Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2634 Historical Tide

Chapter 2634 Historical Tide
September of the fifth year of the New Yuan calendar.

After Tang Yan was ready, he went deep into seclusion again, wantonly devouring the power of the two realms, and launched a sprint towards the realm of the ancient emperor.

But this time, Tang Yan was sprinting alone and would not take Huo Linger with him.

He wanted to sprint against the ancient emperor as the ancestor of the demon spirit emperor, and sprint against the ancient emperor as the son of destiny of the demon spirit clan.

He wanted to fully stimulate Long Kui's potential, and use the power of the world from hell to sprint to the ancient emperor and meet the punishment of heaven.

The hell represented by Huo Ling'er was not promoted to Emperor Ancestor in the initial era. There may be some kind of defect or restriction. Naturally, this era will not break through easily, so it should be put aside for a while.Furthermore, once Tang Yan and Huo Ling'er break through together and meet the divine punishment together, they will not only restrain each other, but may also attract even more terrifying natural punishment, and both of them will be destroyed at that time.

Only one of the two can break through, and look forward to assisting the other to become emperor in the years to come.

This party is of course Tang Yan.

Beginning at the end of the fifth year of the new Yuan calendar, after Huo Ling'er guarded Tang Yan's retreat, he personally controlled the contact area between hell and the two worlds, absorbed power from the two worlds almost crazily, and continuously provided resources to Tang Yan, allowing him to On the basis of thoroughly stabilizing the realm of the Holy Emperor, he sprinted to the ancient emperor smoothly and accumulated enough energy.

In addition, Huo Linger is trying to better control hell, better understand the power in hell, and realize that he has a world-class ability like hell. The control of objects is expected to help Tang Yan in the future.

During Tang Yan's retreat, Qitian Continent and the Lost World continued their world journey.

Qi Tian Continent!

The end of the fifth month of the new lunar calendar.

The reincarnated emperor secretly promoted to the ancient emperor, lurking in seclusion, fully controlling the ancient emperor's power and profound meaning.

At the same time, the brand-new spiritual luck of the spirit clan was successfully shaped, sacrificing all the souls of the Holy Spirit Temple and more than 80.00 spirit clan troops, which is equivalent to draining [-]% of the spirit clan's current strength.

Not long after witnessing the transplantation of qi transfer with his own eyes, the Holy Spirit Emperor left the territory and sneaked into the sea to make a breakthrough in retreat.

Xuanyuan replaced the Holy Spirit Emperor as the governor of the Spirit Clan, paralyzing the investigations of Zhanmeng and Tianyan.

May of the sixth year of the New Yuan calendar.

Just one year after Tang Yan's in-depth retreat, Xu Yan made a strong exit.

After more than four years of dangerous retreat, the head change was successful.

Xu Yan was successfully promoted to the emperor with the body of the God of Killing White Tiger, and his killing power was so powerful that it caused a sensation in all parties.

The brutal killing spirit swept across most of the land, causing endless panic among the many monster groups. Tens of millions of monsters rushed out of the mountains and ravaged the human territory.They seem to have been eroded by the desire to kill, crazily killing each other, and brutally killing people, causing panic in many lands.

Kingdoms and empires in various districts had to send troops to encircle and suppress this sudden disaster.

The rampage of monsters lasted for three full months, until Xu Yan completely controlled the power of the white tiger and aspired to the throne.

The birth of the new Bone Emperor excited the Bone Race, giving this dying group a new vitality.

The birth of a brand-new ancient emperor is tantamount to officially announcing the rise of a brand-new ancient golden clan.

After tens of thousands of years of ups and downs, the Bone Race finally ushered in hope and a new emperor.

With the strength of Xu Yanbaihu's battle body, it is very possible to go one step further and attack the Holy Emperor in the coming years.

Based on the relationship between Xu Yan and Tang Yan, it is destined that the Bone Race will only become more prosperous and stronger in the tens of thousands of years to come.

The Bone Clan rejoiced from top to bottom, and also attracted congratulations from all directions. Many old people kowtowed to their ancestors and mourned the martyrs with tears in their eyes.

Compared to the celebrations of the Bone Race, Xu Yan's becoming emperor also caused countless undercurrents in the outside world.

There is no need to talk too much about the relationship between the Bone Race and the Zhanmeng, nor the relationship between the Bone Race and the Monster Spirit Clan. The invisible alliance between the Zhanmeng and the Monster Spirit Clan has already put pressure on all parties. Now that the Bone Emperor is born, this invisible The new alliance system is added, and the oppression is stronger and heavier.

Numerous facts throughout the ages have proved that when oppression exceeds a certain limit, resistance and undercurrents will naturally emerge.

July of the sixth year of the new lunar calendar!
All forces gathered in the Bone Clan to congratulate Xu Yan on becoming emperor!
Because Tang Yan, Du Yang and other old brothers were in deep retreat one after another, they were unable to attend.Niya, Zhaoyi, Tiansi, Lan and others went instead one after another.

Coinciding with the third birthday of Tang Yan's eldest son, Tang Tianyou, Xu Yan, who is Niya's adoptive sister, sent a gift—recognition of Tianyou as his adoptive son!
Interested?Unintentional?Everyone has their own opinions!

This matter did not cause much sensation within the Zhanmeng, but it aroused different suspicions from the outside world. It was believed that there should be an agreement between Tang Yan and Xu Yan, and it was Tang Yan who wanted to consolidate the eldest son's right of succession.

October of the sixth year of the new calendar!
Eight-year-old Tang Zhao recognizes his ancestors and returns to the Yaoling clan to accept the baptism of blood.

After being carefully guarded by the whole family, Tang Zhao officially awakened and defined the seventh-rank sacred vein!

But he didn't find Tang Nian's Skyfire physique from Tang Zhao, instead he found the attribute of Goodwill Wood after awakening.Because of Zhaoyi's bloodline of burying flowers, the Yaoling clan believes that the wood attribute in Tang Zhao's bloodline is somewhat similar to the attribute of Zhaoyi's goodwill, which means that both parents have inheritance.

Both parents have inheritance, so Tang Zhao's potential is destined to be unlimited.But the matter was difficult for the Demon Spirit Clan and Zhanmeng's headache. What kind of monsters were they thinking of using to help Tang Zhao wake up?

Since you have to choose, you have to choose the best one, but looking at the resources they store, there is no suitable choice.

Just when the Yaoling clan and the Zhanmeng were in a hurry, the seriously injured and dying villain Gu Jiu Selu appeared in the Yaoling clan.

Evilman Valley Zhao Tianyan and other strong men came with the Nine-Colored Deer in person.

The Nine-colored Deer was already dying in the previous war, and Evilman Valley has spent a lot of energy to help it over the years. Even Tang Yan once met the Nine-colored Deer and tried to help it. As a result, the Nine-colored Deer’s lifespan is too long. The precious medicines are exhausted.

To this day, Nine-Colored Deer persisted in coming to the Demon Spirit Clan, and swallowed his last breath by the Spirit Pond.It expressed its willingness to pass on its soul and blood to Tang Zhao, which can be regarded as its own alternative inheritance and rebirth.

At the end of October, Tang Zhao merged with Nine Colors Deer to complete the bloodline activation.

Even if Tang Zhao has the shocking inheritance of the ancient holy beast, it is tantamount to completing the life continuation of the nine-color deer.

On this special day, Evil Man Gu worshiped Tang Zhao as the moon girl, and honored him as honorary valley owner.

The current status of Evilman Valley may not be as powerful as Qitian Continent in the past, but with the advent of the new era, the development and growth of Evilren Valley is not a problem, and the owner of the Shaogu is Zhao Zimo, the young wife is Tiansi, and Tiansi's The Pure Yang Realm of her natal family belongs to the Zhanmeng, and the inextricable relationship among them destined the future potential of the Wicked Valley to be unlimited.

Therefore, worshiping Tang Zhao in the Valley of the Wicked is tantamount to giving Tang Zhao another layer of special status, which will also play a pivotal role in the years to come.

People unanimously thought that the Nine Color Deer's special blood inheritance is destined to promote the all-round development of Tang Zhao's wisdom, and with Zhaoyi's personal training, Tang Zhao's future growth in wisdom will be limitless.

One Tang Nian and one Tang Zhao are equal to one martial, one literary, one evil, one righteous, one courageous, and one schemer. If the two daughters of Zhaoyi can really complement each other, they will probably form a terrifying group within Zhanmeng. The status of the harem is higher.

Since the whole retreat at the beginning of the third year of the New Yuan Dynasty, it has been the sixth year of the New Yuan Dynasty. Jiuying, Prince Cang, and other emperors have all repaired their injuries. Even Emperor Asura has stabilized the realm of the emperor and reappeared in front of the people. But it will take a long time to rebuild a complete physical body.

Du Yang and the others showed no signs of awakening, and continued to do deep retreats. They were all doing their best to attack the realm of their dreams.Both Tang Yan and Xu Yan have already become emperors, and they are ruling one side. These old brothers must not fall behind. They don't expect to become emperors.

If it doesn't work for three years, then five years!
Decades of ups and downs experience, thousands of spiritual source fluids are the resources of their retreat this time, and they believe that they can always take a strong step.

The end of the sixth year of the new lunar calendar!
Another major event happened in Qitian Continent, but no one knew about it.

The heart demon petals scattered in the body of the returning human race monster gradually began to separate. They have been lurking for several years without realizing it. In fact, they come from the original setting of the cherry blossom tree. All the pasts of the forgotten war world, the Zhanmeng and others have begun to enter a period of comprehensive retreat, and they will secretly reappear.

The petals of the heart demon left the human race and the monster race one after another. They were very cautious. They did not evacuate all at once, but dispersed in batches, fluttering in the sky, across the vast continent, and broke into the distant South China Sea.

Lurking there is a little clone of the sakura demon girl, and the petals of the heart demon began to gather southward only after following her aura.

Through the thoughts conveyed by the heart demon petals, the sakura demon girl understands all kinds of things that happened in the Lost Battle Realm, and understands her brother's resentment and hope.Instead of devouring the endless stream of petals and returning spiritual fruits, she released herself and used her avatar as a guide to reshape the body of the cherry blossom tree and become a brand new tree to survive in the South China Sea, a lost battle world. take root.

The beginning of the seventh year of the new lunar calendar.

Xuanyuan Longli entered the peak holy realm, left the pass, and went west to the demon spirit clan.

Three days later, Prince Cang left the customs and prepared to build "Qi Tiantai" at the request of Xuanyuan Longli.

The Demon Spirit Clan gathered the five marshals and the heads of the Nine Legions, together with the elders of the Clan Affairs Council, they knelt and prayed for 81 days around Qi Tiantai, endowing Qi Tiantai with the deepest prayer of the Demon Spirit Clan.

Xuanyuan Longli wore the emperor's sacrificial robes and climbed up to Qi Tiantai step by step, unable to kneel for long.

Reminiscing about the Emperor's Sacrifice, understanding luck, and seeking the ultimate guidance of the way of heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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