Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2505 Tang Yan presents the knife

Chapter 2505 Tang Yan presents the knife
"It's really enviable that Tang leader can get help from the eyes of the sky. The tower master of Xiaxuanhuang Pagoda, I have admired him for a long time." An elegant and steady old man walked out of the team, his words were polite, but there was a hint of sarcasm.The implication is, if it weren't for the eyes of the sky, would you be able to achieve what you are today?If it weren't for the eyes of the sky, would you be able to find me?
"Since President Tang is here, why don't you let the hell out, so that this king can learn a lot." The King of Jinsi Kingdom walked out of the team and met Tang Yan.The famous lord of the Northeast Continent has lived for tens of thousands of years, but he is still handsome and unrestrained like a teenager. He is dressed in luxurious clothes, but his golden eyes seem to have palpitations.

The appearance of the two pinnacle saints made the million team slightly suppress their previous sense of fear. Compared with the legendary Tang Yan, they believed in the two pinnacles who were like gods.

In the Northeast Continent, these two are the absolute masters below the emperor, and no one dares to provoke them.Their appearance gave everyone reassurance. With them, at least it is not a doomsday situation.

"Hell didn't take it, throw it somewhere else, and play with your other army groups. It's almost fighting now, I don't know how many delicious flesh and blood souls your generosity will give to my hell." A sentence full of smiles It means full of blood, which makes millions of troops take a deep breath.

The other armies were ambushed?
The intelligence clearly indicated that the troops of the Central Plains Alliance were on the front line, and even Tang Yan was sure to be there. What's going on?

The King of the Golden Silk Country and the Tower Master of the Xuanhuang Pagoda exchanged glances for a while, and their expressions turned cold in unison.

"Leader Tang really wants to be an enemy of my Thomas Fissen United Empire?"

"Huh? Are you joking? You have sent tens of millions of troops to join the war, and you still come to ask me? I said that the two seniors are living well in your lair, why can't you think about it? There are wine, meat and women , chic and happy, do you have to come over to die?"

The leader of the Golden Silk Kingdom snorted coldly: "Since the leader of the Tang Dynasty intends to be an enemy, we will never give in to the power of lust!"

As expected of the lord of the country, you have a level of speech, and now you still act like you are bullying me.

The positive words of Xuanhuang Tataism: "We don't see bullying others the most, and we are ready to eliminate harm for the people. Since you have thrown hell in other places, it means that you are alone now. One person wants to challenge our million troops? You are not old, You are quite courageous, can you definitely defeat us two peaks?"

"Undefeated, don't just say it with your mouth." Tang Yan summoned the Taiwu Blood Knife, a majestic blood burst into the sky, and there was a deafening bang. The dark sky was immediately stained with blood, and there was a faint roar of resentment roaring.The millions of troops in the audience retreated a little bit, they felt very angry and blood churning, very uncomfortable.

"That is the Taiwu blood knife? It was tempered by the patriarch of the Pangu clan!" The tower master of the Xuanhuang Pagoda raised his eyebrows slightly, but he was not jealous, but greedy. soldier.

"Being the same peak, I don't believe that you can be invincible!" Golden lightning burst out from the whole body of the king of the Golden Silk Kingdom, with a sense of vigor in his majesty.His pride does not allow him to back down, especially in front of the army.

"The two of you should be able to represent the Thomas Fissen United Empire to a certain extent. Before the war, I will give you one last chance to repent. Go back to the United Empire immediately, and be your spectators honestly. Close your eyes quietly. mouth." Tang Yan played with the Taiwu sword.

"My lord, Tang Yan's tone seems to be relaxed. What should we do? Or... withdraw our troops." The commander of the First Army petitioned the lord.

Before the Lord of the Golden Silk Kingdom could reply, the owner of the Xuanhuang Pagoda yelled coldly: "Withdraw troops? A single Tang Yan scared off Thomas Fissen's First Army of the United Empire? I think you, the army commander, should resign!"

The King of the Golden Silk Kingdom frowned: "Our United Empire has already issued an announcement to the whole world. If we withdraw our troops, not only will all countries in the world see us as a joke, but the people in the country will also question our attitude. Not only will we have to fight today, but we will also If you want to fight to the death with all your strength, I don't believe that Tang Yan can really kill me!"

The owner of the Xuanhuang Pagoda was full of eyes: "The two pinnacles join forces, and even the Great Man can carry it, not to mention..."

Before the words fell, Tang Yan suddenly said in front of him: "I forgot to tell you that my real state is in the Great Perfection. I used a secret method to cover it up, and the state of the Great Perfection showed the aura of the peak. Otherwise, how could I destroy it?" The Yin-Yang family?"

The Pagoda Master of Xuanhuang Pagoda almost choked to death, half a sentence stuck in his throat and he couldn't hold it back.He stared at Tang Yan, both surprised and suspicious.

Tang Yan smiled: "Do you believe what I say?"

"Are you kidding me?" The Pagoda Master of Xuanhuang Pagoda was angry, didn't he mean to embarrass himself?
"Activate the atmosphere, let you die refreshed."

"Tang, are you crazy? Warlock troops, set up formations, trap him!" The tower master of the Xuanhuang Pagoda waved furiously, 20 warlock troops scattered into the distance, and the remaining one million troops retreated in an orderly manner. Orderly, worthy of the name of the Iron Army.

"There is a saying that you may not want to hear. I am here today...not to fight with you."

"Want to reconcile? It's too late! Surround me!!" The tower master of Xuanhuang Pagoda really wanted to practice with this Tang Yan.

"No, no, I used you as an experiment. Master Xuanhuang Pagoda, you claim to be second only to Taizu in the history of warlocks. You are the most profound magician. Lord of the Golden Silk Kingdom, your combat power is astounding. You have been fighting for more than a hundred years." Just being promoted to sage, created a miracle. The two of you join forces, the strength will be very strong, and with the cooperation of 20 warlocks, this battle... tsk tsk...exciting." Tang Yan smiled.

"What do you mean?" The King of the Golden Silk Kingdom didn't dare to take it too seriously, vaguely feeling that something is wrong today.

"I'm very happy today, because my mentor is resurrected, and I want to prepare a meeting ceremony for him, so that he can exercise his muscles and bones, and help him return to the peak." As soon as Tang Yan finished speaking, the door of hell opened. The monstrous blood energy rushed into the dark night sky like a vast ocean.

The sky trembled, and the wilderness trembled.

While everyone was still in shock, a majestic and stalwart man stepped out of hell and came to the world.

His black hair was shoulder-length, fluffy and fluttering, his eyes were blood red, as if he was imprisoned in a vast sea of ​​blood, his body was strong, majestic, oppressive like a mountain.

Following his appearance, a gust of wind suddenly boiled between the heaven and the earth, and the dark sky was covered with dark clouds, which actually aroused the power of heaven and earth, and the vast energy of heaven and earth gathered densely towards his body.

He is like an awakened god of war, making the world tremble and warriors terrified. If there is really anyone in this world who can smash the sky with his hands and smash the ground with his feet, it is only this person in front of him!

He... is War Demon! !

"Haha, teacher, welcome back!" Tang Yan roared with bright eyes.

The War Demon lived for war all his life, and also died because of the war. The name of War Demon caused a sensation in the war world.

But it was such an earth-shattering hero who fell at the most glorious moment of his life.The three souls and seven souls were scattered, the flesh and blood of the corpses were broken, and they were ravaged after death. Half of the remnants suppressed the Youye Forest, and half of the remnants were smelted by the royal family. The souls were scattered in the world, suffering from the erosion of time.

But... all the hardships come, the tempering before and after death has finally made the current War Demon.

Under the tempering of the innate power of hell, the physique left by the corpse royal family fully activated the power of the five elements, and finally allowed this former war hero to rise again with even more terrifying strength.

Today, Tang Yan will use the blood of these two peak warriors to pay tribute to War Demon's return, and use the blood of 20 warlocks and millions of troops to make War Demon regain the feeling of killing and reawaken his former self.

"Who is he?" Millions of troops were collectively terrified, and retreated in panic, breaking down one after another in order.

The rulers of the Golden Silk Kingdom and the Xuanhuang Pagoda were all frightened and stared in amazement.

They looked at the high-altitude man, as if they saw a great demon awakened from the past. The monstrous momentum made them tremble with fear, and their chests felt tight.who is thisHow can there be such a terrifying murderous aura, this aura alone makes people unable to contend.

"Teacher, apprentice Tang Yan... I offer you a sword!" Tang Yan knelt on one knee, roared loudly, held up the Taiwu sword, and offered his mentor War Demon!
He didn't kneel to the sky or the ground, but at this moment he offered one knee to the war demon.

The Fierce Demon Knife has been erased from the War Demon Mark and belongs to Tang Yan, so Tang Yan will use this fresh blood knife as a gift for the War Demon's rebirth.I believe that after being tempered by War Demon Future, it is enough to shine forever.

Zhan Mo's fighting spirit was overwhelming, his killing intent was like a sea, and his blood eyes seemed to dye the boundless darkness with blood.He looked at Tang Yan, and his blood eyes gradually glowed with freshness, indicating that he had truly awakened.

"Teacher, take the knife!" Tang Yan stood up and waved his big hand.

Aww!Taiwu's soul roared hoarsely, his blood was soaring, as if he felt threatened, he wanted to fight and run away.

The war demon grabbed it in the air, and an invisible force grabbed the blood energy in the air, and grasped the blood knife.

At this moment, Tai Wu, who had always been resentful and crazy, let out a shrill scream.

"I... I'm back..." Zhan Mo clenched his saber tightly and slowly raised his head. Muran, he raised his head to the sky and let out an angry roar, the sound was like thunder, rolling in the sky, and the monstrous evil spirit boiled again, the heaven and earth were startled, and the wilderness trembled violently.

ah! !Millions of soldiers screamed collectively, kneeling on the ground with their ears folded. Some people bled from their seven orifices, and some people's souls were shaken alive.

"In this life, you can cross the battlefield and fight in the two worlds. You can kill monsters and demons without mercy. Even the sky can't destroy you. This is my eternal promise to you!" Tang Yan's blood was boiling. I solemnly promise in my heart that in this life, no emperor will come to kill you again, absolutely not!

(End of this chapter)

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