Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2647 Thunder Kill

Chapter 2647 Ten Color Thunder Ten Heavy Kills
Soon after, the continuous evolution of Heaven's Punishment confirmed their conjecture.

The space in the Heavenly Punishment Disaster Area is constantly changing colors, from the initial crimson red, to strong orange, then to earthy yellow, then emerald green, sea blue, deep purple, and then the golden thunder.

The color of the sky thunder is constantly changing, and the energy mystery is constantly evolving. Different sky thunders fall, and different energy destroys and tempers.And each time is stronger and more terrifying.

Lie Yan (raging flames), life, Wang Yang, soil and rocks, etc., Tianlei carried terrifying energy, and broke into the Mie Shen domain time and time again, smashing Tang Yan time and time again.But every time Tang Yan is destroyed, luck from different ethnic groups will appear to assist Tang Yan in reorganizing and truly blending.

They can all deeply feel that Tang Yan's aura is rising, and every time he is destroyed and reorganized, his strength will become stronger.Otherwise, even if the Killing God Domain can weaken half of its ability, the more terrifying sky thunder in the later stage will be enough to kill Tang Yan into scum, because the sky thunder is getting stronger and stronger, too strong, and even Jiuying feels heart palpitations.

Xu Yan lamented that the horror of the Emperor's Bone and the Killing God realm had halved Tianwei's power from beginning to end.It is also their existence that makes Heaven's Punishment a temper instead of complete destruction.

Du Yang couldn't stand it anymore, Zhao Zimo turned his head slowly, the corners of his eyes were moist.

They watched Tang Yan being chopped from head to tail again and again, just watching it was uncomfortable, Tang Yan should have endured such terrible pain in the midst of it.

They really want to shout, give up.

From the beginning to the present, from the rise to the present, we have never given up. We have never given up in our minds. This is the perseverance and tenacity between our brothers. But today...we really want to say...Give up...Qin Minghuang When people lost their minds and were in a trance, they couldn't stand it anymore, but they had to sigh with emotion that Tang Yan's will was as strong as steel, or it was no longer will.They couldn't figure out what was supporting Tang Yan, making him persist again and again, reborn again and again, and raise his head again and again.

This is the tempering of strength and the forging of will.

When the purple sky thunder fell, the destructive power had already caused the sky punishment space to collapse, and Jiuying and others all retreated thousands of miles away, leaving the battlefield far away.

They were all silent, couldn't bear to look at it, and couldn't bear the loud noise when the punishment came, including Jiuying himself, so they had to retreat far away.

Just the sound of the sky thunder explosion can make the Holy Emperor retreat, how powerful is the real energy contained in the sky thunder?

They can't imagine!

After the purple sky thunder passed, the disaster-stricken area of ​​Heaven's Punishment was shrouded in boundless darkness. It was the lightning of darkness, the ultimate lightning of death.

But it didn't end there. After the black thunder passed, the disaster-stricken area of ​​Heaven's Punishment fell into the deepest pale, and tens of thousands of white lightnings descended.

Ten colored mines!Ten heavy kills!

The final thunderstorm of Heaven's Punishment struck, thousands of miles of space in the Central Plains was completely filled with empty white light, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers surged with terrifying energy, and no one could get close.

Jiuying and the others didn't leave, they retreated thousands of miles, looked out, and waited silently.

There is a haze of white, the ultimate white, empty white, like endless barrenness, without everything.

Tang Yan has resisted ten heavy thunders and integrated the luck of ten clans, so it should be regarded as having passed the punishment of heaven, right?So they thought.

But... did Tang Yan survive?

They are looking forward to it infinitely, but they dare not go deep into fantasy.

The Heavenly Punishment on June [-]th in the tenth year of the New Yuan calendar spread unknowingly throughout the Qitian Continent, from the land to the sea, from the wilderness to the secret place, hundreds of billions of lives have left everything at the same time, focusing on the distant Central Plains, There are even many forces gathering there spontaneously, crossing mountains and rivers, heading for the central area.

They heard what happened, including various accidents.

They all wanted to see the birth of the emperor, or... the destruction... More and more people gathered in the Central Plains, and they were all shocked by the vast white desolation.

But no one expected that the dead silence in the central area lasted so long. One day passed, two days passed, one month passed, two months passed... From June, to July, August, and unconsciously arrived at the new The 11th year of the Yuan calendar.

In a trance, it's June again.

A year passed in silence, but the energy there was still terrifying. The empty white space isolated everything. It was difficult for people and animals to enter the area thousands of miles away. Even Jiuying couldn't get close after several attempts. annihilation.

The dead white world contains the ultimate destructive power.

In just one year, millions of people gathered in the Central District, but they left one after another in the near future.

As they left, pieces of news about Tang Yan's death began to spread around the world.It is said that Tang Yan was destroyed in the last sky thunder, and the lingering energy there is actually the product of Tang Yan's collapse, which is equivalent to Tang Yan's self-destruct.

Based on Tang Yan's situation at the time, he was no less than half an emperor. Once he blew himself up, it was completely reasonable to create a blank area of ​​thousands of miles in the central area.

Some people also said that Tang Yan resisted the punishment of heaven and broke away from the shackles of the world. He is no longer a human being, has no form, and will never return.

In short...Tang Yan is gone...disappeared...New Year 12, June.

Two full years have passed since Heaven's Punishment, and many of the original companions have left one after another. Only a few hundred people, including Niya, are left standing there day and night. Tang Yan... are you really... still here?

Xuanyuan Longli forced a laugh: "Let's go back. Tang Yan may be in seclusion, and he may have to wait for ten or a hundred years, or even longer. There is no way for us to wait here. If Tang Yan succeeds, naturally will come to us."

Everyone looked complicated, watching silently, and those who can stay until now are all sincere.

They want to wait a little longer, one day?a year?Just want to wait.

In the end, it was Jiuying who said, "Let's all go back. The air force is stationed here in turn and will report the situation at any time. Once the energy in the central area shows signs of weakening, please notify us immediately and we will come back."

It has been two years in a row, and the energy inside has not shown any signs of weakening. If it is in retreat, it should continue for a long time. If it has been destroyed, there is no point in staying. , "But..." Some people still want to insist.

Jiu Ying said: "Don't delay Tang Yan's child."

Everyone was baffled at first, and then suddenly realized.God bless?Haoyu?Before they knew it, their two children would both turn nine years old in two months.

For the Golden Ancient Clan, six to nine years old is actually the best time for baptism.

"Let's all go back, don't delay Tianyou and Haoyu. Baptize them and be overjoyed. Leave Kongwu here to watch, it won't help if we all stay here, Tang Yan's success or failure depends on himself." Everyone finally convinced Niya and others.

The people who had been waiting here for two years left one after another, leaving only the air force in command.

Mo Yansheng, Li Yun, and Chocolate lead the team in turn!
It's just that their departure caused rumors to spread in Qitian Continent, saying that even the Zhanmeng had given up. It seemed that Tang Yan had really failed.

For millions of years, countless geniuses have challenged the punishment of heaven and failed. No matter how talented Tang Yan is, he can't escape the curse of punishment. It's a pity and a pity.

Zhanmeng ignored the external situation and arranged his own affairs in silence.

After all returned, Jiuying personally issued the first order, arranging Tianyan to rush to Binhai, and spread the news to the sea area-the ancient emperor of reincarnation is dead, and Xuanyuan is abolished!The reincarnation tribe surrendered immediately, otherwise there will be no mercy in the future massacre, and your souls will be destroyed.

After two months of intense preparation, Tang Tianyou and Tang Haoyu were sent to the Demon Spirit Clan.

Many high-ranking experts from all over the Zhanmeng accompanied them. The three great empires, the three holy lands, and the ancient golden tribes such as the Bone Clan were all personally led by the top leaders to go to the Demon Spirit Clan. The grand occasion was unprecedented.

Zhanmeng and even many people have high hopes for the two children.

In the unlikely event that Tang Yan really suffers from misfortune, these two children are likely to inherit Tang Yan's mantle, inherit the position of leader of the Zhanmeng, and push the prestige of the Zhanmeng to its peak again in the future.Going deeper, the Heaven's Punishment incident has passed, regardless of Tang Yan's success or failure, Zhanmeng needs a new core, and it's time for them to choose who they belong to.

Choose God Bless?Or choose Haoyu?

The blood of the two will directly affect everyone's judgment.

Even Xingluo Renhuang and others were present in person, which shows the high degree of attention.

(End of this chapter)

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