Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 26 Shenquan Town

Chapter 26 Shenquan Town

Shenquan Town, located in the core area of ​​the psychedelic forest, is the place where the "Earth Spirit Vein" leaked. The spring water gushing out contains rich spiritual power and has the magical effect of purifying the body and refining the gods, so it was named Shenquan.Thousands of years ago, it was forcibly occupied by the Great Zhou Empire, and it was guarded by powerful men of honor rank, and it was transformed into one of the five places of "baptism and sacrifice" in the empire.

Shenquan Town is a huge valley, surrounded by four giant peaks that pierce into the sky. There is only one canyon connecting the inside and outside. The town is full of restaurants and hotels, and there are military camps stationed there. When people step into the valley, although the facilities are complete, there is no one there.Temporary opening will only be allowed during the biennial baptism and sacrifice, but only colleges or families designated by the empire can enter.

Shenquan Town is dedicated to serving the warriors in the northern wilderness of the empire. There are seventeen cities in the northern wilderness, including one prince, five colleges, six great families, and 29 medium-sized families.For the biennial baptism, the family can send people on their own, or they can attach themselves to the academy to participate, while the children of ordinary people can only attach to the academy.

Because the Great Zhou Empire and even the entire Qitian highly respect martial arts, and they only open it every two years, so each time there are more than 200 teenagers and girls who are qualified, and there are as many as [-] people.

There are as many as 180 martial artists below Tier [-] who are eligible to enter this year.

It's just that less than [-]% of the people on the invitation list actually came to Shenquan Town!Five teams were attacked to varying degrees. A large number of colleges and children from aristocratic families disappeared. All the teachers and students of one college disappeared completely, and all the children of seven medium-sized families disappeared.

This incident has aroused the vigilance of the garrison in Shenquan Town, and it has spread to the entire Northern Wilderness. A large number of strong men have entered the Phantom Forest seven days ago and began to investigate what happened.

Regarding the whole matter, the royal family personally signed a secret order to strictly prohibit it from being disclosed!
So the incident was a bit weird, and it was not leaked to the outside world. The baptism and sacrifice started as scheduled four days ago.

Today is the last day. Due to special reasons, some aristocratic families and academies left early, but some mercenaries who joined in the fun just arrived.

The valley was bustling and bustling, and there were also many mercenaries and troublemakers gathered outside the valley. They were also quite interested in this kind of sacrifice and baptism.I hope to witness the birth of a powerful bloodline. If so, it would be worthwhile for them to come all the way here.

"Have you all heard? Princess Lingyu's baptism has been completed, which has alarmed the three imperial elders guarding the altar. According to the news from inside, the princess's baptism went very smoothly, with 70.00% of the awakening of the spirit veins. Than the direct descendants of the royal family!"

"70.00%? How is it possible! Last year's baptism and sacrifice in the imperial capital, the three princes of the royal family were only at this level!"

"It's absolutely true. Now Shenquan Town is boiling, and King Zhou Ling has personally come to welcome Princess Lingyu."

"70.00%, already have the qualifications to hit the rank of Wuzun! My God, is it possible that I will give birth to a Wuzun again in the Northern Wilderness?"

"It's not that simple. Aptitude belongs to aptitude. Whether it can grow up is a question."

"What if the royal family directly brings Princess Lingyu into the imperial capital?"


"There is another piece of news. The young master of the Li family in Giant Elephant City is said to have successfully completed the baptism and opened the body treasure."

"Oh? Really! As early as ten years ago, someone said that the divine spring in Shenquan town had started to wither, and it was very difficult for warriors to use it to open their own treasures. Now that the young master of the Li family has broken the deadlock, I believe it will attract a lot of attention."

"By the way, there is one more thing! During the last baptism yesterday afternoon, a student of the Giant Elephant Academy had a change in his spiritual veins! He is just a commoner, and has no family inherited spiritual veins, only the most common meridians, but the baptism In the process, it evolved into a real spiritual vein on its own, which is said to be related to petrification."

"I've also heard that it seems to have attracted the attention of the Giant Elephant Academy. There are rumors that he may be trained by the academy after returning. Even Zhou Lingwang intends to recruit him."

"what is it call?"

"It seems to be called Du Yang."

"Xue Ying, the only grandson of the dean of Tianyuan Academy, also participated in this baptism. It seems that the treasure of the body has also been opened, but this news has not been confirmed, and people are just guessing."

"A little girl from the Tang family has also received attention. The baptism of the spiritual veins was very successful, and the awakening reached 80.00%."

"I seem to have seen Tang Qiong, the butcher of the Tang family, King Wu. This time, he personally escorted her? No wonder, it seems that I had a premonition that the little girl was good."

"The baptism ceremony this time was so wonderful. Accidents happened one after another. The whole Shenquan Town has been fried. Today is the last day, and there are two last baptisms left. I don't know if there will be any surprises."

Tang Yan strolled among the noisy crowd, listening to the passionate discussions of the mercenaries, and learned about the real situation in Shenquan Town.

After this period of tempering, while Tang Yan has an understanding of 'spiritual power' and 'warrior', he also has a new understanding of 'baptism', which is somewhat similar to the 'gene' of his previous life .If powerful fighters were born among the ancestors, they would pass on certain special talents to their descendants, which are called 'spiritual veins'.But they basically won't show up right away, basically they all need some kind of means to stimulate them, which is the so-called 'baptism'.

If the descendants activate these spiritual veins during the baptism process, they will be smoother in the process of cultivation. The higher the degree of coincidence with the spiritual veins of the ancestors, the more likely they will reach the level of the other party, that is, the higher the future achievements.

Being able to reach 60.00% is already a surprise, how to appear [-] or [-] is enough to inspire anyone and become a treasure in the family.

As for unlocking the treasures of the body, that is to say, in the hearts of the warriors praying for heaven, each human body is a huge treasure house, which contains endless treasures, but it is difficult for ordinary people to search for them.If someone is lucky enough to open it during the baptism, it will be endowed with a new inheritance similar to its own special ability.

They are called a special group of people. In Tang Yan's understanding, they are "investment stocks". This group of people does not have the growth memories of their ancestors like those who stimulated the spiritual veins. They need to explore this unknown road alone, and find another way. The path of practice.If it fails, nothing will be achieved. If it succeeds, it will continue a new spiritual vein and grow into a more terrifying existence.

As for the change of the spiritual veins, it is equivalent to the revival of the exhausted inherited spiritual veins, or the ordinary spiritual veins are endowed with new abilities, similar to the baptism of the spiritual veins, and like opening treasures. Tang Yan has always been interested in this aspect. Did not understand thoroughly.

But listening to the mercenaries' discussion, Tang Yan was slightly relieved. The little girl escaped from danger and entered Shenquan Town, and successfully completed the baptism.

The other news was not so good. The last day?Only two chances left?
"Not allowed in? Why not allowed in?" Standing in front of the majestic city gate, Tang Yan looked coldly at the two arrogant warriors in front of him.

"Invitation card!"

"What invitation letter?"

"You don't even know the invitation letter. What kind of Shenquan town are you entering? Get out! Little beggar! If you dare to make trouble, don't blame us for being rude." The strong man just glanced at Tang Yan and didn't take another look.The clothes are tattered, the face is covered with dirt, the hair is disheveled, and the straw sandals woven with double leaves are even more sloppy than ordinary beggars. Such things are also worthy of entering Shenquan Town?If the two of them hadn't wanted to maintain their heroic image, they would have shot the little guy flying.

A few mercenaries who were drinking in the wine shed not far away burst into laughter suddenly, and a rather rough man roared like thunder: "Little guy, please come to the bar, I invite you! Shenquan Town is only open to families and colleges, we These ordinary people have no chance."

"Unless you have a hundred gold coins, but I think you don't even have a copper coin?"

"Haha, little guy, come, drink and drink."

Tang Yan frowned slightly, one hundred gold coins?The currency used in this world is called crystal coins, copper coins, silver coins, gold coins, amethyst coins, and so on in value.One amethyst coin is equal to one hundred gold coins, one gold coin is equal to one hundred silver coins, and one silver coin is equal to one hundred copper coins.

Using paper money in the original world as a rough comparison, one amethyst coin is equivalent to 100 million!

In the shade of the main entrance, a thin man in a high-grade military uniform said indifferently: "You can't say that. The spiritual power of Shenquan is limited, and it is impossible to use it recklessly. The family belongs to the empire, and the academy belongs to the empire. Of course, the empire should be responsible for them." , Ordinary people can join the academy as long as they are talented, and as long as they enter the academy, they can be baptized with hard work.

Everything is done according to the rules!

Wouldn't it be a mess if anyone could get in?What if it is someone from another empire?What if it is someone from a hostile force?Our Great Zhou Empire is not yet generous enough to serve them. "

The guard in front of the door glanced at Tang Yan coldly: "Do you understand? Get out of here!"

Tang Yan's voice raised slightly: "My name is Tang Yan, the second young master of the Tang family in Giant Elephant City, is this qualified?"

There was a little silence near the city gate, and then more presumptuous laughter erupted, and even the officer in the shade shook his head amusedly.

"Little beggar, you have nothing to do to smoke, right?" The strong man in front of the door was a little annoyed.

Another brawny man said angrily and amusedly: "Young master of the Tang family? Why don't you say that you are the head of the Tang family? That's all right, all right, we don't have the same knowledge as you, we can go as far as we can."

Tang Yan was a little helpless: "There are members of the Tang family in Shenquan Town, you can ask them, or bring them out. I am Tang Yan, and I will replace them as fakes!"

"Get out!" The two giants said in unison, lacking even the interest to say one more word.Looking for the Tang family?Also bring them out to recognize?Do you know who the Tang family is inside?It's Don Joan the Butcher!
Tang Yan was secretly anxious, but he couldn't find anything to prove himself. Faced with the murderous intent gradually revealed by the giants and the mocking eyes from all around, he could only leave the city gate temporarily.

But just when Tang Yan announced his name, several men in the nearby crowd raised their brows and fixed their eyes on him. After carefully looking at him, they were refreshed.

They signaled to each other, one of them got up and walked to the barn, and sat down in front of the group of mercenaries who had just invited Tang Yan to drink, and laid out ten gold coins one by one, and said indifferently: "Try to find a way to bring that kid into the dense forest, and get rid of it secretly. It's a deposit, and I'll give you fifty gold coins after the job is done. Be careful not to disturb other people, and do it cleanly."

(End of this chapter)

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