Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2608 Mourning

Chapter 2608 Mourning
I don't know how long it took, the crying stopped, Tang Yanshan hugged Tang Ba's tombstone, weeping blankly, recalling absentmindedly, if it wasn't for his own imposed will, maybe the tiger and ben cavalry could go farther and become stronger, Tang Ba They will also have a more wonderful life.

In a daze, Tang Yanshan seemed to notice a figure not far away, at first he thought it was a hallucination, but after a long time, he woke up slightly, sat up straight and looked, it turned out to be... Tang Yan?
Tang Yanshan wiped away tears indiscriminately, struggled to stand up, and walked to the tomb not far away: "When did you come?"

"I just finished dealing with the matter of the Temple of Heaven, and it hasn't been long since I came here." Tang Yan knelt and sat in front of the staggered tombs, with Yihu Xiaojiu in front of him.

Tang Yanshan quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and forced a laugh: "Get up, stop kneeling, you are an emperor now, how can you just kneel down casually. Come on, let's sit in the room."

"Sit here, I'm just a clone of the Underworld Lord, I'm sorry I don't have feelings, I don't have tears." Tang Yan sat there on his knees, looking up at the full tomb. "The Lord of the Underworld is in retreat, blocking all emotions, and impacting the realm of the Holy Emperor. The instructions given to us Mingtu Bazang are to sit in the town and guard, and contact us in time if there is an unexpected situation, but he gave me a separate order before he retreated. I often come to the Tang family to sit and accompany you, kneeling on the dead tiger and ben cavalry."

Tang Yanshan's heart trembled, and the tears he held back just now dimmed his eyes again. He looked at the kneeling Tang Yan, although he was only a clone, he could still feel Tang Yan's strong belonging and affection for the Tang family.Tang Yanshan quietly turned her head away, tears could not be stopped no matter what.

"The Lord of the Underworld asked me to pass a word that the Tiger and Bent Cavalry cannot be disbanded. On to the battlefield again."

"Well, no disbandment, no disbandment..." Tang Yanshan nodded bitterly.He understood that Tang Yan wanted to maintain the pride of Tang Ba and the others. The Huben Iron Cavalry was built by Tang Ba with all his efforts. It carried the beliefs of the Tang family and carried too much perseverance. It was dusty.

Tang Yan got up and bowed one by one starting from each tombstone in front of him. None of them were left behind. This was the order of the Lord of the Underworld, asking him to kneel and bow first, and wait for the Lord of the Underworld to come back in person in the future.

Tang Yanshan opened his mouth, wanting to dissuade him. After all, Tang Yan is now the emperor, that is, the god in their hearts. How could he easily bend down or kneel down.

But Tang Yan whispered in his bow: "The Lord of the Underworld said that he will always be a member of the Tang family, and will always be your grandson. He will remain unchanged throughout his life. You are worthy of the Lord of the Underworld, and it is the Lord of the Underworld who is ashamed of the Tang family."

Tang Ying watched this scene from the ruined walls in the distance, covered her mouth hard, cried heartbreakingly, her body trembling uncontrollably.She also couldn't forget the scene of collective self-destruction in the central penalty area, and also couldn't forget the decisive look in Tang Ba's eyes when he suddenly knocked her unconscious.

She can't forget the hard work that Huben's cavalry has put in to grow and become stronger over the years, and she can't forget the tests that Huben has endured in order to become stronger.They squeezed out almost every drop of sweat and every drop of blood before they developed from an ordinary small team in the frontier to a special warfare force that shocked the two worlds.

They didn't have such amazing talents, and they didn't have such shocking achievements, but they achieved their own pride with their own efforts, but everything ended in that war.

The collective self-destruction of the tiger and iron cavalry drew the most poignant end to this team that has been brilliant for decades.Tang Ying dare not say it is perfect, but it is the best they can do.Perhaps, Tang Ba and the others felt proud before they died, and they had no regrets. They were worthy of themselves and everyone who had expectations of them.

But... Tang Ying's heart felt very uncomfortable, as if she was suffocating.Because Tang Ba and the others have been working hard to follow in Tang Yan's footsteps all their lives, even if they die, they still fail to live for themselves once.And this, I am afraid, is also the reason for Tang Yanshan's pain.The Tang family never treated Tang Ba and the others as domestic slaves, but Tang Ba and the others spent their entire lives keeping the original vow.

"Go and say goodbye." Tang Hao came from behind, gently supporting the weak Tang Ying.

The two of them are the two surviving captains of the Tiger's Iron Cavalry, but they are also weak and exhausted due to their injuries.They are not in a hurry to retreat, and they are really not in the mood to retreat.

I used to be extremely pursuing the improvement of the realm, and refused to let go of any opportunity, but now... it is meaningless.

Tang Ying and Tang Hao walked out of the ruins, walked to the tomb, and bowed deeply to their dead comrades.They couldn't help themselves, tears streaming down their faces, whispering farewell with choked sobs, bowed down, and could no longer straighten their waists, crying desolately and sadly.

The scene of thousands of tiger and iron cavalry self-detonating collectively may be their nightmare of a lifetime, and it will also be eternal pain and injury, which will never go away, and those determined faces will always hover in their minds.

For a long time, Tang Yanshan, Tang Ying, and Tang Hao all sat in front of the tombs, looking at thousands of small tombs and reminiscing about the past.

The Tang family devoted all their strength, and now they are really tired.

"When the Lord of the Underworld re-enters the customs, he will connect the two realms immediately and send the human race back. The current Qitian Continent is basically unified, and the Zhanmeng has designated the most central area of ​​the Central Plains to house the human races that have been left behind in the Zhan Realm. You all go back, the Tang family is worthy of anyone, let alone yourself, you should rest." Tang Yan comforted Tang Yanshan.

"Hmm." Tang Yanshan didn't object this time, the Tang family didn't have much power left, so staying here would be useless.

"Tang Yan, is he going to become the Holy Emperor?" Tang Ying faced Tang Yan, but was asking Tang Yan, feeling weird.She wasn't used to this kind of double talk, and she was always a little lost looking at his familiar and cold face.

He still vaguely remembers the city of Emperor Wu and the past, but the two of them are no longer in the same world.One is a god, an emperor, the proudest man between the two worlds, a man revered by hundreds of millions of living beings, and what about himself?

"Well, the Lord of the Underworld is attacking the realm of the Holy Emperor. If there is no accident, he will forcibly attack the realm of the Emperor's Ancestor within ten years. If he succeeds, everything will be peaceful. If he fails, everything now will be destroyed. The Lord of the Underworld is under a lot of pressure , not much time left for him.”

Tang Hao hugged his legs, put his chin on his knees, and looked at the tomb blankly: "Sometimes, I would think selfishly, if... if the young master still stayed in the Giant Elephant City, it would be... great."

This delicate and sassy woman is very lonely today...confused...Tang Yanshan raised her head and looked at the dark sky, which was dark and tinged with blood.Didn't say much, some people are destined to be gods, and the little giant elephant city can't be sealed.The past is just a good memory after all.

"Will all the dead be reborn in hell?" Tang Ying looked at Tang Yan's side face in a stuttering manner.

"Hell is the world of death and the world of ghosts. It is a world that depends on the two worlds. Souls and grievances and foul air from the two worlds, even strong resentment, energy after the death of the soul, etc., will automatically enter hell. It exists in a special form in that dead world.

There are ghost clans and countless ghost creatures.Creatures in the ghost world are all those dead souls, and the energy transformed by the dead souls after their demise in the real world, born in a specific form of hell.If you die, you will also go to hell in the future. "

"What about the soulless?"

"If there is a strong obsession before death, this idea will be transmitted to hell, where it may become energy in hell, or it may become a ghost there, or it may completely dissipate in the two realms and cannot enter hell. Hell It's amazing, and the world system is also very complicated, but there is one thing, creatures after the death of soul and soul can no longer have reincarnation, and hell cannot rule reincarnation."

Tang Ying muttered to herself: "If Tang Ba and the others turned into ghosts in hell, would they still have memories of this life?"

Tang Yan shook his head: "No more..."

(End of this chapter)

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