Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2610 Chips

Chapter 2610 Chips
Tang Yan saw the Holy Spirit Emperor waiting in the correction area of ​​the Spirit Race.

"You came later than I thought." The Holy Spirit Emperor did not retreat, or even self-cultivated. He withdrew all his royal prestige, and faced Tang Yan in a normal form.

He has been waiting for Tang Yan's arrival.

"Where is Emperor Asura?" Tang Yan saw the state of Emperor Holy Spirit and knew that his guess was close to ten.

"Let's not talk about him, let's talk about our affairs first." The Holy Spirit Emperor walked to a broken cliff, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked at the dilapidated mountains and rivers in the distance.This place used to be a huge mountain, which was split into two halves by a sage, half destroyed, and the other half isolated into a cliff.

"The moment you choose to abandon the Demon Race and transfer to the Human Race, you belong to our camp. I will not trust you absolutely, but I will treat you with a normal attitude and treat you as an ally. As for the Holy Spirit Race after the war The arrangement and the relationship between you and me need to be determined by your performance in the subsequent war." Tang Yan did not talk too much nonsense with him, and directly pointed out the key points.Since both parties understand, there is no need to hide it.

"Wait until the end of the war to talk about relationships and distribution. I don't have any initiative, and everything is arranged by you. At that time, it is not a decision, but your charity. Tang Yan, let me be clear. Before dealing with the demons, I won't fight with you, but I also need your assurance before it's over."

Since the Holy Spirit Emperor has made the decision to return to the human race, he will try his best to do everything he can, but he will never be judged by Tang Yan, nor will he be judged by anyone.

"what do you want?"

"Everything the Eldar deserve."

"Don't think that if you save some people, you will become a hero and have a bargaining chip. Your previous actions can only prevent me from fighting you to the end, and leave a way for the spirit clan to survive, that's all. If you I want higher benefits, sorry, I can’t give it now, use your actual actions to fight for it.”

"Since I'm waiting for you, I have my corresponding chips."

"Emperor Asura? You really picked the wrong person. You hold the life of Emperor Asura in your hands, but you refuse to hand it over. How is it different from civil strife? Without me personally coming forward, the Asura and Sea Gods will be wiped out." I won't spare you lightly." Although Tang Yan said this, he was still a little surprised.

Guessing is one thing, being personally confirmed is another.

Emperor Ashura is obviously dead, how could he return to the Holy Spirit Emperor?

The Holy Spirit Emperor replied blankly: "I hold the life of Emperor Asura in my hands, and I just want to exchange some conditions with him, but you resist and refuse to accept it. You feel that this matter has spread to the ears of the Asura clan, and it will be a big deal. How do you feel? Will they think that you don't pay enough attention to the Ashura clan and are ungrateful, or think that my spirit clan is trembling and wanting some conditions too much?"

Tang Yan smiled coldly: "It seems that you have been prepared for a long time."

"I'm not prepared, how can I wait for you here. You and I don't go around in circles. I have two chips here, and I exchange you for two guarantees. As for the future war of the demons, I, the spirit race, will do my best to be myself." What should be done, will not ask for any charity."

"Tell me what bargaining chip you want, and what you want."

"The first chip, I have the head and complete soul of Emperor Asura. At that time, Emperor Asura was dismembered, and his soul escaped, fell into my hands, and was sealed by me. His head was swallowed alive by Golden Winged Peng, Later, Gold-winged Tianpeng was killed by me, and its head fell into my hands.

With a head and a complete soul, even if Emperor Asura could not stabilize the realm of Human Emperor, he was at least alive, and it was an explanation to the Asura people, so that the Asura people could feel at ease.

I want to use this bargaining chip to replace my spirit clan's exclusive territory in Qitian Continent. The scope is planned according to the area of ​​a normal empire in Qitian Continent. It can only be more, never less, and there must be no forces that can threaten us around. You can't use any means to infringe and suppress us. We are still the ancient golden clan and enjoy the treatment that the ancient golden clan deserves. "

"Acceptable, but I want to give you a limited time, only ten thousand years of rights. Within ten thousand years, the Spirit Race will stay in that territory honestly, no matter whether it is the intelligence system or influence, they must never leave that territory." Territory, ten thousand years later, it will be determined according to the situation. If you can agree, I can accept your conditions." Tang Yan reluctantly accepted, if it is simply the Asura Emperor, it is not enough to exchange for such a guarantee, but the Holy Spirit Emperor is at the emperor level. The defection on the battlefield saved many lives, Tang Yan will never forget this.

"The second bargaining chip, I have information about the Dark Demon Emperor, the Cherry Blossom God Tree, and the two spirit brothers and sisters. This information is very important, and I want to exchange it for Peisa." The Holy Spirit Emperor turned and faced Tang Yan.

Tang Yan looked at it for a while, then suddenly smiled, and asked back: "Pei Sa?"

"That's right, I want Pisa to come back." The Holy Spirit Emperor was sure that Piza was not dead, so he had to come back.His lifespan is less than [-] years, and he needs a new emperor who is strong and wise enough to lead the spirit race to ensure the normal survival and reproduction of Qitian Continent in the future.

Tang Yan met the Holy Spirit Emperor's eyes, and said word by word: "Please be clear, it is the Spirit Race that I forgive, and it is the Spirit Race that I accept, not you Holy Spirit Emperor, and I haven't expressed that I want to save your life. A bargaining chip and what you did at that time are only enough to keep your spirit race alive, not to write off everything in the past!"

Holy Spirit Emperor's eyes suddenly turned cold, and Tang Yan almost exploded with a soul offensive.

Tang Yan said: "The enmity between you and me is deeper than the wild sea. I originally wanted your spirit clan to be completely exterminated, and your spirit clan to be humbled to the end and be a slave forever. But your salvation on the emperor-level battlefield and the return of Emperor Ashura , let me make the biggest concession—the spirit race survives!
But my concession is limited to the spirit race group, you are excluded, and all the elders of the Family Affairs Council and the Government Affairs Council are excluded!
According to my previous prediction, you will die after the Demon Race incident, your Family Affairs Council and Military Affairs Council will perish, or you can exchange your own humble life with the demise of your entire Spirit Race. "

Holy Spirit Emperor's eyes were extremely cold, but Tang Yan confronted him expressionlessly. "Since you took out the second bargaining chip today, I can consider saving half of your life as the Holy Spirit Emperor. But the Family Affairs Council and the Military Affairs Council must perish. I want to pay for the relatives and friends who have died at the hands of your Spirit Race over the years." An explanation. As for Pei Sa, don’t even think about it, it’s absolutely impossible.”

"I can use my life to replace Pisa." The Holy Spirit Emperor gritted his teeth and made a concession.

"Impossible, even if you move the sacred tree of cherry blossoms with your own hands now, I will not spare Pei Sa. Tell me, what is the connection between the three of them, and I will decide to save a few percent of your life after the battle depending on the situation.

You don’t have to look at me like this. I hold grudges. It’s impossible for me to erase decades of grievances and resentments just because of what you’ve done now. It’s impossible for me to forget those who were killed by you just because you saved a few people. .Leaving your Spirit Race alive and half your life is already my biggest concession, and it is absolutely impossible to take another half step back. "

The Holy Spirit Emperor closed his eyes and remained silent for a long time, clenched his hands tightly behind his back, and could vaguely hear the creaking sound of joints rubbing against each other.

"My time is limited. If you don't want to talk about the relationship between the Dark Demon Emperor and the three of them, I won't force you. Please hand over Emperor Ashura." Tang Yan has basically been fighting with the Holy Spirit Hall and the Spirit Race since his rise to the present. The relatives and friends around me and even the troops who belonged to them, because of the Holy Spirit Hall and the Spirit Race, there were more than [-] casualties!He can make a retreat for the Holy Spirit Emperor to save some people, but he must also make a bottom line for those who were killed by the Holy Spirit Race.

The Holy Spirit Emperor opened his eyes, and looked at Tang Yan with a slight coldness: "The cherry blossom tree is the carrier. It is a substance that appeared in the early days of the war world, just like a mountain, a sea, and a piece of land. , its properties are the same as those, except that it has life.

The Sakura Divine Tree does not have powerful abilities, but it has bred many spirit bodies during the years of growth, and it may give birth to more spirit bodies in a certain period of time in the future.The Dark Demon Emperor was actually the first spirit body, and the man and woman you see now are actually spirit bodies born later.The red fruit you picked from the sacred cherry tree back then is actually the initial prototype of the next three spiritual bodies. Given a few 10 years for it, the three fruits are likely to mature one after another. "

Tang Yan's complexion changed slightly, and his eyes condensed again: "Where did you get the information from?"

"Don't forget my Spirit Race's ability to control the soul. In recent years, after you left the Lost World, the cherry blossom boy often traveled between the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm, and talked with Mo Qilin, and also with me. Once or twice, I couldn’t find out the information, but after dozens or hundreds of times, if I can’t find out, why should I call the Holy Spirit Emperor again.”

Tang Yan frowned, and looked at the Holy Spirit Emperor coldly, wondering if he should believe his words.

Back then, Vanessa gave Tang Yan an explanation about the Black Demons and the Sakura God Tree. The Sakura God Tree personally shaped the Black Demons back then, borrowing the special environment of the West Sea and continuously crossbreeding and eliminating many ethnic groups.

Vanessa's explanation for the first appearance of the Dark Demons is that the Sakura God Tree was the first experiment, so it is not clear about the real ability of this group, whether it can be controlled, and whether there will be any defects, so they are allowed to break in. In the battlefield of the demons, they confronted the human race and the demon race head-on, using cruel wars to baptize and verify, and finally used the craziest destruction as the final test.

Then, abandon the Dark Demon Emperor, let the world give up, and actually keep part of the blood and actively return to the eternal death pit.After tens of thousands of years of storage, the Sakura Divine Tree is not only growing and maturing, but also silently reshaping the Dark Demon Clan and perfecting the bloodline of the Dark Demon Clan.

Tang Yan thought it was correct at the time, or he didn't think too deeply, but what the Holy Spirit Emperor said today made him question Vanessa's reasoning.

Obviously, these words just now are all conjectures of the Holy Spirit Emperor, but isn't Vanessa's conjecture not conjecture?
After all, the idea of ​​the Sakura God Tree using the West Sea to shape an ethnic group is a bit absurd. If it is really the first ripe fruit, it is understandable.

(End of this chapter)

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