Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2637 Awakening

Chapter 2637 Awakening
Central Plains!

Tang Yan was burning with fire from heaven, like huge waves raging to the sky, like rivers rushing, and the mighty sky fire illuminated the mountains and rivers of heaven, earth, and rivers. He sat in the depths of the sky fire, with his long hair fluttering, dancing wildly, like a silent god of war, steady as a rock, waiting quietly Heaven's final verdict.

Two months passed quietly, and all the people who should come have gathered here from different regions.


Not only since when, the sky has darkened, the wind has blown, the sky and the earth have become moist, and an indescribable oppression permeates from the end of the vast sky, as if an invisible force is waking up and oppressing.

At this moment, everyone felt a pair of eyes opened at the end of the world, looking at themselves and at the common people.They feel as if they are transparent, without any secrets, everything has been seen through, and they feel that they are weaker than ever before, and they don't even have the consciousness to resist.

The emperors suffocated and raised their heads one after another.

The heroes were terrified and retreated one after another.

The invisible power of heaven began to permeate thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, covering the boundless wilderness, from vague to clear, from weak to strong, it seemed to evolve in a short moment, and it seemed to advance slowly and long, causing countless people to have a sense of absurdity of time and space dislocation .

"Do you want to start? It shouldn't be time yet." Everyone was apprehensive and nervous, paying attention to the abnormal situation between heaven and earth.It doesn't look like God's punishment, but Tiandao really wakes up, feels the existence of Tang Yan, and it seems that Tiandao has completely opened his eyes to observe Tang Yan's situation.

They suddenly had a creepy feeling, as if the world was not the world they knew, and they were small, humble, and weak... Many people gathered together in unison, their palms were sweating, and the hairs all over their bodies stood up slightly.

They just came to witness the punishment of heaven, but they didn't want to encounter such a situation.

"It should be in the near future." Zilufu raised his hand to swallow the energy between the heaven and the earth, feeling their emotions.When God's punishment is approaching, those who can best judge the time are of course these "little elves" between heaven and earth.

"Can we use the Heaven's Punishment Formation again?" Du Yang suggested.

Zhao Zimo shook his head: "Heaven's Punishment Formation? It shouldn't be realistic. Tang Yan's current strength is the ancient emperor, and the distance between him and us is too big. When he was in Jiehuang, we can rely on our own strength Let him become stronger, but now he has fully improved two levels. How much help can we bring to Tang Yan when we form the Heaven's Punishment Formation again?"

After these six or seven years of retreat, Du Yang and others have grown a lot, and the last Nalan disciples are infinitely close to the peak holy realm.But except for Xu Yan, no one has advanced to the imperial rank. How can he help Tang Yan who is in the realm of the ancient emperor?The gap is too big, and it cannot be made up by the formation.

Qi Lufu directly rejected their ideas: "The punishment of heaven through the ages has been resisted alone, and must be done alone. The stronger the strength of the participants, the stronger the power of punishment. If you form a large formation of punishment, even if you strengthen Tang Yan's Strength will also invisibly strengthen the power of Heaven's Punishment, and the gains outweigh the losses, which is not advisable."

"Longli, what have you realized in the past few years?" Du Yang asked Xuanyuan Longli.Ever since Longli arrived a few days ago, he has been observing Tang Yan in the distance strangely, without saying a word.

Xuanyuan Longli was still silent, and it took a long time before he asked in embarrassment: "Yes, there is."

"Since there is, why don't you mention it?" Everyone cheered up.

"You're so capable, can you show off? We don't ask you? What about Sanskrit? Where's Nalan Yanran? Take care of your men!" Du Yang almost slapped him on the back of the head.

Xuanyuan Longli seemed to be in a difficult situation: "The method of escape from death is a memory passed down by the emperor's priest back then. But the situation envisioned by the emperor's priest is very different from what it is now. I am evaluating whether it should be brought up."

"It's this time, what should I do? Tell Tang Yan directly whether he should judge by himself." Ma Yanwang was also a little annoyed. This little boy is usually smart and smart, why is he hesitant at this time? up?
"The reason is not him, but us."


"Are you involved with me?"

"What is it, you tell me."

More and more people gathered here, they all admired Long Li's wisdom, and really hoped that he could find a way.

"Unless you can absolutely stop Linghuang and Samsara, my method will only make Tang Yan irreparable."

This time, everyone was dumbfounded.Long before Tang Yan retreated, he interviewed everyone one by one, told many secrets, and made preparations for each other, but the core of the problem was the Linghuang. Who can guarantee that the "yin man" will keep his promise?Even if you keep your promise, it may not be foolproof.

Once an accident happens, everyone will face a runaway ancient emperor.

"If you have anything to say, tell Tang Yan. There will be nothing wrong with the surrounding area. If so many people still can't stop a lunatic, it means there is something wrong, and you can settle it slowly afterwards." Jiu Ying said coldly, clearly The news of Chu reached the ears of the emperors, and all the emperors raised their eyebrows in unison.

Xingluo Renhuang said: "Tang Yan's words are correct. He does his own thing and does his best. We should do our best when we do ours. Both parties must trust each other and go all out. .”

Xuanyuan Longli nodded, breathed a sigh of relief, and walked to the center of the storm in the distance, where Tang Yan was meditating and comprehending, trying to resonate with the way of heaven, and deduce the trial of coming.

The emperors exchanged glances with each other and nodded slowly.At this time, no one can back down.If Tang Yan fails, the world will fall into turmoil again, and the current prosperity and beauty will collapse.They have worked hard for so many years to achieve what they are now, and they must not give up halfway.

Not long after Longli walked towards Tang Yan, Mo Yansheng broke through the void and descended on the battlefield, announcing to everyone: "The Emperor Ling and the Emperor Samsara are here, and they should have broken through to the Ancient Emperor without accident. They have already landed in Binhai, and it is expected to We can arrive in the afternoon. The reincarnation troops have not been dispatched, it seems that they just want to start the imperial battle and don't want to involve other battlefields."

Jiuying personally ordered: "All troops below the emperor's rank evacuate to the northern edge. All of the emperor's ranks, prepare for the battle! Li Yun and Mo Yansheng, do a good job of controlling the emperor's battlefield, and the rest of the air force guards all the troops below the emperor's rank."

The emperors raised their heads one after another, paying attention to the turbulent wind and clouds at an altitude of [-] meters. As the two ancient emperors approached, the oppression at high altitude seemed to be obviously intensified. When the Ling Emperor and the Samsara Emperor arrived here, it was almost the time for the real punishment of heaven. .

After a while, another Kongwu rushed to the scene: "Xuanyuan left the Spirit Clan without any other troops, and was alone."

The girls of Zhaoyi held hands tightly, and looked at Tang Yan at the Heavenly Punishment Center, their hearts clenched tightly together.

Lan, Tiansi and the other women were lightly relieved, but secretly worried.

June [-]th!

More than [-] days after Tang Yan sat in the central area, the reincarnation ancient emperor and the ancient spirit emperor came together.

"The way of heaven has awakened." They did not directly reach the central area, but stood on the edge of the central area, looking at the depths of the central area across thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.Although the distance is far away, they can still clearly feel the terrifying coercion from the heavens. At this moment, they all feel that a pair of eyes are looking at them, locking them, and exploring their aura.

"Tang Yan's energy and talent are much higher than ours, and Tang Yan will be selected first when the punishment of God comes. There should be no doubt."

"Heavenly Dao is now judging Tang Yan's strength to determine the power of Heaven's Punishment. We might as well inject some power into the Central Plains Central District to strengthen the energy of Tang Yan's area, so that Heavenly Dao will misjudge it? The power of Heavenly Punishment will definitely increase."


The ancient spirit emperor and the reincarnated ancient emperor raised their heads together, roaring mountains and rivers, roaring heaven and earth, and the two emperors showed their power, aiming at the core of the central area ten thousand meters away to release their imperial power.

They want to send their ancient emperor's power to the sky, awaken the way of heaven, let the power in the central area reach a power beyond Tang Yan's real realm, induce the heavenly punishment to come in advance, and focus on Tang Yan in the distance to destroy him!
"What is that??" Thousands of miles away, the emperors were alarmed. "Shameless! They want to interfere with the energy in Tang Yan's area there."

"It should be thousands of miles away, the ancient emperor is so powerful? Can he attack from thousands of miles away?"

"Stop them!"

After the emperors exchanged glances, they rushed at full speed, was too late..."...God's"

The voice of the Shuanghuang reappeared, like thunder in the nine heavens, shaking the world and stirring the sea of ​​clouds.

The reincarnation of the ancient emperor's majesty is mighty in the world, and the whole body bursts out with bright light, like a bridge connecting the sky, connecting thousands of miles of space at the speed of light in an instant. The bridge carries the endless power of the ancient emperor, passing through the vast sea of ​​clouds, penetrating the vast sky, It hit Tang Yan, who was thousands of miles away.

The ancient spirit emperor's soul power is mighty for thousands of miles, rolling upwards, majestic and majestic, like a dark dead sea, surging, surging, smashing the dark clouds in the sky at an astonishing speed, and hitting the distant Tang Yan battlefield.

Before the emperors rushed here to intercept them, the two ancient emperors' powers were already like two vast oceans, spanning thousands of miles, and blasting towards the sky above where Tang Yan was. The speed and power far exceeded expectations. At the end of the speech, they were all caught off guard.

Boom! !

The energy in Tang Yan's area suddenly soared, equal to the superposition of three ancient emperor's power.

Tang Yan suddenly opened his eyes, the eyes flickering.Damn old stuff, shameless!
At this moment, Heaven finally woke up!

(End of this chapter)

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