Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2453

Chapter 2453
Eagle Soul Mountain Range!

After the overall operation of the Northern Alliance was finally on the right track, Zhao Xiong personally took over the material operation of the "Sanctification Project", and secretly visited the Thomas Fissen United Empire regardless of his identity and danger. After a lot of hard work and conspiracy, he successfully obtained Larger supplies of the United Empire.Then he took the initiative to contact the major auctions and large black markets in the Central Plains to fill in the vacancies of other materials.

Zhao Xiong's full operation moved both the Yin-Yang Clan and the Holy Spirit Hall. The two parties mobilized more than [-] people, and Taishu Fenghua personally commanded them. Setup is complete.The time was much earlier than expected, and the whole process went very smoothly.

The monstrous black air is boiling in the Baili Mountains, thick and thick, black and ghostly, and there are mournful wailing sounds from inside, day and night, densely packed and inexhaustible, which makes people's hair stand on end.It's like a hell world descending, covering hundreds of miles of mountains, no grass grows inside, and a herd of beasts fleeing outside, away from this place of death.

The formation of the Great Spirit Gathering Formation made everyone in the Holy Spirit Hall very excited. The vast dark mist billowed violently, like a giant whirlpool, stretching across the center of the Eagle Soul Mountain Range, filling the space between heaven and earth.Its scope is very large, and it spins rumblingly, devouring the floating souls towards the boundless northern continent.

For the Temple of the Holy Spirit, these undissipated souls are natural nourishment.

In this way, they don't need to hunt souls everywhere, and they don't need to absorb them one by one. They can directly sit inside and absorb them continuously. It's not just as simple as twice the result with half the effort.

For the Temple of the Holy Spirit, the dream of sanctification is just around the corner and will be realized soon.

For the Northern League, this is undoubtedly exciting news.If the Temple of the Holy Spirit can be fully sublimated, it will definitely become a super weapon to attack the new Zhanmeng, and it is worth looking forward to.

Pei Kuang has never been so excited as he is now. It seems that the losses of the Holy Spirit Hall in recent years will be made up for today.On the day when the Great Spirit Gathering Formation was formed, the Hall of the Holy Spirit weakened the allocation of personnel for other affairs, withdrew millions of troops, and also mobilized Pei Kuang's million beast hordes, and spread them around the Great Spirit Gathering Formation to guard them closely. Get up, and be strict with any outsiders intruding, or any monster with no eyes that accidentally intrudes.

Pei Kuang attaches great importance to this plan, so the defense must be in place!He even came forward to pay a visit to the water candle demon and other Daquan-level powerhouses, and asked them to come here to test their mind power if they have nothing to do, so as to ensure that no special powerhouses came to make trouble.

He also paid a visit to Xuanyuan, and he did not hesitate to invite a large number of space monsters to distribute around the space around the spirit gathering array on the condition that he would do three things for Xuanyuan himself in the later period. Protect the space.

He was very cautious, showing even more importance to this operation.

After everything was ready, Pei Kuang, Pei Ming, and the selected ten semi-sages became the first batch of lucky ones to enter.

With the expectation of the Holy Spirit Hall in their hearts, they walked into the Spirit Gathering Array with confidence, waiting for the splendor of their own rebirth, and also looking forward to the re-emergence of the Holy Spirit Hall.

Under the gaze of millions of Holy Spirit Temple troops, they boldly stepped out of it.

However... what they don't know is that long before they plan to enter, a group of uninvited guests has already started to move.

They are Kupo troop and Yuntianjing troop.

As early as when Tang Yan left the Nanhuang Shiwan Mountain, under Tang Yan's instigation, the troops of tens of thousands of bitter mothers sneaked into the Eagle Soul Mountain in advance, taking advantage of the fact that the chaos in the Central Plains was not over and no one was paying attention. Five thousand Yuntianjing troops, they turned into ordinary raptors, blended into hundreds of millions of birds, and lurked in the mountains to reinforce the Kupo troops.

Neither Ku Po nor Yun Tianjing was in a hurry to destroy the preparations for the Great Spirit Gathering Formation, but quietly waited for the completion of the preparations for the Great Spirit Gathering Formation. clump.

What are you doing?Soul hunting!

To put it bluntly, the spirit-gathering array is a vortex, spewing out terrifying swallowing power, absorbing those scattered souls to the northern continent, endless souls will come from all directions, first pour into the Eagle Soul Mountain Range, and then gather into the spirit-gathering array from the outer ear .

So... Bitter Possesses are active on the outskirts of the Eagle Soul Mountain Range, which is equivalent to devouring those souls first, densely packed souls come from all directions, and they are eaten by Bitter Possessions as soon as they enter the outskirts of the mountain range, and only part of the souls are allowed to float away. By myself, gather at the spirit gathering array.

Five or sixty percent of the souls continuously absorbed by the Juling Formation to the northern continent have become the rations of Kupo Troops and Yuntianjing Troops, and they have continuously entered their abdominal cavities.

Sad or not?
Moreover, the outer range of the Eagle Soul Mountain Range is too wide and too large. They are not gathered in one place, but scattered in different areas, weakening from the outside to the inside. The distribution is very clever, so that the soul will not be sharp. The reduction is drastic, but gradual.

Pei Kuang and the others entered the spirit-gathering formation, posing as if they wanted to 'do a big job', but... one day passed, two days passed, and five days passed, and the souls in the spirit-gathering formation seemed to be less than they imagined Much, not even one-third of what was expected.

How can this level break through the realm?

They are full of curiosity and explore carefully.At first I thought I hadn't chosen the right place, but later I realized that there really aren't that many souls in the formation.

Pei Kuang had no choice but to suspend the retreat and start contacting the Yin-Yang clan.

The Yin-Yang tribe checked carefully and found no surprises in the formation, and then evaluated the power of the spirit-gathering formation, only to find that there were not as many souls entering here as expected.

Could it be that there are very few souls in the northern continent?

Not really, just after the battle ended, there were countless deaths, especially those ghosts who had accumulated over the years.

A big plan to mobilize teachers and mobilize people suffered setbacks in the early stage, and no one could accept it.

At first they thought it was someone who was playing tricks, or something happened somewhere, so they spared no effort to mobilize a large number of strong men, and searched the Eagle Soul Mountain Range three times, but found nothing unusual.Including the space monsters, they checked the void on the surface of the Eagle Soul Mountain Range, and found no surprises.

Because the bitter woman is a shadow, how to check?
Because Yuntianjing can transform into a normal raptor, integrate into the raptor team, and fly like normal.This is the Eagle Soul Mountain Range, the world of raptors, how to check?Is it possible to drive away all the hundreds of millions of birds?
This is the adventure plan Raksha proposed to Tang Yan, to gather all the Kupo troop and Yuntianjing troop here, and let them devour them here without restraint. All the big ghost troops raised their realm.

The 'big buns' that the Northern Alliance tried so hard to deploy ended up feeding the Bitter Woman Troops and Yuntianjing Troops, leaving the Northern Alliance with nowhere to cry.

As for the existence of Kupo and Yuntianjing, not many people know about it, and there is no record in history.After all, they themselves are invisible and illusionary species. In addition to leaving countless unsolved cases back then, they did not reveal their real bodies, and no one knew their real bodies. Therefore, including the Peacock King, they only knew about those powerful and real ghosts. Lord, I don't know Ku Po and Yun Tianjing.

In this way, they were reluctant to demolish the massive sanctification plan, "Thunder is loud and rain is little", so souls kept pouring in. The troops of Kupo and Yuntianjing became stronger and stronger, and the disciples of the Holy Spirit made wedding dresses. .This is what the Kupo troop and Yuntianjing troop don't want to go too far, so as not to backfire, otherwise they won't leave any money.

The Temple of the Holy Spirit worked hard and tried harder, but they couldn't find out what went wrong. After all, the soul is also illusory, and they can't feel it so accurately, so they can't calculate how many people have come from the North Continent.

The atmosphere of celebration was overcast.

Pei Kuang didn't want to give up the opportunity, while strictly ordering to continue the investigation and defense, they once again entered the gathering spirit formation to start retreat.The weak point of the effect is the weak point, the big deal is to extend the time.It used to take one year to complete, but now it's three years at most.Although this kind of thinking is aggrieved and sad, there is no way out.

In the depths of the palace of the Huanyu Empire, there is a group of deep palaces specially assigned to it, which has become the long-term residence of the decision-makers of the Northern Alliance. The emperors of the alliance became four, and two of them were powerful holy emperors.

With the orderly progress of the work of the Northern Alliance, the tense and serious atmosphere here has calmed down a lot.

Although the recent matter of the Great Spirit Gathering Formation has caused many people to worry, it is not enough to restrain everyone's energy. After instructing the Temple of the Holy Spirit and the Yin-Yang Clan to jointly deal with this matter, Xuanyuan summoned Qiao Cheng, Zhao Xiong, The Peacock King and the Water Candle Demon discussed the action she had considered for a long time-hunting Tang Yan!

(End of this chapter)

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