Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2548

Chapter 2548
finished? !Three ways to solve it? !
Everyone in the audience hasn't had much fun yet, it's just... over?
"It's too casual."

"If you don't have such a big head, don't wear such a big hat. It's embarrassing."

"Just your old arms and legs, are you worthy of challenging our Lord Wudi City?"

There was a chaotic wave of ridicule from the Central Plains Alliance, the heart was excited, and the face was full of mockery.

Tang Yan stretched out his thumb, as expected of General Ke!The fight was beautiful, the foot was relieved, the battle was wonderful, and the quick battle did not give the opponent room for adjustment.

Ke Zunshan nodded to Tang Yan, intending to thank Tang Yan.He dared to fight directly because he believed that Tang Yan was behind him.No matter what secret tricks the opponent has, he believes that Tang Yan can block the influence for him once or twice, which is enough for him.This is a tacit cooperation and absolute trust.

The Northern League hated it so badly, what was Pei Kuang doing?Bring shame on yourself!Even the Northern League was mocked.It's a good martial arts battle, and it's such a weird look!I've never been so embarrassed in my entire life.

The corners of the eyes of all the senior members of the Holy Spirit Temple kept twitching.

The cherry blossom witch glared at Tang Yan in the crowd, and she was actually teased by Tang Yan!She unambiguously accepted Xuanyuan's invitation, and agreed to subdue Ke Zunshan from the very beginning and let Pei Kuang kill him, but she missed two opportunities in a row.

hateful!She stared at Tang Yan, and Tang Yan also glanced at her from the corner of his eye, with murderous intent like a knife.

"Wow, I don't accept it!!" Pei Kuang crawled out of the ruins and rushed to the sky angrily. The sky was full of dark tides, which showed his anger at the moment.He had already lost his face five days ago, and now he was once again humiliated in front of everyone. How could he, the majestic Lord of the Holy Spirit Hall, bear such uselessness.

In the distance, Xuanyuan has been paying attention to this place, waiting for the scene of Ke Zunshan's decapitated body, but...the cherry blossom demon girl didn't make a move?Didn't make a shot twice in a row!She snorted coldly, and a sharp chill hit behind the Sakura Demon Girl point by point.There was a crisp bang, and the bone-piercing cold air exploded, causing countless soldiers around to shudder.

The cold air is not lethal, it's just a reminder.

The cherry blossom demon girl didn't turn her head, and the murderous intent began to sprout in her eyes.

"Ke Zunshan, come again! Come again if you have the guts!" Pei Kuang pointed at Ke Zunshan angrily, and invited to fight again.

"Forget it, save yourself some face. Seeing how you are bluffing, you don't have the spirit of the master of the Holy Spirit Hall." Tang Yan took a step forward and pointed at the Peacock Maiden: "Let's have a game?"

He can't let other people play now, he can interfere with the Sakura Demoness once, but it is impossible to interfere the second time. 'Surprise' doesn't work every time.

"Ke Zunshan, come again!!" Pei Kuang was still angry, he really couldn't swallow this breath.It would be fine if it was a private battle, but the two times before and after were in front of tens of millions of troops in full view.If he doesn't win back his face, the Holy Spirit Hall will be humiliated accordingly.

"Don't come if you can't afford to lose." Ke Zunshan simply turned around and left.

gone?The high-level members of the Central Plains Alliance couldn't help laughing again, looking at Pei Kuang with weird eyes.Usually, they are afraid of this old ghost, his appearance is ruthless, and his soul martial skills are even more terrifying, but after being dealt with by Tang Yan and Ke Zunshan in succession, they suddenly feel that this old thing is not so scary.

"Ke Zunshan, I will kill you!!" Pei Kuang yelled angrily at Ke Zunshan, with veins throbbing all over his face.

"Old man, give way first, don't disturb our work. Holy King, are you coming?" Tang Yan pointed at the Peacock Holy King with a sneer.

The Peacock King was pointed at by Tang Yan, and his face was not good-looking.She is not afraid to fight Tang Yan, but she is really not interested in performing martial arts.She was also not sure that she would win against Tang Yan. If she made a mistake, she would be weaker by a few moves, which would be another blow to the momentum of the Northern Alliance.But if you don't make a move, wouldn't it be weaker.

Her eyes were slightly condensed, she made up her mind, and hummed coldly to make a move.

At this moment, Chocolate coughed lightly at Tang Yan, and whispered, "Xu Yan and the others are back."

Tang Yan shouted to the Peacock Sage King on the spot: "Since you dare not, forget it. The martial arts performance is over, and the two sides will start a war!"

" deceive people too much!" The Peacock Sage King was about to declare war on his own initiative, but Xuanyuan Longli had already greeted him, hurry up, don't dawdle.Someone in the Northern Alliance has already yelled: "Beat the drums!! Let's fight!!"

The drummers on both sides were a little caught off guard. Under the repeated gestures of Xuanyuan Longli and others, the Central Plains Alliance took the lead in beating the war drums. It's getting faster and faster.

The vanguard of the Central Plains Alliance army quickly put into the state, shouting slogans, pushing weapons of war, and launching an impact on the Northern Alliance.

This time it is not a siege battle, but a pure field battle!
"Hit! Hit me to death!!" The Northern Alliance quickly adjusted its state. Following the direct instruction of the eight kings, the drums were beating, the flags were waving, and the forward army quickly set off.

Dark clouds billowed high in the sky, and smoke rose everywhere below. This massive alliance battle finally kicked off.

"Tang Yan, you asked for it." The cherry blossom witch was angry, and after quickly disappearing, she appeared in another direction. The inner demon power was released immediately, and she wanted to attack the army of the Central Plains Alliance on a large scale.The massacres one by one made the Central Plains Alliance experience the killing power of the demons.

But... "Sakura Demon Girl, you're on the wrong team again!" Tang Yan's first avatar swooped down, locked onto Sakura Demon Girl again, and killed her.

Um?The cherry blossom witch was surprised, why was she discovered again?No, it's weird! !

"You and I have to fight to the death?" The cherry blossom demon girl giggled habitually, her smile was like a flower, but the inner demon force rushed towards the sky sharply and viciously.

However... Tang Yan's avatar had no effect, and he swooped down quickly, like a cannonball, blasting towards the cherry blossom demon girl.

The Sakura Demon's face changed slightly, and she dodged with a whoosh.With a bang, the place where he was standing was shattered. Tang Yan couldn't stop laughing, and rushed towards her again.This avatar is prepared for the Sakura witch.

"Where are you going? Tell me, if I turn you into a female slave and bring you back to the Lost Battle Realm, what will your brother think?" Tang Yan grinned grinningly and pounced.

"Water Candle Demon! Peacock King! Please fight!" Behind the Central Plains Alliance, the dormant war demon reappeared, like a terrifying demon god, walking towards the battlefield with the scene of a violent storm and natural disaster.Across the boundless sky, the monstrous fighting power had locked on to the two Daquan level killing gods.

War Demon wants to fight two with one!

"How to do?"


"Who will stop Qilufu or Ma Yanwang?"

"Forgot? There is the Emperor of the Stars."

The Peacock Sage King and Water Candle Demon did not flinch, they stretched thousands of meters from left to right to meet the War Demon.

They remembered the existence of the Emperor of the Stars, so they had the chance to win.

Lord of the Fiends, Moon Shadow, Alinda, etc. all appeared, and rushed to the battlefield of the Northern Alliance following the killing of the war demons.But millions of ghost clans are all lurking in the rear of the Central Plains Alliance, commanded by various ghost masters, waiting for later orders.They don't want to pounce immediately, lest the quicker minds pick up the news.

The frontline battlefield officially broke out, but at this most critical moment, Ma Yanwang, Qi Lufu, Ke Zunshan, Xuanyuan Longli and Niya and other three murderers and nine murderers all retreated, and were sucked into the void by chocolate.

This scene attracted the attention of many people in the Northern Alliance, but they didn't go into it, it was just some kind of conspiracy.This level of battlefield conspiracy is everywhere, if you are not afraid of more, you are afraid of less.

In the void, Tang Yan saw Li Yun and Granny Ma waiting here, Xu Yan, Zhao Zimo, Nalantu and Du Yang stood on the bright Konghen Avenue.

Xu Yan's effect is the most obvious, directly reaching the state of great perfection, making Ke Zunshan and others shake their heads secretly, and this is called the latecomer.

Du Yang stepped into the peak holy realm, and Tutu's strength also improved significantly.

Zhao Zimo and Three-legged Toad did not reach the peak, but depending on the situation, they are not far behind.

Nalantu even got his wish and entered the Holy Land.

A kind of old brothers hugging each other, but the time is too tight to introduce their experiences in detail.

"To form the Great Formation of Heaven's Punishment, first destroy the Dagan Renhuang. He has accumulated serious injuries over the years. Make a quick decision, and then join forces to challenge the Xuanwu Sacred Emperor." Tang Yan directly aimed at the Dagan Renhuang It sounds unbelievable to want to kill a certain emperor without shame, but now that Tang Yan is the emperor, hell is formed, and the power of killing three times and nine murderers has increased greatly.

"Listen to you." They had nothing to say to each other.

"I'll give you some time to recall the scene when the Great Formation of Heaven's Punishment was launched last time. Nalan, I leave it to you to control it. You must control the situation. This battle is very dangerous and may cost you some money."

"Go ahead." None of the crowd flinched.

Tang Yan knew very well the result of challenging Dagan Renhuang and Xuanwu Shenghuang, and they naturally knew it too. It is not an exaggeration to say that they might sacrifice their lives.But at this moment, no one hesitated.This is love, loyalty.

(End of this chapter)

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