Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2615

Chapter 2615
Since the end of the war at the beginning of July, Eternal Beast Mountain and all the supreme demons have fallen into deep retreat, trying their best to recuperate their injuries.However, the riots in various parts of the Lost War Realm have intensified. The main source is that many large and small demons and monsters from the Demon Realm rushed out of the Western Continent one after another, spreading towards the Southern Continent, the Northern Continent, and the Eastern Continent.

Part of it was purely to occupy the new territory. Both the human race and the demon race had evacuated, and there was a blank area. Whoever occupied it first would have a better living environment.Part of it was purely for raiding the Terran forces in the 'Great Migration', devouring and looting, venting and bloodthirsty.

So much so that Qitian Continent, except the West Continent, is full of human troops migrating everywhere, shocking scenes of demons galloping everywhere, rescues and killings everywhere, crying blood wailing and roaring roars everywhere.

This epic migration is full of blood and tears. Accompanied by tragedy and desolation, there is sin and redemption. One step at a time will lead to death.

This is the road under the feet, and it is also a journey of the mind, a return journey of people and hearts.

The word human race is also deeply imprinted in the hearts of all races under the full-scale invasion of the demons. Migrating troops in many areas spontaneously formed death squads, mobilized groups of warriors to form regional guards, and helped the migrating human races in their own areas to move faster. Safer migration, but also to resist the invasion from the demons.

The Zhanmeng also issued an appeal on the Eternal Beast Mountain, requesting migrating warrior groups to spontaneously form a guardian force, and promised to provide necessary feedback to those warriors who are willing to guard the migration of the human race, to provide protection for those warrior orphans who sacrificed, and to protect them afterwards. Focus on commending their contributions to human migration activities.

It was under the call of the Zhanmeng that the "human self-defense forces" that originally only occurred in some areas began to take shape all over the world. Thousands of migratory torrents quickly appeared around the huge number of human self-defense forces, ranging from several thousand It can range from tens of thousands to more than one hundred thousand.

But even so, in the face of the wave of demons coming forward, the temporary formation of the human self-defense force is still limited. Every moment, there will always be a large number of human beings reduced to food under the attack of the demons, and there are still some remote areas. A large human migration team cannot form a strong self-defense force. Once it is attacked by the demons, it is doomed to be helpless.

At the beginning of August, Tang Yan listened to Liuli's opinion and announced the first news to the world-Wangu Beast Mountain is willing to abandon the past, accept Yaoyu and other monster races from other areas, and allow them to gather in Wangu Beast Mountain, and will take the monster race after the human race. Transfer to Qitian Continent, but the monster team must guard the migrating human team along the way.

Mo Qilin is dead, Chaos is dead, Golden Winged Tianpeng is dead, and the demon domain system collapses. In the cruel confrontation between the demon clan and the human race, the demon clan that lost the emperor-level leader is in an embarrassing situation, not knowing where to go.

The announcement of this news once again caused a sensation all over the world. The human race has a population of billions, and the number of monsters in the demon realm far exceeds these. As the puppets of the demon clan, they will either be turned into food, and the monsters in the world are on the verge of rioting. Now, as soon as the news of the Eternal Beast Mountain comes out, the monsters in the world are excited.

Thinking back to the first years, the human race teamed up with the demon clan to fight against the lost world. Now there is only one glutton left among the kings of the demon realm. Since the human race will not abandon the demon race, they will not allow the demon race to turn the demon race into food.Why would they not comply with the request?

On the vast dark land, a new wave of migration is rapidly taking shape. A steady stream of monsters appear from rainforests, deserts and even river areas around the world. The beast mountain galloped, and its momentum far surpassed that of the human race.

Many animal hordes moved closer to the human race, mixed into the human self-defense force, and jointly resisted the invasion from the demon race.

In the face of death and extinction, how could the Yaozu remember the former Demon Emperor.Except for the many demon saints in the three major territories of the demon domain who did not act, ordinary demon clans and monsters rushed towards the Eternal Beast Mountain one after another.

The galloping waves of the human race and the monster race 'surge' all over the world, and even the ground is shaking.

With the full intervention of the monster race, the strength of the human race against the demon race has doubled, providing the migrating human race team with a solid protection, and blocking the demon race team from the migration crowd.

All of a sudden, the raging demons were finally contained, and the prestige of 'Zhanmeng' and 'Tang Yan' also surged like a boiling momentum, almost rising to the height of 'savior'.

The invisible power of faith gathered towards Tang Yan like a river like a tide.

Liuli's proposal not only saved billions of monster races and protected the migrating human race, but also allowed Tang Yan to bear a huge amount of power of faith, and it was very firm, and each power of faith was extremely hot.

However, just as this epic migration sweeping across the human and monster races was going on vigorously, the sacred cherry blossom tree far away in the abyss of the West Sea...withered...

This giant tree that grew in the abyss of the ocean and was comparable to an ancient giant city withered in just two days and turned into hundreds of millions of petals. Flying butterflies spread towards the land.

They are like a colony of flying butterflies, with a huge number, covering the sky and the ocean, but the land area is so vast, the petals of the cherry blossoms are scattered before rushing out of the sea, and sprinkled to different areas of the land, in the vast and endless wilderness rain forest and river tide Sneaking like a ghost, looking for the migrating team, infiltrating the bodies of different human races and monster races.

For the mighty billions of human races and billions of monster races, these hundreds of millions of petals are enough to distribute, and an average of a hundred creatures hide a few in their bodies, quietly dormant, without leaving any traces.

The power of the three fruits was sealed by the cherry blossom boy, and they were hidden in the "treasure house" that some big families moved, and they also did not attract attention.

They will mix with crowds of people and monsters, and enter Qitian Continent through hell.

The sacred cherry blossom tree exhausted all its vitality and merged into the body of hundreds of millions of petals. They will secretly reorganize in the Qitian Continent, hide ingeniously, and turn into a sacred tree again in the years to come.

It released all its power, leaving only the huge support, but the sacred tree support has survived for millions of years, it is definitely a super treasure of the supreme level, and soon became a peerless warrior under the tempering of the Dark Lord .

In August, the Dark Demon Emperor officially retreated and devoured the Sakura boy.

With resentment and determination, the cherry blossom boy released himself, turned into a steady stream of energy, and poured into the body of the Dark Demon Emperor. Although he had just entered the imperial realm, the original power he possessed was extremely pure and huge, enough to make the Dark Demon King Huang achieved a new breakthrough.

During the period of migration and upheaval, Tang Yan visited the Blood Demon Clan, Sky Demon Clan, and Evil Ghost Clan again. He visited them one by one, and each time he had a little thought from his father, the Demon King, and discussed with them personally.

Although the Demon King is the most hated Human Sovereign by the Demon Race, he is also the only Human Sovereign worthy of their admiration.

Back then, the Demon Spirit Emperor's power was close to that of a god, and he won the awe of countless people, including the demons.

With the appearance of the Demon Spirit Emperor, the Blood Demon Emperor and the others finally felt at ease.Tang Yan handed over the sea of ​​blood as promised. Of course, he only handed over half, to be exact, a small half, and most of it was still left in hell by him.

The end of Dark Age 19.

After several months of long-distance migration, the human race arrived at the Gonggu Mountains one after another, and the monsters spontaneously entrenched in the periphery of the Gonggu Mountains. With such a large population, food alone is a problem.But Tang Yan and Huo Ling'er were in a state of seclusion. Without the assistance of their two hell lords, it would be impossible for the human team to cross the hell world and reach the Qitian Continent with ease.

It is really not an option for nearly ten billion creatures to occupy the inside and outside of the Gonggu Mountains. In addition, the winter is approaching, and the season that warrior groups don't care about is a disaster for ordinary people.At the beginning of November, Tang Yan's avatar personally made a decision, and the gate of hell and ghosts was officially opened, and the evil ancestor personally escorted him.

Although Xie Zu can't control the world like Tang Yan and the others, he is transformed by hellfire, and can easily appear in different places in hell. It is not an exaggeration to say that he can span the space. Keep the time across hell to a minimum.

From the beginning of October, Xie Zu personally contributed, and cooperated with the eight clones of Mingtu Bazang, and began to transfer the human race based on the number of [-]. Although this transfer is a drop in the bucket compared to the number of tens of billions, it at least gave the waiting human race a piece of cake. explain.

In mid-November, after completing more than ten migrations, Xie Zu continued his work, while Tang Yan's first avatar stayed alone in Qitian Continent, understanding the current situation, and began to prepare for the final battle.

(End of this chapter)

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