Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2474 March of War

Chapter 2474 March of War

Early November!
The battle of the Northern Borderlands of the Daqian Dynasty broke out in an all-round way. The confrontation in just two days and two nights made the Northern Alliance miserable. The fierce offensive from the Central Plains Alliance broke through the defense line of the Northern Alliance again and again. The high-level battlefield was also triumphant on the Central Plains Alliance.

However, the Northern Alliance is not a general. Their huge military group of 2000 million and sufficient top-level battles are all not vegetarian.From the third day onwards, the military forces of the Northern Alliance quickly made adjustments and achieved breakthroughs in local battle circles one after another. The use of a large number of military tactics made the Central Plains Alliance suffer a little.

At the same time, under Zhao Xiong's constant urging, the spirit warriors from the Holy Spirit Hall entered the battlefield, and the astonishing power of the spirit warriors was displayed, causing chaos in some areas.The cherry blossom demon girl also began to show her power, absorbing the evil spirits of the battlefield and constantly releasing the power of inner demons. Every time she used it, it was accompanied by a large-scale defeat of the Central Plains Alliance. In the face of her absolute strength, the formation of the army did not have much resistance.

The joint attack of soul warriors and inner demon forces caused heavy casualties to the Central Plains Alliance.

There is always a gap between the prediction in advance and the actual occurrence. They think they have made sufficient preparations, but they cannot withstand the successive drastic changes.However, the Central Plains Alliance does not lack a group of advisers, let alone the ability to adapt. They are not chaotic, and while strictly ordering the front to continue the onslaught, many advisers are scattered to local areas, personally commanding, constantly adjusting the layout, and reducing the threat of chaos. At the lowest point, in just half a day, the Central Plains Alliance quickly stabilized its position, which made the Northern Alliance resentful. This was their ultimate move, but it failed to achieve the expected effect.

November tenth!
On the fifth day when the battle broke out, all the space monsters of the Northern Alliance were thrown into the battlefield, roaming around in different sacred battlefields or middle-level battlefields, and even affected the military battlefield. Fortunately, the air forces of the Central Plains Alliance never relaxed their vigilance, and immediately mass .Except for Li Yun who continued to sit in the void and lead many saints to deal with unexpected situations, about [-]% of the air force was devoted to confronting the air force of the Northern Alliance head-on.

Normally, the space monsters of the Northern Alliance are at a disadvantage, because the Central Plains Alliance has a large number of air forces and there are two peaks, Granny Ma and Old Man Bai, but...the whereabouts of the Sakura Demoness are too secretive, and no one can find her trace , when the space forces of the Central Plains Alliance were steadily gaining the upper hand, the Sakura demon girl suddenly turned to the battlefield of King Yama, and teamed up with the Peacock King to attack King Yama.

After all, Ma Yanwang is a newcomer to Dawanman, and he barely benefits Unbeaten by relying on the golden Wenchu ​​Tianzhu, but the sudden attack of the cherry blossom demon girl directly pushes Ma Yanwang into a desperate situation, and is almost seriously injured.

At the moment of life and death, Granny Ma tried her best to save her, and Qi Lufu threatened her from afar, which forced the Sakura Demon Girl to leave.

But Ma Yanwang's serious injury caused the Peacock King to become very powerful. Granny Ma had to assist Ma Yanwang in person to fight against the Peacock King.

The Cherry Blossom Demoness moved to other peak holy realm battlefields again, and made several consecutive sharp raids, causing all the peak holy realms including Baoshen Zhu to be injured. A surprise attack is equivalent to defeating the Central Plains Alliance's advantage on the top battlefield in one fell swoop.

Facing the surprise attack of the Sakura Demon Goddess, the Central Plains Alliance was shocked and angry. They thought they had overestimated her, but they didn't expect the Demon Goddess to explode so horribly.

All they can do now is save, and Li Yun has to put the top ten holy realms into the battlefield ahead of time.

Afterwards, 'Tang Yan' went out to fight in person, and Li Yun teamed up with old man Bai to guard together.

Because the current 'Tang Yan' is the avatar of Ming Tu and has no soul, so it is not easy to be affected by inner demons. Although his strength has not reached the peak holy realm, but with the assistance of the old man Bai and Li Yun, it is enough to deter the cherry blossom demon girl.

This is also the only thing the Central Plains Alliance can do to deal with the Sakura Demon Girl incident. I thought it would be used in the later stage, but I didn't expect the Sakura Demon Girl to really work for the Northern Alliance. They attacked with all their strength in the early stage of the war. They could only dispatch Tang Yan in advance.

On November [-]th, the eighth day after the outbreak of the battle, the advantages of the Central Plains Alliance in terms of counselor groups and military quality were quickly highlighted. Although some areas were counterattacked by the Northern Alliance, most of the overall situation was a big victory for the Central Plains Alliance big progress.

On the holy battlefield and the middle battlefield, the Central Plains Alliance is in full bloom, constantly achieving breakthroughs, and even beheading many saints from the Northern Alliance.

The Cherry Blossom Demoness will not allow the Northern Alliance to lose easily, and the greater the chaos caused by her actions, the longer the war lasts, and the heavier the evil in the world, the greater her real benefits.Therefore, she kept avoiding everyone's detection, and continued to release the power of inner demons.

With the assistance of the old man Bai and Li Yun, 'Tang Yan' pursued the Sakura demon girl with all his strength, and achieved certain results, so that she would not be unscrupulous, but she could not track her real location, let alone form a blow.

The current strength of the Sakura Demoness actually far surpasses everything on the battlefield. Her strange power makes her invincible, and she is the biggest variable in the entire battle.

On November 300th, the ninth day after the battle broke out, Zhao Xiong, who was sitting in the rear, still hadn't thought of the core of the problem, and the intelligence eyeliner he dispatched never found anything unusual. The divine soldiers descended from the sky and appeared at the border between the Northern Alliance and the Northern Border of the Dagan Dynasty. They advanced in a straight line and traveled a long distance for half a day. Like a surging tsunami, they crashed into the easternmost edge of the battlefield.

300 million troops, six holy lands and fifteen half-sacred ones, erupted with shock effects that shocked all places, destroyed the vast battlefield on the eastern edge in one fell swoop, released the two major armies in the melee here, joined hands with each other, and moved northward quickly, like an open The cloth bags covered the battlefield from east to west.

The battle between the two alliances lasted nine days and nine nights, and it was a high-intensity onslaught. Both sides were exhausted. The drastic changes from the east quickly impacted the entire battlefield of the alliance, and the panic and melee caused by it became more and more intense.

The top leaders of the Northern Alliance expected that there would be accidents, but they really didn't expect that 300 million troops would suddenly appear, and the fighting power was so strong that they even thought they were dreaming.

In the middle of the night on the [-]th, the continual chaos in the eastern battlefield caused more and more terrible chaos. This drastic change shocked all parties in the periphery, making all the spectators secretly marvel and sweat for the Northern Alliance.

At the same time, in the early hours of the night, Xuanyuan Longli, together with the commanders of the Holy Land and the Empire, issued a 'petition order' to the 'expeditionary force' entrenched in the periphery.

These expeditionary forces are all assembled from different areas, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, hoarding in different areas in a mess. They come with enthusiasm, or with the idea of ​​"picking up leaks" and "taking profits". But the battle between the two alliances was far more terrifying than they expected.Although I knew that the number of the two sides fighting would exceed 3000 million troops, but before I saw it with my own eyes, it was just an approximate number. I had no real concept. I was dumbfounded until I saw it with my own eyes. Between heaven and earth, those terrifying saints and violent half-saints fought in all directions like gods, and every situation and scene stimulated their nerves.So they have been entrenched on the periphery these days, watching eagerly, and the situation is very embarrassing.

Today, Xuanyuan Longli issued a petition order, requesting all the "expeditionary forces" to bypass the battlefield of the alliance and advance to the interior of the northern alliance, burn, kill and loot, do as you please, attack cities and capture ponds as you please.In short, our Central Plains Alliance will do everything we can to firmly nail the troops of the Northern Alliance here for at least ten days and ten nights. You... have the right to indulge for ten days and ten nights.

What are you waiting for?go!Avenge what happened to Pure Land and make the Northern Alliance pay the price!

The deafening shouts reverberated inside and outside the battlefield, making everyone in the Northern Alliance tremble with fear, and also made all the spectators tremble. There are killers and ordinary gangs, etc., but the number is there. They have no organization and no formal special training. In fact, they are a group of wild beasts, a group of hungry wolves. Everyone knows that they are indulging them to invade.

Now there are few troops entrenched in the Northern Alliance. Facing this group of wolves and tigers who come purely for destruction, how do they deal with it?
Xuanyuan Longli shouted loudly on purpose to stimulate the stability of the Northern Alliance army and make their army worry about the country and their relatives and friends. The longer the time passes, the more frustrated they will feel about their momentum.

On the morning of the fifteenth.

The chaotic expeditionary army shouted "Voice of the People" and "Revenge for the Pure Land", marching mightily, and launched a fierce attack on the border of the Northern Alliance.

The Central Plains Alliance made a large-scale breakthrough on the alliance battlefield, causing the Northern Alliance's defense line to retreat continuously.The 300 million troops in the east and the six saints acted as the 'destroyers' and continued to achieve breakthroughs, so that the overall situation of the northern alliance was on the verge of getting out of control.

In the current situation, Sakura Demoness can no longer control the battlefield by herself. The boundless battlefield stretches beyond the horizon. After all, she is an individual. If the Northern Alliance can still be stable, she may be able to move around one by one. , but when the situation collapsed, she was powerless.

Zhao Xiong finally realized how ridiculous it was to fight against the "excitement" of the "Central Plains Alliance Counsel Group" by himself, he... couldn't handle it at all.

Today, Zhao Xiong broke into the main entrance of Xuanyuan Palace for the ninth time.

"Xuanyuan, come out and see me!"

"Qiao Cheng is injured, and the information leak points to me, so you suspect me? Are you going to take revenge on me?"

"You can't see the hope of victory? Are you reincarnated clan planning to quit?"

"Xuanyuan, if you want to withdraw, just ask for it, you don't have to hide it! Come out! Come out!"

Zhao Xiong angrily reprimanded through the door. It has been twelve days. Xuanyuan has been hiding inside for twelve days, and there has been no news. He seriously suspects that Xuanyuan is not inside at all, and may have secretly returned to the reincarnation clan.At such a critical moment, Xuanyuan's secret departure means that the reincarnation clan will withdraw their troops?He had to wonder.

(End of this chapter)

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