Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2639

Chapter 2639
"The ancient spirit emperor will kill me! Slaughter all the emperors, and the history of Qitian Continent will start again!" The ancient emperor of reincarnation roared, and the mystery of reincarnation was officially opened. filled the world.

He is full of pride and mighty in battle.Today, when this day's punishment is approaching, at this moment that attracts the attention of the world, he reincarnates the ancient emperor to reverse history, change the pattern, and let the common people of the world let the long river of history remember this moment forever.

Xuanyuan retreated quickly, tens of thousands of meters away, to avoid the upcoming battle of the 'Tu Huang'.Not only did she have to pay attention to the situation today, but she also had to protect herself, so as not to be caught and practice her luck.

"Fight! The Holy Emperor is in front, and the Jie Emperor is in the rear!" Tuoba Zhangui responded to Jiuying, his anger burning at this moment.

However... "No hurry." Jiuying waved his hand suddenly, stopped the emperors and scolded Gu Linghuang coldly: "The last decision in your life is not for you, for your spirit clan, and for your patriarch. The direction of your battle Determine the future direction of your Eldar."

"What?" Xuanyuan's face changed slightly, and he suddenly had a strong premonition.

The ancient emperor of reincarnation suddenly turned his head, his bright red eyes were directed at the ancient spirit emperor.

At this moment, Gu Linghuang raised his soul war blade and slashed towards Samsara Ancient Emperor.

Rumbling, the sea of ​​soul fog rioted all over the sky, the sound waves rolled, the sky was gloomy and cold, and the dark soul sword tore through the sky and shattered the sea of ​​fog.This is the real Soul Dao Heavenly Knife, a source of dark souls, which forcibly splits the Samsara Light Dao within tens of thousands of meters around the Ancient Emperor of Samsara.

"Crack, click." The sound of dense cracks filled the sky, and the moment the soul warblade split the light path, it turned into thousands of thin lines of black light, raging in the terrifying sea of ​​samsara light.

Each gleaming thin line is the ultimate condensation of soul power.

This is the ancient emperor's sharp blow!
Thousands of black lights, ten thousand ways of soul, the reincarnation domain that the ancient emperor of reincarnation spread out with all his strength was pierced in an instant.

After the soul thread was extremely raging, it passed through numerous defenses, and all of them hit the ancient emperor of reincarnation.

The ancient emperor of reincarnation was caught off guard. He intended to attack but not defend. He wanted to crush the heroes with strong attack, but he ignored the soul.

In fact, the Gu Linghuang has been silently accumulating momentum for a long time, secretly weaving every soul line on the way here, and now he is playing with all his strength, what a frenzied offensive.It's as if the rushing river and sea suddenly found a flood outlet, the feeling is hearty, the attack is destructive and violent, not to mention the surprise attack of the soul!

All of a sudden, the tide of light collapsed, the sky and the earth were in turmoil, and the ripples of destruction swept across hundreds of miles. The two forces of profound truths collided and scattered, forcing Xu Yan and other emperors to retreat repeatedly. In a short period of time, they retreated dozens of times. inside.Staring in horror at the explosion range filled with dazzling divine light and gloomy black mist.This is the ancient emperor's offensive?

A moment later, the ancient emperor of reincarnation broke through the destruction area, stepped on the sky for tens of thousands of meters, and cursed angrily: "Emperor ancient spirit, you beast!"

The light of his whole body was flickering, no longer flickering so regularly, but faintly showing a tendency to lose control.Wounded souls are not easy.There was blood on the corner of his mouth, blood oozing from the corners of his rounded eyes, his whole body was trembling, and his shaking eyes were full of resentment, so he was not frightened.

what happened?
Why did Gu Linghuang suddenly rebel?
I bet everything, for today!

I abandon everything, for today!

I poured all my heart and soul into it and pinned all my hopes on it, but just when I swaggered forward to let the whole world feel the tragedy and pride of my dying counterattack, I unexpectedly encountered such an accident.As if the huge door of hope closed suddenly, darkness quickly returned in front of him, and cold water was poured on his face.

"I exchanged my sacrifice for the cancellation of the grievances of the Spirit Clan and the Zhanmeng. I deserve it." Gu Linghuang's face was calm, and there was an unprecedented firmness in his calm. Weeping blood sees death as home.

"You villain!" The Samsara Ancient Emperor trembled all over, not just because of betrayal, but because he had only one last chance left, there was no way out, no choice.

Gu Linghuang's sudden actions left him with no choice or way out, it doesn't matter if he dies, what about Xuanyuan?What about the reincarnation clan?destroy!
He glared at Gu Linghuang resentfully, but Gu Linghuang was expressionless, and met his gaze calmly, there was no wave in the ancient well.This kind of expression, this kind of calmness, made Samsara Ancient Emperor feel cold all over, and a bone-chilling chill permeated from the deepest part of his heart.

Xuanyuan was directly fixed in the distance, his face was ashen, and his mind was blank.It's over, it's over.I bet everything, but I lost to fate, you really hate me that much?Why won't you help me once?
"You brothers and sisters are capable and courageous, but you have been defeated a long time ago. You are not giving up, but dying. Sorry, history has changed to this day, and the times have changed. I can withstand the ups and downs, My spirit clan can't bear it anymore. Today, I will bet my life to prevent you from moving forward." The Gu Linghuang resolutely moved forward, and the turbulent sea of ​​soul mist in the world boiled again.

He coughed up blood step by step, raised his arms step by step.

Every mouthful of blood gathers pure soul power and turns into a peerless soldier.

He came here today to die, he didn't hold back, and he didn't want to live, so he directly used the method of self-mutilation, coughing up blood continuously, and all kinds of soldiers formed one after another and scattered to different areas.

Every warrior is full of blood, hundreds of feet in size, and surging with terrifying soul power.

In just a short moment, Gu Linghuang's face was pale and he lost a lot of blood, but he shaped thousands of blood soul warriors and spread them over hundreds of miles.

Strange scenes began to appear. The soul mist was billowing beside each hundred-foot soldier, and a soul warrior emerged. They raised their hands horizontally, holding swords, whips and halberds. Huge, the soul energy in the whole body is like burning black smoke.

This scene caused many emperors to secretly change their colors, and exchanged glances in surprise.Gu Linghuang seems to have created a small hell, a small demon world, every soldier and warrior is as towering as a mountain, cold and evil, and all of them are locked in the reincarnation of the ancient emperor.

"Okay! Very good! Gu Linghuang, you would rather be buried with Tang Yan, I will fulfill you! Xuanyuan, don't panic, we haven't failed today, let me kill Gu Linghuang, slaughter the ten emperors, and then destroy Tang Yan "The ancient emperor of reincarnation broke out in endless resentment and despair, roaring like thunder, and trembling implicitly.

The Nine Heavenly Bridges emerge from the body, like nine avenues of time and space, staggered between the sky and the earth.Each overpass is radiant and intertwined with divine brilliance. Each overpass is hundreds of miles away and a kilometer wide, as if intertwined and connected to form a mysterious world, and each passage is like a battlefield.

The figure of the reincarnated ancient emperor suddenly disappeared, flashing back and forth between different overpasses.His eyes were shining brightly, and he regained his vitality. He will never admit defeat, not for himself, for Xuanyuan, for the reincarnation clan... "Tuoba returned from the battle and helped the Ancient Spirit Emperor. The rest of the emperors arrested Xuanyuan In case of an accident." Jiuying ordered Tuoba Zhangui, nodded vigorously at each other, and took the lead to kill Jiutiao reincarnation bridge.Jiuying manifests a [-]-meter demon body in full bloom, like a mobile battle fortress, all kinds of mysteries gather, and boundless evil spirits fill the sky and the earth, competing for the glory of reincarnation.

"Haha, I like this feeling of dying and fighting fiercely!" Tuoba Zhangui was fearless, blooming with the power of the Holy Emperor, dancing shattering and five elements, two kinds of imperial power secrets, entered the reincarnation bridge from another direction.

"Jiu Ying, count us in!" Xu Yan exchanged glances with Prince Cang, and even rushed towards Jiu Ying.They are not as powerful as Jiuying, they are not as powerful as Tuoba Zhangui, and they are not as powerful as the Holy Emperor.But they all have unique skills and are willing to die to challenge them. They can follow Jiuying closely and use Jiuying's spatial attainments. I believe they can play a very powerful role.

The Ancient Spirit Emperor controls thousands of warriors, dancing the sea of ​​mist, like a moving dark world, crashing into the most dazzling sea of ​​samsara.

Booming, thousands of miles of battlefields were drawn into the boundless storm of the imperial war.The disaster scene is almost comparable to the punishment of God in the distance, pulling energy from all directions to gather here.

The ancient emperor of reincarnation flashed rapidly between different flyovers, danced and screamed across time and space, and faced the heroes.

This was his first real battle in tens of thousands of years, and it was also an all-out battle to the death.

There is absolute desolation in the sadness, and killing intent boils in the resentment.

But Gu Linghuang joined forces with Jiuying, Tuoba Zhangui and others to attack frantically with the determination to die.

Darkness and light are competing for supremacy, death and reincarnation are competing, loud noise and destruction are colliding.

Thousands of gigantic shadows looming and dancing warriors, ten-thousand-meter giant monsters collapsing overpasses, or collapsing secrets triggering terrifying black holes, and white tigers and sky demons crossing the space.

A battle to the death through and through.

The boiling energy is like a burning flame, and the endless imperial power distorts the space.The thousand-mile battlefield was full of cholera, and even the emperors couldn't see what was going on inside. Their vision and thoughts were blocked by the distorted space and various esoteric forces.

Xingluo Human Emperor, Holy Human Emperor, and Tianquan Human Emperor.The Three Sovereigns stayed behind, and cooperated with Mo Yansheng and Li Yun, two Kongwu masters, to provide reinforcements at any time.

Bai Yu, Asura Emperor, Sea Emperor, and the Three Emperors surrounded Xuanyuan from three directions: "Catch him without a fight, and sacrifice the luck of reincarnation!"

(End of this chapter)

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