Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2638 Long Kui resists the sky

Chapter 2638 Long Kui resists the sky
"Crack Kacha!"

With a radius of thousands of miles, cracks appeared on the ground. The mountains in the distance disappeared with the wind like paper, and the river disappeared as if flowing into the desert. There were bursts of palpitations from the depths of the stratum. Boiling, rushing out of the cracks, gushing on the earth.

Everything in the world is so fragile. In the face of natural disasters, all living beings are ants.


A deep tremor resounded through the heaven and earth, as if countless prehistoric beasts were roaring.

The boundless sky suddenly changed color, turning into a mysterious and terrifying purple-red, sprinkling infinite light and shadow on the heaven and earth.Bizarre and bizarre, crisis everywhere.The thick clouds gathered again, boiling like boiling, and the scene was shocking.A streak of purple lightning is rushing across the clouds, containing different destructive powers.Strips of blood-colored horses flashed swiftly there, filled with extreme power of collapse.

"Back! Back all!"

"Join forces and defend together."

All the saints changed their colors together, horrified by the drastic changes of the earth, and even more horrified by the changes of the sky.

Their hearts were trembling, their breath was suffocating, and their souls seemed to be sealed. They had never felt this way—small!
As if suddenly standing in the depths of the stormy ocean, I was weak and powerless, and could die at any time.

Chocolate and other Kongwu endured the shock and anger, and led many saints to evacuate: "Back back!"

The light and shadow of the space enveloped the sky and shadows, leading thousands of people to evacuate.

"God's are finally here." Tang Yan has been sitting still for more than 70 days, although he was disturbed, he faced it calmly.

Booming, the vast sky became more irritable, and the dull roar carried a strange oppression, as if the sky was roaring.The energy between the heaven and the earth rises densely and gathers towards the core of Heaven's Punishment, like thousands of streams flowing into the sea, with a huge momentum.

A battlefield of destruction sweeping thousands of miles spread rapidly.

Where the ground cracks and magma soars into the sky; where hurricanes swarm and run through the heaven and earth; where the torrential rain splits mountains and rivers like knives; A purple-red bewitching light enveloped the sky and the earth.

Everyone was suffocating, staring into the distance with horror, their hearts were trembling, their bodies were trembling, and their pupils were dilated.

Curse?Natural disaster?Break through the limit of everyone's imagination.Let alone fighting, there is only fear in their hearts, and the deepest fear makes them unable to move their bodies.

"I, Tang Yan, use the body of Long Kui to meet the punishment of heaven. With the power of hell, I will fight against the way of heaven."

Tang Yan was calm and calm, and released himself at this moment. The sound of crackling bones resounded in all directions, and a perfect demon body thousands of meters away quickly formed in the scene of the destruction of natural disasters. whistling.

The dragon's chant is clear and clear, piercing through gold and cracking stones, the dragon's eyes are pitch-black, and sharp lights are splashing.

The dragon's body is as strong as black iron, and each scale reflects a cold light.


A loud noise, earth-shattering, exploded deep in the sky.

Hundreds of saints trembled in shock, thousands of strong men shivered in fear, and their whole bodies shrank in unison.

Jiuying waited for Qiqi to stop halfway, then suddenly turned around: "It's started?"

"It's started? Sure enough, it's our last invitation. God's punishment, come down, destroy Tang Yan, destroy the common people!" The ancient emperor of reincarnation sneered, and walked towards the central area.

Gu Linghuang remained silent and followed behind step by step.

The two ancient emperors moved together, just like the ancient war gods. They were radiant and mighty, stirring up the energy between the heaven and the earth step by step, and the boundless hurricane rushed in all directions.

Xuanyuan appeared from behind, following behind the two ancient emperors.Her eyes turned pale, her face was expressionless, glamorous but icy cold, the imperial prestige was unleashed, spreading out a lot of cold waves and frost, every step seemed to freeze a space.

Jiuying and the others didn't have the intention to stop the ancient emperor of reincarnation and the others, frowning and staring at the depths of heaven's punishment.

Boom! !

A terrifying purple sky thunder fell, the dazzling divine brilliance illuminated the world, and the destructive pressure covered the world.

There is only one sky thunder, but it is thousands of meters thick, like a purple river of thunder that spans through the ages, breaking through time and space, and like an angry giant python, rushing out of Huanggu, it is violent and terrifying, breaking through the barriers of time and space in an instant, It hit the middle of the central area of ​​Qitian Continent, and crashed into the majestic giant dragon entrenched in the sky.

"Aww!!" Long Kui's demon body raised its head to the sky and howled furiously, its dragon energy boiling all over, but instead of attacking directly, it wanted to resist the punishment with its flesh.He knew that this was just the beginning, and he had to try the power of it himself.


The sky and the earth trembled, and Long Kui's roar turned into a whine on the spot.

He thought his physical body was as tough as steel, but at the moment of impact, it was like porcelain that had been impacted, with cracks and violent fluctuations all over his body.

Long Kui's demon body pressed down hard for thousands of meters before he managed to stabilize.The emperor's blood splattered, his whole body was cracked, it was horrible.

"Hiss!!" Du Yang and others sucked in cold air, and the pores all over his body emitted cold air.

Zhaoyi and the others covered their mouths hard to prevent themselves from screaming.They stared straight at the distant battlefield with their eyes wide open, their eyes trembling with shock and sadness.

"Heaven's punishment is so strong?" Tang Chen and the others felt their hearts twitching, they couldn't accept it at all.

The monster body of the Yaoling clan can be regarded as the strongest defensive power in the same level, especially Tang Yan, who has been tempered by the void and is now promoted to the ancient emperor, the defensive power is so terrifying, it is impossible for anything in Qitian Continent to break through easily .

But... just a 'rehearsal' of God's Punishment, just a face-to-face meeting, Tang Yan was smashed to pieces?What next?
"This is the power of Heaven's Punishment? Impossible!!" Prince Cang and others were shocked. They all looked at Jiuying, hoping that Jiuying could give a definite response.If this is God's punishment, it will continue and become stronger and stronger, how can Tang Yan resist?
"This is heaven's punishment! But it shouldn't be so strong. It may be that the imperial power released by the reincarnation emperor interfered, causing Tiandao to overestimate Tang Yan's power at the beginning." Jiuying turned his head slowly, with a cold expression His eyes fixed on the two ancient emperors who were striding towards them.

"Damn it! Shameless things, even in the realm of the ancient emperor, are you still making dirty tricks?" Tuoba Zhangui roared furiously, the imperial power boiled, the world trembled, and the ground below was cracked in large areas.

"Hmph, Heaven's Punishment is really extraordinary, it seems that Tang Yan can't survive." The ancient emperor of reincarnation came and confronted the emperors across ten thousand meters.

He is not afraid of everything at this moment, and the transcendent realm of the power of the ancient emperor endowed him with the capital of being a hero in the world.Now, under the ancient emperor, he is invincible.

"Tang Yan is dead, and God's punishment will lock you up, and you won't be able to live when the time comes. The sky will not forgive, the earth will not be buried, and your soul will be destroyed." Xu Yan glared at the ancient emperor of reincarnation. The terrifying phantom of the white tiger appeared in the sky, causing thunder and hurricanes, and the roar of the white tiger seemed to echo in the sky and the earth.

"I didn't want to live at all. I just want to kill you all before I die. In this life, I have no regrets." The reincarnation ancient emperor's posture is decisive, and the imperial power is boiling with the energy of the world.At this moment, he is like a sky, and the emperors on the opposite side are like 'mountains and rivers' and 'Wang Yang'.

The sky is overlooking all things in the world, and it can annihilate them even more.

Prince Cang confronted coldly: "You are no longer the holy emperor of reincarnation. You have been hiding since the lost war world, and you have been hiding in the end. You have hidden for a lifetime!! You are the most respected person by the Yaoling emperor. Now they are in such a state of desperation, and they have never faced each other openly and honestly once in their life, what a pity!"

"If you can hide and fight, you are a hero. Fighting in chaos all your life is for ordinary people. In my eyes, the Yaoling Emperor is an ordinary person, and Tang Yan is also an ordinary person. Today, the final battle, let you see what a hero is." The radiance of the reincarnated ancient emperor's whole body became brighter and brighter. Hundreds of millions of divine lights illuminate the world, and each one is like a heavenly sword, which can pierce through the majestic mountains and great mountains.

This is the power of the ancient emperor, second only to the sky.

"Don't talk nonsense with them, kill all the emperors, and interfere with Tang Yan. Don't let Tang Yan have any chance." Xuanyuan reminded the ancient emperor of reincarnation, she was afraid that there would be many dreams in the night, Tang Yan had already started there, maybe there would be many secrets What if he finally resisted?She doesn't allow it!

"Ten emperors, enough for us to have fun! The last battle before death, Gu Linghuang, don't leave any regrets." The reincarnation ancient emperor roared, ready to kill, his voice contained terrifying power, and the shaking emperors All trembling.

Jiuying and others all showed their true power, and various profound meanings spread out a huge killing field one by one, surging their own imperial ways, releasing unparalleled and terrifying killing power.They are full of fighting spirit and extremely powerful, but compared to the reincarnated ancient emperors in front, the aura of all the emperors is obviously weaker.It's one thing to predict in advance, it's another to actually face it.

Their faces were ugly, they stared coldly at the Ancient Emperor Samsara, and at the same time looked at the Ancient Linghuang.

(End of this chapter)

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