Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2649 Light and Dark Twins

Chapter 2649 Light and Dark Twins
From the 13th year of the new Yuan calendar, Tang Yan really let go of everything, accompanied his wife and daughter, wandered around the world, enjoyed family happiness, and disappeared from everyone's sight. Except for Du Yang and others who occasionally saw Tang Yan, everyone else ... never to be seen again.

Prior to this, Tang Tianyou was sent to the North Continent to practice incognito, and Tang Haoyu was sent to the South Continent, where he also started his own life incognito.Tang Nian was taken away by the Immortal Phoenix and started severe special training.Only Tang Zhao stayed in the Zhanmeng, was cultivated by everyone, and was responsible for coordinating the affairs of the Zhanmeng. She was obsessed with these things at a young age.

Tang Yan's twins and daughters have officially started their respective life journeys, and they are also destined to shine in Qi Tian in the years to come.

After that, Tuoba Zhangui personally searched for the hiding place of the Samsara Clan, commanded the Zhanmeng to launch a siege, and a fierce battle broke out in the North Sea. No one was left, and all of them were slaughtered, showing thunderous means.

Gold-winged Tianpeng and Chaos were released and returned, causing a strong commotion within the Yaozu.Now Qitian Continent is in a state of strong people and weak monsters, which makes the status of the monster clan very low.Even with Jiuying and Baizhen, it is difficult to make up the gap.

Now that the return of the two demon emperors has undoubtedly brought the backbone of the demon clan in the world.

Tang Yan released the demons sealed in hell during the period.Now the world of Lost Wars has returned to peace, and all four ancient emperors died in the punishment of heaven during the two years of his retreat.

Only the Blood Demon Holy Emperor and Heavenly Demon Holy Emperor were lucky enough to survive.

Lost in the Battle Realm, the vitality has been greatly injured, but with the integrity of the world and the abundance of energy, it only needs a few tens of thousands of years to reproduce, and it can completely return to its full glory, even stronger than before.


When Tang Yan accompanied Niya and others to travel the world, he did not forget to set up hell.

The benefits brought by his becoming emperor to Hell are self-evident. The world of Hell has greatly expanded and its stability has doubled.

The Demon Spirit Emperor officially retreated, trying to use the underworld fire to shape the fire body.

Bone Emperor and other transformed ghosts left the hiding place one after another, and entered the magnificent history of ghost clan wars.

Last time, in order to mobilize energy to help Tang Yan advance to the ancient emperor, Huo Ling'er gave up her own growth.Now that Tang Yan is proclaimed emperor, Huo Ling'er can absorb energy from the two realms wantonly and attack the realm of the ancient emperor.

"Little Golden Monkey...Xue Tianchen...Menshi Dukong..." Tang Yan quietly collected the souls or thoughts of many relatives and friends who died that year, and he sent them all into reincarnation for the parts that could be reincarnated. Recreated ghost body in hell.

This is not the way of fate that he should interfere with, but the silent remembrance will always arouse guilt, after thinking about it again and again, after all, he resisted the way of heaven and did what he shouldn't do.

But when he saw the reincarnated and reincarnated lives such as Little Golden Monkey and Du Kong being born one after another, living and growing all over the world, with a smile on his face, everything... was worth it... "Master of the Underworld! Xuanyuan has been found!" Ku Po The patriarch suddenly contacted Tang Yan today.

In recent years, Tang Yan has continuously dispatched bitter mother-in-law troops to operate in the Qitian Continent to hunt down all the demons.He didn't want to restrict the appearance of the demons in this world, but hoped that the demons could circulate in the world as a normal force, but she would never allow the demons to change into biological forms to act in the world.

In addition, he was always thinking about the speculation back then—whether the Tianzhu is still there!Where is it again? !

He has been searching, and has been silently paying attention.

"Xuanyuan? Is she still alive?" Tang Yan almost forgot the name.

Two years ago, Nian Tuoba returned from the war and sent troops to encircle and suppress the reincarnation clan. The incident was very serious, and he knew more or less about it.I also know that Xuanyuan was not found after the massacre of the reincarnation clan. It seems that Xuanyuan did not return to the clan after the Heaven's Punishment incident. Calm down in time.

"He's still alive, his realm has been severely damaged, and he can barely maintain the peak holy realm."

"Oh." Tang Yan replied lightly, not caring, and didn't want to bother.Let her live, it's the compensation for that year.

"I should go and see her." The head of the bitter woman hesitated.

"Perhaps." Tang Yan didn't care too much.A few days ago, I accompanied Zhaoyi to the Everlasting Beast Mountain, and saw Nian'er who was "suffering" there.As soon as she saw her, Nian'er threw herself into his arms, crying sadly, which made Tang Yan angry and funny.Thinking of this, Tang Yan didn't feel like showing a smile.

"'s best to go now..." Ku Po's voice was low and hesitant.

"Did something happen?" Tang Yan was surprised, the bitter mother-in-law almost never asked me for anything.

The bitter woman didn't say much, but led Tang Yan to move to the north.

In the northeast of the Northeast Continent, there is a deep and ancient rainforest. Although it is far away from the Central Plains, but with the recovery of Qitian Continent's spiritual power in recent years, the number and state of monsters in the rainforest have continued to increase. It has reached an astonishing number of ten, maybe there will be a demon saint in the future.

In the depths of the rainforest, there is a calm and peaceful lake, which is a special pure land in the vast rainforest. No monster has ever dared to come here to be presumptuous.

In the middle of the lake, there is a small island with a simple main building.

The environment here is quiet, peaceful and peaceful.

At ordinary times, no one here dares to disturb, only today... Tang Yan strolled close to the amber-like emerald green lake, and stepped on the lake to the island.He looked like an ordinary person, he didn't let out his breath, he didn't disturb the fish swimming in the lake, and he didn't disturb the powerful river beasts lurking at the bottom of the lake.

The island is full of fresh flowers, surrounded by a main building deep in the sea of ​​flowers, the scenery is picturesque and beautiful.The aura of the island is dense, and it is extraordinarily fresh.

Tang Yan approached the main building and saw a quiet woman in front of the building.

The woman is Xuanyuan who lives in seclusion.

A snow-white gauze shirt, fresh and pure.She faced the flowerbed, silently meditating.She is slender and has lost a lot of weight. Her long hair is draped over her vest and held gently by a silver ribbon. She seems to be thinking too much, and it seems that she has never thought that outsiders will visit. She didn't notice Tang Yan's arrival.

Tang Yan quietly looked at her back, familiar yet as if unfamiliar, she seemed to have hazy beauty, but she no longer had the extreme coldness and stubbornness of the past.She seemed to let go of everything, flat and flat.

"Xuanyuan, long time no see." Tang Yan faced it calmly and spoke softly.

Xuanyuan recovered from his contemplation, raised his white eyes, and looked at Tang Yan.But as if it was a hallucination, Crescent frowned slightly, looked away, stared blankly at the sea of ​​flowers in front of her in a daze.

"What? Don't know each other?" Tang Yan said with a smile.

Xuanyuan finally woke up completely, stared blankly for a while, then stood up abruptly, his eyes flickered slightly: "You...why are you here?"

"Come here to see how you are doing? Don't worry, the grievances between us are over, and Zhanmeng will never make things difficult for you again." Tang Yan approached the bamboo building with a smile, and was about to look at the scenery, but suddenly picked a challenge Eyebrows, staring at the second floor of the bamboo building.

"I'm fine, please leave." Xuanyuan suddenly stopped in front of Tang Yan and regained his composure.In an instant, it seemed as if she had become the same her back then.

Tang Yan lowered his eyes slightly, looked at Xuanyuan, raised his eyebrows again and looked towards the second floor.

"Tang Yan! Please leave!" Xuanyuan reminded solemnly, feeling very excited: "I said, there is no relationship between you and me, and I will not go to you again, let alone do anything to hinder Zhanmeng Between you and me, everything no longer exists. I just want to live in peace, and I hope you don't bother me anymore."

"Who is he?" The smile on Tang Yan's face slowly faded.

"No one! No one! Please leave!" Xuanyuan's chest rose and fell slightly. If it wasn't for herself, she would never be Tang Yan's opponent, and she might have driven him away.

"Who is he?" Tang Yan asked again with a cold voice.At this moment, he seemed to have figured out why Ku Po asked him to come here to meet Xuanyuan.

"I said, there is no one. Please leave, I don't welcome you here." Xuanyuan was emotional, and even his breath seemed to be anxious.Her eyes flickered, vaguely hazy.

Tang Yan suddenly pushed Xuanyuan away and walked towards the main building.

"Tang Yan!" Xuanyuan yelled suddenly, and knelt heavily in front of Tang Yan.

Tang Yan's raised footsteps stopped in front of the door, his heart trembling slightly, and he looked at Xuanyuan who was kneeling behind him in disbelief. This woman who was proud all her life and never bowed her head actually...kneeled?

Tears accumulated in the corners of Xuanyuan's dim eyes: "Tang Yan, I beg you, please let me go. I can apologize to you for what I did back then, you can humiliate me, you can beat me and scold me, but please leave here ,immediately!"

"Mother?" A young boy suddenly appeared at the window on the second floor. Seeing the situation, his face changed drastically. He stomped and rushed towards Tang Yan. , Under the dead hand!
Tang Yan suddenly disappeared and appeared ten steps away.

boom!The boy fell heavily to the ground, as if surprised by Tang Yan's dodging speed.He scratched Tang Yan's eyes fiercely, and rushed to Xuanyuan's side quickly: "Mother, get up!"

"You go back! Without my permission, you are not allowed to come out!" Xuanyuan suddenly pushed the young man away, a wave of holy power surged up, wrapped the young man and threw him towards the bamboo building, and slammed the door shut.

"Mother! Who is he? Don't be afraid! Mother..." The boy banged on the door anxiously inside.

However, Xuanyuan waved two cold waves and sealed the bamboo building, cutting off sight and sound inside, as if this could calm her flustered heart.

Tang Yan stood not far away, watching the scene in front of him quietly, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

"I beg you, get out of here!" Xuanyuan knelt on the ground and bent towards Tang Yan, tears dripping down the ground in front of his cheeks.

Tang Yan took a deep look at Xuanyuan, his expression extremely complicated. "Did you tell me yourself, or did I search your memory myself?"

Xuanyuan's tender body trembled slightly, curled up tremblingly: "Why don't you let me go? You leave... okay? I... I beg you..."

"Say!" Tang Yan's tone was stern.

"Please, let me go! Let me go!" Xuanyuan wailed.

"Search her memory." Tang Yan ordered forcefully.

The surrounding space was distorted, and the startlingly glamorous Patriarch Raksha appeared beside him.

"Underworld Lord." Luo Sha bowed to Tang Yan and walked towards Xuanyuan with a smile on his face.The current Rakshasa has reached the Great Perfection Realm, maybe one day he will be able to rush into the Ghost Emperor Realm, and his strength is terrifying.

"I said... I said it myself..." Xuanyuan seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and sat on the ground powerlessly, with tears streaming down his face.Where there is still the peerless elegance of the year, where there is still the pride and coldness of the past.

It turned out that not long after Tang Yan left, Xuanyuan found out that she was pregnant.

A ridiculous and sad thing happened to her.

In deep despair and grief, she hated to remove the fetus, but she couldn't do it.

After all... This is her flesh and blood... Countless struggles and sufferings, countless days and nights of misery, she has endured more than half a year amidst hesitation and firm entanglement.

When the child was seven months old, the child was born prematurely because of her constant emotional collapse and extreme weakness, and she couldn't breathe.

The child's premature birth and death caused Xuanyuan to collapse.

Until one day, she forcibly left the closed room, and she regarded the death of her child as the official end of her love, which was tantamount to declaring that she had completely forgotten everything.

But who would have thought... Later on, she was entangled in deep guilt and pain, suffocating her.

Her situation at that time can be regarded as having survived the catastrophe of love, and she can also be regarded as possessed of resentment.

She became an emperor, but lost herself, her consciousness was filled with resentment and obsession.

The more she regretted that she had taken away the child, the more she sank in pain, and the more resentful she became.She hated herself, and hated Tang Yan even more. She was enslaved by resentment, so she wanted to kill Tang Yan crazily, at all costs.

The colder she appeared on the surface, the more tormented she was in her heart, and she finally lost control, which triggered a series of cruel actions before and after she became an empress.

It also confirmed that sentence, no matter how strong she is, no matter how proud she is, whether she is a saint or a queen, she is still a woman and a mother after all, a mother who thinks she killed her child.

At that time, Xuanyuan thought that the premature child was dead, so he abandoned it.But in fact, the Holy Emperor of Reincarnation noticed her abnormality at that time, secretly rescued the child, and sent it to the outside world to hide secretly.In the jade stone given to Xuanyuan by the Holy Emperor of Samsara, there is the news that the child is still alive, and it is the appearance of the child growing up healthily.

Just because of seeing the picture in the jade, Xuanyuan finally woke up from the nightmare, just as the reincarnation emperor died in battle, she was heartbroken and silently gave up everything.

She is far away from the eyes of the world, and she has also left the reincarnation clan, because she and her elder brother have done enough for the reincarnation clan, and they are worthy of the reincarnation clan.

She just wants to raise her children and make up for her debts.

After Tang Yan listened to her narration, she raised her head bitterly and looked at the sky.Fate, this is all fate.If it wasn't for his abandonment, there would be no Xuanyuan's madness, and there would be no series of drastic changes in the later period.Everything has a cause and an effect, and caused by myself..."I have said everything that should be said, you go, I don't blame you, I don't hate you anymore. I just want to stay away from right and wrong, be quiet Live on the ground." Xuanyuan struggled to stand up, the matter was said, and he felt relieved.

Tang Yan was silent for a long, long time, the island was exceptionally quiet in the evening, usually peaceful and peaceful, but today she was flustered.

Xuanyuan turned his back to Tang Yan and wiped away his tears. After today, he should be able to let go completely.No sadness or joy, no resentment or hatred, and use the rest of my life to raise children.

She quietly adjusted her breathing, and turned around to see off the guest again, but the moment she turned around, a pair of strong arms hugged her tightly from behind, and whispered with a faint trembling voice: "These years... I have suffered... …sorry……"

Xuanyuan's delicate body trembled slightly, and she froze in place.

"...I'm sorry..." Tang Yan buried her head in her messy white hair, expressing her belated apology.

Xuanyuan was stunned for a long, long time, and the tears that had stopped filled his eyes again, his lips were tightly pressed, and he tried hard to hold back the sound of crying.

"Cry out, I owe you." Tang Yan hugged Xuanyuan tightly, holding her tightly.

Xuanyuan pursed her lips hard, trembling slightly, tried her best to control it, but couldn't stop her emotional collapse. After a long time, she burst into tears, like a child, and hugged Tang Yan tightly.

She cried very sadly, and cried very thoroughly.

Tang Yan embraced hard, shaking his head bitterly.

"What's his name?"

"Xuanyuan... Luohua..."

Tang Yan stayed on the island, accompanied Xuanyuan, accompanied and taught his stubborn and strong eldest son, and silently washed his meridians.

The life of a family of three has gradually become warm from being eccentric at first.

Xuanyuan Luohua finally called out to his father.

Tang Yan stayed on the island for half a year.

Half a year later, Tang Yan pointed to the north, seemingly intentionally, but also unintentionally—the Northern Continent was full of wars and heroes competed, a magnificent heroic epic, that is your battlefield, go.

Under Tang Yan and Xuanyuan's watchful eyes, Xuanyuan Luohua left the rainforest and headed north alone to explore the Northern Continent.

Tang Yan did not bring Xuanyuan back to Zhanmeng, and Xuanyuan would not go back either.She lived on her own small island, devoted herself to asking questions, and enjoyed the peace and tranquility.Occasionally, I would wait for Tang Yan to come back and stay for a while.

After that, the children of Zhao Zimo, Du Yang and others were born one after another, and after being baptized in turn, they went to various parts of the world alone, continuing to write their own legends in the world of mortals and chaotic world.

Asura, Sea God, and Spirit, the sons of the destiny of the three clans rose up powerfully, leading the clan to write a new chapter of glory.

(End of this chapter)

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