Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 250

Chapter 250
"My Young Palace Master is not here, please come back another day." The guards gathered sparsely in front of the mountain gate, their vigilance was not concealed in their expressions and movements.Before leaving, the palace lord repeatedly asked that no matter who came, they could not be put into the mountain gate. If anyone dared to break in, they would immediately activate the palace guard formation.After being repaired overnight by the palace lord, the large array can basically be used normally, at least below the king level, don't try to break it easily.

"Do you know who I am? I am the sworn brother of your young palace master. He has to bow down respectfully and salute when he sees me. What are you! Go away!!" Tang Yan's attitude was quite tough, Dragging two top-quality medicinal plants, they were treasures given by Granny Li when she left the Rao family.

"This..." Tang Yan's strong posture stunned everyone.

"Say it again, get out! I'm here today to talk to Jing Teng, and to visit my aunt and sister-in-law. I'm not here to make noise with you slaves!" Tang Yan kept walking, and continued to move forward, deliberately exuding a vigorous expression. The imposing manner brought a strong sense of oppression to the guards in front.

Everyone was embarrassed, neither to block nor to let go.

Want to stop it, what if it is really the young master's sworn brother?With the young master's temper, if he disturbed the distinguished guests, he might really punish them to death.What's more, the person who came here really had a gift in his hand, so it looked like something ordinary, and he was dressed even more elegantly, so he looked like a grand master, he didn't look like he was here to make trouble.They want to let her go, but they don't dare to be sure of the identity of the other party. The current time period is too sensitive. Once an accident occurs, none of them can bear the responsibility.

A guard boldly said: "My lord, calm down, our young palace master is really not at home. How about...I will report to Madam and Miss, can you wait here for a while?"

Tang Yan's face softened a little: "Give this medicinal herb to my aunt, and tell my nephew Yan Tang to come to visit. If it's convenient, please ask my aunt and sister-in-law to come out and meet, and I'll rescue them immediately after a few words."

"Let's go right away!" A guard quickly came over to catch the medicinal material, just as he touched it, the strong medicinal fragrance rushed to his face, and his attitude was immediately respectful.It seems that it's not a joke, this kind of baby is not something that can be given away just by giving it away.

"Go and come back quickly." Tang Yan snorted coldly, turning his back to Honglian Palace.

A group of guards stood respectfully by the side, the other party's cooperation gradually weakened their vigilance, but the palace lord had a strict order, they really dare not let him go without permission.

For about a quarter of an hour, the palace guards surrounded two women, a woman who still had charm, with an air of calm and prestige, and a teenage girl with delicate features, but her head was raised intentionally or unintentionally. The sense of arrogance that no one can see is somewhat similar to Zou Jingteng.

The eyebrows of the two women were somewhat surprised, as if they had never heard of Zou Jingteng's sworn brother?It's a sensitive time now, and they shouldn't have come out to meet, but the gift was too heavy, and they heard that they were visiting alone, so they decided to show up.

"Excuse me, are you..." The woman stood 200 meters away, looking at the mountain gate from a distance.

coming?Hooked!The corners of Tang Yan's mouth curled up, and he turned around and looked at the two women who were closely guarded with a smile: "Auntie, righteous sister, hello, my name is Yan Tang."

"Hello. I heard that you are Teng'er's sworn brother? When did you meet? I don't seem to have heard him mention it." The woman looked at Tang Yan carefully. The clothes were very expensive, but her appearance was very strange, and she was full of breath. Even more impressive, he might be the son of a certain sect.If such people are really sworn brothers with Teng Er, it must be a great thing, and there should be no reason to keep it secret.

Tang Yan said with a smile: "I gave him a chance, but he is not sure, so he can only come to visit in person today. Auntie, you still have a charming charm. You must have been a great beauty when you were young, but now you look... still feel very good .”

The woman's complexion changed slightly, and the good impression she had just raised was gone.

"Teacher!" The girl snorted coldly.

The guards were all sullen, but at least they didn't attack.

"Everyone, don't be nervous. I don't mean anything malicious. The main reason I came here today is to trouble my aunt and step-sister."

"Please speak." The woman's tone became indifferent.

"I once made a bet with Zou Jingteng that I would elope with his mother, so..."


The smile on Tang Yan's face deepened. Without any warning, the eight-phase thunder seal was cast suddenly, and four consecutive golden thunderbolts appeared in four directions.Everyone's intuition blurred before their eyes, and when the golden thunder and lightning disappeared, Tang Yan had already appeared 200 meters away from the mountain gate, with stunned women in their arms, who turned out to be their wives and young ladies.

"Bastards, let them go!" The guards suddenly woke up.

"Let go? I'll talk about it after I've had enough fun!" Tang Yan turned his head and glanced at the stone gate of the Red Lotus Palace, surging spiritual energy poured into the ground, with the gate as the center, the ground was trembling, cracks were spreading, and magma gushed out in just a moment When they came out, not only the mountain gate was destroyed, but even the guards who rushed angrily suffered one after another, screaming and being swallowed up by the magma.

Tang Yan's spiritual power contained the aura of ghost green fire, and he could use the lava formula much faster than Tang Ba and the others. The temperature of the magma was higher, and the destruction power was naturally stronger!

"You... who are you?" The palace lord's wife and young lady panicked. They wanted to resist but felt weak, as if the blood was flowing from their bodies, and they gradually leaned into Tang Yan's arms.

"Ma'am, it's been well maintained. My taste has changed recently, and I like sex." Tang Yan smirked at a large number of the palace lord's wife, but before he could curse, Tang Yan curled his lips: "Could it be too familiar? "

"You...shameless bastard! No matter who you are, Red Lotus Palace will never let you go! You'd better stop now, maybe I will show mercy to you and make your death easier." The lady of the palace owner became weaker and weaker , couldn't even stand firmly, and hugged Tang Yan involuntarily, which made her angry and angry, but she couldn't attack.

"I hope you can realize this unrealistic dream in your next life, but for now...just be honest." Tang Yan put the two girls into the golden lock, and before the sad and angry guards of the Red Lotus Palace chased after them, he used his shadow martial arts and disappeared in the original place. land.Finding the Red Lotus Palace is equivalent to determining the coordinates. You only need to follow the north direction to find Tibing Mountain.

Six hours later!
Tang Yan stood at the foot of the towering and majestic Tibing Mountain. Looking around, there was a desolate, bloody mess, and the mountains and plains were full of burning flames, mixed traces of battles, and thousands of corpses.Scarlet blood flowed silently along the mountain, and the broken corpse maintained a fighting posture, as if showing the brutality of the battle to outsiders.

The battle was over, and no shouts could be heard.

Tang Yan walked up the steps step by step, his brows were almost frowned into knots.

Are you late?

It ended too soon!

Halfway up the mountain, Tang Yan's eyes flickered, and he saw a familiar figure. It was Fan Hua, one of the four commanders of Tibing Mountain. He was pierced by thirteen steel hammers and nailed to death deep in the rock. He had already bled to death. Those ferocious scarlet eyes lost their vitality, they were empty and dark.

Tang Yan speeded up his pace and searched towards the top of the mountain. The more he approached, the more tragic the traces left by the battle became, and the number of corpses gradually increased. He saw many familiar figures one after another, including the people from Tibing Mountain and many people from the Red Lotus Palace. High-level, including a king-level powerhouse.

It can be seen how fierce the battle is!

The only thing that feels at ease is that there is no sign of Tang Ba and the others.

Tang Yan waved the ghostly green fire and enveloped the body of Martial King of Red Lotus Palace. Although he had been dead for a long time, he was a Martial King after all, and he could still refine a considerable amount of spirit source liquid.

Hei Niu suddenly rushed up to the top of the mountain, stood in front of the collapsed main hall, sniffed for a while, and then scratched wildly with her claws. In the ruins, she tore out half of her body... Bu Chaoqun!

One of the four commanders of Tibing Mountain!

This lonely and ruthless King Wu has lived up to his former demeanor. He is dying and may die at any time.

"Brother Bu, where are the others?" Tang Yan hurried over, trying to rescue him, but his body was already in disrepair, and even if he was rescued, he would be a cripple who couldn't use martial arts.

Bu Chaoqun raised his bloody eyelids slightly, trying to break free, but he didn't have any strength, his lips moved slightly, making a faint sound of mosquitoes and flies.

Tang Yan lay next to his mouth and listened hard for a long time before finally understanding the two words: "...South..."

"South?" Tang Yan stood up and looked south, but after looking for a long time, he didn't see the figure of the battle, only the billowing smoke rising there.

Could it be... the battle is over?
"Save..." Bu Chaoqun uttered a clear word with all his strength, and when he tilted his head, he was silent again.

"Girl, let's go!" Tang Yan looked solemn, and sprinted towards the battlefield with extreme speed. The black girl followed closely, her tails were slightly taut, and the black thunder and lightning raged like a rampage, and a brutal aura spread from the inside out. with.

(End of this chapter)

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