Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 251

Chapter 251
"At this point, it is better not to engage in meaningless resistance. No matter who you are, as long as you take a few steps forward, I will give you a chance to survive." The battle is over, but the oppressive atmosphere still permeates the whole world. The field, accompanied by pungent blood and billowing smoke, stimulated everyone's nerves.

Zou Yanting, the lord of the Red Lotus Palace, was condescending, and his majesty's pressure enveloped the audience.

The only three remaining Martial Kings led more than a thousand red-robed guards to surround the remnants of Tibing Mountain.

Dou Niang, Gu Tong, Tang Ba and the others were covered in blood, and there were less than [-] remnants around them. They were more and more embarrassed than each other.Tibing Mountain suffered a disastrous defeat, and they fled all the way here. The mixed emotions of killing and despair ruthlessly destroyed their will. Up to now...they don't have much strength to escape anymore.

They could only huddle together, seize the rare time and gasp weakly.

Dou Niang glared: "You mean to join the Red Lotus Palace?"

"Governor Dou is very smart, what if I don't know what to do?" Zou Yanting stood high in the air, maintaining the arrogance of the venerable, so that he couldn't see much sincerity.

"If you said this five years ago, I might still consider it. Now, don't be hypocritical here. I would rather be buried here today than beg for mercy from you!"

Langdong sneered and said: "The matter has come to this point, we are no longer afraid! But you need to be afraid, the loss of two thousand red robes, the four major martial kings, we will try to take away your only three remaining martial kings later , I want to see how you, Zou Yanting, continue to hang around in the Dayan Mountains!"

Zou Yanting's face slowly darkened, Lang Dong's words hit his weakness.I never expected that Tibing Mountain would become a climate during my retreat period. Even if today's siege killed a King Wu under my nose, the Red Lotus Palace is the biggest. victim.After this battle, his strength has dropped by at least [-]%!

It was precisely because of the heavy losses in the Red Lotus Palace that he had no choice but to have the intention of soliciting.

The forces in the vicinity have been eyeing it, and once the Red Lotus Palace shows a weak posture, they will definitely rush over.

Judging from the current situation, it is best to use relatively moderate means to deal with this matter, and 'annexation' is undoubtedly the best choice.Not only can the battle be ended smoothly, without paying any more price, but also six martial kings can be absorbed, and they are all powerful martial kings, which just makes up for the lack of their own martial king.

It was precisely because of this intention that I didn't use my full strength and kept trying to control the situation, but this damn one-eyed girl is not so easy to fool, she must have seen through the situation in the Red Lotus Palace, but she is getting tougher and tougher.

"Father, the girl surnamed Dou has a temper harder than a rock. I'm afraid it will be difficult to subdue. I think it's better to find a breakthrough from the three newcomers. They... don't actually belong to Tibing Mountain." Be careful to make suggestions to your father.He has been observing Tang Ba, Tang Hao, and Tang Qing. From the moment Tibing Mountain fell, their madness and ferocity have obviously weakened, and they seem to have started to preserve their strength intentionally or unintentionally. He couldn't see the look in his eyes that was always watching.

After being surrounded, the eyes of the three members of the Tang family began to flicker, as if they were secretly communicating about something, which strengthened Zou Jingteng's guess, so he boldly proposed.

Zou Yanting looked at Zou Jingteng, and Zou Jingteng nodded affirmatively. After a little observation, he directly aimed at Tang Ba: "Three friends, today is just a conflict between Red Lotus Palace and Tibing Mountain, and has nothing to do with other people. It was because they were bewitched that they got involved. You have already seen that the current situation is already like this. The Red Lotus Palace battle has an absolute advantage, and the defeat of Tibing Mountain is a foregone conclusion. If you stop now, we will let the past go and let it go immediately. If you leave, if you are willing to be a guest at Red Lotus Palace, this palace will definitely treat you like a guest."

Dou Niang and the others raised their brows slightly, they all looked at Tang Ba and the others.They suddenly realized that Tang Ba and the others were outsiders after all, they had been helping all this time, and they had shed blood, sweat, and dedication, but in the face of the test of life and death, they really might have other ideas.

The simplest reason is that it is impossible to risk one's life for the friendship of just a few months.

Lang Dong said anxiously: "You three, don't listen to Zou Yanting's nonsense. This man is cruel and will use any means to achieve his goals. Now he is trying to divorce you. Once you agree, you will never be spared lightly afterwards."

Zou Jingteng yelled presumptuously: "Divorce? Don't you think what you said is ridiculous? Our Red Lotus Palace is in urgent need of strong people to join us, how could it be possible to do something wrong after the fact? As long as the three friends intend to join, Red Lotus Palace will definitely take the lead. Treat each other with courtesy!"

Lang Dong's voice froze, he was speechless.

Niang Dou gritted her teeth and said: "You three, you have done enough for Tibing Mountain, if you leave, we will not force you, I just hope that you will not help Red Lotus Palace today because of our friendship during this period. "

Tang Ba didn't speak, he was thinking about the last thing.Niang Dou is right, they have done enough for Tibing Mountain, and it is considered as humane to accompany them all the way to escape here. If they were not worried about Tang Yan's instructions, they would have slipped away long ago.

The old woman Gu Tong made the last effort hesitantly and said: "Actually, the Red Lotus Palace does not dare to fight with us now. As long as we have the determination to die together, they will give up eventually. If the three of you are willing to accompany us to the end, we will definitely remember This kindness."

"Let's go?" Tang Qing put away the heavy iron sharpener and prepared to leave.He doesn't care about being a hero, and he doesn't care about kindness or kindness.Want him to sacrifice his life for a group of irrelevant people?Dream it!In fact, in the process of escaping, his bare head once considered whether to capture Dou Niang alive to negotiate with Honglian Palace.Now it seems that Red Lotus Palace is more sensible than expected, and even put aside their grievances and started negotiations.

People gave the steps, so I should follow the trend.

Tang Ba had already made a decision, but Tang Hao hesitated.

Zou Yanting said very matter-of-factly: "Don't lie to yourself. You are all seriously injured. Even if you can resist, it is impossible to cause a big storm. Both jade and stone are destroyed? It's just your wishful thinking. Three friends, you should be able to see clearly what is happening now. Given the current situation, I don't want to do things too badly, so I am willing to give this opportunity. If you really want to resist to the end, our Red Lotus Palace has the ability to accompany you to the end!"

While speaking, the power of the venerable class became stronger again!Throughout the audience, he was the only one who was not injured, and he was basically in his prime.Although Dou Niang, Gu Tong, and Tang Ba were jointly attacked by the three martial kings at the beginning, he was the one who caused harm to them from the beginning to the end, and they did not leave any traces on him.

At most it was entangled.

If it weren't for worrying about wanting to recruit, they would have killed a few of them with ruthless hands.

"Okay, we..." Tang Ba knew the situation best, nodded heavily, and was about to apologize to Dou Niang, but at a critical moment, Tang Hao coughed heavily.Looking at Tang Hao strangely, she saw that she was staring at the front with strange eyes, followed her gaze, and her complexion suddenly turned bright.

"Uh..." Tang Qing smiled awkwardly, and roared deliberately tragically and heroically: "We are willing to live and die with Tibing Mountain! Girls in the Red Lotus Palace, surrender to the uncle!"



Both Tibing Mountain and Honglian Palace were a little bit taken aback. This completely nonsensical change didn't seem to fit the atmosphere of the scene.

Zou Jingteng was the first to notice their strangeness. He turned his head to look at the dense forest, his pupils were obviously constricted. Beside a big tree on the edge of the battlefield, a young man was leaning against a smile, holding two women in his arms. , after noticing him, he deliberately cast a wink, stretched out his hand and was about to stretch it into the woman's arms, kneaded it presumptuously, and then put it on the tip of his nose to sniff lightly, showing a very intoxicated expression.

"Fuck your ancestor!!" Zou Jingteng felt a burst of anger gushing out, lost his mind on the spot, roared and shot down the fierce bird.

Roar! !With a sharp roar, it suddenly occurred to me that a black-headed wolf sprang out from the canopy of the ancient tree, jumped up to 20 meters in the air, and hit the fierce bird head-on with lightning speed at an astonishingly fast speed.Before the figure arrived, the savage energy first arrived, and the demon king's ferocity surged out like a substance. A tremor suddenly appeared in the depths of the fierce bird's eyes, and there was obvious panic. It was in this subtle gap that the wolf entangled the thunder and lightning. The sharp claws were already approaching, and they slammed down with sharp vigor. With a loud bang, the head of the vicious bird exploded on the spot, and the explosive figure immediately turned and lost control.

Zou Jingteng's face changed drastically, and before he could utter an exclamation, the evil wolf turned around, and its two tails slapped on his body, and the pitch-black lightning raged upwards, entangled his whole body in blood and flesh, and the huge force knocked him down on the spot. It swept away, crashing into the woods with a shrill scream.He bumped into two thick trees one after another, struggled to get up, but spurted out blood, which contained a few pieces of meat.

The black wolf fell, and rushed towards Zou Jingteng without stopping.

"Help me!!" Zou Jingteng screamed in horror as his eyes were about to burst!
(End of this chapter)

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