Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2607

Chapter 2607
The Yaoling Emperor is always ashamed of the Yaoling clan. Even after his death, the remnant soul still misses the Yaoling clan. He is afraid that the sacrifice he made by betting on the entire clan will not succeed, and that Tang Yan will be weak and incompetent and will not be able to shoulder the burden of recovery. The mission of the Demon Spirit Clan, but Tang Yan's growth is far better than he expected, even better than the Demon Spirit Emperor.

The young witch caressed Tang Yan's cheek: "I'm sorry for imposing a lot of tasks on you."

Tang Yan smiled: "You don't have to feel guilty. I have always lived for myself, and for those I am willing to give to."

The young witch and the demon spirit emperor looked at each other and smiled, and the child had grown up.They regret that they were not able to accompany their children through childhood, and they were worried that they would take a detour and change their minds. But looking at Tang Yan now, they can only sigh with emotion that they are indeed my children.

"You start retreating today, absorbing energy from the Forgotten Battle Realm, and sprinting to the realm of the Holy Emperor. With the help of this emperor bone, you should not be surprised to enter the realm of the Holy Emperor. Remember, this time the retreat of the Emperor Bone is Assisting and absorbing the energy of the Forgotten War Realm is the main source of power for you to advance to the Holy Emperor. The Emperor Bone is for you to use when you face the punishment of heaven in the future.

Make good use of this opportunity, the filthy atmosphere in the Lost Battle Realm is several times thicker than that in the Qitian Continent, and it will spawn a large number of ghosts in your hell.

Another point is that it is a qualitative transformation from the robbery emperor to the holy emperor, which is more special than when you step from the holy realm to the emperor realm. The ghost clan born and the benefits to the ghost clan are great. "

"I'm recruiting all the ghosts back now? But Zhanmeng needs them now."

The Demon King said: "Don't worry, the demons will not dare to come and challenge for a while. You can throw out millions of human races and let them take some responsibility. As long as you promise benefits, they will be happy to accept it."

Tang Yan nodded. It is indeed a big breakthrough to be promoted from the robbery emperor to the holy emperor. If you benefit from hell, you will also benefit from it. The ghost race in hell will face a new growth, so you should call them back.

"Father, how can you reshape your physical body?"

"The blood sea of ​​the Blood Demon Holy Emperor may play some role. It contains the most surging life force in the world. It is not difficult to use it to shape a physical body by borrowing the background that hell is breeding ghosts.

But my soul is crippled, and it is difficult to stand up after reshaping my body, let alone return to the peak.

You don't need to worry about me, if you can really become emperor, maybe you can regenerate my soul. "

The Yaoling Emperor is very free and easy, he has already seen through life and death, and being able to see Tang Yan's achievements is tantamount to proving that his gamble back then was successful, and it is enough to be worthy of the Yaoling clan.In fact, he also has a way to be reborn, but he doesn't want to involve Tang Yan's energy now, everything has grown into a priority for Tang Yan, and the demons don't have much time left for them.

On July [-]th, the fourth day after the end of Zhanmeng's offensive and defensive battle.

Tang Yan withdrew all the ghost clans, and distributed the tens of thousands of refined spiritual source liquids to the Eternal Beast Mountain, and distributed them to all the retreaters, including the emperors.

After making some preparations, he opened the retreat with the assistance of the Demon King and the young witch.

In the eyes of the world, the central forbidden area no longer exists, and it has become a flat and barren endless wasteland. In fact, it has become the connection point of hell in the world of lost battle. In addition, hell is in the four oceans. Open a new connection point in the depths of the barren sea.

The five connection points are like five ghost gates of hell, devouring a large number of filthy air and lonely ghosts to the Lost Battle Realm, and releasing special creation power to the Lost Battle Realm.

Under Tang Yan's instruction, all the high-level people in the Eternal Beast Mountain retreat collectively, bring the spirit source liquid to comprehend the realm, and devour the creation power that is about to fill the world. This opportunity is very rare and must not be wasted.

Even Du Yang and the others opened the retreat to seize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The army of human races took on the important task of guiding and guarding, patrolling near the Eternal Beast Mountain, and escorting the returning human races all over the world.Due to the slow migration speed of the human race, a journey of tens of thousands of miles is enough for them to travel for several months if they are transferred solely by manpower.

Tang Yan sits in hell, comprehends the bones of the emperor, and devours the power that has been hoarded for millions of years in the war world.The lonely souls and wild ghosts and all kinds of resentment and blood energy in it are beyond imagination. Judging from this situation, even if Tang Yan absorbs it for a full year, it will not be able to absorb it all.Just like the situation in Qitian Continent, up to now, hell has not absorbed one third of it.

Eternal Beast Mountain.

In the Tang family's independent villa, it has been destroyed by war.It used to be bustling from the top to the foot of the mountain, with large and small courtyards scattered around. It was the private land of the Tang family, and it was also a very special area in the Everlasting Beast Mountain——Tang Yan's hometown.

But looking at the present, from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, it is full of scars, with sticky blood smeared everywhere.

Tang Yanshan dragged his exhausted body, and dug pits one after another behind his dilapidated hut on the mountainside. Each pit represented a tomb. The tombs were not big but there were tombstones. It is the name of the fallen soldiers of the Huben Iron Cavalry.

After five days and five nights of digging, he didn't use martial skills, but used his old hands to dig out one by one. After digging each one, he would neatly carve a tombstone.

In the dead of night, he was tired, sitting in the tomb wearily, staring blankly, sitting blankly.

There was a calm smile on his face, a relieved smile, but his eyes were hazy and his chapped lips trembled slightly.

To the outside world, Tiger and Ben Iron Cavalry is just a title, but for him, every team member has his name recorded, his outstanding military achievements recorded, his personality and preferences recorded.He erected a tombstone for every Huben team member who died in battle.

To the outside world, the tiger and ben iron cavalry is a brave and good fighting force, a special warfare force absolutely loyal to Tang Yan, from ordinary to extraordinary, and from being unknown, it has gained a unique reputation.But for the Tang family, this is their perseverance, their pride, their everything, and the sacrifice they had to make.

Tang Yanshan untied the jug from his waist, took a sip tremblingly, and also poured a glass in front of Tang Ba's grave: "Little Ba, drink some wine, it's cold in hell."

The night wind blew gently, blowing a low wind howl in the tomb lined with tombstones, like the whisper of the dead, talking to Tang Yanshan silently.

"Hate me, old man?"

"I, I'm sorry you guys."

"If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't..."

Tang Yanshan drank the wine one mouthful at a time, tears pouring down his face.

He hated himself, blamed himself, if it wasn't for his repeated demands, the tiger and iron cavalry wouldn't be where they are today.

At first, it was because Tang Yan was too good, and the pace of growth made the Tang family unable to catch up with all their strength. Seeing Tang Yan surrounded by groups of people, he felt ashamed as a parent. Wanting to help, watching Tang Yan's adventures again and again, and coming back with scars again and again, he feels uncomfortable as a grandfather. He really wants to stand in front of Tang Yan and face powerful enemies from all sides.

But the Tang family is an ordinary small family after all, he and they really want to help Tang Yan, want to prove that they will not drag Tang Yan down, want to do something for Tang Yan, want to prove that Tang Yan's hometown is not coward.

Tang Yanshan has his own pride, and hopes that Zhanmeng will get the corresponding resources because of the Tang family's due contribution when allocating resources, instead of taking special care of Tang Yan because he was born here.

Tang Yanshan even wanted to make up for the debts of expelling Tang Yan from the family back then, so...he repeatedly urged the tiger and iron cavalry, the only fighting force that the Tang family could produce, absolute loyalty, absolute vanguard, absolute bravery, etc. Wait, one label after another was imprinted in Tang Ba's heart under Tang Yanshan's tough attitude, making them try their best to abide by it.

Over the past few years, seeing the tiger and ben cavalry getting better and stronger, and seeing the outside world cast more and more admiring glances at the tiger and ben cavalry, Tang Yanshan was very happy from the bottom of his heart, and he finally did something for Tang Yan.

He couldn't come up with the resources like the demon spirit clan to protect Tang Yan and assist Tang Yan. At least he exhausted all his strength and was worthy of himself.

But...he never expected that the tiger and ben cavalry would...wither at the most brilliant time, in a way that made countless hearts tremble.

Self-destruct? ?Collective self-destruction!If it hadn't been for Mo Yansheng's desperate rescue, there might not be a single tiger and ben cavalry left, and all of them would have been wiped out in that war.

He couldn't imagine what kind of mood the tiger ben cavalry felt at that moment, and he didn't dare to imagine whether the scene at that moment was bleak or gorgeous.

It wasn't until this moment that he suddenly realized that he was the one who killed the tiger's iron cavalry, and it was his own will that doomed the team's final outcome.The harder the tiger's iron cavalry blooms, the more tragic it is destined to be destroyed.

"It's all my fault, I'm the one who hurt you. I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Tang Yanshan knelt in the tombs slightly trembling, with his head lowered, tears streaming from his eyes. Shaking lightly in the wind, weeping bitterly.

Heart-piercing pain, suffocating painful shame.

Tang Yanshan is quite old, he has been tough and heroic all his life, he never thought that today he would be so ignorant with tears streaming down his face, the night wind blowing past, brushing his dry white hair, at this moment, he looks like a helpless old man , kneeling straight in the muddy tomb.

A sound of sorry, a sound of choking and sobbing, cut his heart like a bayonet.

(End of this chapter)

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