Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2504 Split up and block

Chapter 2504 Split up and block
Behind the mountains, tens of thousands of ugly and majestic giants came out one after another. They were wearing armor, carrying black knives, and walked towards the forest panting bloody.

All of them are rakshasas in melee combat.

Behind them, more than [-] evil spirits followed one after another, of all kinds, some were ugly or seductive, some were weird or evil, some were floating between the sky and the earth, some were climbing on the gravel, all without exception. They are all ghosts in the area controlled by the Raksha tribe.

A terrifying ghostly aura began to permeate the world, making the forest darker and more gloomy.

Not long after... In the burning forest, the front team that was on high alert suddenly fell into a strange silence. As a group of people looked up at the sky, the people around them also looked up. Soon after, millions of troops without exception He raised his head high and fell into a daze.

Under the misty moonlight and in the quiet night sky, a woman appeared out of thin air. She was as beautiful as a fairy but also as charming as a goblin, like a goddess walking out of the heaven, which made countless men lose their minds.

They are waiting in full force, and suddenly seeing this situation can't help but be crazy.

Not only the ordinary soldiers were stunned, but even the majestic generals lost their minds one after another, as if they had entered a dream unknowingly and saw the perfect woman who could not eat the fireworks of the world. , It's so beautiful, this scene, they want to engrave it in their minds forever.

At the front of the line that winds tens of thousands of meters, some beautiful and beautiful women come out of the valley one after another. Even in the dark night, you can still feel their amazing charm. There is a desire to be vigilant, and even a weird sense of protection.

"What's the matter?" The generals of the troops in front woke up startled, but they all looked at each other in blank dismay.

There is a breathtakingly beautiful woman on it, why are there so many of them?

The team in front even forgot the danger and the environment, staring straight at the tens of thousands of beauties who came out one by one, oh my god, what is this for?Where is the beauty from?I don't know how many times more beautiful than that princess and noble girl.If you can have a good night, it's worth dying.

Some people's eyes became more and more strange, and they almost took off their pants.

"Brothers, the hell is open, come and play." Tens of thousands of Rakshasa suddenly disappeared in the darkness, and appeared in the vanguard team like ghosts, mingling beside tens of thousands of soldiers, their smiles were seductive, and their figures were alluring.

"Gulu." Countless sergeants in all directions immediately had their eyes lit up, their hearts were racing with passion, and they almost pounced on them, but at this moment, tens of thousands of Rakshasa ruthlessly hit them on the heads. Pulling forward, the soul was drawn out alive.

For a moment, the screams of souls resounded in the depths of the forest, and quickly alarmed the other troops in the rear, but at this moment, Xiong Luocha and more than [-] ghosts rushed over from all directions.Like a rushing torrent of darkness, it submerged more than ten troops in front.

The Burning Forest, which was plunged into a slight lull, quickly descended into violent chaos.Screams and roars rang out.

Fighting a million troops with more than [-] evil spirits sounds like a fantasy, but the complaint is that they stretch for more than ten kilometers, and they are all in the dense and chaotic rainforest. After losing the seat of Yeyun Mountain, the action immediately fell into a trap confusion.

Raksha Ghost Lord suddenly appeared at the end of the team, and launched an attack on the team that hadn't reacted yet.

One in front, one in back, joined forces to attack, creating a chaotic situation where the enemy was attacked from both sides.

The troops of the group army became more and more chaotic, and many people scattered into the rainforest in panic.But after all, it is a regular and powerful army, and the respective captains of [-] people quickly adjusted it, at least to keep their own team.

But... the Lord Rakshasa is good at attacking in illusions, and he launched continuous attacks on the team coordinated by the headquarters, driving a large number of troops to move into the Sansheng Mountain Range.

The Sansheng mountain range is equal to the death cemetery, not only Yueying's own strength is placed there, but also the terrifying dream power exists in that mountain range itself.

Tang Yan deploys the Sansheng Mountain Range and the Raksha Ghost Clan here with confidence, confident that they can control the situation.A Sansheng mountain range is enough to compare hundreds of thousands of troops, and with the cooperation of Moon Shadow and Raksha Ghost Lord, and the assistance of more than [-] ghost clans, it is not a luxury to disable this group army.

It only needs to lose the legion commander, kill all the high-level people, and slaughter another 35 people. How much use will the remaining remnants have?And a raid by hellish ghosts will make those survivors unforgettable forever.

They stayed away from the country to show off their might, not to fight 'ghosts'. Suddenly, the burning forest turned into a pot of hot porridge, and there was a lot of crying parents and mothers.

In fact, Tang Yan not only deployed blocking here, but also deployed battlefields in five major regions.

The Cerberus and Ghost Clan, together with the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle Clan and Ailinda, blocked the Third Army in a mountain group. There were not many of them, but their lethality was terrifying enough to completely maim them.

The singers of the wild sea cooperate with the fierce sea area to block the Seventh Army in a river area. A group of wild sea singers are enough to be comparable to the holy land, and there are more than [-] sea beasts in the fierce sea area. This river area will become the seventh army nightmare.

Underworld Dragon, Tomb Boy cooperated with Blood Chicken to hunt and kill the Second Army in a canyon area. The task they got was pure - kill!It means to slaughter them all, leaving no one behind!Although there were only three of them, Tang Yan moved out of the fierce tomb like other places, so don't even think about getting out once you're in!
Prajna teamed up with Pluto's lineage, the Thousand-faced Ghost Vine and Youguxiang troops, and other ghost clans, totaling more than [-] ghost clans, to completely block the Fourth Army and fight a tough battle.

Ren Tianzhu led the Fengdu ghost clan to cooperate with the ghost monk to meet the Ninth Army.Not only the lineage of the Fengdu ghost master, but most importantly, all the ghost clans near Fengdu appeared, and this was the first time they cooperated in battle.

Counting the Sansheng Mountains, there are six major battlefields in front and back, and the six major army groups are locked.

We don't want to wipe them all out, we just want to destroy them as much as possible, especially the top-level combat power, we must kill them on the road.

This time, Tang Yan not only wants to let the hell show its power, but also officially announces the name of the murderous tomb to the world.

Thomas Fissen United Empire's operation is highly confidential, and they have repeatedly verified whether there is any abnormal situation on the northern front. They never dreamed that Tang Yan would appear here, and would single-handedly use hell to block the powerful group army.

As for Tang Yan, he appeared in a dark wasteland, blocking Thomas Fissen's First Army of the United Empire and the top troops of the Xuanhuang Tower.

But it wasn't him who really played the battle, it was someone else!

The dark wasteland, a dark Jedi where it is difficult to see the light day and night, it is difficult for strangers to enter, and all beasts avoid it.But in the middle of the night today, under the leadership of 20 warlocks from the Xuanhuang Tower, Thomas Fissen's First Army of the United Empire forcibly broke into the dark wasteland. Full speed ahead.

They were full of confidence, and they felt that the troops were about to create miracles, and they were about to "fall from heaven" to the northern battlefield under the horrified eyes of the whole world. For any soldier, this kind of surprise attack and glory was more attractive than beauties with strong alcohol.

However, they finally ventured into the middle of the dark wilderness, and they encountered an unexpected enemy.

"Tang Yan? Are you... Tang Yan?"

The commander of the First Army clenched his teeth tightly, suppressing the coldness rising from his heart.

In the dark night sky, a handsome and evil boy was looking down at them coldly, his strange expression of half-smile gave the audience an unspeakable sense of oppression.

He didn't need to do anything, he just stood there and silenced millions of soldiers, making this unrestrained iron-blooded army feel a strong threat of death.Although the Thomas Fissen United Empire did not participate in the Central Plains War, it has a very detailed understanding of Central Plains affairs.

The Xingluo Battlefield became famous in the first battle, and the Yinyang Clan Battlefield caused a sensation in the world. Recently, the Hell Ghost Clan, which has shown their power, made Tang Yan wear the dark crown of "Death God" and "Underworld Lord" again.Facing such a terrifying figure, let alone an army of one million, even if there were another million, it would not be enough to kill him.

"Yo? Mr. Zhao Kuo, Mr. Zhao, I haven't seen you for a few years, have you become a prince?" Tang Yan looked at a handsome young man at the front of the team, who was the defeat of the year and the hope of Dingxi Palace - Zhao Kuo.

Zhao Kuo's expression was very exciting at the moment, full of resentment and fright at the same time, his mouth opened and closed slightly, as if he had eaten an ant, it was indescribably uncomfortable.Why is Tang Yan here?Clearly waiting for their arrival!
"Shouldn't you be called Engong? If I hadn't helped you get rid of Zhao Huan, how could it be your turn to be the prince?" Tang Yan joked.

But everyone's ears don't like it. You killed the prince of the empire and captured King Dingxi alive, and people thank you?You are wicked!

Zhao Kuo's face was very ugly, but facing this man who dreamed of beheading him, he didn't even have the courage to resist, and he didn't even have the momentum to scold him.

"I won't be poor with you, you have completed the task very well, but don't even think about going back to Daqian Dynasty. I will leave you a place in hell. If you perform well, you might be able to hang out with a ghost master there. Find A group of ghost wives will give birth to a group of ghost babies." Tang Yan smiled wickedly.

Everyone's complexions turned green and pale, and the commander of the group army urged Zhao Kuo to give him a few words.But Zhao Kuo is not stupid, and now he is going to die in his early years, his eyes rolled and rolled, looking for a chance to escape.

"How do you know that the First Army will move from here, and how do you know our lineup here?" The commander of the First Army strode forward and confronted Tang Yan. Their actions were obviously very cautious, and the entire operation was deployed secretly. , should not leak the news.

"Don't underestimate the eyes of the sky, not only you, but all the twelve major armies are being targeted. You stay in the northeast, be your overlord, and enjoy your glory. Why do you have to go through this muddy water?" Tang said. Yan sneered, and his sharp eyes fixed on the two areas deep in the army.

"The Lord of the Golden Silk Kingdom, the owner of the Xuanhuang Pagoda, and the two seniors, come out. I have come here in person, why don't you come out to meet me?" Tang Yan's voice spread to millions of troops, the sound was deafening, and many soldiers The eardrums were roaring, and the blood was churning.

There was a cover formed by the Xuanhuang Tower Warlock Troop, which blocked the two peak auras.

It was Thomas Fissen, the two strongest peak fighters in the United Empire - the owner of the Xuanhuang Tower and the owner of the Golden Silk Kingdom.

This team is the strongest vanguard sent by the Thomas Fissen United Empire this time!
(End of this chapter)

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