Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2616 The Ancient Emperor

Chapter 2616 The Ancient Emperor
After several months of cultivation after the northern war ended, the Qitian Continent has entered a rare period of peace.

The reincarnation clan never reappeared, and disappeared without leaving a trace.

The pursuit of the Sakura demon girl has come to a stalemate, and there is not much to gain. Tang Yan transfers all the ghosts back to hell, and participates in the ongoing development of hell.

The 'Peace Conference' was not held, but basic policies were announced. Kingdom forces and hidden families continued to migrate to the northern continent to open up territories and seek opportunities and development.

Under the background of Qitian Continent's overall situation entering into the "National Peace and Civil Security", the vast and boundless North Continent finally ushered in continuous turmoil and opportunities. A steady stream of people and forces poured into this blank area, and a large number of generals left their kingdoms. Lead the troops into the North Continent.

A drama of dynasties fighting for hegemony and lords vying for the throne that lasted for thousands of years kicked off strongly in the northern continent.It is also the first battlefield where Tang Yan's light and dark twins compete for life and death in a certain future.

The purpose of Tang Yan's return is to observe the situation of Xuanwu Sacred Emperor's retreat, to find hidden traces of the reincarnation clan, and also to wait for Tuoba's return!
The end of Dark Age 19!

Nearly half a year after the fourth offensive and defensive battle of the Zhanmeng ended, nearly ten million human races left behind in the war world entered the Qitian Continent through hell. The incident of the lost war world' and the 'death struggle incident of the human race in the dark world', etc., have been officially circulated publicly, revealing a series of dusty history, and now the human race has returned, causing emotions and worries.

However, under the ingenious publicity of Zhanmeng, the news of "Tang Yan saving the alien race" was widely spread, and the Sky Eye system was appointed to create an atmosphere of praise all over the world.

People all over the world held celebration ceremonies to celebrate this historic moment.

Of course, this kind of ceremony is led by the Zhanmeng with the cooperation of Tianyan, and is encouraged by the royal families of various countries. The main purpose is to enhance Tang Yan's status and influence in the hearts of the people, and the ultimate goal is to gain the power of faith.

The Zhanmeng hopes to accumulate enough faith power in all the human groups in the Qitian Continent and the Lost Battle Realm to counter the Dark Demon Clan. When the Dark Demon Emperor wants to kill Tang Yan, it is equivalent to killing two people. Who is stronger in the faith of all races in the world?

Demons against faith.

A strongest blade, a Xeon shield, which one is stronger and weaker, the future will naturally see the outcome.

"Why do you have to bother me? I don't need to retreat?" Li Yun has complained every day recently. Everyone else is seizing the opportunity to retreat, either to stabilize the realm or seek a breakthrough, but Tang Yan is the only one who is brought up by Tang Yan from time to time. lock up.

"Is there any other candidate without you? Chocolate is busy sprinting to the top, and you are already stable in the Great Perfection. There is no hope of becoming the emperor. There is no need to waste energy and time." Tang Yan forcibly escorted him to the Central Plains Central District.

Li Yun rolled his eyes again and again, muttering indistinctly.

"It seems that Xuanwu is really going to break through." Tang Yan looked at the vast and turbulent energy hurricane in front of him, like a giant mountain holding up the sky, lying in the distance, connecting the sky and the earth, rotating slowly and violently.There were lightning, thunder and loud noises inside, much calmer than the initial violent scene.

"When Xuanwu really becomes the ancient emperor, it will be a race against time. He will exhaust all available resources to fight against the catastrophe. Any person or thing that hinders him from fighting against the catastrophe will be his enemy. This bastard will be equal to Crazy, are you sure you can control him?"

"If you can't control it, you have to control it. He is racing against time. Why aren't we?"

"Are we just waiting here?"

"The old man is stepping up to determine the situation in the Lost War Realm, and calculate the gap between the two sides. I am actually more worried about the reincarnation clan. This time, the disappearance is too complete. The deeper it hides, the greater the danger it will bring in the future. "

Li Yun curled his lips and shook his head: "You can solve the troubles before you first. The Blood Demon Emperor and the others are just fools, and they might target us at the critical moment. Your original intention of using the Blood Demon Emperor and the others is good. Let the alliance have more casualties, but the uncertainty has increased even more."

"I really want to negotiate with the reincarnation clan now, let the reincarnation clan stand on the side of the human race, and deal with the demon clan together, at worst, give them a piece of land in the future."

"You want to deal with the reincarnation clan the same way you deal with the spirit clan? Save yourself. The situation of the reincarnation clan is fundamentally different from the spirit clan. What the reincarnation emperor wants is not a piece of land, he wants the whole world. The emperor of the holy spirit is desperate and has no choice. Only then will I negotiate with you. The Holy Emperor of Reincarnation still has a choice, and there is still a chance to give it a go.

Also, I have a solemn opinion for you, before the return of the Holy Spirit Emperor, you'd better disable him, and make sure he won't make trouble for you before you absolutely control Qitian Continent, otherwise that old thing will be a danger sooner or later. "

Tang Yan nodded slowly. The situation was in chaos. Forcibly combining so many unknown factors was actually a gamble on his life, and it was also the biggest gamble in his life so far.He must prepare as many chips as possible to ensure that the leak can be plugged at the critical moment and the position can be suppressed.

"When will you become the Holy Emperor?"

"Already promoted."

"When? Didn't you see any movement?"

"Just the day before yesterday, I was going to continue to retreat, and the energy from the two worlds was pouring into hell continuously. I wanted to consolidate the realm in the shortest possible time."

At the beginning of January in the 20th year of the Dark Era, Tang Yan joined hands with Huo Ling'er to step into the realm of the Holy Emperor. Because the hell space became its own world, the visions that happened inside did not attract any attention from the outside world, and they were almost silent. Completed the gorgeous and magnificent transformation into growth.

The spatial stability of Hell has been comprehensively improved, and the contact between the edge of the world and Qitian Continent and the Lost Battle Realm has become more stable and comprehensive. The growth of Hell and its full power of transformation have made the Seventeen Great Innate Ghost Clan once again the biggest beneficiary.

And compared to the promotion of a saint to the Jiehuang, the energy generated from the promotion of the Jiehuang to the Saint Emperor is more vast.

The five great dragons under the command of the underworld dragon all entered the holy realm, and the ghost clan of the ghost king of the underworld gave birth to three additional sacred bones, and the Raksha clan, besides the male and female ghost masters, appeared in a new holy realm, one male and one male.

Yuntianjing, Cerberus, etc., all the innate ghost clans have developed by leaps and bounds, not only the realm of the ghost master has improved, but the overall strength of the clans they belong to has also increased, and the number of clans has also doubled by an astonishing number.

Ren Tianzhu accepted the opportunity of "creation" and leaped into the realm of Dzogchen, becoming the first Dzogchen-level ghost master of the hell ghost clan.

In addition, the arm bones of Dagan Renhuang and Yinyang Renhuang who fell in advance, Taishu Qingyun, Lord of the Pure Land, and even Titan, the son of destiny of the Pangu clan, and Hanchen, the son of fate of the corpse emperor clan, were all included in this creation opportunity. Completed the transformation from "ghosts and ghosts" to ghosts, some continued to lie dormant, silently absorbing the power of hell, conceiving more perfect spiritual wisdom, some directly appeared, and began to haunt and fight in various parts of hell.

From the beginning of January to the end of February, for two months, Tang Yan and Huo Linger took turns to retreat. One sat in the hell to devour the continuous energy of the two worlds, and the other personally led the human race from the Lost Battle Realm to Qi. Sky Continent.

The energy from the two worlds is the essence that has been hoarded for millions of years, pouring into hell from the respective channels of the two worlds, making the energy of hell almost saturated.If Hell is compared with Qitian Continent, Hell's current energy abundance is more than ten times that of Qitian Continent.This level of energy not only benefited the thousands of ghosts, but one effort equals one year's achievement. It made Tang Yan and Huo Ling'er grow equally rapidly.

Just imagine, the growth of other holy emperors needs to absorb part of the energy in some areas. What Tang Yan absorbs is the energy of the two worlds, and the energy itself is more than ten times stronger. Tang Yan retreats for a day, and the harvest is definitely comparable to that of other holy emperors. Months, January are naturally comparable to years.

Under the guidance of Tang Yan and Huo Ling'er in turn, the human race hoarded in the Forgotten Battle Realm continued to transfer to the Qitian Continent, and the rapid transfer of millions of batches made the population of the central region of the Central Plains continue to increase.With the assistance of various empires and kingdoms, the New Zhanmeng has activated the mechanism of preparation in advance to properly arrange and regulate it.

Early March.

Tuoba Zhangui is a breakthrough, advancing to the realm of the Holy Emperor!
mid March.

Under Tang Yan's waiting, Xuanwu finally achieved the great breakthrough of the century - the ancient emperor!
(End of this chapter)

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