Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2606 Emperor Bone

Chapter 2606 Emperor Bone
Naturally, the demons would not allow them to return. All kinds of demon teams rushed out of the demon domain and ran around the world, devouring the human races in various districts and besieging the returning team.

There are a huge number of monsters and monsters in the Demon Realm, and this is their world after all, so they can send many, many teams, one is to attack the human migration troops and prey as much as possible.The second is to force the regular troops in the Eternal Beast Mountain to disperse to various places to intercept and rescue, so that the Eternal Beast Mountain cannot be idle for a moment.

Facing the vicious methods of the Demon Realm, Wangu Beast Mountain had to deal with it head-on. Fortunately, Tang Yan had ghost troops who could spread out to challenge the Demon Clan.

In this way, this epic migration process is running tragically in the pursuit and counterattack.

Despite the rough road, despite the heavy casualties, despite the cruel demons rushing out from all directions at any time, despite the constant fighting at high altitudes, the human races all over the world are still migrating continuously, and no one can stop their return.

Tang Yan didn't expect the return of the human race to be of such a scale, so he had to allocate his energy to deal with it. He was not in a hurry to fight the demon race. After all, the purpose of coming this time was to save the human race and Zhanmeng.Tang Yan didn't think he was a good person, but at least he was a human being, and he couldn't just watch the human race become food under the ravages of the demons.

Since the [-]th, almost all the alliances in the Eternal Beast Mountain have declared retreat, and they are injured and tired.Tang Yan's ghost clan became the busiest group, some of them guarded the Eternal Beast Mountain, some of them brought back the human race, some helped transfer the corpses, and some cooperated with space fighters to transfer the corpses back from the demon realm.

Tang Yan cooperated with Huo Ling'er to refine the corpses of all demons and monsters inside and outside the Gonggu Mountains, turning them into spiritual source liquid and distributing them to everyone in need.Corpses and blood were continuously refined, and the shocking mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in the Gonggu Mountain Range was cleaned up.

During this period, Moyu also fell into deep cultivation.In addition to a large number of Demon Race teams constantly moving around the world and invading the Human Race, each Supreme Demon Race began to retreat and cultivate.They are also bruised and must take a little rest.

At this stage, all conspiracies and schemes can be suppressed. Without the strength and sufficient military strength that can be exerted, all conspiracies and schemes are jokes.

But everyone knows that this calm is very short, and it is the calm before the storm, and a new round of fierce battle may break out at any time.Moreover, the Mozu is more urgent than Zhanmeng, and hopes to restart the war as soon as possible.Because Tang Yan's return made them suffer too much oppression, they couldn't imagine what kind of threat the arrival of the new human troops would bring to them.So Tang Yan must be dealt with as soon as possible, the sooner the better.

In hell!
Tang Yan hurried back to Hell after finishing the main matters, and let the eight clones stay in the Eternal Beast Mountain for retreat. If there is anything, outsiders can contact him through them.

In the Northeast Continent of Hell, Tang Yan found the Demon King and the Maiden, where they used the power of the Five Elements Magic Field and the War Demon to suppress the finger bones.

It's just that outside the vast rainforest world of the Five Elements Dharma Field, there is a mighty and mighty river of blood, which is the blood river of the Holy Emperor's natal life. Countless grievances.

The Blood Soul Tree and the Five Emperor Pillars continued to devour blood energy.

Fortunately, Tuoba Zhangui was retreating in Wudi City, otherwise the space in hell really wouldn't be able to hold this sea of ​​blood.

Tang Yan finally saw the Yaoling Emperor, even though it was only a wisp of remnant soul, it still warmed his heart.

The family of three talked face to face, each talking about their own experiences and so on.

"You have been troubled these years, but I am proud of you. Your achievements are more perfect than I expected. If you persist, with the current situation of the Battle Realm and Qitian Continent, it should be completely over in about ten years. Persevere In the end, it's all worth it."

The Demon King was satisfied with what Tang Yan had done, and was also proud of him.

"The Demons have suffered a loss and retreated, but they will not stop there. The Dark Demons will definitely launch a new round of siege in the near future. The unified atmosphere of the Demon Realm has been awakened by him, and he can easily gather more Demons. There’s a lot of pressure coming down.”

"The main purpose of the demons now is to expel the human race. They are very united inside and out. Those large and small demons can be mobilized by the black demons at any time. I know this. But the war in Qitian Continent has just ended. I'm very tired, and there won't be too many teams that can be assembled." Tang Yan now has a headache.

"Now the main gap between the two sides is the emperor level. How did you feel when you fought against the blood demon holy emperor?"

"He was seriously injured at the time. If it wasn't like this, I'm afraid I would have been crushed and beaten from the beginning to the end." Tang Yan was not conceited. If he hadn't used skills at that time, he really didn't have the qualifications to challenge him.

"Blood Demon Sacred Emperor was injured to the root by my desperate efforts, his realm was damaged, and his strength has always been in a downturn. But this time he was angered. If he takes revenge regardless of life and death next time, you may be in danger at any time, so you must forcefully increase your strength again. .I know you have just been promoted to Jiehuang, and you are not yet ready to attack the Holy Emperor, but there is not much time left for us." The demon spirit emperor held up the emperor bone in his hand.

"What the hell is this?" Tang Yan looked at this thing with a strange sense of fear.

"This is the head of the Lord of Hell."

The young witch said: "Let me explain. Back then, the two ancestors of the Qitian Continent broke into hell, and the two emperors of the Demon Race also broke into hell. Because they didn't know each other, they both regarded each other as the real control in hell. Or, a life-and-death battle broke out in Hell. At that time, the Lord of Hell forcibly sealed off Hell, intending to wait for the situation where the four emperors and ancestors would lose both, and devoured them by himself.

Unexpectedly, the strength of the emperor's ancestors far exceeded expectations. Even though the last four emperors were on the verge of death, they still realized the reason and joined forces to seal the Lord of Hell and seal the evil hell.The Lord of Hell was forced to detonate the hell world.

The reason why the Lord of Hell has the ability to contend against the Emperor Ancestor is that Hell is a complete world, he can control this world and fight against it with the power of the world.As long as hell is destroyed, the four ancestors will die.

But the lord of hell was very unwilling before his death, so he tried to escape in the final stage of destruction, but was counterattacked by the emperor before his death, pulling him to destroy at the same time.

Regarding the disaster that year, it can be said that the master of hell dragged the four emperors to die together, or it could be said that the four emperors dragged the master of hell to die together.The Lord of Hell's last hope of escaping did not come true, but a broken skull was preserved and hidden in the connection point of the separated Lost Battle Realm.

This is also the main reason why the Central Forbidden Area has been able to maintain the same regional style for millions of years. Half of the skull of the Lord of Hell is buried there. "

"The lord of hell is the emperor's ancestor? Otherwise, why is it called the emperor's bone?" Tang Yan felt that this bone was definitely not the emperor's breath.

"There is a small episode here, that is, the Lord of Hell I mentioned to you took advantage of the serious injuries of the four emperors to devour them. In fact, he swallowed part of them at that time, and he also started to move towards the emperor level. As a result, the four emperors woke up. , fought back.

The lord of hell transformed a small part, and that small part gathered in the skull before he died, which is why this skull was able to survive the destruction of hell, and lurked in the lost battle world for millions of years.

It has always existed in the central restricted area. Since the Lord of Hell sealed it before his death, no one has been able to discover its existence over the years.Until I followed my perception to the Lost Battle Realm and discovered its existence. "

Tang Yan looked at the emperor's bone in disbelief, and then raised his head to look at the Yaoling Emperor: "Since there is an emperor's bone, why don't you try to hit the emperor's ancestor realm, father?"

The Demon Spirit Emperor smiled and shook his head: "You overestimate the energy of this bone. It is just the beginning of the transformation of the Lord of Hell. It can barely be regarded as the bone of the emperor. For hell, the energy and profound meaning in it are endless. , but for outsiders, the effect can be ignored.

But it is also the existence of this section of the Emperor's Bone that made me finally make up my mind to bet the entire Demon Spirit Clan on the layout. As long as you go through the most difficult stage and step into the emperor's way, this section of the Emperor's Bone can at least ensure that you return to the Holy Spirit imperial realm.Even if you can't become the Emperor Patriarch in the end, at least you will become the Holy Emperor, and you can still protect the Demon Spirit Race for tens of thousands of years. I will die without regret.

However, you make me proud of you. Your current achievements are limited to the Holy Emperor, and you really have the opportunity to attack at a higher level.Because of you, I have no regrets in dying, and I am worthy of the Demon Spirit Clan. "

(End of this chapter)

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