Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 28 Final Quota

Chapter 28 Final Quota

The officer frowned slightly, stopped in front of the galloping wildebeest, and said indifferently, "Please show me the proof."

The three of them pulled the reins quickly, trying to control the galloping unicorn, and the middle-aged man at the head threw a wooden sign: "I am Liu Weihua, the instructor of the Giant Elephant Academy."

The man next to him also threw out a wooden sign: "I am Dick, the tutor of the academy."

"The tutors from the Giant Elephant Academy arrived at noon yesterday. Why did you come here? Who is she?" The officer checked the wooden sign and threw it back casually, but his attitude did not change much.

"Yang Ruyan from the Yang family." The girl looked indifferent, with a bit of arrogance.

Liu Weihua explained: "We encountered some troubles on the way, so we came late, and it should not be over yet, let us in quickly."

"There are still the last two times, but after you change your clothes and organize your things, I don't know if there is still a chance."

"Please open the door!" Liu Weihua and Dick frowned, only two left?After all, it was a bit late.They found Yang Ruyan five days ago, but Yang Ruyan was seriously injured, so they had to help her heal first, which took some time.Being able to get here in time, he still tamed three unicorns on the way, otherwise he might have continued to struggle on the road for two or three days.

"Mr. Liu Weihua, I'm Tang Yan! Please take me in!" Tang Yan rushed in front of the three of them.

"Tang Yan?" Yang Ruyan looked at Tang Yan in surprise, it was really him!How is he still alive!

"Why are you just yourself?" Liu Weihua looked at Tang Yan carefully. He looked a little sloppy and lost a lot of weight, but Tang Yan should be right.

"Go in and explain to you, take me in!"

"This is Tang Yan, the second young master of the Tang family, please allow him to come in with us." Liu Weihua didn't have time to think about other things, and anxiously urged the officer.

The officer took a deep look at Tang Yan, and raised his hand to signal: "Open the city gate!"

"Get on the horse!" Liu Weihua didn't dislike Tang Yan's dirty body, so he pulled him onto the horse, clamped the horse's belly, and flew into the city.

"The beggar is really the young master of the Tang family?" The mercenaries around looked at each other in disbelief, and some of them turned their heads to look at the ugly-faced Amla and the others, with a hint of banter hanging from the corners of their mouths.

The town is very lively, but it doesn't seem noisy. After all, they are all elites from various colleges and aristocratic families, and they still have the minimum quality.Most of the people were communicating enthusiastically, discussing with each other about the baptism this year, and some academies and aristocratic families poached each other, hoping to draw good seedlings into their camp.

The place with the most people is the altar area, where more than half of the aristocratic families and academies who have not left have stayed there.

boom!A thunderous roar spread from the altar to the entire Shenquan Town, and the bustling town fell into a brief silence. People's eyes were more or less focused on the towering altar in the central area.

The ringing of the brass bell heralds the end of a baptism. I wonder if there will be another surprise this time.

"Dongchen Academy, student Kadasi, the baptism failed."

"Student Leonde of Dongchen College, the baptism was successful, and the activation rate of the spiritual vein is 40.00% three."

"Tianyuan City, the young master of the Qi family, Qi Luchang, was baptized successfully, and the activation rate of the spirit vein is 40.00%[-]."

"Colossal Elephant Academy, student Sun Bin, the baptism failed."

A majestic voice came from the top of the altar, and it was clearly heard by everyone around. Everyone listened attentively, quietly remembering everyone's results, but as the results were announced, voices gradually began to spread from the crowd. sigh.

'Baptism failure' is a word that no one wants to hear. It is equivalent to announcing the fate of a young man. In the world of warriors who pay attention to the spiritual veins, those who fail to activate the spiritual veins are doomed to have a long journey in the martial arts. If you are lucky, you may step into the ranks of Wuzong, but if you are unlucky, you will stay in the realm of Wuling forever.

The word falls on anyone and is enough to crush it.

For the young masters and young ladies of some families, the activation rate of the spiritual veins cannot reach 50.00%, which also indicates that the status and treatment they will have in the future will not be very good.

And among the results announced just now, none of them had an activation rate of 50.00%.

"Yesterday there were surprises one after another, but today it has been baptized five times in a row, and the failure rate is very high."

"Could it be that the spiritual power of the divine spring was consumed too much yesterday?"

"It seems that there is such a possibility, tsk tsk, it seems that those who are baptized today are destined to suffer."

"Hey, some people won't be able to sleep tonight."

"There is only the last baptism left, is there anyone in the waiting area who is going to be baptized?"

"A few more, though"

People were discussing in low voices, some with ugly expressions, and some gloating.

So far, there is only the last baptism before the altar is closed, and there are three people left in the waiting area. It was a tense moment, but the Tianchen Academy and the Xu family in Shuangtu City, which the three belong to, all showed embarrassment. Abnormally, five consecutive baptisms have brought "bad luck". Some students with good talents should have succeeded in baptism, but they all failed one after another.

For anyone, baptism is the most important event in life. If it is affected by some external factors, it is really not worth it. As parents and mentors, they need to be responsible for these children.

After some embarrassing struggles, the representatives of Dongchen Academy raised their voices towards the altar and shouted: "Tianchen Academy gives up this baptism."

"Wait for another two years. If you want to hate me, come hate me." The priest of the Xu family shook his head and sighed, and also shouted: "The Xu family gives up this baptism."

"Finally check, whether you choose to give up." A majestic voice came from the top of the altar.

"We are sure." The expressions of the representatives of both sides were a little embarrassed.

The altar showed no mercy or retention, and announced in a blunt tone: "This baptism will end early, and Shenquan Town will be closed tonight."

"The Giant Elephant Academy accepts the baptism! The baptist is Yang Ruyan!" An anxious roar came from the end of the street, and three unicorns galloped towards them.

"Yang Ruyan? Did they find Yang Ruyan?" The instructors of Giant Elephant City cheered up, and quickly moved the crowd to meet them. The people who were about to leave also stopped and looked at the three unicorn horses running wildly.

"Are you late?" Liu Weihua controlled the unicorn, dismounted and rushed over quickly.

Instructor Rachel said: "It's almost there, why did you come here?"

"Let's talk about it later, Ruyan, hurry up and prepare, along this road" Liu Weihua led Yang Ruyan inside.

Rachel hurriedly pulled him back, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, things are a bit special, the success rate of the five consecutive baptisms today is only [-]%, and even if the baptisms are successful, the activation rate of the spiritual veins is less than [-]%. The Yang family has great hopes for Yang Ruyan, if something goes wrong because of this, we cannot take responsibility."

"Less than [-]%? How could this be?" Liu Weihua's face changed slightly.

Rachel shook her head and whispered, "Why don't you discuss it with Yang Ruyan and wait another two years?"

"No, I have to be baptized this year." Yang Ruyan walked over with a very resolute expression.

"like smoke"

"They are not successful because they are not talented, but it doesn't mean I am not good!"

"Huh? Why is this little girl talking so annoyingly?" A middle-aged woman in the crowd frowned dissatisfied.

"Little girl, please explain what talent is not enough!" Some forces who were already resentful heard the words and looked at each other coldly.

"Sorry, don't be as knowledgeable as a child." The instructors of the Giant Elephant Academy hurriedly apologized.

"I have to go, I can't stay in the realm of martial arts for two years!" Yang Ruyan did not accept the persuasion of the mentors, pushed the crowd away from the entrance, and after showing the strength of a third-tier martial artist, he walked to the altar led by a maid .

"I will also participate." Tang Yan walked a few steps earlier.

"This is..." Everyone looked at Tang Yan strangely, and only then did they notice that there was a little beggar.

"Tang Yan?" Alinda recognized Tang Yan first.

"This is Tang Yan." Everyone changed their faces at the same time.

"Where did you find him? Thank God, your little ancestor is finally back! Hurry up and inform Tang Qiong, he's going crazy these days." Rachel was a little surprised, but she also breathed a sigh of relief.If Tang Yan really died in the psychedelic forest, the Giant Elephant Academy and the Tang family would probably have trouble for a while.

Liu Weihua said with a strange expression: "To be precise, he found it by himself. We just met him at the city gate."

"What? Myself? Just kidding!" A dude who is not even a "semi-finished product" who is not even a martial artist, could walk through the psychedelic forest alone?Is this an insult to their IQ, or an insult to the monsters inside?
"If you have nothing else to do, I'm going in." Tang Yan didn't have time to pay attention to them, and pushed away the two instructors with weird faces, and walked quickly towards the entrance.

"Tang Yan, wait! What are you doing? There is the baptismal altar, and the condition of the baptism is" Rachel was about to shout, but was stunned by the next scene, and the sound that was about to be made was stuck in her throat mouth.

call!Tang Yan held his right hand in the air, and a long knife condensed purely from blue flames suddenly took shape. Although it didn't emit such a hot temperature, it was extremely gorgeous under the sun.

"Hiss..." All the instructors gasped, and even Alinda opened her mouth in shock at this scene.

Transforming spiritual power into a weapon is a special ability that can be possessed by those above the level of martial spirits. In addition, warriors can also possess this ability when they are in the stage of leaping from a martial artist to a martial spirit.

In other words, the peak of Tier [-]!The strength shown by Tang Yan shows that his current strength is the pinnacle of a martial artist.

"I, I, wait, I was a little dazzled just now?" Rachel rubbed her eyes vigorously, staring at the blue flame knife that was held up high, and the rest of the instructors were also stunned and absent-minded.

It's no wonder that their performance at the moment is so exaggerated. After all, for more than ten years, Tang Yan has given all the residents of the Giant Elephant City the impression that he is only a dandy!Everyone knows that he is a "semi-finished product" that cannot gather spiritual power, or it can be said to be a "waste product". No one has ever thought that this kind of dude can become a martial artist!Still a Tier [-] martial artist!

After a long while, a young mentor muttered, "Women in Giant Elephant City will suffer!"

"Who can tell me what happened just now?" Until Tang Yan passed the entrance, there were still several instructors who hadn't recovered from their astonishment.

Everyone looked at each other, but didn't know what to say. At this time, a female instructor suddenly lowered her voice and said: "No wonder the Tang family insisted on letting Tang Yan participate in this baptism, and no wonder Tang Yan's disappearance will alarm the Wu Wang Tang Qiong. Do you think there will be any insiders?" meeting"

The instructors of the Giant Elephant Academy who were present all changed their eyes slightly, and looked at each other but no one said a word. Rachel whispered: "Hurry up and tell Tang Qiong and Elder Wei that Tang Yan has entered the altar."

(End of this chapter)

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