Chapter 27
The leading strong man grabbed the gold coin and accepted the entrustment.As mercenaries who lick blood at the edge of their swords, what they earn is 'life'. As long as the benefits are rich enough, even if there is only a [-]% success rate, they will accept it without hesitation. As for the consequences for them who are precarious, this is not Questions to consider.

What's more, that little guy is only alone, and his strength is not strong.

"Let's prepare first, hurry up." The four mercenaries at the same table left one after another, pretending to be unintentional and scattered into the surrounding dense forest.

The strong man picked up his sword and walked towards Tang Yan who was leaving the city gate: "I just heard you call you the young master of the Tang family?"

Tang Yan was thinking hard about how to get in, when he heard the words, he replied casually, "It's related to you?"

"If you just talk nonsense, then it has nothing to do with me. If you are really the young master of the Tang family, we can reach an employment agreement." The strong man grinned, looking very simple and honest.

"Huh? Can you help me?" Tang Yan raised his head.

"The premise is that you are really the young master of the Tang family."

"I am!" Tang Yan said affirmatively.

"Hehe, that's easy. If you want, we can reach an employment agreement now. You pay me a commission, and I will help you enter Shenquan Town."

"Let's talk about your method first." Tang Yan was a little moved and even more skeptical.

The strong man lowered his voice and said, "There are other entrances to Shenquan Town. There are troops stationed there. I know a guard there."

"Are you kidding me, can a guard let me in?"

"Of course not, but I can entrust him to find the Tang family you need inside. If you are really the young master of the Tang family, wouldn't all the problems be solved?"

"Okay!" Tang Yan's eyes flashed brightly.

"Okay that's great, but what about my commission?"

"As long as I can get in, I can take as many gold coins as I want."

"Okay, please." The strong man showed a satisfied smile, and stretched out his hand to invite Tang Yan to walk towards the dense forest.

"Are you sure it's Tang Yan?" Zhou Linglu who got the news quietly came to the gate of the city, staring at Tang Yan's back, a little familiar, but how could he pass through the dense forest?
"It has been verified, it is Tang Yan." The subordinate responded respectfully.

"It's impossible for him to walk through the dense forest alone. Ren Tianzang may be around. Be careful, don't mess things up."

"Master, don't worry, everything has been properly arranged. Let those mercenaries come forward to solve the problem first. If Ren Tianzang didn't follow, they would be enough to kill Tang Yan, and if we didn't directly participate, we can also get rid of the matter. If Ren Tianzang If it's really around, these mercenaries can also lure him out, and we'll take the opportunity to make a move."

Zhou Linglu nodded slightly, and ordered: "Notify Uncle Hua, Tang Yan is here! Then gather all the searchers here, and continue to implement the plan."

When everyone started to move around one after another, Tang Yan, who was about to enter the dense forest, suddenly stopped, his eyes scanned the dense forest in front of him and the mercenary teams and wine sheds all around, secretly searching for something.

The strong man turned his head and asked, "Why didn't you leave?"

Tang Yan often dealt with tomb robbers in his previous life, and his temperament became more cautious. Just now, he let down his vigilance because of excitement, but now he calmed down and thought about it, since he came here, are the people in white who are following him nearby?Will they be aware of the fact that they revealed their identities in order to enter the city just now?

Thinking about it, Tang Yan became more and more vigilant: "Where is the entrance you mentioned?"

"Right ahead, on the second peak, what's wrong? What's the problem?"

"Shenquan Town is such an important place, there should be only one entrance, right?"

"There is only one gate, but there are several entrances, all guarded by heavy soldiers."

Tang Yan looked at the strong man firmly, looked straight into the other's eyes, and backed away slowly.

"Little guy, where are you going?" The strong man pretended to be surprised, but his eyes were obviously a little more sharp.

These subtle changes did not escape Tang Yan's keen observation, and his doubts became heavier. He took a few steps back again and asked the middle-aged woman with heavy makeup next to him: "Beauty sister, hello, can I ask a question?"

The woman who called sweetly, beautiful sister, smiled all over her face: "What's the matter? Little brother."

"Are there many entrances in Shenquan Town?"

The girl glanced at the strong man, and said with a smile: "How is it possible, if there are many entrances, people will all enter from there, and there is still a need to squeeze here? Amra, don't deceive the children. "

At this time, Tang Yan finally caught sight of the man in white that he was vigilant from out of the corner of his eye!In a flash, he was walking quickly towards the dense forest, and glanced at himself from time to time.

"Mind your own business!" The strong man snorted coldly, his simple and honest demeanor completely restrained, he stepped forward fiercely, and quickly clasped his huge palm towards Tang Yan's throat. "Come with me!"

Tang Yan's figure swayed slightly, and he easily avoided the arrest, leaving only a vague afterimage on the spot.

"Huh?" The strong man was slightly surprised, missed?
Tang Yan appeared five meters away, watched the noisy crowd around vigilantly, turned around and ran towards the city gate.

The girl giggled coquettishly: "You can't even catch a child. You are so stupid, and your movements are too stupid. Amra, are you ashamed?"

"Stop!" Amra roared, and rushed up, the ground rumbled, accompanied by slight tremors.

The noisy mercenaries around were a little quieter, and they all cast curious eyes. After finding that it was Amra chasing down a little beggar, they all showed some playful smiles. Some continued to sit on their own business, while others moved Come to the bench to pour wine and prepare to watch a good show.

Boom boom boom!Amra ran wildly, and every time the soles of his feet hit the ground, there was a slight tremor on the ground. This tremor spread rapidly like ripples, and he rushed towards Tang Yan in front of him.

Tang Yan didn't expect that there would be wrinkles and ripples suddenly on the flat ground, so he fell to the ground in embarrassment without any precaution.

"I wanted to find you a quiet place to bury it, but you don't know how to live and die, so you can't blame me!" Amra strode wildly, slashing through the air with the giant knife in her hand, and aimed straight at Tang Yan with the force of thunder.

But Tang Yan was more flexible than he expected. The body that fell down jumped up, avoiding the fierce sword, boom, the giant sword bombarded, the ground rumbled and trembled, and thick debris splashed out.

"Haha! Amra, cut it when you see it!" A loud laugh erupted nearby, and the mercenaries mocked Amra one after another.

Tang Yan looked at him coldly: "You have exposed your flaws so quickly, you are so pure!"

"Little bastard, you pissed me off!" Amra was full of shame and anger, and stomped her feet on the ground. A strong shock wave centered on the soles of her feet and rushed towards Tang Yan who had landed in front of her: "Martial skills, land!" Ripple!"

Puff puff!Three sharp stabs broke through the ground and shot Tang Yan in the center obliquely.

"Martial arts, Miying!" Tang Yan's face sank like water, and his heart groaned. His body seemed to deflect half a meter in an instant without any leverage. Although it was only half a meter, he successfully avoided the soil thorn.

The powerful soil spikes collided in mid-air, bursting out thick dust.

"Huh? It was just now..." This time, the mercenaries nearby raised their eyebrows, somewhat surprised. Even the officers in the shade in the distance raised their lazy eyes and looked at Tang Yan curiously.

"Tang Ying!" Tang Yan roared towards Shenquan Town, trying to attract the attention inside, and at the same time dodged to the side at full speed. Eye.

"No one can save you today! Go to hell!" Amra was completely angry. In front of hundreds of mercenaries, she actually missed one after another. What can a third-level martial spirit do against a small martial artist?If this news gets out, his reputation will be completely ruined.

"Tang Ying! Come out! I'm Tang Yan!" Tang Yan roared while dodging.

"Don't your mother's head!" Amra rushed out from the slanting stab, stomping the ground with the sole of his foot, causing the ground to tremble and ripple, and the giant knife slashed accordingly. The ground stab wave cooperated with the chopping knife, vowing to kill Tang Yan.

Crazy!Tang Yan roared in his heart, his toes twitched the ground fiercely, his spiritual power surged towards his feet, his thin body shot into the sky in an instant, and he dodged dangerously, but poof, the blade was like lightning, still behind him There was a wound on his back that was deep enough to reach the bone.

Everything in front of the city gate fell silent, with a somewhat strange expression.This little guy's posture seems a little weird?In the face of Amra's mad attack, he hid again?Once or twice is luck, but three or four times is not so simple.

Tang Yan tossed and fell to the ground, but knelt on the ground with a bang due to the burning pain in his back, with a trace of cold sweat on his close!If there is even the slightest deviation, one's body may become two halves.

Cinephile?Crazy!During the nine days of trekking, he has been practicing Miying martial arts hard, which seems to be the most correct decision.

"Amra, what are you doing!" The four servants waited for a long time without seeing any movement, and then heard some unusual movements, so they hurried over, and what they saw was that they were fighting.

Wu Ling fights with a martial artist?This kind of suspenseless battle unexpectedly had an accident.

"Stop!" The officer at the city gate suddenly roared, and slowly stood up.This little guy is a little unusual, not because of his weird and somewhat familiar movements, but because he still doesn't forget to shout the names of the Tang family to Shenquan Town at the most dangerous time.

This unreasonable situation aroused his suspicions.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, don't mind your own business!" Amra waved violently, and the four mercenaries rushed towards Tang Yan at the same time.

Crazy!Tang Yan's heart exploded, and he dodged violently, leaving a detailed afterimage, avoiding the two people on the left and right.But after all, he was only a martial artist, facing the joint siege of the four major martial spirits, he had only a dead end.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them surrounded them, and a net of electric light shrouded them fiercely.

"I said stop!" At the very moment, the officer appeared in the battle circle. With a shake of his right hand, a powerful shock wave burst out, abruptly smashing the dense power grid, and the two mercenaries rushing forward It also screamed and was thrown away.

Wow!The mercenaries around were shocked again, and their somewhat horrified eyes fixed on the officer.

Tang Yan panted heavily, regained his composure, and fled to the side at full speed, but at this moment, a series of intensive hoofbeats came from the dense forest, and three one-horned horses galloped towards the city gate. The speed is very fast, and there is a kind of rampant anxiety.The leading middle-aged man kept yelling: "Get out of the way, everyone! Open the city gate, we are the tutors of the Giant Elephant Academy! Open the city gate!"

(End of this chapter)

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