Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2452 Respective Journeys

Chapter 2452 Respective Journeys

"The white tiger skull of the Yaoling clan was left behind by the white tiger who guarded the Yaoling clan back then. It contains some ideas. They obtained the consent of the white tiger and decided to hand it over to me, and I will give it to you.

As far as I know, you have already fused more than five imperial bones, including the white tiger shoulder blade I left in the Bone Clan. Tang Yan also obtained the white tiger blood and white tiger battle bones from the Yin Yang Clan for you.So the white tiger skull is the most suitable for you. "

Xu Yan took a deep breath, and finally recovered from the shock, but his eyes were still shaking.She knelt down on both knees and kowtowed to the old man in front of her: "Xu Yan, kowtow to the ancestors."

"There is no need for etiquette. I called you here today because I feel that the time is ripe. From today onwards, you will retreat here and fuse the white tiger blood Tang Yan gave you with the white bones of war bones. Seriously comprehend and integrate them with all your strength. I will I will give you guidance here and help you complete the integration.

I have already dismantled all the imperial bones on my body, there are nine pieces in total, and they will be transferred to you one after another during your retreat.It doesn't make much sense for them to follow me, and they are all handed over to you. "

"You... no... Huang... I..." Xu Yan raised his head suddenly, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.Did he dismantle the bones of his body?No wonder he is weak and old. Forcibly removing the imperial bones will consume a lot of vitality and blood. If they are completely removed, wouldn't they just wait for death silently?

"You don't need to say more, the debt I owe to the Bone Race is all transferred to you today, you can pay the debt for me. From now on, the task of guiding the Bone Race will be entrusted to you.

I have my bones pumped, I won't live long, but it will be fine for a few years, and during these few years, I will be your mentor and pass on everything I have to you.But the head of the white tiger can only be replaced when you really touch the barrier of the imperial path in the future. That is your greatest crisis, and only you can overcome it. "

The old man stood up unsteadily, or floated up, his body twisted in a strange posture, because nine main bones were missing.

Xu Yan hurried over to help him.

But the old man waved his hand to stop: "I can, I don't need to take care of you for the time being. From today until you leave here, there is only one focus of all, growth! Those sentimental and pity, after I die, you will kneel slowly in front of my grave. But Here, I will not allow you to think of yourself as a sentimental person."

"I understand."

The old man slowly took out a heart bone, which was as white as jade and glowing dimly, as if it contained complex messages. "This is a heart bone, that is, the bone book I just mentioned. It is the heart bone of the first generation patriarch of the Bone Race. It was smelted into a bone book by him, and it is the inheritance token of all generations of my Bone Race patriarchs.

It will be implanted in the heart of each generation of the Bone Race patriarch, and it will be conceived with its own blood donation.It will also silently record the experience of each generation of Bone Race patriarch, and record the memory of that era.This is also the reason why I know the various secrets of the ancient times, which are all recorded on it.

But you have to remember, this is the secret of my Bone Clan, which contains a huge amount of historical information, and it is also the secret of the past patriarchs of my Bone Clan. You must not reveal it to anyone, including the people of the Bone Clan, including Tang Yan and the others .

I pass it on to you today, and you are the... patriarch of my Bone Clan generation. "

There was a faint rumbling sound in the space, like a voice from ancient times, crossing time and space, whispering in Xu Yan's ears, there seemed to be countless characters looming in the misty light and shadow, carrying a long history.

Xu Yan knelt down slowly, and took over the jade bone with both hands. Everything happened today was too sudden and solemn.The sudden inheritance of the patriarch made it even more difficult for Xu Yan to accept, but feeling the entrustment from the old man, she silently accepted and digested it.

In the following days, Chenyuan Pavilion was still peaceful and peaceful on the surface, solemn and solemn, thousands of monks came and went and abided by etiquette.Just like the golden brilliance blooming from that golden Buddha statue, blessing the vast pure land, it also brought peace of mind to the people of the Tianquan Empire.

It seems that the existence of the Pure Land is to put a layer of protective cassock on the empire to protect it from the invasion of external wars.

Tang Yan retreated in Dukong's meditation room and wandered in Dukong's Zen courtyard, where the Buddha statue of counting money was stored, like a rich fruit waiting for him to cut.Tang Yan realized silently, and stripped out the Buddhist seals one by one.

With the successive return of Buddha seals and the increase in number, the long-lost quiet Buddha's voice reverberated in the air sea again, and the long-lost golden light and shadow bloomed from the edge of the air sea again, sprinkled on the golden afterglow of the blood sea.

After Tang Yan restrained all the Buddhist seals, he completely closed himself in the meditation room, repeatedly comprehending the Buddhist seals, reminiscing about their birth, and feeling the last wish left in the meditation room.

He recalled the words of the Lord of the Pure Land again, and seemed to grasp something, but he couldn't touch it.Unreal, like a dream.

He worked hard to comprehend and comprehend meticulously. In a trance, he seemed to be wandering in a long river of mottled light and shadow, looking for a distant and mysterious power, and feeling the mysterious and unpredictable light and shadow.

And what guided him was the words of the Lord of the Pure Land, and what gave him strength was the endless Buddha seal.

At some point, Dukong appeared by his side, accompanied him to forge ahead in the long river, whispering something, passing on something.

Tang Yan was intoxicated by it, closed the Liujue, and didn't care about world affairs.

This is a very special comprehension, similar to a brand-new idea, and also a brand-new vision.

Xu Yan retreated inside the Golden Buddha, and in the frank communication, he felt deeply with his heart.

Although the Bone Emperor in front of her is no longer the Emperor, he has the memory of two lifetimes and has a deeper understanding. For her, he is definitely the best mentor. A few words can refresh her understanding of the Bone Race. understanding.

She accepted the fact, indulged in it, and started a new transformation under the urging of the Bone Emperor.

The main purpose of the Bone Emperor this time is to give Xu Yan a new sublimation, whether it is in terms of temperament, righteousness of the Bone Clan, or history of the Bone Clan, the more important purpose is to give Xu Yan a complete change.

What is being replaced is the main bones and important joints, which are the basis for Xu Yan's growth.

In addition, he has to carefully guide Xu Yan's self-fusion after bone replacement, as well as the fusion of various bones and his own small bones.After all, in addition to these main bones, there are other small bones inside the human body. These do not need to be replaced. Instead, Xu Yan needs to work hard to refine them so that they can coexist with foreign imperial bones, withstand the oppression and invasion brought by the imperial bones, and let them They absorb the power of the emperor's bones and achieve unity.

In the next few years, Xu Yan's body was a battlefield, a fight between foreign bones and internal bones, a fight between the bones of the emperor and flesh and blood, and a confrontation between the will and the remnants of the bones of the emperor, destined to be difficult and painful.

Every bone replacement is a torment for Xu Yan, and it is too painful to live. What's more, the sudden replacement of such a large number of bones is indeed a cruel test for her.

Xu Yan could have changed one by one, but the outside world is changing too fast, and the Bone Emperor doesn't have much time left, so they must hurry up.He wants to protect Xu Yan to complete the transformation, and instill many ideas in her, and before he dies, he wants to shape Xu Yan into a qualified Bone Clan patriarch!
Everything needs to be completed in just a few years.

At the same time, Qi Lufu took Matthews away and went east to the East China Sea, where he re-smelted swordsmanship during the tides of the sea, in the natural disasters of sea beasts, and even in the deep ocean; Du Yang entered the inner sea of ​​the Valley of the Wicked, Visited the Naga clan, and opened the retreat under the personal protection of Medusa; Zhao Zimo returned to the Valley of the Evil, and Zhao Tianyan led all the saints in the Valley of the Evil, helping Zhao Zimo and the three-legged toad to improve their strength; Niya joined forces with Li Xiangjun, Zhao Wenqing, and Qin Qingqing to participate in retreat Enlightenment, it is about fusing the essence of the three Warlock Towers to achieve a new sublimation.

Xuanyuan Longli wandered between the Holy Empire and the ancient kingdom of Xingluo, stooping to pay homage to all the wise men, not only Wu Nong and the old princes, but mainly those wise men who enjoyed a high reputation within the empire, Xuanyuan Longli visited in his own name, Ask for advice with an open mind, absorb their wisdom, and sublimate yourself.

Nalantu first completed the formation deployment of the Yesha Tower, and then retreated in the New Zhanmeng.The scene when Tang Yan attacked the Yin-Yang clan that day was always circling in his mind. What outsiders saw was the excitement, but what he saw was the deployment of the Yin-Yang clan's formations. Thousands of formations were destroyed, but thousands of formations were destroyed. Thousands of words flooded into his mind.He imprinted all those broken formations in his mind, and used this time to comprehend them wholeheartedly, strive to sublimate himself, and step into the holy realm.

Chocolate followed Tang Yan's request and took the initiative to find Li Yun.It was rare that Li Yun didn't scold him, took it deep into the void, and taught him the highest secret.With the situation in the mainland in chaos, Li Yun has no reason to hide anymore.If a more tragic war breaks out in the future, he may die in battle, so... it's time to give it all.

As for Ren Tianzhu, he would naturally stay in Fengdu Ghost City, swallowing tens of millions of ghosts that Tang Yan injected into hell, and also assisting his own Fengdu lineage to achieve a comprehensive sublimation.With the rise of the Raksha lineage, he felt a sense of oppression. It happened that Fengdu had accumulated enough foundation after decades of accumulation, and it was time for an explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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