Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 271

Chapter 271
"It's absolutely true, just go ahead and do it boldly! I'll make arrangements first, Sister Hao and Uncle Qing, and we will fight later. You are responsible for stopping Zhao Xian from the Red Lotus Palace. You are just pestering. Don't go into a confrontation too much. Contain the time for him to move closer to the main battlefield. Brother Dong, you and Sister Gu deal with that Lu Jie (third-rank martial king). With your ability, it should be no problem to severely injure him, and you must not let him escape.

Sister Dou and Myna, you, together with the three demon kings, are responsible for helping Brother Hu, so you must do your best.One thing in particular, if you risk your life today, you must succeed.I can assure you that as long as you still have breath, I will be able to bring you back to life, so don't worry about the future. "

"Understood!" Everyone looked at each other and nodded solemnly.The three big demon kings didn't say anything, and they were already ready to go. Ferocity and madness are their nature, scruples?joke!The moment they left the territory, they had completely returned to what they were 200 years ago, moving forward bravely without fear.

"Anyone who doesn't try his best, I will swallow him alive afterwards!" Juhu cast a threatening look, whoever dares to hinder his transformation will be bloody and bloody!
Swept by its ferocious gaze, Dou Niang and the others couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Tang Yan finally emphasized: "Remember, we must eradicate the Red Lotus Palace at all costs today!"

Zou Yanting deliberately avoided the location of the group of monsters, slowed down and searched carefully, and the distance between them became farther and farther.


A golden thunder suddenly exploded in the crown of the tree hundreds of meters behind Zou Yanting. Tang Yan appeared, took a deep breath, and roared at Zou Yanting, who was walking away from the front: "There is a loud noise in the sky, and I'm coming on stage! Zou Yanting, can you return?" Recognize your grandfather Tang Yan?!"

"Huh?" Zou Yanting turned his head sharply, and after seeing who it was, he became furious, "You bastard, how dare you come out by yourself?"

The shame and indignation of the past few days, and the anxiety of the past few days, turned into anger full of resentment in this face-to-face moment.

"Young master watched the sky last night and was lucky enough to understand the secrets of the sky. You, today, are here, doomed to... hiccup fart!" Tang Yan winked, stuck out his tongue, and deliberately dragged out a long tone.

"Looking for death!!" Zou Yanting couldn't bear it anymore, and shot towards Tang Yan. The power of the noble class was like a sea of ​​anger rolling in the sky. There were dense splitting sounds within a thousand meters, and a large number of ancient trees and rocks appeared clear cracks. This shows the terrifying power of Wu Zun's fury.

"Palace Master, be careful!" Not far away, Lu Jie and Zhao Xian's expressions changed slightly, and they shouted eagerly.Tang Yan's sudden and active appearance is already weird, but this will be presumptuous and almost exaggerated, and there must be something strange in it.

"Zou Yanting, my lord, today I will use your head to commemorate the rise of Tibing Mountain!" Tang Yan resisted the overwhelming coercion, with a frenzied and ferocious expression, and roared: "The tombstone has been erected, and you are ready to build it!" Send off the coffin!"

All of a sudden, the roar of the tiger shook the sky, and the ferocious power swept across the sky. Right below Zou Yanting, a terrifying roar burst out suddenly.In everyone's horrified eyes, a mountain-like tiger with black stripes and mottled colors suddenly appeared.

boom!Click!The earth collapsed, dust flew up, the tiger's body tensed, and suddenly it burst into the sky, like a huge cloud, making the world dark.Under the agitation of the whistling sound, the huge tiger claws violently tore towards Zou Yanting with the vigor of tearing.

Zou Yanting's complexion suddenly changed, the vast ferocious power, the terrifying power, formed a terrible name in his mind in an instant - Yaozun? !Tiger?Dayan Mountains war giant tiger? !
Fuck me!Venerable Yuxu, who was gathering here not far away, almost fell headlong, his skinny face turned pale in an instant, and the five martial kings who were scattered behind panicked and backed away.Any warrior who has lived in the Dayan Mountains for more than a hundred years has heard of the prestige of the giant tigers in the Dayan Mountains, and is more aware of its horrors, especially the Red Lotus Palace, Yuxu Palace and other gangs that are closer to the giant tiger's territory. It grew up with the prestige of Juhu.

At this moment, when I saw the lineup, I couldn't be more horrified.

Clang! !The sonorous sound was like piercing gold and cracking stones, Zou Yanting propped up his body armor in haste, and held the giant tiger's sharp claws.Click, the armor shattered on the spot, and it fell down like a cannonball, blasting a deep pit of more than ten meters on the ground, causing the ground to tremble.

"Haha, come on, come on! I can't wait any longer!" The giant war tiger kept on killing and slaying, engulfed in a fierce aura, and rushed towards the place where Zou Yanting fell.

Even Tang Yan was a little terrified by the terrifying power and violent posture. The giant war tiger was able to have such an offensive before it fully recovered. It was a wise move to find it.

The three demon kings appeared at the same time, the Golden Lion King and the Scarlet Flame Tiger were like giant tanks crossing the border, rumbling and smashing the ancient trees along the way, while the Nether Winged Tiger fluttered its wings of fire, and followed the giant war tiger like a storm.

"What are you still doing? Come on!" Tang Yan hissed loudly, waking up the stunned Tang Ba and the others.

"His third uncle and grandma's, Mr. Tang, I will fight today." Tang Qing trembled excitedly. This kind of scene was his favorite. After killing Zhao Xian, Tang Hao and others followed closely, and each selected their targets according to Tang Yan's advance deployment.

The hot battlefield erupted in an instant!

The battles of kings and lords, whether it is the momentum or the fluctuation of energy, are extremely terrifying. Even Tang Yan had to evacuate far away. Looking up in horror, feeling the vast and fierce power, some were paralyzed and trembling, some were terrified and fled, and the originally quiet forest was in chaos.

"Yuxu, what are you dawdling about, come and help!" Zou Yanting's voice was full of anxiety and horror, and he couldn't imagine that Tang Yan could provoke such a murderous creature. A headache for all sects.

It has not recovered itself, and it is quite difficult to deal with it. Tang Ba and other third-rank martial kings and demon kings are even more difficult to deal with.If they were fighting alone in their prime, it would take some time and energy to deal with these five third-tier kings, not to mention in the current situation, these guys are simply deadly poisonous bees!

"Yuxu, have you forgotten our agreement?" Zhao Xian roared anxiously, wanting to go over to help, but was entangled by Tang Hao's swift movements.Tang Qing himself is a lunatic, and he plays in a desperate way. The weird sword light is strong and weak at times, which makes him a little unpredictable.Tang Hao entangled with his swift movements, smiling coquettishly, and frequently stimulated, with the Lie Yan Jue and Violent Jue, overwhelmingly blasted past.They knew Tang Yan's strength best, and they only needed to take some spiritual source liquid to recover afterward, so they didn't have any worries at all now, and he was a vicious and vicious person in battle.

"Hurry up and shoot, we can allow you to continue to spread to our territory." Lu Jie was impatient, so he had to decide on his own to make a condition.

"Shut up, old lady!" The old woman Gu Tong sneered sinisterly, her offensive suddenly skyrocketed.

"Lu Jie, have you ever thought that one day you will fall into our hands? Haha! I have never had such a good time!" Lang Dong assisted from the side and followed Tang Yan's words. If he is not crazy now, when will he be?

Venerable Yuxu hesitated, he was deeply afraid of the raging tiger in front of him, his triangular eyes flashed across the audience, his eyes were changing cloudy and cloudy.Obediently!The war giant tiger actually united with Tibingshan?How did they do it?
One big monster, nine kings, once this lineup grows, it will definitely be a formidable enemy.

"Palace Master, let's do it! You and Zou Yanting can join forces to resist the giant war tiger. No matter how strong it is, it will still be a first-tier one." The King Wu whispered beside him. The appearance of the giant tiger was unexpected, but it was not completely absent. Odds.

"Do it, follow me to Juhu's side." Venerable Yuxu gritted his teeth and decided to kill him after taking out the treasure.

"Honor Yuxu, where are you going?" A frivolous laugh sounded from among the clouds, and Tang Yan landed leisurely on a cloud sculpture, crossing his legs and clasping his hands, full of smiles.

"You are Tang Yan? You are so courageous. You dare to come before me and act presumptuously. Aren't you afraid that I will take you as a hostage?" Venerable Yuxu narrowed his eyes and stared at Tang Yan. Recently, people from Red Lotus Palace have often heard this. Name, younger than I imagined.

"Honor Yuxu is a smart person, how could he do such a thing that no fool would do?" Tang Yan said with a smile, without any fear, let alone giving them a chance to speak, and went directly to the topic: " The Red Lotus Palace is about to be delisted. What are your plans at this critical moment? You want to be a good old man, win over Zou Yanting, and then form an alliance of mutual suspicion, continue to compete with us at Tibingshan, and continue to fight endlessly , until I find a way to unite with Lions and Tigers and annex you little by little. Or I will make an agreement with you to get rid of Red Lotus Palace together, share its territory, and then find an opportunity to attack Lions and Tigers and share their territory ?”

Threats and temptations are closely combined, and Tang Yan is very good at playing with eloquence and tricks.Especially against such old and cunning guys, this move has an 80.00% chance of directly hitting the vital point.

Sure enough, Venerable Yuxu frowned slightly, raised his hand to signal his subordinate Wu Wang to be calm, looked straight at Tang Yan, and sneered after a while: "After annexing the Lion and Tiger Gate, are you going to attack Yuxu Palace again and dominate it?" The whole territory?"

"Venerable Yuxu was joking. I have always been sincere to my friends. Otherwise, how could I invite the war giant tiger? I rely on sincerity. Besides, relying on the reputation of the giant tiger and the power of Mount Tibing alone, I can't enjoy so much Besides, I would be very willing to make friends with senior Wu Zun. So, as long as Venerable Yuxu is willing to make this friend with me, I believe we will get along very well." Tang Yan looked at Yuxu with a smile His Holiness.

Venerable Yuxu frowned slightly, and now he was gradually showing hesitation. In fact, deep down in his heart, he was 100% sure that Tang Yan was using a tactic to delay the attack.Having lived to such a great age, he is very accurate at judging people. He can tell at a glance that the young man in front of him is definitely not a simple thing, at least he will be the same as himself, full of conspiracy and tricks.

Getting along with such a person is far more difficult than expected, and if you are not careful, you may be lost forever.

What's more... How could he form an alliance with such a ferocious monster like a giant war tiger?
Worrying is the second most important thing, the key is that War Giant Tiger has a deadly enemy - Jiantai Mountain! !
By uniting with it, wouldn't it be against Jiantai Mountain?
No, absolutely not.

(End of this chapter)

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