Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2624 New Yuan Calendar

Chapter 2624 New Yuan Calendar

"Why, do you want to keep us?"

Blood Demon Sacred Emperor and the others were choked, we wish we could swallow you, but we really want to keep you.

"This is the end of the Lost Battle Realm, you take good care of your master, I wish you the eternal prosperity of the Lost Battle Realm, and wish you all the demons will be friends forever." Tang Yan's silent laughter was heard in the ears of the demons. Ribi is harsher than anything.

"You didn't wait for the historical moment when the Dark Demon Emperor became the Ancient Emperor?" The Necromancer gave a reason that made him blush, and wanted to pester Tang Yan.He was really powerless, and the deep frustration made him more tired than ever.

"Wait no more, please enjoy it slowly. Give me the demon emperor Taotie, and I will take him away." Tang Yan signaled Huo Ling'er to move forward.

The Blood Demon Holy Emperor and the others exchanged glances, really wanting to hold Tang Yan back, but they were powerless to stop him.

The demon emperor Taotie was seriously injured and exhausted, and was controlled by the inner demon, unable to fight, he was soon subdued by Huo Linger and forcibly dragged into his camp.

"It's been tens of thousands of years, and the war in the lost war world is finally coming to an end. How do you feel?" Tang Yan deliberately provoked the Blood Demon Holy Emperor and the others, saying: "From now on, each of us will be in our own world. Don’t worry, unless you take the initiative to break your promise, our allied forces of human race and monster race will not invade the Lost Battle Realm again. Serve your master well and pass a word for me, I will come to see him again in a few years.”

The Gorefiend Holy Emperor hated it so much that his teeth were itching.

"Farewell, don't read it." Tang Yan stepped back.

Prince Cang and other emperors exchanged glances and retreated one after another.None of them expected such an ending, but from the heart, it should be the best ending.Tang Yan's riot alone bought their peace and tranquility.Thinking of this, they all glanced at Tang Yan who was retreating and staring at the hurricane.Can't tell if it's emotion or emotion.

But... For the Ancient Golden Clan, the war is finally over, and the drama of leaving the war world has come to an end.

This is completely different from the original intention of the human race to invade the Lost War Realm, but it is undoubtedly the ending they are most looking forward to now. Too many people have been sacrificed, and too much blood and sweat have been sacrificed, but... no regrets... the Blood Demon Holy Emperor They watched Tang Yan and the others retreat, and they also had a complicated, indescribable feeling in their hearts, with a faint sense of panic, and the source was the black demon behind them... Ancient Emperor... You are finished, what about us? ?
You have returned to the Qitian Continent, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, what will be waiting for us demons?
"Tang Yan, why don't we talk again?" The Blood Demon Holy Emperor bit the bullet and took a few steps forward.He couldn't allow himself to be defeated one after another, let alone be buried with the Dark Demon Emperor one day in the future.

"What are you talking about? Talk about your emigration to the Qitian Continent? Talk about hundreds of billions of human races watching you tens of thousands of blood demons? If you don't mind, I'd like to take you back to show off my military exploits."

The Blood Demon Holy Emperor's teeth trembled from anger, but he had to hold back his anger: "Do you still remember our agreement? We agreed to join hands to destroy the Dark Demon Emperor. You can't keep your promises and never have an end."

"Rare, you actually want to talk about credibility with me? If I don't come here to cause damage, you may be planning to frame me. You and I are in the same boat, and no one can say anything about it."

"What do you want? We can make another appointment."

"To borrow a word from you, I don't trust you demons."

The Gorefiend Holy Emperor was furious, this bastard is too hateful.It was Tang Yan who begged him for an alliance before, but in just a few months, the situation turned around, and he begged Tang Yan for an alliance.Even if he is respected as the Holy Emperor, he also feels hot on his face.The Heavenly Demon Holy Emperor and the Necromancer kept silent rationally, and handed over to the Blood Demon Holy Emperor, not wanting to embarrass themselves.

"You will never let the Dark Demon Emperor go. You will have a battle with him sooner or later. We can help you." The Blood Demon Holy Emperor must hold Tang Yan back. At that time, whether it is to use Tang Yan to destroy the Dark Demon Emperor, or the Dark Demon Emperor It is in their interest to control Tang Yan.

"Give you three to five years to think about it. We may come back someday. At that time, it is up to you to decide whether you will help me or harm me. Remember, the next decision may be to gamble on your respective demons." If you bet right, you can continue to exist, but if you bet wrong, I don’t mind losing a few demon species in this lost battle world.” Tang Yan left a sentence that made the blood demon emperor gnash his teeth, and retreated into the void.

The Blood Demon Holy Emperor and others are hated and angry, but what can you do?Catch him and beat him up?
The three of them were fighting high before, but now they are silent and their faces are gloomy.

The 20th year of the Dark Era is the 27th year of the Qitian Continent's Central Plains calendar.

Because of Tang Yan's madness, a new chapter has been opened for both the Lost Battle Realm and the Qitian Continent.

The Eternal Beast Mountain moved into hell as a whole, and returned to Qitian Continent via hell.

The scattered human races and monster races in the Gonggu Mountains were all transferred to the Central Plains of the Qitian Continent after Tang Yan and Huo Ling'er continued to move them.Even the monster troops in the Northwest Wasteland were forcibly captured and transferred to the Qitian Continent.

The Air Armed Forces teamed up with the coalition of millions of human races to carry out a large-scale cleanup of the leftovers in the war world, and transferred all the remaining human races and monster races back to the Qitian Continent.Like it or not, we have the final say now.

The Blood Demon Sacred Emperor and others have returned to their territory one after another. At this point, they can only wait for the Dark Demon Emperor to leave the customs and wait for the retrial of fate.

Considering that the Lost World will face new turmoil, under Tang Yan's insistence, the Succubus will temporarily transfer to hell to survive, and will return someday in the future.

The calendars of the two worlds are officially changed from today.

Renamed New Year Calendar!
The Qitian Continent has embarked on the strongest transformation in tens of thousands of years, and it is also a great development that lasts for thousands of years.

The Demon Spirit Clan, Bone Clan, Asura Clan, Sea God Clan, Spirit Clan, Sea Beasts ruled by the White Clan, and even the dilapidated Star Clan all returned one after another, and were dispersed to different regions in coordination to start a brand new life. Life.

Considering the acceptability of the people in Qitian Continent and the different living habits that both sides have cultivated for tens of thousands of years, Tang Yan came forward in person and made a coordinating agreement with all ethnic groups, trying not to rush into contact with the people and forces of Qitian Continent , not to be easily invaded.

Even the billions of returned demon clans were designated in the central region of the Central Plains, under the jurisdiction of Emperor Wudi City, and will start to disperse one after another in a certain period of time in the future.

As for the Monster Spirit Clan and the Bone Clan, they naturally enjoy the highest treatment, and they all live in the territory with the most energy in the Central Plains, but they have been separated from the Zhanmeng to form two different systems, so as not to attract fear from all parties.

The vigorous return, the bustling distribution, the tense and orderly regulation, all aspects of affairs are advancing in a busy manner.People from various countries in the Qitian Continent were initially wary of the return of the human and monster races one after another, but seeing the coordination of the Zhanmeng and the "safety" of all races, they relaxed their hearts one after another.

The empires and kingdoms, as well as the holy lands, took the initiative to cooperate and mobilize one after another.

Fortunately, the area of ​​Qitian Continent is large enough, and the continuous return of tens of billions of lives has not caused saturation. After all, there are too many vacant secret places and rainforests on the mainland, even if there are tens of billions more, it will not feel anything.

It is precisely because of this unprecedented mediation that the prestige of Zhanmeng and Tang Yan has reached the extreme. Ten thousand people admire and worship from all directions. Even if Zhanmeng wants to maintain an independent attitude, all parties will no longer allow it.

The power of faith that Tang Yan expects multiplies, like a thick armor guarding his state of mind.

October of the New Year!
More than half a year after the return of the human race and the monster race, the regulation of all aspects has basically been settled.

The long-delayed 'Peace Conference' has started again. This time, there are new members from the Demon Spirit Clan. This time, it is also for the purpose of allowing all races and nations to get to know each other and understand each other so that they will not be too mysterious to cause fear or conflict.

In the past six months, the emperors of all ethnic groups have not had time to retreat. They are all busy for their own ethnic groups, and they are all personally controlling the resettlement and survival of the ethnic groups. From time to time, they will take the initiative to go to Zhanmeng to discuss with Tang Yan.

In the past six months, Tang Yan tried his best to coordinate, and with the company of many think tanks, he handled various affairs very well. Although it was impossible to satisfy everyone, and some things were mean, Tang Yan never Fighting for the interests of the new Zhanmeng, without an attitude of "making things easy" for the Yaoling clan, is still appreciated by all parties. Even if you are dissatisfied, you can't say anything, so there will be no confusion.

Also in the past six months, Tang Yan invited Prince Cang, Haihuang, Tuoba Zhangui, and Xingluo Renhuang to join hands with the Asura Clan to set up a spirit gathering array for the Asura Emperor who is in deep retreat, providing various Huangli, help him stabilize his realm so that he will not degenerate.

Tang Yan's generosity made the Asura clan feel and grateful. They really didn't expect the scene of the "eight emperors joining hands" to appear, and they also hoped that the Asura Emperor would be truly stable, but all of this depends on Asura. Emperor's own efforts.

At the end of November in the first year of the New Yuan Dynasty, the peace conference ended after [-] days of intense discussions, and the overall situation of the Qitian Continent was officially settled.

The main tone is that the empire and the ancient clan basically guarantee their transcendent status and will not overly interfere with the growth and evolution of various regions. After all, the world is developing, and geniuses are born every day and every month in various regions, and miracles are being produced. This is the evolution of natural laws. They cannot be overly involved.

It is worth mentioning that many kingdoms have carried out coordination of different scales. The generals of many kingdoms, or the great clans of the empire, etc., have all spotted this unprecedented opportunity, and have seen all kinds of things that are flooding Qitian Continent. Opportunities, one after another leave the country, rush to different regions, or build a state or city, or try to build a country and so on.

Because of the special identities of the six princesses Yanqi and Ailinda, the orphans of Yan Kingdom who had already destroyed the country found them one after another, hoping to rebuild the country in the ancient land of Canglan.In their hearts, the two women of Yan State have become the wives of the Holy Emperor Tang Yan, and Yan State has every reason to be taken care of and reborn.

It's just that Yan Qi and Ai Linda expressed an absolute 'low-key' on this issue, expressing their willingness to see the rebirth of Yan Guo, but it is absolutely impossible to intervene.They hope that the country of Yan can be strong by its own strength, not relationships.

A grand and magnificent 'big development' started vigorously in Qitian Continent.

After that, the emperors went into deep retreat!
They are too tired, they also need recuperation, and they need to seize the opportunity to use the current surging and special energy of Qitian Continent, and use their experience of continuous fierce battles over the years to try to strengthen their own strength.

Moreover, there are still two ancient emperors sealed up in the Lost War Realm. With Tang Yan's temperament, he may set off a second battle at any time. Without disturbing the people of Qitian Continent, he will gather all the emperors to conquer the Lost World. .

(End of this chapter)

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