Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2473 Xuanyuan Crossing Tribulation

Chapter 2473 Xuanyuan Crossing Tribulation (3)

Zhao Xiong frowned, looked at the guards strangely, suppressed his anger, and bowed his hands: "Tong Bing, I have something important to discuss with Huanggu."

"Come back another day." The two elders personally stopped the front.

All the guarding troops looked cold and handsome, with bright tiger eyes, staring at Zhao Xiong coldly.They received instructions from the elders, never allowing anyone to enter, and emphasized again and again, anyone!


"No why."

"What's your attitude? The war situation is fleeting, how can you be kidding!" Zhao Xiong was angry. He usually made things difficult for me. I don't have the same experience as you, but now the war situation is dangerous and dangerous, why don't you know what's good or bad?
"I said, come back another day! Aunt Huang has refused to see guests in the past few days!" The elder responded seriously.

"Refused to meet guests? Reason!" Zhao Xiong thought he had heard it wrong.

"Aunt Huang refuses to see guests! Can't you understand? There is no reason, so I quickly back down, and come back when I invite you."

"You... pedantic! Damn it! Do you know what's going on? Do you know what's going on outside? Get the hell out of here, I'm going to see Aunt Huang now!" Zhao Xiong couldn't keep calm, his composure and patience Almost tossed by the rotten battle situation, there is not much left for such trivial matters.

"Stop!" The guards moved forward collectively, holding the scabbard with their left hand and pressing the handle with their right, ready to fight at any time.

"What? Still want to use force? Who gave you the courage!" Zhao Xiong's beard was about to fly.Rebellion, rebellion, the reincarnation clan wants to rebel?

"Master Zhao Xiong, I would like to give you a piece of advice. The Queen's aunt is in a very special state now, and she is always facing danger. She has done her best to be able to come and sit in the town. Do you really regard her as your assistant?"

"The identity of the queen is not something you can compare to, nor is it something you can see whenever you want! Don't push yourself too hard! Step back!"

The two elders scolded coldly, and their tone was not very good.

Zhao Xiong's complexion turned blue: "I also give you a piece of advice, get out of the way! Don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine! If you have anything to say, let Huanggu tell me in person."

"I don't know what to do? Someone, drag it away!!"

"I'll see who dares to touch me!" Zhao Xiong strode forward instead, glaring at the audience.Although his strength has regressed, his realm is still there, and the aura he has accumulated over the years is stronger. With one step, his aura is overwhelming.

Yuluoxuanfeng slowly poked out of the void, and said coldly: "Master Zhao Xiong, the emperor has ordered that he refuses to see guests in the past few days, and you will preside over the affairs of the national war."

"Really Huanggu's words?" Zhao Xiong suppressed his anger a little, and even the patriarch of Yuluo Xuanfeng came out, at least it meant that the old man in front of him was not messing around.

"Exactly, I apologize to you on behalf of the aunt, please go back." Yu Luoxuanfeng didn't want to offend the old man in front of him, and the overall operation of the Northern Alliance had to rely on him.

Zhao Xiong frowned, he really couldn't understand what happened, he stood outside for a long time before leaving angrily.

Yu Luoxuanfeng watched Zhao Xiong leave, and said in a deep voice, "I sealed off this void."

"Thanks for your hard work." The two elders bowed one after another, with bitter and strange expressions on their faces. It seemed... that something I could not have imagined was true.

At this time, the battle in the study room inside the palace became more and more intense. Although Tang Yan and Xuanyuan's realm was suppressed, their physiques were still perfect, and their endurance and physical strength far exceeded normal people.

So... the local injuries healed quickly, and after the initial discomfort and anxiety passed, the battle between the two gradually got back on track.

Tang Yan is like a wild beast with that kind of hair. With rough demands and fierce impacts, he presses down on Xuanyuan from the desk to the ground, from the collapse to the wall, from the bookshelf to the wooden chair. It was as if the whole study was shaking.

The crisp crashing sound and excited voice filled the warm room, and the picture was enough to make anyone 'amazed'.

Tang Yan wished he could have ten hands covering every inch of Xuanyuan, wished he could lick Xuanyuan's whole body over and over again with a few more mouths.

The refreshing feeling is like thousands of ants climbing all over the body.

He was insane, perhaps never before.

He lingered to death, even changed from kissing to licking, and then to biting.

At first, Xuanyuan closed his eyes tightly, with tears streaming down his face, and hugged the fiery and rude Tang Yan with both hands, silently enduring it.But gradually... She opened her eyes and chose to look at each other.

She stared deeply at Tang Yan, no matter how crazy Tang Yan was, no matter how rough Tang Yan was, she would always stare deeply.She has to face it bravely, and she wants to imprint this man who took everything away from her deeply in her mind.

The violent impact from Tang Yan, the feeling that the waves of her body were stronger than the waves, all hit her frozen heart again and again, one crack after another, falling into pieces, and these pieces fell into pieces under her deep gaze. , melted into water.

She was completely submerged in this sudden and violent emotional shock, and special and complicated feelings sprouted in her blurred eyes.

And then...the two were thrown into the clouds by the violent feeling, and were submerged in the bottom of the sea by the violent ocean.

A hoarse growl and an intoxicating croon became the closing song of this battle.

Tang Yan pressed Xuanyuan on the soft couch, both of them seemed to be more exhausted than ever before, exhausted, only breathing heavily.However, both of them have good resilience. The fierce collision and kneading made each other's whole body covered with red marks, and they slowly faded away in each other's silence.

Xuanyuan's eyes were foggy, immersed in the sudden and extremely strong feeling just now, his fiery delicate body was trembling slightly, the aftermath was not over yet.

Tang Yan was lying on her stomach and pressing tightly, she hadn't felt so hearty like today in many years.

I wish I could chew her up and swallow her in my stomach. I didn't expect that a woman as glamorous as ice could also bring me the feeling of a stunner, and the strong sense of conquest makes me even more intoxicated.

They didn't pay attention to the outside situation, as if the world was destroyed and they left each other alone, all pride, all dignity, and everything disappeared under the impact of this huge wave.

Tang Yan's fiery passion persisted in Xuanyuan's place, not weakening for a long time.The aftermath kept impacting Xuanyuan and Tang Yan, and it seemed endless.

It took a long time, but when Xuanyuan recovered from the strong feeling, her consciousness slowly recovered, complex and chaotic emotions were entangled in her heart, her eyes were dull, and tears slowly covered her eyes.She didn't want to say more, didn't want to think too much, her delicate body trembled slightly, and unconsciously pushed Tang Yan, as if she wanted to leave.

But how could Tang Yan let her go so easily, separating now would only embarrass each other and make it harder for the two of them to face each other.

He knew this all too well.

So... Tang Yan kissed Xuanyuan again, and began to gently caress her hands, feeling her silky smooth skin, and lightly touching her still sensitive parts.Slowly, the still aggressive fiery fire started to attack again, but this time it was no longer rude, but delicate and gentle.

Xuanyuan's current emotions are really complicated, her mind is blank, she doesn't know how to face it, or she has lost her mind. Facing Tang Yan's offensive again, she can't say whether she resists or accepts it.Perhaps, she didn't know how to face it at all, so she just buried her head in Tang Yan's chest, letting the rising heat and feeling overwhelm her disturbed mood.

Slowly, slowly, Tang Yan's superb skills aroused her lingering charm again, and her gentle movements also slightly soothed her tangled and sensitive heart.

This time, Xuanyuan didn't resist too much, and didn't stare deeply. She hugged Tang Yan tightly and endured silently until the fiery feeling overwhelmed each other. Tang Yan's movements became strong again, and Xuanyuan also started to do it a little out response.

Outside, it was still silent, the guards were firmly guarding it, and the two elders guarded it faithfully.

In the void, the patriarch Yu Luoxuanfeng did not dare to relax, let alone check whether it was over. He guarded there obediently and faithfully blocked the void. He must seal today's matter and never spread it to any outsiders. There, even... it has the intention to kill now, if Xuanyuan let go a little later, it doesn't mind killing the two elders outside.

(End of this chapter)

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