Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2633 War Restart

Chapter 2633 War Restart (2)

From the fifth year of the new Yuan calendar, a brand new war in the world of oblivion began to break out.

The Xuanwu Holy Emperor left the East China Sea retreat, traveled to the North Sea, and then landed on the northern coast, allied with the Blood Demon Holy Emperor and the Heavenly Demon Holy Emperor, and launched a counterattack against the Dark Demon Emperor.

The Dark Demon Emperor was in a state of shock, unable to accept the sudden appearance of Xuanwu, let alone the opponent's Ancient Emperor Realm.

He really didn't know that there was still an ancient emperor lurking in the Lost Battle Realm!So it was Xuanwu who broke through his energy hurricane?

The Dark Demon Emperor was filled with grief and indignation, and almost yelled at Tang Yan for being immoral.

It must be that Tang Yan coaxed Xuanwu into the ancient emperor, dragged him here forcibly, and then closed the passage, allowing the two ancient emperors to fight to the death!But things have come to this point, they can only fight, and must kill the ancient emperor Xuanwu.Because time waits for no one, Xuanwu will not sacrifice himself to fulfill him!
The Dark Demon King was angry and regretted not being able to control the Blood Demon Holy Emperor and Heavenly Demon Holy Emperor in advance. He wanted to keep them awake and make the war more cruel and bloody.

Originally thought that Losing the War World would be his own one-man show, but in the end a second protagonist came along.

The Dark Demon Emperor was caught off guard and fell into a deep passivity.

Xuanwu Sacred Emperor came in a menacing manner, he was like a runaway bastard, he was pressed for time, he had to take down the Dark Demon Emperor, and he had to rule the world of the Lost War for decades, so he fought desperately and attacked desperately.

The Black Demon Emperor also realized that the problem was serious, and tried to control the Xuanwu Ancient Emperor while attacking furiously. As a result, the ancient emperor's realm was more complicated than he imagined, and his inner demon power was not enough to completely control Xuanwu. The strongest result was the exciting Xuanwu. More irritable, more violent fighting.

After several attempts to no avail, the Dark Demon Emperor resolutely gave up and recruited the Li Demon Emperor, the Stone Demon Emperor and the Necromancer Emperor, and went to war directly! !

Tang Yan coldly followed the situation of the Lost Battle Realm through the bitter mother-in-law troops, sitting and watching Xuanwu fighting the Black Demon, waiting for the arrival of a situation where both sides would suffer.

However, he was not idle. A large number of ghosts secretly appeared in the central area, scattered all over the Forgotten War Realm, and under the guidance of the Kupo troops, they launched a secret raid on the Black Demon camp, disrupting the war, and invading the Dark Demon Emperor's camp.

Since the beginning of the year, the two camps have competed for life and death.

A series of wars are life and death battles, and they are the most violent and craziest battles. No one has too much time, and everyone wants to control others, and no one will hold back.This is not a battle of turf, not a battle of honor, but a battle of life and death, so this war is cruel every moment, every day and every night is fierce, testing everyone's potential and will.

In March of the fifth year of the New Yuan calendar, only two months after the start of the war, the Necromancer was seriously injured and dying.

At the cost of sacrificing the Necromancer Emperor, the Dark Demon Emperor severely wounded the Blood Demon Holy Emperor, and controlled him with all his inner demon power.

The Blood Demon Holy Emperor joined the Black Demon Emperor, commanding the Blood Demons to rebel against the Heavenly Demons.

In April of the fifth year of the new Yuan calendar, the Heavenly Demon Holy Emperor was controlled in endless passivity, and the Heavenly Demon clan obeyed the Heavenly Demon Holy Emperor and became attached to the Black Demon Emperor with unwillingness and grief.

So far, all the Demon Race teams are under the control of the Black Demon Emperor.

The Dark Demon Emperor made some adjustments and ruled the Four Emperors to face Xuanwu at the beginning of May.

A war broke out to completely encircle and suppress the ancient emperor Xuanwu.

On May [-]th of the fifth year of the new Yuan calendar, just a few days after the outbreak of the all-out war, the Dark Demon Emperor went berserk and directly detonated the Stone Demon Emperor, Li Demon Emperor, and the seriously injured Necromancer Emperor. World Hurricane.

The power of the emperor's self-destruction is enough to cause cholera, let alone the continuous self-destruction of the three demon emperors.

All of a sudden, cholera broke out in the North Sea. The violent wind and rain mixed with thunder, lightning and tsunami caused cholera in the sea area.

It seemed that even the sky was furious!

Xuanwu really didn't expect the Black Demon Emperor to be so cruel. The body of the snake was blown up during the cholera, which caused Xuanwu's first serious injury.

Having lost his snake body and suffered heavy injuries, Xuanwu could no longer see the hope of resisting the punishment of heaven in the future.During the war, during the cholera, Xuanwu counterattacked violently and smashed the right arm of the Black Demon Emperor.

The blood of the ancient emperor stained the barren sea and dark night red.

The war was tragic...sorrowful...the self-destruction of the Necromancer Emperor, Li Demon Emperor, and Stone Demon Emperor plunged the three major demon races into endless grief and resentment.

Because the emperor was controlled, they had to submit to the rule of the Dark Demon Race, and they never resisted. Who would have thought that the Black Demon Emperor would directly detonate their Emperor. This kind of humiliation and trampling was unacceptable to the three major Demon Races.

They want to resist, but they can't do anything, they want to question, but they don't get a response.

The deepest despair, the deepest sorrow.

The resentment of the three major demon races quickly spread to the Blood Demon Race and Sky Demon Race. They were also horrified by the cruelty and viciousness of the Dark Demon Emperor, and also worried that the Dark Demon Emperor would detonate their emperor one day in the future?They roared, they knelt down, and they tried to wake up their emperors, but... the two holy emperors were controlled by the demons in their hearts, and they were powerless to resist.

This effect was what the Dark Demon Emperor wanted. Not only did he use the self-detonation to severely damage Xuanwu, but it also aroused the panic and resentment of the five supreme demon races.

The war in the Lost War Realm has undergone tremendous changes in just a few months. The Dark Demon Emperor detonated the cruelty of the Demon Emperor, which shocked the world and shocked all races, and made Xuanwu feel great pressure. This lunatic is obviously out of control. Maybe one day the Sage Emperor will be detonated, once the two Sage Emperors blew themselves up, how would Xuanwu resist?
But Xuanwu would definitely not easily admit defeat, nor would he give up his life.Enraged by the successive predicaments, he made up his mind that even if he died, he would definitely hold the Dark Lord on his back, and would not allow him to easily resist the punishment of heaven.

The Dark Demon Emperor also made up his mind to destroy Xuanwu as soon as possible, and then trained him, turning this freak who was known as the monster's strong defense into a shield against heaven's punishment!There was no slack in the offensive, enduring the pain of a broken arm, and continued to attack violently.Use the inner demon as interference, control the two holy emperors, the Heavenly Demon Holy Emperor and the Blood Demon Holy Emperor, as weapons, and double strike from the body to the soul.

Even Tang Yan was amazed by the drastic changes, and the fierce battles bloodied the heavens.

Both Xuanwu and the Dark Demon Emperor looked like lunatics who were in a hurry, fighting with their lives.

Judging from the situation in front of him, Xuanwu seems to be defeated without a doubt, but Xuanwu's madness and runaway are frightening, and he always seems to be saying that I will never be messed with.

No one can decide the outcome until the end.

During this period, Tang Yan saw the strength of the Dark Lord, and also felt the continuous boiling resentment from the Lost War Realm.

Maybe the Dark Lord can really hold on to the end, and when the time comes to gather the resentment power of the entire world that has been left behind in the war world, there is still a great possibility to resist the punishment of heaven.

How to do?
Could it be that he really wants to lead the emperors back to the Forgotten War Realm and face the Dark Demon Emperor? ?

After Tang Yan thought hard, he suddenly made an astonishing decision - to transfer the demons!
While the war in the north continued to rage, no one paid attention to other regions.While Tang Yan arranged for the bitter woman and other ghosts to cholera the Western Continent, he opened the gates of hell and secretly captured the demons left in other seas and other lands of the war world, including ordinary demon people, including powerful demon troops, and also Including many monsters, transfer them secretly into hell for storage.

What does the Dark Demon Emperor rely on to accumulate the power of the inner demon?It is the resentment and evil thoughts of the creatures in the world, and all kinds of tragic emotions. If I move all the creatures in the world to you, there will not be many creatures in the huge world. How do you draw energy and resist the punishment of heaven?
So... Take it!You can charge as much as you can!

Tang Yan didn't expect to accept all of them, at least before the end of the war with the Dark Demon Emperor, transfer all the lives of the two-thirds of the demons left behind in the war world to hell and seal them up. At that time, the Dark Demon Emperor would be useless.

With one bare commander, the energy provided by the remaining third will never allow you to resist the punishment of heaven.

Thinking of doing it, Tang Yan went crazy to arrest them, and even secretly mobilized all the air force from Wudi City to secretly arrest the troops of the demon tribe, so that these evil tribes could be poured into hell continuously.

Anyway, the scope of hell is big enough, so you can charge as much as you come!
Tang Yan used to think that one day he would lead the emperors to conquer the Forgotten War Realm. What he didn't expect was that the situation of the Forgotten Battle Realm would evolve to this level. He underestimated the horror of Xuanwu when he went crazy, and underestimated the power of the Black Demon. The madness of the emperor.

It turns out that the ancient emperor's sense of fear was so strong when it came to the issue of heaven's punishment.

If it weren't for the deepest fear in their hearts, they would never be crazy to this extent.

They have survived for too long. They have always served as overlords, commanding troops, and controlling a territory. They have long been used to it. The concepts of longevity and strength are deeply rooted in their bones. Suddenly, one day, they are so close to death, as if there is a clock in their heads. Counting down, this fear, this fear, is enough to generate the deepest despair, so that they will lose their minds in order to become stronger.

Tang Yan thought about this before, but only after paying close attention to it with his own eyes did he realize that he still underestimated it.I also understand why there are so many heroes throughout the ages, but they dare not step into the ancient emperor unless they have to.

But now it's all right. Although the situation of Lost in the Battle Realm is unexpected, it is completely in his interest.

In this way, the Black Demon Emperor fought against the Xuanwu Ancient Emperor in the northern part. The fight was earth-shattering, the ghosts and gods wept, and the blood rained all over the sky. No one had time to pay attention to other things, no one had the energy to care about other things, and even forgot about the outside world.Tang Yan seized the opportunity to transfer the Demon Clan like a thief, and even made an idea of ​​the Li Demon Clan. He arranged for Li Yun to persuade them to cooperate with the transfer and escape from the Lost Battle Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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