Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2611

Chapter 2611

"Did he reveal anything to you? He has no soul, why did you spy on him with the secret technique of the soul?" Tang Yan asked the Holy Spirit Emperor again.

"It is not necessary to use secret techniques to obtain information. Conversation is also effective. It relies on wisdom, and it is an answer edited from a few words. What I say, you believe it is true, or you don't believe it is false. In short, if you want to destroy the Dark Lord and The cherry blossom boy must destroy the cherry tree.

But the sacred cherry blossom tree was created by this world and has been passed down through the ages. It has no direct combat power, but it is by no means something you can easily destroy.Personally, I understand that the Dark Demon Emperor and the Sakura boy should have a special connection with the Divine Tree. If you kill them first, the Divine Tree may be affected and it will be easier to eradicate. "

Tang Yan didn't say much, eradicate the sacred tree?He didn't actually want to do that.Because it exists in the world system, its existence is reasonable, and there is no need to forcibly destroy it.With the destruction of the sacred tree, the world lacks the power of inner demons, and warriors will become very fragile. If one day the spirit body is reborn again, warriors will be easily controlled.

Tang Yan's budget is to kill the Black Demon Emperor and the Sakura Boy, so that the Sakura God Tree cannot continue to be a disaster, and then severely damage the foundation of the Sakura God Tree, making it continue to weaken. Spirit bodies cannot be born again for hundreds of thousands of years, and they can only grow old. Honestly release the power of inner demons to improve the world.

If a spirit body is born again in the future, it will be hundreds of thousands of years later. If he is still alive and has already become the emperor, there is no need to be afraid, and he can completely play around with applause.

"I've told you everything I can say. This is my bargaining chip." The Holy Spirit Emperor waited for Tang Yan's reply. He already knew that Tang Yan would not let the Holy Spirit Clan go easily, or that no one would let the Holy Spirit go easily. family.He will not expect to be integrated into this alliance, and it is not realistic.Therefore, we can only do our best to obtain substantial benefits for the ethnic group and obtain sufficient guarantees to allow the ethnic group to thrive and survive.

"I guarantee the existence of the Spirit Race, and the existence of your Holy Spirit Emperor. The Family Affairs Council and the Military Affairs Council must be destroyed, and Peisa must belong to me, but to what extent and for how long you and the Spirit Race will exist, it is still in the process of ending the war of oblivion. After the world war, we will be judged according to your actions." Tang Yan insisted on his posture, and left without giving the Holy Spirit Emperor a chance to refute.

When Tang Yan brought Emperor Asura's weak soul and head to the Asura clan, Fanyin Brahma couldn't help but teary eyes, he didn't know whether it was excitement or grief for what happened to Emperor Asura.

"His soul was sealed by the Holy Spirit Emperor before, and it has been untied now, and it is expected to wake up tomorrow. The rest is left to you. When my main body is promoted to the Holy Queen, hell will be opened and the human race will return. At that time Emperor Asura will be arranged to go back.

Qitian Continent is safe for the time being, and no one will threaten Asura Emperor. I will provide as much spiritual source fluid as possible to stabilize his realm. After the war is over, I will do my best to help him reshape his physical body , but as for whether he can keep the imperial realm, I can't guarantee it. After all, you have all seen his situation. "

"Thank you for everything you have done. Our Asura clan will never forget it." Brahma could afford to let it go, and took the initiative to bow to Tang Yan to express his gratitude. With Emperor Asura, their clan will have a backbone, even if they are For them, Emperor Ashura's return to the holy land is also a guarantee for the rise and prosperity of the ethnic group.

"Emperor Ashura is a sacrifice made for the victory of the alliance. The Lord will never forget this kindness, and the alliance will never forget it. I hope you can rest assured." Tang Yan made a solemn promise to them.

"Tang Yan, I hope to have a private talk with you." Fanyin said suddenly.

"Another day, I still have something to do." Tang Yan was worrying about the cherry tree.

"I won't delay you for long." Sanskrit had already stepped forward and walked into the broken valley.Brahma seemed to be surprised by his sister's behavior, but his mind was on Emperor Asura, calling the clansmen to return Emperor Asura's soul and head to the clan for secret protection.

Tang Yan followed: "If you have anything to say, just tell me directly. I will answer as much as I can. Maybe one day you and Longli will marry, and we will be a family."

"What will you do with Brahma?" Fanyin turned around, his sharp gaze seemed to penetrate Tang Yan's eyes and see into his heart.

"Brahma?" Tang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and understood what she meant, referring to Destiny's Child and Luck.

Sanskrit is a smart woman who has many things to consider.If it was changed to before, she would not think wildly, and would not think so messily and deeply. Everything was carried by her father, and her father would negotiate with Tang Yan if something happened.Moreover, since the alliance was formed that year, the emperor has fought many times and has never flinched. When the war is over in the future, Tang Yannian will not do anything to Brahma blatantly for what Tang Yannian has done in the Asura Emperor, and the existence of the Asura Emperor.

But the situation is different now, Emperor Ashura has fallen, it is unknown whether he can keep the imperial realm, she knows very well in her heart, in fact, the possibility of her father retaining the imperial realm is really very low.This world is realistic and cruel. Without the deterrence of the Asura Emperor, even though Tang Yan thought about the contribution of the Asura Clan, there are countless ways to deal with the Asura Clan, and he can even do it very cleverly without leaving any excuses .

From the perspective of Sanskrit, she must work hard to protect Brahma, whether it is for the ethnic group or her younger brother.Now that Emperor Ashura has fallen, it is even more urgent for the Son of Destiny to become emperor, which is also the basis for the development of the Asura Clan. She...she must keep Brahma no matter what.

Sanskrit has observed Tang Yan for a long time, and also learned about his past.In a word, Tang Yan had nothing to say to his brother, he would die without regrets, but he was definitely not a good person, even a little fickle and a little evil.

Even if Tang Yan would have some concerns because he was a woman of Xuanyuan Longli, luck is a big deal. Tang Yan is lenient, and neither is the Demon Spirit Clan. He will not be soft, so Brahma's future situation is very dangerous.

Tang Yan shook his head: "Now is not the time to talk about this issue."

"We must talk now!" Fanyin's heart immediately sank. Although she is a woman, she is smarter than a man. Just from Tang Yan's current posture, it can be inferred that Tang Yan will kill Brahma in the future.

"I really can't promise you too much. If, I say yes, at some point in the future, I must become emperor to solve all troubles and save everyone, and the last link of becoming emperor lies in luck. In Brahma, I think... I will not refuse.

But I can guarantee that after the event and in the future, I will do my best to compensate the Asura tribe and guarantee that it will not decline.

As far as your clan is concerned, if I can really claim the title of emperor and guarantee that the Asura clan will prosper for hundreds of thousands of years in the future, those elders of your clan will abandon Brahma unceremoniously. "

Sanskrit restrained his emotional agitation, gritted his teeth and said, "Have you forgotten the original agreement? Can't you see the dedication of the Asuras over the years?"

"You don't have to be so excited. The real reason why Emperor Ashura was willing to send troops was that we gave him an emperor, and only then did we have the final alliance, not because you are so righteous and noble. I may be a little unreasonable when I say this, but this It's a fact." Tang Yan is now a clone, with Tang Yan's consciousness and wisdom, but without emotion and soul, so no matter whether he faced the Holy Spirit Emperor before or now facing Sanskrit, he has maintained absolute reason.There are some things that Tang Yan himself would not have said, but here... he did not hide them.

"Tang Yan, do you really want to kill Brahma?" Fanyin clenched his hands tightly.

"If at the last step, I don't become emperor, everyone will be destroyed, and all alliance systems will be made slaves, I will do it. I can't sacrifice everyone for your own feelings. At that time, even if I am not so Do it, you Asuras will also beg me to do that, take the initiative to offer Brahma, and ask me to devour it. This is a fact, it is cruel, you grew up in the world of oblivion, you know it better than me. For a group , an emperor's promise of hundreds of thousands of years is more precious than Brahma..."

Sanskrit closed his eyes, as if he was tired for a moment, took a deep breath, and nodded slowly: "I understand, thank you for your frankness."

Tang Yan looked at her and let go a little: "My opinion can represent the opinion of the Lord of the Underworld, but based on my understanding of the Lord of the Underworld, if he has a little way, he will never hurt Brahma. You can believe in this aspect. As long as Because he has a brother named Xuanyuan Longli, and Brahma will be Longli's brother-in-law in the future."

After finishing speaking, he left the Asura clan. These words were cruel, but they were exactly the current situation.

The cruelty of the fourth offensive and defensive battle of the Zhanmeng, and the tragedy of the lost Zhanjie, made everyone understand a lot of truths that they didn't understand before, and let go of the ties that they didn't want to let go before. Everything is for survival and for a better future. To survive, but also to survive longer.I also understand a truth, the battle for fortune of the ancient golden clan has come to an end, and there is only one emperor... Tang Yan.

For the sake of the human race, they had to make some sacrifices.

If Tang Yan can really become emperor, the 10-year guarantee of an emperor is far more than the benefits brought by a child of destiny. After all, how many 10 years can they prosper, and they can use time to create more miracles.Therefore, if it really comes to that point, not to mention the Asura clan, even the Sea God clan will sacrifice the Child of Destiny without hesitation.

Cruel but realistic.

If it was before this battle, no one would have thought so. If the fourth Zhanmeng battle hadn't been so cruel, and if hell hadn't appeared, no one would have said directly that they would sacrifice their Destiny's Child.But now... the old men in those clans see it more clearly than anyone else.

Sanskrit stared deeply at the direction Tang Yan left, and after a long, long time, turned around and walked into the darkness, not returning to the group, but looking for Xuanyuan Longli.Tang Yan's last words made her make up her final determination, she must become Xuanyuan Longli's woman, tonight!

(End of this chapter)

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