Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2623 Crashed

Chapter 2623 Crashed
It was late at night on March 20, 22 in the Dark Age.

The biggest catastrophic storm in the modern history of the Oblivion World is unveiled!

Accompanied by the emperors, Long Kui's demon body dragged Xuanwu Ancient Emperor across the Western Continent, broke into the West Sea, and then into the void, and went straight to the abyss of the West Sea under the guidance of Mo Yansheng.

Along the way, Tang Yan entangled and dragged, Tuoba Zhangui and others took turns to fight. The phenomenon of gang fights that usually only appeared in ordinary people appeared in the noble and mysterious emperor-level battlefield. Even though his defense is weak, it can interfere with the surging energy in his body.

It was rare for Jiuying to be in a good mood, and he just put his hand behind his back on Xuanwu's drowsy head all the way ahead.

In the sky above the West Sea, in the dark sky and sea, light tides are rushing around, just like daytime, and dark clouds are churning, almost collapsing the sky.

The thousands-meter-long Longkui demon body flew over the vast barren sea with a [-]-meter-long basalt, like a celestial beast dancing on a barren mountain, setting off a hurricane all over the sky, and under the horrified eyes of the Blood Demon Emperor and others, it hit The energy hurricane of the Dark Lord's retreat in the distance.

Xuanwu's body is boiling with the power of the ancient emperor, and there is even more terrifying and out-of-control energy. It is like a destructive cannonball, annihilating everything, breaking through the inner demon zone, and smashing the energy hurricane of the Black Demon Sacred Emperor.

A destructive storm exploded in the depths of the barren sea.

The rays of light are tens of thousands of feet, illuminating the endless sky and sea, evaporating countless sea tides, and the shock wave is so powerful that it blows away all the emperors. shock.

The Gorefiend Sacred Emperor and the others didn't understand what was going on at all, and they were directly blown away by the huge waves, and were forced to retreat again and again, retreating for thousands of miles.

Prince Cang and the others did not expect the explosion to be so terrifying, they were caught off guard and were ruthlessly knocked into the air.Before Mo Yansheng and the others could open the space channel, they were swallowed by the raging waves.


Not long after, there was a shrill scream from the abyss of the explosion. Xuanwu was already on the verge of collapse, and suddenly fell into the inner demon vortex created by the Dark Demon Emperor. He was immediately severely affected, and the energy in his body was completely out of control. It was smashed, bloody and bloody, and the internal organs were sprayed out.

"Tang Yan, you have to die, our accounts will be settled together in the future." Xuanwu Ancient Emperor roared in grief and anger, enduring the severe pain and getting mixed into the rushing tide, ignoring everything, not even knowing where he was thrown, What happened, if you don't escape, you will die.

It is the overlord of the sea area, and entering the sea area is equivalent to entering its own world. At this moment, the scene of the surging tide is terrifying, and all the emperors are rushed to the sky. It is just the right time to evacuate.

Xuanwu ancient emperor broke into the tide, went straight to the deep sea, and used secret techniques to quickly evacuate.

The Dark Demon Emperor also never expected to suffer this kind of persecution. He released the power of his inner demons as much as possible, covering hundreds of miles, so that no one could easily break in and disturb his retreat. Quan is silent in the retreat, ignoring the external situation.I also believe that the Blood Demon Sacred Emperor and the others will make the right decision to arrest Tang Yan.

It coincides with the special period of completing the breakthrough and being promoted to the ancient emperor at this moment.

But... Xuanwu's impact broke everything.

Such a vigorous blow, almost like an ancient emperor's surprise attack, immediately disrupted his retreat.

"Puff!" The Dark Demon Emperor vomited blood again and again, and his body swelled rapidly, as if about to explode.He clearly heard the sound of his internal organs being torn apart, and the sound of his blood vessels collapsing.

The sudden edge, it's horrible, it's going to destroy me.Who is doing evil?Who can do it?
At the critical moment, the Dark Demon Emperor had to make the most difficult choice—abandoning the sacred cherry blossom tree! !

He spent several months building weapons before, turning the skeleton of the cherry blossom tree into a weapon. First, he valued the super strength he would display, and second, he wanted to keep it as a souvenir, which represented his mother.

But... at the moment of life and death, he had no choice but to give up, and poured all the out-of-control energy in his body into the peerless magic weapon transformed by the sacred cherry blossom tree.

There is no suspense, the cherry blossom tree can't bear this kind of energy at all, it can only...destroy...rumble!The shocking explosion appeared again, and the sacred cherry tree that had survived for millions of years was forcibly exploded, shattered into endless fragments, and then annihilated into dust in the terrifying energy storm, leaving no trace.

The Black Demon Emperor roared in grief and anger, with heart-piercing pain, he actually destroyed his own mother with his own hands!But at the moment of great change, at the critical moment of life and death, he had to forcibly suppress his emotions, quickly gather the energy that was almost dissipated, continue to retreat, and make the last step of breakthrough.I don't even have the mind to pay attention to the external situation, and I don't have time to feel sad.

Must retreat, immediately, immediately!
It was also fortunate that the Dark Demon Emperor abandoned the sacred cherry tree in time and released the excess energy in his body. Otherwise, not only would he be seriously injured, but the breakthrough that was about to be completed this time would also end immediately, and it would be difficult for him to enter the realm of the ancient emperor.

Not long after, Tang Yan and the others rushed back to the scene, and the energy storm took shape again, but there was no trace of Xuanwu, not even any traces.Everyone felt a little regretful, obviously no one expected that the impact of the two energy hurricanes would be so powerful, and they were all blown away.

"The Holy Emperor Xuanwu was seriously injured at the most important moment of his life, and he will definitely leave serious hidden dangers. With him in the next few decades, his hope of resisting the punishment of heaven will drop significantly." Jiuying smiled coldly. Today is his The most satisfying time for Tang Yan.Of course, this is also Tang Yan's most adventurous time.

"Where's the Dark Demon Emperor? Just watch him become the ancient emperor?" Tuoba Zhangui had tasted the sweetness, and was eager to continue working.

"He was not lightly injured, but it is unrealistic to stop and destroy him. He has inherent advantages, and no one in this era can easily break through the invasion of his demons."

Tang Yan didn't fight anymore, he was really powerless.Being able to drag the Xuanwu Sacred Emperor here is already a big victory, and he is not so arrogant to challenge the demons.

The Blood Demon Sacred Emperor and the others rushed over in a hurry, trying to find out what happened, but they came face to face with Tang Yan and the others.

"The Dark Demon Emperor is about to become the Ancient Emperor, how do you feel now? Do you want to be a dog, or resist?" Tang Yan looked at the Blood Demon Emperor with a sneer.His face was pale and his breath was weak, but he successfully solved the Xuanwu problem, which made Tang Yan's heart extremely hot. As long as all the madness is rewarded, it is worth it!

"You have become the Holy Emperor?" The Blood Demon Holy Emperor was slightly taken aback, what kind of monster is this, the speed is too fast.

"You did what happened just now?" The Heavenly Demon Holy Emperor vaguely remembered that the sky suddenly split open before, and a giant dragon coiled around a giant snake and dragged something flaming, and smashed into the hurricane that the Dark Demon Emperor broke through.Just now it was exaggerated to think that the natural disaster had come early.

The Necromancer looked ugly, looking at the lineup in front of him.Tang Yan, Ghost Qinghuo, Holy Spirit Emperor, Jiuying, and the Human Emperor who disappeared and reappeared, if you count the weak Succubus Emperor, there will be six more Saint Emperors?How can I fight this?It's good to be alive.

The Blood Demon Sacred Emperor quickly came back to his senses, looked at Tang Yan coldly, and his thoughts changed.What has happened to me these past few years?One drastic change after another always caught him off guard.Looking at Tang Yan in front of him, feeling the aura of the Holy Emperor, his previous thoughts of arresting him gradually disappeared.

The Heavenly Demon Holy Emperor said: "What do you think? The Black Demon Emperor is advancing to the ancient emperor, it is not an ordinary breakthrough, and he will succeed soon."

"I feel that now is a good time to make a move." Tang Yan sneered silently.

"You are very clear about the current situation. No one can get close to you easily. The inner demon is too powerful."

"Can't get close, but can interfere."

"Interference? The energy hurricane has already formed. Unless you break into it to fight, the energy you release will be weakened layer by layer. Apart from wasting energy, you still can't stop him from becoming the ancient emperor in the end." You can do it long ago.The energy hurricane is in a state of forming and collapsing, indicating that the breakthrough has come to an end. No matter how much it interferes, it can at most cause him damage and cannot be stopped.

However, thinking of this, he suddenly remembered the scene just now, what exactly did Tang Yan throw?The energy hurricane was easily destroyed, and the surging energy made him, the holy emperor, tremble again and again.

"Don't get excited, it's just talking, we won't make any more moves." Tang Yan shook his head, the power of the inner demon is too strong, it is different from the situation when Xuanwu Sage Emperor retreated, now the inner demon forms a vast defense range, you The offensive launched by hundreds of miles was already weakened, and after the energy storm weakened, it had little influence.

Even if it can continue to influence, it will only delay the time for the Dark Demon Emperor to become the ancient emperor, and will eventually break through.

Unless Tang Yan grabs the Xuanwu wheel for a few more laps.

But it's not necessary, Tang Yan just wants Xuanwu to stay here, let Xuanwu and the Dark Demon Emperor fight slowly, and when both losers, he will come back to join in the fun.

"Are you going to leave?" Blood Demon Holy Emperor and Heavenly Demon Holy Emperor sullenly again.What is this called?The direct reason they were willing to accept the Dark Demon Emperor was that the Dark Demon Emperor could proclaim himself emperor and control Tang Yan.But now it's all right, Tang Yan is about to run away, the possibility of the Dark Demon Emperor becoming emperor is greatly reduced, maybe he will drag them to be buried with him at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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