Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2617 The Eve

Chapter 2617 The Eve
Mo Yansheng entered hell, and directly saw Tang Yan himself who was escorting the human race: "The situation in the West Sea is not good. It seems that what you predicted is about to come true."

"The Dark Demon Emperor is Jingu Emperor?"

"It's almost like this. The scene is very similar to the scene of the Xuanwu breakthrough you described. The scale of energy gathering in Xihai is by no means the robbery emperor and the holy emperor. There is another thing, the blood demon holy emperor, the heavenly demon holy emperor, and the undead Huang, all moved to the West Sea on time yesterday morning, and Li Mohuang, Stone Demon Emperor, Yaohuang Taotie also left around yesterday morning."

"Who is calling them?"

"It was Li Mohuang who was ordered to visit the three emperors in turn, and agreed to go west to the West Sea yesterday. I observed the energy situation in the West Sea area, and the gathered energy hurricane has turned from quiet to dissipated. Not surprisingly, it should be in the near future. complete the breakthrough."

"It's faster than I expected." Tang Yan frowned. How long has the Black Demon Emperor been in retreat?How could it be possible to complete the breakthrough so quickly?According to estimates, it will take at least three to five months.What's more, Prince Cang and the others on his side have not yet awakened, and Tuoba Zhangui has not yet stabilized his realm.

"Should we start now, or wait for the Dark Lord to go out for a formal decisive battle?"

"We can't wait that long. Xuanwu already made a breakthrough yesterday, and we took the lead."

"I don't know what it's like for the Holy Emperor to be promoted to the Ancient Emperor, but it takes at least a month of adjustment from the Jiehuang to the Holy Emperor, otherwise the energy in the body will not be suppressed, which is very dangerous. Xuanwu will agree to leave immediately?"

"He has to agree if he doesn't agree. You inform Prince Cang and the others on my behalf, let them take the first step, and Huo Ling'er will cooperate with you. I will contact Xuanwu and take him to the West Sea as soon as possible. When necessary, you start the war first." " Tang Yan has already made preparations to face all this calmly and decisively.

"You don't care about the decision of the Blood Demon Holy Emperor? If they join forces with the Dark Demon Emperor, we might fall into a trap if we rush forward blindly." Mo Yansheng actually didn't have any confidence in this battle.

"Even if they team up with the Dark Lord, they won't do their best. They don't believe in me now, and they don't want to assist the Dark Lord. Their real decision is to be neutral and join the battle according to the specific development of the situation. By the way, Jiuying this time I won’t make a formal move, but if there is an emergency, you can tell him that I am asking him to make a formal fight.”

"What do you mean?" Mo Yansheng didn't quite understand Tang Yan's last words.

"You tell him when the time comes, and he will understand." Tang Yan knew that he would have deeper disasters in the future, and he didn't want to use the only chance Jiuying gave him this time, but if there was any danger, he could only do it in This time it was used.

Without today, how can we talk about the future.

"I'll tell them to take all the actions right now, and your side should act as soon as possible."

"Take care!!" Tang Yan temporarily ended the process of teleporting the return of the human race, and personally transferred the still stable Tuoba Zhangui to the Qitian Continent, arranged for Huo Ling'er to fully assist, and personally descended to the Qitian Continent to meet him at Liyun. Descending to the central area of ​​the Central Plains.

This negotiation must be faced by Tang Yan personally, otherwise Xuanwu will never take part.

March 20th, [-]th year of the Dark Ages.

Tuoba Zhangui forced his way out of the pass, and was escorted by Tang Yan to descend to the Forsaken Battle Realm Eternal Beast Mountain.

After half a month of hasty consolidation, the aura of his newly promoted Holy Emperor has not calmed down, and the uncontrollable release of the torrential imperial power is boiling like a river of anger.He can barely guide the vast energy in his body, but the consolidation time is still short, and he still can't fully control it.

Mo Yansheng awakened the sleeping Prince Cang, Jiuying, Haihuang, and Holy Spirit Emperor.

Xingluo Renhuang, Tianquan Renhuang, and Shenghuang Renhuang have also been recuperating in recent years, and this time they have officially awakened, and their complexions are much better than before.

Unknowingly, the offensive and defensive battle of the Zhanmeng ended for eight months. The time seemed very long, but for the scarred emperors, it was too short, too short. The superficial injuries are healed, but the specific strength can barely be around [-]% to [-]%.

During this period, Emperor Ashura was transferred to the Qitian Continent and was forcibly sealed. This extreme method was used to control the degradation of his strength and ensure that he could not degenerate to the holy realm in a short time.The demon emperor Bai Yu was also transferred to the Qitian Continent. Fortunately, it swallowed up enough blood sea power, and the abundant life force allowed her to stabilize her injuries, so that there was no danger of her realm degrading, but she couldn't do it again for a short time. fighting.

"This may be the last battle in the Lost World, and it will be accompanied by many accidents. Be prepared, everyone. A word to the emperors, we will do our best, not for ourselves, but for the peace of future generations." Cang The prince's words were addressed to the Emperor of the Sea and the Emperor of the Holy Spirit.

The evolution of the war situation has exceeded everyone's expectations. All plans and layouts have been ruthlessly destroyed in the face of the ferocious and cruel historical tide. Up to now, what they are sticking to now is the final victory.The deaths of the Star Emperor, Corpse Emperor, Yin-Yang Emperor, etc. also made these former gold overlords look down on life and death.

"We will fully cooperate." Emperor Xingluo and the others are bound to have reservations, but they will do their best.When they made a statement, it was equivalent to giving a guarantee to Prince Cang and others.

"Let's go." Mo Yansheng teamed up with many air warriors to open the space passage paved in advance and go deep into the West Sea.This time, the emperors' moods were actually very heavy, even depressing.

Because no one is sure, and because each other's injuries are serious.

Even Tuoba Zhangui kept quiet. Although he was promoted to the Holy Emperor as he wished, he was not able to fully grasp it. He could barely display [-]% to [-]% of the normal Holy Emperor's strength, and what he would face was the Holy Emperor. Freaks such as the Heavenly Demon Emperor whose level has been consolidated for tens of thousands of years.

Huo Ling'er joined the team with her fire body, without Tang Yan by her side, she was beautiful but cold, like a high-ranking goddess, cold without emotion, and there was a throbbing darkness in the eyes of the fire body, which was the blackness of hell, gloomy.

The Succubus Emperor also appeared in the team today despite being weak. She is a forced exit. She doesn't have to fight, but she hopes to personally participate in this ultimate battle that determines the future of the Lost World. When necessary, she hopes to be able to Play some role in it, after all, I belong to the Demon Race.

The space fighters joined forces to send the emperors to the West Sea.

There is no need to use other classes to fight in this war, because Tang Yan proposed that the purpose is no longer to conquer the demons, and no longer need to occupy the land by siege. Possibility of Zu' birth.

The endless crowds of humans and beasts in the Gonggu Mountains are all looking up at the sky today, watching the emperors leave.

They have various ethnic groups, and there are human races and monster races gathered from other places. The number is still billions of people. They watched and prayed silently.I don't know who started it first, batch after batch of people knelt in the dilapidated mountains, rivers and rainforests, kowtowing deeply in the direction where the emperors left.

Today, the civil strife of the human race has ended, and the tens of thousands of years of life-and-death struggle in the lost war world have come to an end, but the emperors still have to go to the battlefield to put an end to the humiliation of the human race and the struggle of the human race for these years. He also proudly raised his head at the last moment to announce the victory of the human race.

This battle must be fought.

Dignity, honor, future, faith, everything.

But...going today, which emperor will fall in the West Sea and die among the demons?
Among them, the Sea God Clan is the most sad. They feel the weakness of their own emperor, and they can also feel their own emperor's decision. For the Spirit Clan, Tang Yan values ​​righteousness and is determined to protect the Sea God Clan.If there are special needs at special times in the future, and the human race needs the collective decline of the children of destiny, they should take the initiative to donate the heavenly slaughter in exchange for the eternal prosperity of our race.

The Sea God Clan bowed deeply, and countless elders shed tears on the wasteland.

The spirit clan and the demon spirit clan also knelt deeply, praying silently.There are too many unknowns in the battle of Xihai. The Lingzu are worried that the Holy Spirit Emperor will be attacked by the enemy and die in Xihai. The Yaolingzu are worried that Prince Cang will pursue the memory of the former emperor and sacrifice himself to protect Tang Yan at a critical moment.

The millions of allied troops of the human race also bid farewell to the emperors and rushed to the battlefield with a heavy heart.

Even the Yaozu are kneeling down one after another, hoping that the Yaohuang Taotie can escape from the control of the demons and return alive. After all, the future Yaozu world needs more emperors to lead them to gain enough benefits.

"Emperor, we are here waiting for your return." The endless human race knelt down deeply in the wasteland and barren hills, offering their pious prayers and sincere blessings.

(End of this chapter)

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