Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2648 Prosperous Wedding Ceremony

Chapter 2648 Prosperous Wedding Ceremony
Tianyou's baptism lasted two full days, and Haoyu's baptism lasted two days and one night.

The final verification lived up to expectations!
Tang Tianyou's eighth-rank spiritual veins and Tang Haoyu's eighth-rank spiritual veins are all imperial inheritances!

Mu Rou wept with joy, and Niya's eyes were full of soft light. As mothers, they were proud of their son.

Everyone in the demon spirit clan was excited.Two imperial veins, two spiritual veins.Although he is the heir of the Zhanmeng, in the final analysis it is also the blood of the Yaoling clan, which is worthy of excitement and celebration!

Everyone in the Zhanmeng was equally excited. The birth of the two emperors heralded a brighter future for the Zhanmeng.Although the current Qitian Continent is under the pressure of the emperor Tang Yan, no one can contend against the Zhanmeng, but at least there will be no regrets for the tiger father and son, the two princes are enough to support the future of the Zhanmeng.

Tang Tianyou and Tang Haoyu were quickly taken away, under the guidance of Tang Yiyuan and Tang Fengye, the two clan elders, because the next step was to devour the Demon Emperor, which was also a heavy and important process, and there should be no mistakes.Tang Yiyuan and Tang Fengye had great responsibilities and did not dare to relax, so they did not give Tianyou and Haoyu time to reunite with their parents.

"What demon emperor are you going to provide to Tianyou and Haoyu?" Tuoba Zhangui rubbed his chin, feeling the urge to be the little prince's mentor.For whom?He actually likes Tang Haoyu a little bit, that kid is more wild, which suits his appetite.

"Uncle Master should be ready, right?" Tang Yan looked at Jiuying with a smile.

"I'll keep the soul, blood, flesh, and bones of that old thief Mo Qilin. I'll also keep the half of the golden jiao you gave back then. They're all good materials for awakening the emperor's veins. It's up to you to allocate it yourself. Count me in." A gift for them." Of course Jiuying will be prepared, so he still calls himself uncle when he is the emperor of Tang Yan, and there is no change at all when he is the ancestor of Tang Yan.

Millions of years of perseverance, these years of hard work, worth it!

"The ink unicorn is the descendant branch of the golden jiao, but the ink unicorn is in the realm of the holy emperor, and the golden monkey is just not enough to be in the emperor's realm. Individual distribution has advantages and disadvantages. In fact, the two can be combined, and maybe they can be combined to create a brand new 'jiu. '.

It just so happens that God Bless has Niya's inheritance in his bloodline, which makes him very friendly to the power of the five elements, and it is relatively easy to fuse Qilin and Jin Jie. "

"It's all given to God? What about Haoyu?" Everyone was surprised, a little surprised that Tang Yan expected Tang Tianyou, ink unicorn with Jin Jie?Is it necessary to shape the ancestor of Yu, Heiji?

Follow Tang Yan's martial arts back then—gradually evolve from candle dragon, cow python, etc. to become Long Kui?
"In my hell, gluttony and chaos are still sealed, and the golden-winged Tianpeng handed over by the Linghuang is also sealed. There is Mu Rou's blood in Haoyu's bloodline, and the fusion is very strong. I am partial to gluttony and can devour everything. In history, Taotie has also reached the realm of the Holy Emperor, as long as Haoyu works hard, he should be able to grow very well."

Tang Yan took away part of the blood and soul power of Taotie and Chaos to shape the battle spirit, but kept the main part.

"How to deal with Gold-winged Tianpeng and Chaos?" Tuoba Zhangui asked.

"The Qitian Continent has been fully restored, and it should return to the original era, where the heroes and the human race and the monster race coexist. My original intention is to release them, return to the monster race, and lead the monster race." Tang Yan didn't say a word. The Sky Continent is now completely centered on the Zhanmeng system, and its power is too strong and powerful. This does not conform to the development law of a normal world. It needs appropriate chaos and corresponding resistance.

Before doing it differently, Tang Yan would never release them, but now that his identity has changed and his vision has changed, he is completely calm.

If there is a little selfishness, Tang Yan also hopes that the demon clan's rebellion will cause war chaos, and add enough resistance to Tianyou and Haoyu, so that they can grow stronger and better.

"Alright, Qitian Continent needs competition, and the Yaozu needs the Demon Emperor." Tuoba Zhangui paid a little attention to Jiuying.

Xu Yan looked at Tang Yan with great interest: "When will we have a good chat? Who was shouting on the day of God's punishment? Does God really exist? Now that you have become the emperor, how is your perception? Is there anything special about it? Comprehension or something? Do you still remember the Tianzhu we mentioned at the time? Can you feel its existence?"

When she mentioned this, everyone looked at Tang Yan in unison. Many things that happened during the Heaven's Punishment drew many question marks in their hearts, and they questioned the whole world and the warrior system.

Tang Yan smiled mysteriously: "I have an appointment with Heaven, keep it a secret."

"Is there really a way of heaven? Have you seen it?" Xu Yan clung to the question, his curiosity stronger than ever.

"I'm curious, how did you survive the Tribulation of the Red Dust? Does the Tribulation of the Red Dust need the Bone Race to become emperor?" Tang Yan asked sharply on the spot, changing the sensitive topic.

Xu Yan's expression froze, and he remained silent.

Everyone raised their eyebrows, winked, and smiled strangely.

After nearly fifty days of hard work by the whole clan, Tang Tianyou and Tang Haoyu devoured and suppressed Mo Qilin, Jin Jie and Taotie respectively, completely awakening the imperial veins.

Tang Yan interviewed Tang Chen in private and gave him a gift - blood!

It was the blood that Tang Yan spilled on the battlefield when he was welcoming the punishment from heaven, and he collected it afterwards.

This is the blood spilled in the punishment of heaven, the blood of the peak of the ancient emperor, and it also carries a little bit of the power of the emperor.

Tang Yan hopes that they can help Tang Chen repair his own defects, become a real emperor, and be able to lead the demon spirit clan in the future.

Tang Chen embraced Tang Yan deeply. The defect in his bloodline was a wound in his heart. He was very competitive and looked forward to being able to rule the demon spirit clan in the realm of emperor in the future, but the defect in his bloodline made him feel pain in his heart. up!

After August in the 12th year of the New Yuan Calendar, the news about Tang Yan's return caused a tsunami-like sensation in the Qitian Continent.

Tang Yan proclaimed himself emperor and became a god, created a miracle, and forged history!

Not only became the emperor of the Qitian Continent, but also became the master of hell, equal to the master of the two realms!
With Tang Yan proclaiming emperor, the accompanying Zhanmeng and its system's status will be unshakable!
Suddenly, Tang Yan proclaiming himself emperor became the hottest topic in Qitian Continent.

Tang Yan abided by the agreement, released Pei Sa, and lifted all the restraints on the Spirit Race.

In fact, he doesn't need to come forward in person, Zhanmeng will also lift the restrictions on the Spirit Race.On the Heaven's Punishment battlefield back then, if it hadn't been for the Linghuang's decision, everything would have been different.

The Asura Clan and the Sea God Clan took back the weak Brahma and Tiantu one after another.

In fact, the two groups could completely abandon them and look forward to the birth of the new emperor's line again, but after the two groups finally discussed, they decided to follow the method that the Linghuang told Tang Yan to reshape the luck and transfer it into the bodies of the two.As for whether the method of sacrificing the ethnic group is cruel or excessive, that is the decision of their own ethnic group, and outsiders... cannot intervene.

Ke Yutong woke up from a coma, left hell, and returned to Wudi City.

This woman who shouldered a special mission and lived for Tang Yan finally got her freedom. Although she was equivalent to a disabled person, the feeling of ease still brought a smile to her face.

Ke Yutong originally wanted to live her life in peace, but in order to thank her for her dedication, the Yaoling Clan and Zhanmeng worked hard to take care of Ke Yutong's body under Tang Yan's secret instruction, hoping that she could recover some of her strength, at least in terms of life expectancy.

The tide of history is rolling forward, and the Zhanmeng has regained its vitality. With Tang Yan's return, various things are re-spread, and various tasks are carried out rapidly.Qitian Continent felt unprecedented peace, because Tang Yan's character is worthy of recognition, with such an ancestor guarding the world, they can live with peace of mind.

The beginning of the 13th year of the new lunar calendar.

Tang Yan officially announced that he will marry the beautiful wives who have been with him for a long time. Besides Niya, Zhaoyi and other women, there is an extra one——Liuli!
Under the urging of Thunder Wolf King, Tang Yan asked Liuli again, but unexpectedly Liuli agreed.

Of course Tang Yan accepted it happily, and the outside world was even more excited. As for Liuli's identity, no one cared, after all, he himself is actually a monster.

Zhao Zimo and other old brothers all asked for a chance to celebrate - a joint wedding!
As a result, Du Yang, Zhao Zimo, Xuanyuan Longli, and Chocolate all brought their wives to prepare.

And Nalantu and the little girl from the original forest village are also preparing for the wedding.

King Ma Yan wanted to get involved, but was discouraged by Ke Zunshan: "It's a young man's wedding, why do you join in the fun with an old green onion?"

To Tang Yan's surprise, Matthews had a daughter-in-law quietly and also wanted to attend the wedding.

"Can I... can I ask you seriously, when did it happen?" Tang Yan looked at the girl beside Matthews dumbfounded.

"Why, do you have an opinion?" The girl raised her eyebrows coldly.

"Don't dare, it's just..." Tang Yan looked bitterly at the icy Matthews: "What should I call you in the future? Brother-in-law?"

"We have different opinions." Matthews's free and easy words made Tang Yan depressed, and made everyone laugh out loud, and whistles rang out.

Matthews didn't care. After all these years, he finally let go of Niya.It's just that he himself didn't expect that he would have feelings for him again, and he would see each other with the girl around him.

Du Yang and the others pursed their lips, frowned, and stretched out a thumb to Matthews with difficulty: "I admire!"

You man, you have quietly hooked the eldest princess of the Demon Spirit Clan.Tang Bing?Matthews?They didn't expect that these two cold guys could get together and see each other.

However, with their cold and aloof personalities, they are not the kind of people who are willing to make ends meet or deal with it casually. Since they are willing to make it public, they must have feelings, and... Sincerely... After careful preparation and choosing a suitable date, The grand wedding ceremony that caused a sensation in Qi Tian Continent was held as scheduled.

The scale of the wedding is naturally the most luxurious and sensational in history.After all, since ancient times, it seems that none of the emperors and ancestors have held a wedding. Even the human emperor and the demon emperor have abandoned lust and only regarded mating as a family inheritance for future generations.

It is definitely the first time someone like Tang Yan has encountered it.

Tang Yan finally fulfilled his wish and gave the girls the long-awaited wedding.

A group of old brothers are also satisfied and happy.They fought hard in life, had a wonderful youth, and met an emotional partner again, so naturally they have no regrets in their lives.

On the day of the wedding, Tang Yan announced in person that he would no longer ask about world affairs, let alone meddle in the separatism of the world, and that he only wanted to accompany his beloved wife and enjoy the scenery together in this life.

For Niya and the others, this is undoubtedly the most beautiful love story.

Tang Yan's letting go and being free and easy also warmed the hearts of countless women in the world. As an emperor, he can be called a god, but he still loves his wife and would rather give up his hegemony. This kind of true emotion touches all beings.

(End of this chapter)

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