Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2547 stomp face

Chapter 2547 stomp face
Tang Yan's rescue operation was quickly suppressed by the Northern Alliance, and no one dared to discuss it anymore. They would not do stupid things to increase the prestige of others and destroy their own momentum.However, the Central Plains Alliance is promoting it with great fanfare, promoting how heroic Tang Yan is, how he teases the heroes, in short, to cheer up the current dull atmosphere of the Central Plains Alliance.

Five days later, the war drums were beating, the wind and clouds were surging, and the war kicked off at dawn. Let anyone who witnessed the scene at this moment be excited.

The Northern Alliance has 600 million troops, and the Central Plains Alliance has 2000 [-] million troops, covering nearly [-]% of the Qitian Continent's troops, which can be called the most in tens of thousands of years.And this battle has continued before and after and has created too many "bests", each time leaving a heavy mark in the annals of history.

"Aren't you there yet?" Tang Yan asked for the third time today.Xu Yan, Zhao Zimo and others who had been waiting all this time did not arrive.He urgently needs their arrival, otherwise the next plan will not be developed.

"Senior Li Yun and Granny Ma are there, they know what to do, they won't miss it. Just wait a little longer, it should be soon." Ma Yanwang and the others were also in a hurry.

"How about I pick it up?" Chocolate said.

"No need, let's go to the front line first, take the initiative to challenge, have an opening martial arts performance, and delay the time as much as possible." Tang Yan is going to go into battle in person, and practice with the water candle demon or the Peacock King, and delay until Xu Yan and the others return.

But before they reached the front line, Pei Kuang was already yelling at the front line: "Ke Zunshan, dare to fight!"

"Me? Who is challenging me?" Ke Zunshan was slightly surprised. In this level of battle, the strongest should be allowed to fight, performing the most magnificent and majestic battle.

"It's Pei Kuang!!" Tang Yan could hear the voice.Everyone speeded up and rushed to the front line, and as expected, Old Ghost Pei Kuang stood at the front of the battlefield with his hands behind his back, dragging a black lacquered treasure in his right hand, and loudly invited to fight.

"This old ghost wants to die?" Everyone was surprised, and looked at Tang Yan strangely: "You punched him dumbfounded yesterday? Doesn't challenging General Ke mean courting death?"

Although Pei Kuang was also in the peak holy realm, he had been taken care of in the previous battles, and it was impossible to recover from his injuries. It was obviously impossible to win against Ke Zunshan.

"It's weird." Ke Zunshan walked forward, he didn't hold back because Pei Kuang was not a fool.To be able to support such a huge organization as the Holy Spirit Hall, and to be entrusted by the Spirit Clan to take root in Qitian Continent, the ability and strength are all there.Since he dared to do a move that was sure to fail, there must be a killer move in the dark.

"Ke Zunshan! Come out and fight! This martial arts battle is up to us, do you have the guts?" Pei Kuang roared loudly, even though he was a little unconfident in his heart, he was very aggressive on the surface.

Standing in front of the Central Plains Alliance team, Ke Zunshan paid special attention to the treasure in Pei Kuang's hand. It was a dagger that floated automatically in his hand.

"Ke Zunshan, dare you! You are the Lord of Wudi City, I am the Lord of the Holy Spirit Hall, you are the peak saint, and I am the soul martial saint. There is not much difference between you, and this kind of battle is interesting. I just ask you, dare you?" Fight." Pei Kuang roared again, trying his best to show off his momentum.What the army below wants is momentum.

The other saints in the back all squeezed their faces and didn't understand the situation. This kind of martial arts battle should be sure that one's side will win. Can Pei Kuang do it?But they heard that Huanggu personally arranged it, so they couldn't say much.

"Be careful of fraud." Ma Yanwang reminded Ke Zunshan.

"Help me beware of other people's tricks in the dark." General Ke Zunshan exchanged glances with Tang Yan, carrying a golden knife, the golden armor and golden knife, the golden light was dazzling, and the masculine and mighty aura was in stark contrast to Pei Kuang's gloomy and evil.

"Demon girl!" Tang Yan whispered suddenly, thinking of the problem.

Ma Yanwang and the others all changed their expressions, right! !witch! !

It stands to reason that this kind of battle is under the watchful eyes of everyone and under the attention of the intelligence system of the whole world. It is impossible for all parties to secretly assist, otherwise it will be easy to see through, and they will definitely be ridiculed at that time.But if it was Sakura Demoness who was behind the scenes, the situation would be quite different.Because the inner demon's attack is invisible and stateless, and its effect is similar to Pei Kuang's soul attack, outsiders can't see it, and can't say anything.

"The Cherry Blossom Demon Girl is nearby. The Northern Alliance is here to help Pei Kuang regain his face. It's too cruel. They are not performing martial arts, but wanting to kill General Ke." Everyone's expressions became more and more ugly, and they were secretly worried.If the demon girl makes a move, it will definitely be a dead end.

"Call him back, I'd rather he suffer some humiliation than be framed." Xuanyuan Longli's voice was very low but serious, even if they knew that the Sakura Witch would make trouble, they were helpless because no one could find her existence. High-profile publicity may also be ridiculed by the other party, after all, there is no evidence.

Now is not the time to be brave, Ke Zunshan must not be harmed, not even three times and nine murders.

"Wait first. I'll take care of it." Tang Yan stretched out his hand to stop him, and his aura should not be weak, especially in a battlefield with tens of millions of people. Once the aura is weakened, many troops will be relatively affected, and not one or two will die. , but the injustice that tens of thousands of people will be affected to death.

His eyes were like a torch, and he carefully searched all over the battlefield.If the Sakura Demoness really wanted to make a move, facing a general of Ke Zunshan's level, she would definitely go all out and deal a heavy blow in one fell swoop.It also decided that her current location would not be too far away.

"We can't delay, tell him to come back." Everyone started to worry.

Ke Zunshan strode forward without stopping, the golden knife in his hand slowly raised horizontally, and the bravery made the heroes secretly dormant. Not everyone can have this kind of momentum, which requires a lot of hard work to kill.

Tang Yan kept raising his hand and pressing down to stop everyone from worrying.Finally, Ling Lie's eyes found her in a neat army.Her enchanting and graceful demeanor stood out from the crowd, very conspicuous, but the people around her were all the same, they must have been influenced by demons or controlled by them.

"Huh?" The cherry blossom witch was concentrating on locking Ke Zunshan, and suddenly noticed Tang Yan's gaze, which was very sharp.She was slightly surprised, was seen?In view of the strange phenomenon of being targeted by Tang Yan last time, her strength is fully utilized this time, and no one can find her existence.But... at this moment, Ke Zunshan let out a loud roar, and fought with a wheel of sabers.The aura was fully opened, with golden light, like a scorching sun suddenly blooming, the sky and the earth were brightly lit, the rumbling sound was deafening, countless people subconsciously closed their eyes to avoid it, and even more people's scalps were numb from the shock.

Booming, the golden avenue rushed through the air, like a rushing river, and because of the speed of light, the speed was astonishingly fast, smashing into Pei Kuang's dark mist in an instant, and crashing into Pei Kuang.Ke Zunshan roared, striding and running wildly, the faster ones couldn't be caught.

At the moment when the golden road crashed into Pei Kuang, Ke Zunshan almost followed him, swallowing mountains and rivers, his eyes widened, his might was overwhelming, and the golden sword slashed in the air.

boom! !The golden knife gang soared into the sky, like thunder from nine heavens, with majestic momentum, shining on the audience.

"Today I can kill the Lord of Wudi City, Pei Kuang is worth it!!" Pei Kuang was fearless, the dagger in his hand struck critically in an instant, and the vast sea of ​​fog boiled in an instant, and the black dagger was hidden in the sea of ​​soul fog, and his whereabouts were uncertain , stabbed Ke Zunshan's chest.

The dagger comes from the Supreme Treasure of the Spirit Race, a weapon he has never used, and it was bestowed by the Holy Spirit Emperor himself.

Ke Zunshan felt that he was locked by some kind of evil beast, and his whole body was chilled. This feeling was real and ethereal.He didn't even think about it, his body turned suddenly, and the golden knife in his hand changed the rules forcefully, clang! !The golden knife actually accurately intercepted the dagger, and the ear-piercing sound wave exploded instantly, tearing apart the wave of light and the sea of ​​fog, rushing hundreds of miles away in the vast high altitude, and everyone below had eardrums stinging and in great pain.

Ke Zunshan defeated Hei Dao, and the frantic battle continued unabated. He slashed the sword again while somersaulting in the air. The chaotic attack was completed in one go, and the rage was full of beauty.

"Huh? Interesting! Come again!" Pei Kuang was not far behind, dancing with both hands, creating layers of soul chains, like a thousand snakes coming out of a hole.

"The meaning of disaster—man-made disaster!" The golden knife in Ke Zunshan's hand erupted loudly, and a strange aura exploded, shattering the soul chain indiscriminately, and hitting Pei Kuang head-on.

puff! !
Pei Kuang spurted blood, and flew upside down.There was no damage to the body surface, but... "Ah!!"

Pei Kuang hugged his head and screamed as he fell rapidly, as if he had endured some kind of cruel pain.

One of the man-made disasters, memory distortion!
All the memories will be distorted into a ball in the first time. If it is not for the powerful person, the seven orifices will bleed and explode to death by now.

"Hmph!" Sakura Demon's face turned slightly cold, she immediately abandoned Tang Yan, and focused on Ke Zunshan from the air.

But... at this moment, Sakura Demoness exclaimed in a low voice, she actually felt a dark force rushing into her body, trying to erode her soul.

"Ghost master?" Sakura Demoness was annoyed, and immediately drove away with all her strength.

However, the bitter ghost lord evacuated immediately. It was far from being able to attack the level of the cherry blossom demon girl. If it hesitated a little, it would be sealed inside and killed.It was ordered to interfere, the plan is completed, retreat!
At the same time, Ke Zunshan broke through the sea of ​​soul fog and swooped down to chase and kill.The brave and violent momentum and the golden light in the sky made the Central Plains Alliance burst into amazing cheers immediately, while the Northern Alliance breathed in and lost again?What a mess! !
"Wow." Pei Kuang roared in collapse, like a raging lion, forcibly stopped his body, and raged again.However, Ke Zunshan had already been killed, and at the very moment, he withdrew his knife suddenly and stomped his foot on Pei Kuang's face. With a click, the bridge of his nose shattered on the spot, and a bloody footprint was left on his face.

Pei Kuang staggered and fell down again.

But Ke Zunshan didn't chase after him. With a roar, his fighting power suddenly subsided, and he strode back to the Central Plains Alliance team with a golden sword on his back.

Finished, call it a day.

Anyway, it was a battle of martial arts, not a battle of life and death.Do you want a challenge?I should!Also won!
Regardless of your tricks, stop fighting.

The audience was silent, and the Central Plains Alliance and the Northern Alliance were all stunned. They either looked at Pei Kuang who hit the ground, or at Ke Zunshan who was striding back. For a moment, they even forgot to react.

Until... "Haha! Beautiful!! Damn cool!!" The great holy master punched hard and laughed loudly, which immediately ignited the fiery aura of the Central Plains Alliance, and the arrogant and excited laughter resounded through the clouds .

On the other hand, in the Northern League, from top to bottom, the face is as black as the bottom of the pot.

(End of this chapter)

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