his back, which seemed to be... clinging to the muscles!

"Damn it, die!!" A ruthless light flashed in his eyes, and Tang Yan raised his ancient saber and stabbed behind him!Pooh!A large piece of flesh was cut off, severe pain struck, and the body tensed immediately. Fortunately, the recovery ability was amazing, and the bleeding was stopped in just a few seconds, and the heart was revived and recovered!
The black girl attacked immediately, and dense black lightning crackled past.

Tang Yan was still in shock. While checking his body, he looked at the lump of flesh. It was only then that he finally saw what was sticking to his back.A fleshy, black, slimy... er... silkworm chrysalis, no bigger than a little finger?Not like!mussel?Not like!slug?earthworm?neither.

If you look closely, it looks a bit like... a leech!
But this thing is far less disgusting than the previous life, but a little smart?Exquisite?It can't be described in specific words, it's like a black dough, and people can't help but want to hold it in their hands and play with it.Just recalling what happened just now, Tang Yan felt a chill and horror.

(End of this chapter)

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