Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2451 Fate

Chapter 2451 Fate
Tang Yan stood on the top of the mountain, looked back at the Baizhang Golden Buddha, and recalled the conversation just now, always feeling something weird.

Is this old man really just the Lord of the Pure Land?
Even if the pure land has a profound background, its lifespan is only tens of thousands of years. How can it know the things of the ancient times, and how can it understand the secrets of the demons so thoroughly? It seems that personal insights are so incisive and profound. .

How could the old man know things that even Jiuying couldn't remember.

"Brother, how are you doing?" Chocolate suddenly poked his head out, looking at the Golden Buddha behind Tang Yan.

"Where's Master Dujue?"

"In his meditation room, he said he would go to him directly if he had something to do, so you want to go to him?"

"No, you can go back first. The affairs of the new Zhanmeng will be handled by other martial arts. You have been tired for many years, and it is time to ask your master for new martial arts. I heard from Granny Ma that his life-saving martial art is space." Hiding, when I met Mo Yansheng for the first time, he unknowingly picked his chin."

Chocolate rolled his eyes and curled his lips, quite speechless about that old thing.

"Du Yang, Zimo, and Niya are all in seclusion. You should also have a sprint. Go back and tell Ma Shu and the others that you don't need to miss me or the Holy Spirit Hall. I will go back when I should." Tang Yan didn't think any more , left here along the mountain path.

"You want to retreat here?"

Tang Yan left silently, as if he had something on his mind.

Chocolate scratched his head, then shrugged, and silently retreated into the void.

The interior space of the Golden Buddha.

The old man was silent for a long time, then slowly turned around and faced Xu Yan: "Son, we finally meet."

Xu Yan looked at the old man strangely. He was haggard, pale and wrinkled. His old appearance made people dare not look at him more.

The old man was also looking at Xu Yan seriously. When he sent her away, he looked like a wild child, with a thick physique, exaggerated muscles, and a dull and rough personality.In just a few decades, her changes made people unrecognizable. The growth of her realm and the replacement of many imperial bones made him gratified.

There is also the current appearance, the height of two meters is very well-proportioned, there is no extra muscle, and the appearance has become exquisite. It cannot be called beautiful, but it is different from ordinary people's height and shawl-blonde hair. There is a kind of ordinary woman that cannot be reproduced. The valiant and heroic demeanor.

Her long hair was scattered casually, half covering her fair cheeks, but it had a special charm.

"Have we met?" Xu Yan looked at him, and suddenly felt a special sense of familiarity, but after a closer look, he was sure that he had never met before, and he did not feel a special aura from the old man.

"You were still a child when I sent you away."

"Who are you to me?" Xu Yan was surprised, she lived in a small village back then, there were very few people there, and they all had a deep memory, and she was sure that there was no old man in front of her, let alone the Lord of the Pure Land.

She had searched for her 'hometown' more than once, but shortly after she left, that 'hometown' in her memory disappeared inexplicably, without leaving any traces.

"I am a sinner, I am ashamed of my people, I am ashamed of you."

Xu Yan subconsciously looked at the bones on the wall, and noticed more than once when he came in, does this word mean proud?Or a special meaning?

The old man said slowly: "Bone, it means the Bone Race."

"What's your relationship with the Bone Race?"

The old man turned around with difficulty, and turned towards the giant bone character again. His voice was hoarse, and his words seemed to be recalling: "I was the first to enter the Lost Battle Realm back then. But the attack I suffered left me seriously injured."

Xu Yan suddenly raised his head, his pupils dilated rapidly, his red lips were steadily opened, and he looked at the old man in front of him in disbelief, his head was buzzing and blank.Just one sentence brought her a huge impact.

"The pain has tormented me for tens of thousands of years. I tried my best, but I didn't stick to it until one day later, what I was most worried about happened. The realm degenerated, and I retreated from the peak of Jiehuang to the holy realm.

It happened to be a special period when the three races of the Lost Battle Realm were fighting, and I couldn't show up, otherwise my retreat in realm would immediately attract the attention of the world. At that time, not to mention the demons and monsters, the human race would carve up my bone race.

The degeneration of the realm made me unable to guide the Bone Race again, and I also missed the opportunity to return to the imperial journey.After that, I persisted and struggled for thousands of years, until more than [-] years ago, I made the final decision to entrust the fate of the Bone Race to the only person I can trust - the Demon Spirit Emperor.

I know the Demon Spirit Emperor, and I also trust the Demon Spirit Emperor. He can keep the Bone Race healthy for at least 5000 years.

5000 years is enough for the Bone Race and myself.

With my weak body, I returned to the Qitian Continent and the ancestral land of the Bone Race with the assistance of the Demon Spirit Emperor.I abandoned the Bone Race, and I also used the Bone Race as an introduction to attract the attention of the Lost Battle Realm and provide protection for my hiding here.Everything is for rebirth in this ancestral land, to return to the realm of emperor. "

" are..." Xu Yan's mind was buzzing, full of shock, and even more incredible.Bone Emperor?The emperor who disappeared in history!Bone Emperor?One of the most valiant human emperors of the Ancient Golden Clan back then!Bone Emperor?The only human emperor who has won the respect of the Demon Spirit Emperor!The Bone Emperor, the Emperor of the Bone Race...but... the person in front of him is the Emperor?This crooked body, this weak breath, this old face, where there is half heroic and overbearing, where there is a little bit of guidance, and where there is arrogance.

The old man sighed faintly and shook his head weakly: "Isn't it incredible? Back then, the Bone Emperor looked down on the common people and was brave and proud. The Bone Emperor back then led the Bone Race and was not afraid of demons. But sitting in front of you is an old man, an old man who is dying .”

"You...are you really the emperor?" Xu Yan tentatively asked, she hesitated and took a few steps forward, but she couldn't move her legs any more. She stared fixedly, but still couldn't accept it.She is not disappointed, not regretful, but... sad, Huang?Is this the emperor?

"The road to rebirth is too difficult. I am full of confidence and prepared enough, but things backfired. I was an emperor in my previous life, but it is difficult to aspire to become an emperor in this life. I realized this when I first entered the holy realm.

I am ashamed of the Bone Race, and regret my wishful thinking.

I wanted to go back, but I couldn't find the way back. Without the emperor's guidance, I was powerless to go back to the Lost Battle Realm.With my current state, going back will only bring disaster to the Bone Race.

I knelt in front of this bone character, prayed for ten thousand years, and pleaded guilty for ten thousand years.

I took over the Pure Land and did good deeds and prayed for redemption. I also used the name of Pure Land as a cover, and used good thoughts and good deeds as a cover to cover the many children I gave birth here. They are all new sons of the Bone Race.

Dujue is my first generation of children, and there are many more after them. They have also reproduced many offspring. Some people practice in the pure land, and some live in the mountains. It's just that I put a seal on them. I know everyone. They I don't know my identity. "

Xu Yan stared blankly at the old man immersed in memories, but still couldn't accept the fact.

"Thousands of years ago, a vision descended from the world of the Lost Battle Realm, and various races created children of destiny one after another. I hid in the Qitian Continent and didn't know the situation of the Lost Battle Realm. Until later, Prince Cang's thoughts came to the Qitian Continent and asked me It tells the situation of the Lost Battle Realm, the arrival of the Destiny's Son, and his plan.

Coincidentally, the No.19 grandson of Du Jue gave birth to a daughter, that is, you, ten years old, with extraordinary talent, different from ordinary people, I personally baptized you, the strength of your blood once made me sigh that the sky is not dead. family.The arrival of Prince Cang made me understand that your birth is really the mercy of God.

Prince Cang suggested sacrificing the luck of the Bone Clan, that is, cultivating a false prince within the Bone Clan, and in the future transfer Qi to Tang Yan, the son of destiny of the Demon Spirit Clan. It's... the skull of a white tiger! "

Bone family bone replacement, from easy to difficult, generally from the phalanx to the arm bone, from the leg bone to the spine, and then to the ribs, is all difficult and difficult. In the future, it will be accompanied by very serious risks.When the ribs are replaced later, it will affect the internal organs.

But the most difficult thing is actually the skull, if you are not careful, you will die!

Throughout the ages, the Bone Race generally would not change their skulls, which would not only lead to death, but also lead to a drastic change in temperament, being eroded by the monsters inside the skulls.Therefore, the skull will be replaced only after the state of perfection, that is... become emperor!
If a Daman level powerhouse touches the emperor level and hopes to become an emperor himself, then the first step is to change a suitable skull!That is, the skull of the Demon Emperor!
The Bone Race is also a relatively special existence. As long as enough strong bones are gathered, the transformation of the realm can advance accordingly. The Bone Race is a group that relies on bones, so the dependence on luck is not so serious, but on the skull. Heavy!
To become an emperor, one needs not only chance, realm and ability, but also to obtain a suitable skull after everything is ready, and this skull must be an unused, active demon emperor skull!

Therefore, the combination of the bone skull brought by Prince Cang and the prophecy has a fatal temptation for him, a sinner of the Bone Race.

What's more, Prince Cang brought the demon spirit emperor's token. He didn't trust anyone, but he had to trust the demon spirit emperor, so this situation...he stepped into it.

(End of this chapter)

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