Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 252 Tang Yan's Ruthlessness

Chapter 252 Tang Yan's Ruthlessness
"Beast! How dare you!" The nearest Martial King of the Red Lotus Palace roared sharply, turned around and rushed towards the black wolf. The surging dust wave rolled and surged down from the sky, gathering heavier and heavier, sinking and strengthening , It looks like a wave of dust, but it actually brings the momentum of a mountain collapse.

However... "It's an old bone, just wait for me!" Tang Yan's long-prepared shadow wings burst into the sky, and the ear-piercing eagle's cry resounded through the dense forest, raging green flames raged and gathered, turning into a blue eagle Piercing through the dust, she rushed towards King Wu. At the same time, the black girl ran away with electric lights all over her body, condensing into a ferocious wave and rushing towards the fire eagle.

'Green Thunder Eagle' tore through the space, stirring up a frightening momentum.

The King Wu's complexion changed drastically, and he hastily fought back, but the result... Boom! !The combined impact of black electricity and green fire instantly shattered his martial skills, and hit his whole body with terrifying power. The black electricity raged and the green fire burned, blasting him to the mountain dozens of meters away, forcibly smashing a deep hole.

You can smell the needles falling!

There was an oppressive silence in the audience!

From Zou Jingteng's sudden outburst, to Hei Niu's sudden attack, from King Wu's anger to block him, to his retreat after being wounded, a series of sudden attacks and defenses were chaotic and dazzling, and in just a few seconds, many people who hadn't reacted were dazzled.

The strength of the combined martial arts Qing Leiying even stunned the audience in one fell swoop.

"Is that the Shadow Wingspan? Can it still be used like this?"

"This breath... the young master has broken through?"

Tang Ba, Tang Hao, and Tang Qing looked at each other in blank dismay, and the difference was even more surprising.

cough cough!King Wu, who was blasted into the mountain, struggled to get out, his weak cough broke the silence of the battlefield.When the dust wave subsided and the scene inside appeared, Tang Yan still hugged left and right, one was the wife of the owner of the Red Lotus Palace, and the other was his girl, Zou Jingteng was limp on the ground covered in blood, and the black girl was viciously stopping on the ground. beside him.

"Let them go!" Zou Yanting's face slowly darkened, and he approached step by step. The unique coercion of the Venerable enveloped Tang Yan like a mountain, squeezing slowly and forcefully.

Tang Yan intuitively felt that it was difficult to breathe, and even the blood flow was a little stagnant. A flash of shock flashed in his heart. He had no doubt that the other party had the ability to kill him with a wave of his hands, but the expression on his face was still smiling and relaxed, and he grabbed the clothes of the two women with both hands: "You can challenge yourself to the extreme of your shooting speed, and see if you can cut off my head before I tear off your wife and daughter's clothes. One more thing, take them all off!"

"Shameless scum... ah... you bastard, I'm going to cook you! Eat you! Ah!! No!!" Zou Jingteng hissed and roared, and the roar turned into a scream as soon as it appeared. Niu's claws forcibly crushed his shoulder, and black electric arcs raged between the sharp claws. No one would suspect that as long as he moved a little bit, the black electricity would pierce through Zou Jingteng's head.

"Hiss!" Many people gasped, and were a little stunned.

Who is this boy?Martial king-level breath!The point is that he kidnapped the wife and daughter of the owner of the Red Lotus Palace, and threatened to take off his clothes in the middle?
Good guy, this is going crazy!
This kind of courage made them, as bystanders, a little frightened!
And it looks doesn't look like a joke!

Zou Yanting frowned, his face was gloomy as if he could squeeze out water.I have lived for hundreds of years, and I have never encountered such a shameless thing like today: "You actually use such low-level methods, do you still have the slightest bit of shame as a warrior?"

"Are you talking about shame with me? How much shame do you have? A dignified warrior, bullying a group of weak people, your sense of shame is so serious! I have to say I admire it!" Tang Yan doesn't care what he says, as long as he can save his life To save people, any means can be used!
"what do you want?"

"I want to... talk to you."

"I think we are already talking." Zou Yanting's voice was as cold as ice scum.

"Change the environment, change the attitude. First, let all my friends out."

"What if I say no?"

"I am a very gentlemanly man. I have always respected women and elders more, but there is a premise that they have to give me corresponding respect. If someone is unwilling to cooperate, I will be very angry, and it is very likely that I will make someone Some people think there is no shame." Tang Yan's hand holding the two women's clothes slowly tightened, as if to tear it down.

The two girls were weak and wanted to resist, but they could only lean on Tang Yan and let him do whatever he wanted, filled with humiliation and anger, staring at Tang Yan viciously, wishing to tear him to pieces.

"Little guy, do you know what you're doing?" Zou Yanting took a deep breath to suppress the anger rolling in his chest.

"You don't need to remind me, you'd better hurry up. Huh? Look, your wife and daughter are looking at me affectionately." Tang Yan blinked at the two girls intentionally, as if about to kiss them.

"How dare you!!" Zou Yanting roared angrily.

The people from Tibing Mountain and Honglian Palace were stunned, they really learned a lot today!
Tang Yan looked at Zou Yanting with a half-smile, and kissed his niece's face under the dull eyes of everyone.


"Calm down!" Tang Yan smiled brightly, wrapping his hands around the shoulders of the two women, green flames emanating from his fingertips leisurely.The delicate bodies of the two women trembled and groaned in pain.The green fire burned their delicate skin, there was no smoke, no sound, but the burning wound was slowly spreading, and the severe pain made their delicate bodies tremble, and they had no choice but to look at Zou Yanting for help.

Tang Yan's fingertips slid unconsciously, burning the skin of the two women, and the expression on his face slowly darkened: "I'll tell you a little secret, I'm impatient, and I'm not a good person. It still tortures women."

"What on earth do you want to do!" Zou Yanting gritted his teeth in hatred, but he still had scruples in his heart.

"I made it very clear, let them go! Zou Yanting, Palace Master Zou, you are a man of dignity, and you are a dignified man. You don't want them to die in front of you in an insulting way. Let me go immediately. to three."

Zou Yanting looked at each other coldly, silently thinking how he could kill the boy in one fell swoop, deep in his heart he didn't believe that he really dared to kill them as hostages, after all, once he lost them, he would have no protective shield, and today's negotiation would be too difficult. It is equivalent to coming to an end, and he will be the one who really regrets it.

However...he underestimated Tang Yan's ruthlessness!I underestimated the viciousness and shrewdness hidden behind this smiling face.

"One! Two! Three!" Tang Yan's flames soared, covering the girl on the spot.The blue fire entangled surgingly, devouring the girl at a speed visible to the naked eye, and disappeared without a trace without even making a shrill cry.

It's easy to kill Wu Ling in the realm of Wu Wang!
The cruel method stunned everyone on the spot!

"Bastard!" Zou Yanting was a little dazed, and his suppressed anger burst out.

"Try taking a step forward? Do you really think I dare not?" Tang Yan violently tore off the clothes of the palace lord's wife, exposing her snow-white shoulders.Hei Niu bit Zou Jingteng's throat, and could kill him at any moment.

"Little thing, you have to pay the price for your ignorance!" Zou Yanting raised his hand suddenly, a delicate and gorgeous red lotus flower bloomed in the palm of his hand, the energies of heaven and earth gathered crazily, and a terrifying power of destruction permeated the audience, deliberately locked on The group of people from Tibing Mountain: "It's you who should let go. If you don't want them to be turned into scum, let me go immediately!"

The faces of Dou Niang and the others changed drastically, surging spiritual power surged out, struggling to resist the coercion from Honglian.This is Zou Yanting's strongest treasure. It is said that it is produced in the same place as the Zhenpai treasure in Yaochi Holy Land in Canglan Ancient Land, and its power is extremely powerful!If he were to release him, I don't know how many people would die or be injured!

"Hey? Old man, do you really think I'm playing games with you? Since I dare to challenge you, my lord, I'm absolutely sure. Now... I'm the only one who knows what regret is!" Tang Yan abruptly withdrew the palace The Lord's wife's clothes were thrown out fiercely, and the ghost green fire followed closely, enveloping and refining it.

The palace lord's wife is at the level of Wuzong, and her resistance is slightly stronger. She struggled on the spot and let out a miserable scream.

"Looking for death!!" Zou Yanting couldn't bear it anymore, and with a flick of his arm, the power of the red lotus rose sharply. Dou Niang and the others showed horror, and were about to hesitate whether to run away, when Zou Yanting's face suddenly changed, and the accumulation of red lotus shrank.In this trance, he unexpectedly realized that nearly one-fifth of his blood had flowed out, and it was still flowing, and the feeling of weakness hit his whole body like a tide.

"How do you feel? I see how arrogant you are! What are you doing in a daze, kill!!" Tang Yan let out a loud roar, striding and running wildly.

"You think you can threaten me?" Zou Yanting quickly returned to his senses, swung out with one blow, and easily resisted the eyes of Nirvana.As a respectable martial artist, he can completely ignore any first-rank martial king, no matter how powerful his martial skills are.

"But we can!" Tang Ba, Dou Niang, Gu Tong, the three third-tier martial kings stepped into the air, and launched a strong attack on Zou Yanting. They still didn't understand the situation, but Zou Yanting's sudden weakness couldn't escape them. Eye.

(End of this chapter)

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