Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2546

Chapter 2546

"Perfect fit!!" Chocolate laughed loudly and wanted to high-five people, but after turning around, everyone was stunned with strange expressions, and no one paid him any attention.Chocolate smiled awkwardly, and withdrew his hand in embarrassment.

Tang Bing and the others didn't quite come to their senses. They were dazzled by a series of violent and farce-like rescues. Not only did they not react, even so many saints in the Northern Alliance were stunned.

Qin Minghuang and others looked at Tang Yan a few more times, how could he save people like this?What a strong heart and self-confidence it takes! !Alas, the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

"Man, I took it away. You can choose some other sacrifice flags of chickens, ducks, sheep and cattle. See you in five days." Tang Yan smiled lukewarmly, signaling Chocolate to wait for Kongwu to return.He doesn't have as many complicated martial skills as the main body, but because of the shape of hell, he is a fire body, and he has inherited the immortal body of the 'fire elf'!It also created a situation where they retreated completely in the face of the two great perfections.

"Stop!!" The Peacock King shouted, unable to accept this scene.

"What? Isn't it embarrassing enough? Let me play with you again? My time is precious, whoever wants to play, pay first. If you don't have money, don't yell. Do you know what the word money means? The Qitian Continent is a gold coin. The world is a power stone. No? You can pay with flesh, my Uncle Ma has always wanted to fuck you." Tang Yan mocked in a lukewarm manner.

"I'm an ancestor." Chocolate hurriedly opened the void and took Tang Yan and others away. If the old lady got mad, they would all suffer.

The faces of many saints in the northern alliance turned green and pale. In front of all of them, Tang Yan rescued them in just a few breaths?He even tossed Pei Kuang a lot.Not to mention, how dare to humiliate the Peacock Sage King at the end of the day?

The short confrontation stimulated their hearts more than the vicious battle between the Yin and Yang tribe.

The Peacock King was expressionless, although he was annoyed, he didn't show it.Otherwise, you will be more embarrassed.

The atmosphere was quiet for a long time, and everyone calmed down a little.

The Water Candle Demon and the Peacock Sage King exchanged glances, both unwilling.A head-on confrontation would not be so embarrassing, but Tang Yan's surprise attack this time was so smooth that they really failed to control the situation.

Xuanyuan didn't say anything more, watching Tang Yan and the others retreat into the void, they retreated silently.But her silent evacuation was even more embarrassing to the saints on the front line. They would rather have Xuanyuan scold them coldly than it is now.

A good flag sacrifice, is that the end?

Originally, he wanted to destroy the enemy's aura and enhance his majesty. Who would have thought that if he wanted to steal a chicken, he would lose a lot of money, lose his wife and lose his army.

"Just watch him go?" Someone from the Northern Alliance said weakly.

"You go, you go and grab it back." Everyone gave him a cold look.

"Hey, it's a bad start." Some old people shook their heads secretly, the aura they had accumulated after so much effort died just like that?

"Take Pei Kuang back, interrogation!!" The Peacock Sage King flung his sleeves and retreated.The core of the whole accident was Pei Kuang. Did the old ghost not try his best, or did the problem lie with Tang Yan?

The Central Plains Alliance, the ancient city on the front line.

Tang Yan and others returned smoothly.

"Your Highness, I..." Tang Zang turned around and was about to kneel down, but was supported by Tang Yan.

"My family, don't be polite." Tang Yan lifted him up.I just had a mess, and my mood calmed down.I don't know why, after meeting Xuanyuan, my mood is always a little turbulent.But it's better now.

"How are you guys? Tell me what you're hurt and what's wrong with you." Xuanyuan Longli handed out some spiritual source liquid again, handed it to them, and told them by the way: "Do a checkup first, don't rush to eat it." .”

"Our meridians have been sealed." Tang Bing and the others seemed to be dreaming, and a series of dazzling rescues made them overwhelmed.They looked at Tang Yan with gratitude. Although they are a family, there is no need to be particular about it, but the feeling of narrow escape is difficult for outsiders to understand.

"It's easy and easy to handle. Anything else?"

"Even if I got hurt, I'm tired." Tang Fu didn't have the usual wild pride, and now he was listless.

"Where is Tang Chen?" Tang Yan asked.The bitter woman didn't hear any specific news about Tang Chen.

"The boss was arrested together with us, but our siblings were sent back later, and the boss is still lost in the war world."

"We were seriously injured at the time. We were in a daze and didn't remember much."

"When it comes to the reincarnation clan, we are also imprisoned, and we don't know much about it."

They were all shaking their heads, looking sad.During this period of time, I was really tortured. If it wasn't for my tenacity, I might have collapsed.

"It seems that Qiao Cheng is undoubtedly lost in the war world!" Ma Yanwang said.

Tang Zang said, "Before old Mr. Li Yun brought us to the Lost Battle Realm, Senior Mo Yan said a word. The space monsters of the reincarnation clan broke the rules of the Lost Battle Realm. If Qiao Cheng is still in the Lost Battle Realm They will spare no effort to track down the world of war. Just as they believe here, we can also believe there."

Tang Yan pondered: "The purpose of Qiao Cheng and the others should be to force the troops of the Demon Spirit Tribe to move here, which means that he should have united with a certain force in the Lost Battle Realm. But as long as the Demon Spirit Tribe stays put, he will not act rashly. Tang Yan Chen should be safe. We have limited capabilities, and we can't take care of both ends. We should first resolve the situation here as soon as possible, and then concentrate on taking care of the Lost Battle Realm."

It's not that Tang Yan doesn't want to go there to inform, but the surface void of the Lost Battle Realm is very different from Qitian Continent. Tang Yan tried to contact there, and he felt a strange and very strong suction force.

Tang Yan didn't dare to act rashly, so as not to attract the attention of many emperors in the Lost Battle Realm, the gain outweighs the loss.

Tang Bing and the others were also worried about Tang Chen's safety, but they didn't get too entangled when they considered that there were two great martial masters, Mo Yan Sheng and Xu Ni Beast, in the Lost Battle Realm.

"Go and rest first, I'll take you to a place." Tang Yan was going to send them to the rainforest of life in hell to raise them up.

"Are you going to fight the reincarnation clan next?" Tang Bing asked.

"Don't worry about it, it's important to recover your body first."

"If we unlock the seal, we should be able to restore a small part of our strength, and then use the spiritual source liquid to recuperate for five or six days. It shouldn't be a luxury to restore about [-]% of our strength." Tang Bing hesitated, but finally became firm.She couldn't be made useless for no reason, she couldn't avenge this revenge herself, and she had to make the reincarnation clan pay some price.

"We can also recuperate here for a while longer. Anyway, the war will not be over for a while. When we recover to the feeling that we can go to the battlefield." Tang Fu also became a little interested.I just thought about it carefully, it is really a pity that the tens of millions of super battlefields just left in such a dismal manner.

Everyone exchanged glances, and then looked at Tang Yan.Hey, as expected of a family, they are all lunatics!You're all injured like this, and you still want to go to the battlefield?
"I think it's okay." Ma Yanwang broke the silence and gave Tang Zang a look.

Tang Zang immediately came to his senses and said, "I will be with the Second Princess and the others. When they recover from their injuries, we will fight with the Ye Sirius army. We are not new recruits. We have participated in hundreds of battles and can take care of ourselves."

"Okay!" Tang Yan nodded in agreement, and returned to the giant sand table: "The Northern Alliance has lost face, holding back their anger, and will not let it go. We must guard against their tricks at the beginning of the war. Come on, big guys come to discuss again Discuss."

Northern League! !An embarrassing brawl ruined their face. The eight kings were discussing tactics with their faces open. How could they deal a head-on blow to the Central Plains Alliance at the beginning of the war and boost their momentum again.

In other camps, the high-level officials of various ethnic groups are also arguing about today's events, especially at the Holy Spirit Temple. The public humiliation of the Hall Master really made them embarrassed and angry.

Suddenly, Xuanyuan's energy clone appeared here.

"Huanggu!" All the senior officials of the Holy Spirit Hall stood up one after another, and no one dared to disrespect him.

"Aunt Huang, what happened today..." Pei Kuang bit the bullet and wanted to explain. He felt uncomfortable when he had to bow to the other party despite his age, but he couldn't do it without explaining, let alone being disrespectful.

"I know you tried your best, the problem lies with Tang Yan."

"Thank you, Huanggu, for your insight." Pei Kuang thanked repeatedly.

"Although I understand it, outsiders don't understand it. I will give you a chance to make amends."

"Please speak."

"The war is expected to start in five days. You will fight in person and invite Ke Zunshan to fight."

"Me?" Pei Kuang's eyes twitched, Ke Zunshan?Lord of Wudi City?Although my current strength is also in the peak holy realm, I am seriously injured, and Ke Zunshan has stayed in the pinnacle holy realm for many years, maybe one day the opportunity will come and it will be perfect.I can challenge him, but I'm really not sure that I can beat him in front of the whole army.

"I will find help for you, and you will win."

"Really?" Pei Kuang was terrified.

"Really! You have to make a big splash, kill Ke Zunshan in front of the Northern Alliance, in front of Tang Yan!! If you can do your best, I can guarantee that Tang Yan will take back Pei Sa from him after he dies. , give it back to you."

The high-level members of the Holy Spirit Temple cheered up collectively, their eyes shining brightly.

"Okay! I've accepted this task!!" Pei Kuang mentioned deeply, his fighting spirit was high.

(End of this chapter)

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