Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 270 Ambush

Chapter 270 Ambush
Five days later!
A Thunderbird broke through the layers of clouds and mist in the sky, like lightning falling down Tibing Mountain.

"This is... the handwriting of the young master?" Tang Ba unfolded the brocade left by Lei Que, which clearly wrote - no matter what the situation is, try our best to break through to the north, we are on our way.

"Bring it here!" Tang Hao was so excited that he grabbed the brocade and checked it over and over again: "That's right, this is the young master's handwriting! I have never seen anyone whose handwriting is so rotten to an extraordinary degree."

"Impossible! The war giant tiger is a famous murderer, how could he be willing to cooperate with humans?" Dou Niang and the three also came up to check, with expressions of shock and doubt.

"Nothing is impossible, this is the young master's handwriting!" Tang Ba was also excited, and winked at Dou Niang perversely: "This is our young master! You can't imagine how useless he was five years ago Chai, let alone how many legends he has left in Biannan in the past five years! The young master sometimes refuses to be crazy, but anyone who underestimates him will show the expression you have now in the end."

"Pack up your things and leave quickly! I have a hunch that the Red Lotus Palace is about to make a move, and now is the right time." Tang Hao was very excited, the young master once again created a miracle!
"Let's go, inform the brothers, only bring your sidearms, don't care about everything else, set off immediately!" Niang Dou couldn't care so much, and greeted her troops to prepare to set off. Tang Hao was right, the Red Lotus Palace might attack at any time, the more The sooner you evacuate, the wiser you are.

In fact, she had been preparing to evacuate since yesterday, and she was also thinking about how to explain to the Tang family. Now it happened that Tang Yan sent a letter, and they had to leave as soon as possible.

In just 5 minutes, the members of the Tibing Mountain Tribe had assembled and ran towards the true north without stopping at all. In order to avoid attracting attention, no one walked in the air, and ran quickly in the deepest part of the dense forest.

"Palace Master! I just got the accurate news that Tibing Mountain had been evacuated half a day ago. It was heading to the north and walked in a hurry. We didn't bring anything except weapons. Our people are tracking and searching in the direction they are advancing. .”

In the Red Lotus Palace, a member of the Red Robe rushed in hastily.

"Evacuate? At this time? What are they going to do?" Zhao Xian immediately became alert.

"The news from the intelligence pointed out that they left in a panic, without any warning in advance, and they didn't even finish their lunch. We sent people into Tibing Mountain to check. There was chaos, and the stove fire almost burned down the house."

Lu Jie pondered: "It should be some kind of fright that made a hasty decision. Who could it be?"

Zou Yanting, who had just left the customs, first asked Venerable Xiang Yuxu: "Have you sent someone there?"

"All my people are here. I have an appointment first. I will never act without permission. I wondered if the people from Shihumen appeared nearby and aroused their vigilance, so I ran away in a panic."

Zou Yanting was silent for a while, and even stood up: "No matter what happens, we can't let them escape. If we escape from this mountain area, it will be difficult for us to do it again."

"Palace Master, I suspect it's Tang Yan's trick." Zhao Xian hesitated.

"No trick can save him! Venerable Yuxu, shall we start now?" Zou Yanting couldn't wait any longer, and when he thought of catching that bastard Tang Yan in front of him and ruthlessly ravaging him, his body burst into waves of excitement .

"Tibing Mountain itself is just north of the Red Lotus Palace, and there is a half-day journey between the two. Now, if we chase after it from here, how will we go? When will we be able to catch up?"

"We don't need too many people, just a few of us!" Zou Yanting was referring to their two venerables and the seven Martial Kings. This lineup is enough to sweep a territory, and the speed is absolutely extremely fast.

"It's a good idea!" Venerable Yuxu nodded in approval. The two great martial masters and the seven great martial kings had to give way to the teams of the top ten sects.Not to mention those remnants and defeated generals in Tibing Mountain, if they come two or three times more, they will easily deal with it.

Both Zhao Xian and Lu Jie were a little hesitant, but seeing that the two giants had made a decision, their Palace Mistress was so annoyed that he was going crazy, and he didn't dare to say anything else, so he arranged some related affairs in the palace, and followed Zou Yanting at a fast pace leave.

The two great venerables and the seven great martial kings all walked through the air and flew towards the north.

Dou Niang and the others continued day and night, sneaking quickly through the dense and chaotic forest.They all knew that there was an eyeliner planted near Tibing Mountain, and the news would not be kept secret for long, so they could only increase their speed as much as possible, trying to meet Tang Yan earlier.

But they have a problem that cannot be ignored. There are many ancient trees in the mountains and forests, and there are many obstacles. The team members are too diverse, and their strength levels are uneven. The speed of travel is basically kept within a certain limit.

Unless Dou Niang made up her mind to abandon the three hundred martial spirits, she would definitely not be able to achieve the desired speed.

On the complete opposite, Zou Yanting and the nine were without any burdens, passing through layers of clouds and mist almost like lightning, all the way to the north, gliding in mid-air without any hindrance, shrinking the distance between each other at an astonishing speed.

In the early morning of the third day, a large group of old birds scattered from the depths of the canopy and flew towards the sky, presenting a different kind of desolate forest style under the scorching sun of the morning sun.

The dense forest is vast and boundless, and the old bird wakes up from time to time, but this seemingly normal situation has aroused the vigilance of Zou Yanting and others who are searching nearby.

The nine people immediately spread out and surrounded them.

After a little investigation, it turned out that a group of monsters were gathering. There were a large number of monsters, and the types of monsters were very messy. There seemed to be several huge bodies. open, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

"Let's disperse as much as possible and expand the search area." Zou Yanting was a little surprised why there were hundreds of monsters gathered. Could it be that the monster king was negotiating?But now is not the time to be curious, it is important to collect Tibingshan.

"It's been two days and three nights. It stands to reason that we should have caught up a long time ago." Venerable Yuxu was a little impatient, and said emotionally: "Where are the spies arranged by your Red Lotus Palace? Why haven't there been any news yet? You won’t be killed by Tibing Mountain, right?”

Zou Yanting snorted angrily: "Impossible, they are all elites! They are proficient in tracking and stealth."

"They should be in this area, they can't escape very far, maybe they are resting somewhere, let's look for them separately?" Zhao Xian eased the atmosphere, and took the lead to fly away towards the distance.

"Get ready! It's them!" Tang Yan gazed at the sky through the gaps of several lions in the group of monsters that Zou Yanting and others ignored, and rubbed his hands together excitedly.

The remnants of Tibing Mountain are still in shock, crouching down in the herd of beasts tremblingly, staring at the grinning monsters, even Langdong and others have cold sweat on their foreheads, afraid of these ferocious monsters Sudden appetite.

Tang Qing was a little uneasy, and kept vigilant all the time. After living for so many years, it was really the first time to 'coexist peacefully' with the demon king.

"Which one is the owner of the Red Lotus Palace?" The giant war tiger shrank to the smallest size, like a cat squatting on Tang Yan's head.Tang Yan said many times that he could stand on his shoulders, but Juhu insisted on choosing the noble position of the head in order to show his majesty.

"That's the one, tall and big, with a rather sullen look." Tang Yan pointed at Zou Yanting who was leaving in the distance.

"I'll go first later, you create opportunities for me, I'm going to start killing today!" The war giant tiger was the most excited, swallowing seven spirit source fluids along the way, and his injuries recovered to [-]%, which can completely compete against the peak Wu Zun .When the time comes...refine a Martial Lord, come a few more Martial Kings, your own breakthrough is just around the corner!
Tier 500 Demon Venerable!I have been looking forward to it for [-] years!

For this breakthrough, Juhu is willing to do anything today!

"Wait, I really don't want to spoil the fun, but have you seen that skinny old man? He is the master of Yuxu Palace, a high-ranking powerhouse, and next to him are five martial kings under his command. They are not easy to mess with." In the herd of beasts, Mother Dou was a little frightened, the prestige of the giant tiger and the power of the three great demon kings were like a huge mountain pressing down on her heart, and she couldn't breathe.But what made her even more scruples was the venerable Yuxu who was walking in the sky. The worst worry has come true, Yuxu Palace and Red Lotus Palace will unite!

"Sister Dou, can I give you an opinion?" Tang Yan suddenly turned to look at Mother Dou.

"Huh? Say."

"In my mind, when encountering a problem, the first thing is not to panic, not to be timid, but to try to solve it. You can go to clean up the Red Lotus Palace with confidence. Brother, I have plenty of ways to keep the Yuxu Palace on hold." Tang Yanzao Just be prepared, this kind of question will not trouble him, it is really a piece of cake.Look at Dou Niang and others' worried expressions, then look at the war giant tiger, trembling with excitement, his eyes widened, completely ignoring Venerable Yuxu, as if Zou Yanting is the only one left in the whole world.

Judging by his spirit and courage, he is worthy of being a war giant.

"Really?" Dou Niang is not afraid of death, but has been oppressed for a long time, and has formed a psychological shadow over time, let alone a respectable and strong person?That is an insurmountable gap, the union of two great warriors?Seven Great Martial Kings to assist?Don't even think about conspiracy, they are enough to sweep everything.

(End of this chapter)

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