Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2609 Dealing with the Spirit Race

Chapter 2609 Dealing with the Spirit Race
After a long time, Tang Yanshan raised his spirits: "Are Niya and the others pregnant?"

He wanted to ease the atmosphere a little bit, and it was rare to see Tang Yan, even if it was a clone, he didn't want to make it too dull, and he didn't want Tang Yan to feel ashamed of the Tang family.

"Yeah, it's been almost a year." Tang Ying and Tang Hao looked at Tang Yan one after another.

A year ago, Li Yun and the others traveled between the two worlds, took Zhaoyi and the others away, and implicitly expressed that they would help Tang Yan 'stay behind', and they still knew about this.

"Zhaoyi gave birth to a girl named Tang Zhao, but nothing else."

"Zhaoyi gave birth again?" Not only Tang Ying and Tang Hao were surprised, but Tang Yanshan was also taken aback.

The other women tried their best to fail to get pregnant, but Zhaoyi got pregnant twice in a row?It's really a trick of good fortune.

"Is Zhaoyi's physique special?" Tang Hao asked strangely. Those women were all stunningly beautiful. Tang Yan shouldn't favor one over another, but why did Zhaoyi get pregnant twice in a row?Even in the special period when Tang Yan was about to become emperor, she was pregnant.

Tang Yanshan didn't care about those disappearances, and asked again: "Have you checked the bloodline level?"

"She's still young, let's check in the future."

"Well, when she grows up, let's bring her here, Tang Ba and the others should be very happy." Tang Yanshan looked at the tombs all over the mountain.

They talked silently here, you say a word to each other.In the sad night wind, facing the silent tomb, the conversation is always depressing and sentimental.

After an unknown amount of time, three figures flew from afar and found this place directly.

"Old man." Xuanyuan Longli bowed slightly to Tang Yanshan, and after noticing the tombs all over the mountainside, he also bowed deeply to the tombs of the tiger and iron cavalry, and mourned for a few seconds.

Behind him are the princes and princesses of the Ashura clan, Sanskrit and Brahma!
The two siblings seem to have been carved out of the same mold, with similar looks and even more the same expression, showing arrogance and indifference in the cold, even though they are seriously injured and pale, their unique noble aura has not weakened.

"What's the matter here?" Tang Yan stood up. Although he was not emotionally injected by the subject, he was the manifestation of Tang Yan's martial arts, that is, a part of the body, so he had Tang Yan's consciousness and could represent Tang Yan.

"They have something to do with you." Xuanyuan Longli tried his best to avoid too much contact with Fanyin back then, but when he was "married" in Emperor Wudi City, his brothers advised him to find some, and Nalan Yanran also expressed his acceptance. Looking for a few more, he very clearly refused at the time, and privately calculated for himself how many women he would have in this life, and there were actually two, so the second one was naturally Sanskrit.

He figured it out at the time, as a man, he didn't need to hide, so he thought about finding time to have a face-to-face talk with Fanyin after returning to the Lost Battle Realm.Just after coming back, I encountered the tragedy that happened to the Asura tribe. Tonight, I finally took the time to visit the Asura tribe. Who knew that I was dragged here directly by Sanskrit.

"What's the matter?" Tang Yan noticed the serious expressions of the two siblings, and asked Xuanyuan Longli with his eyes. He shrugged slightly, expressing his ignorance.

"Can you represent Tang Yan?" Fanyin Fantian has been sizing up Tang Yan since he came here, avatar?It looks like flesh and blood, no different from the real one, it is really a magical secret.

"I am Tang Yan, you can tell me directly if you have anything to do."

Fanyin said bluntly: "We want to know what happened on the emperor-level battlefield that day!"

"What happened to Emperor Asura? When we came back, it had already happened. After the details, you can visit the Sea Emperor and the others."

The Sanskrit voice said: "We have looked for the Emperor of the Sea, we have also looked for the Prince Cang, and we have tried to find Bai Yu, but they are all in seclusion. We tried our best, but we were not interviewed. We also tried to find Senior Mo Yansheng, but in the end he Missing. We hope to use you to investigate the real situation at that time."

Brahma's face was cold and handsome, with sternness: "After all, my father died for you, for all of us who are alive now. At least you should do something, instead of being indifferent and indifferent."

oh?Tang Yan looked at their siblings in surprise, not understanding what they were annoyed about.He took special care of the Asura clan when distributing the spiritual source liquid, and also ordered the allocation of resources after the war to give priority to the Asura clan. Did something go wrong?

Xuanyuan Longli was also surprised and looked at them. "What happened?"

"My father is not dead!" Sanskrit said word by word.

"What? Are you sure?" Tang Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, remembering that the emperors briefly mentioned afterwards that Emperor Asura was dismembered by the Demon Emperor, and the pieces were eaten by many Demon Emperors, and he died on the battlefield.

The emperors have witnessed it with their own eyes, how could they go wrong?

"We can feel that the emperor is still alive! Still alive!" Brahma was very sure.

"I hope you can help us!" Sanskrit looked specifically at Xuanyuan Longli, hoping that the other party could speak for him.With the relationship between Xuanyuan Longli and Tang Yan, as long as Xuanyuan Longli speaks, Tang Yan should be cautious.This is also the reason why she insisted on bringing Xuanyuan Longli over.

"Are you sure?" Tang Yan's expression became serious.

"It's absolutely true! At the beginning, we were only concerned about grief, and it wasn't until yesterday that we felt that the aura of the father is still alive, and we have repeatedly confirmed it."

"Wait a minute, I'll ask about the situation." Tang Yan was going to see Jiuying.

"Can you take us there?" The two siblings took two steps forward together, the cold handsomeness on the surface could no longer suppress the anxiety in their hearts.

Tang Yan bid farewell to Tang Yanshan, brought Sanskrit Brahma, and Xuanyuan Longli to visit Jiuying in the retreat.

Jiuying opened his eyes coldly, instead of looking at Fanyin Brahma, he looked at Tang Yan instead: "How are you going to deal with the Holy Spirit Emperor?"

Holy Spirit Emperor?What is the Holy Spirit Emperor here?

"Could it be that the Holy Spirit Emperor took the soul of the father?" The two sisters stepped forward together, looking at Jiuying in surprise and expectation. They don't have much extravagance now, as long as they can see the father again, as long as there is the emperor, even if they are seriously injured Not being able to fight anymore can still give them a backbone.

Jiuying ignored them, still looking at Tang Yan, waiting for his answer.

Tang Yan looked at the Holy Spirit Emperor seriously, and then at Sanskrit Brahma, as if he understood something.

"The Holy Spirit Emperor made a correct choice in a specific environment, which shows that he is still a human race, but that's all. In my opinion, that kind of choice at that time is necessary. If he still chooses the demon race, it means that he is already dirty Ugly to the point of decay, beyond redemption.

I can make it clear that my hatred with the Eldar will never change!
It is impossible for me to ignore all the hatred that the spirit race caused me because he made a choice that he should make, a decision that everyone should make, absolutely impossible!I still want to destroy them.

But I don't deny that his choice at that time changed the situation of the battle and saved many lives.At this point, I should thank him, and I am willing to make corresponding compensation and regression.But gratitude does not mean forgiveness, I can give him a chance to choose on top of 'mortal death' as ​​a reward.That's all. "

Tang Yan had considered this issue a long time ago, and the Holy Spirit Emperor's decision at the time seemed righteous, but in fact it was reasonable.If the Holy Spirit Emperor didn't make that kind of decision, he wouldn't even be a human being!

Tang Yan wouldn't be able to "shrink grievances" and "work together" with him just because of his natural choice. Tang Yan is not that stupid, nor is he that kind.

But it is undeniable that the Holy Spirit Emperor's decision at that time saved many lives, and this kindness cannot be forgotten.

For this reason, Tang Yan can accept cooperation with the Holy Spirit Clan, and can even make a partial return, which is more generous than what the Holy Spirit Emperor paid at that time.

However, it is now a time of war, and it is impossible for Tang Yan to cause civil strife, so he has not gone to the Holy Spirit Clan, and all decisions will be made after the war.If the Holy Spirit Clan made another act of righteousness during this period, Tang Yan would not mind easing the treatment of the Holy Spirit Clan afterwards.Everything will be decided after the war is over.

"The Holy Spirit Emperor also thinks so." After Jiuying finished speaking, he continued to meditate and recuperate, and a burst of spatial power sent Tang Yan and the others out of the Central Holy Mountain.

"What do you mean? Is that the end?"

"I'm here to ask about my father's news, tell us about the Holy Spirit Emperor!"

Brahma was impatient and irritable, and Sanskrit could hardly keep calm.

"Does Jiuying mean... what did the Holy Spirit Emperor do?" Xuanyuan Longli pondered.

Jiuying's phrase "The Holy Spirit Emperor also thinks so" makes people can't help but think about it.He knew Tang Yan very well, and he knew that Tang Yan would not let the Holy Spirit Clan go easily. The Holy Spirit Emperor also knew that the enmity between himself and the Zhanmeng could not be "disappeared" because of his rebellion at that time, so the Holy Spirit Emperor should do something. Prepare.

"You wait here, I'm going to see the Holy Spirit Emperor." Tang Yan ordered and flew away.

"We'll go with you..." Fanyin was about to insist, but was held back by Xuanyuan Longli: "Don't worry, Tang Yan will take care of it. If you go, it will get in the way. Trust me and you can trust Tang Yan."

(End of this chapter)

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