Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 274

Chapter 274

Zou Yanting's self-detonation was intended to be completely destroyed. His soul is as weak as his body now. He just made a little weak resistance, and soon lost consciousness under the erosion of the ghost green fire.

But Wu Zun is Wu Zun after all, with Ghost Qinghuo's current ability, it will take quite a long time to completely refine it.

Tang Yan knew best, so he put aside distracting thoughts and completely immersed himself in refining.

Tang Ba and Dou Niang took a breath, and rushed to the battlefield of Zhao Xian and Lu Jie respectively.

The two third-rank Martial Kings of the Red Lotus Palace are full of despair, their companions have fallen one after another, and the palace master died tragically today. The Red Lotus Palace, which has risen for more than a hundred years, is about to fall?Their hearts were full of pain, their fighting spirit was silently dissipating, and their thoughts of resistance were also weakened.

Until Tang Ba and Dou Niang joined the battlefield, they fell into a desperate situation from defense.

For a dignified Tier [-] Martial King, any force is vying to win him over.During this trance, they all came up with the idea of ​​taking refuge in Tibing Mountain, but they all quickly dissipated.They don't want to surrender, let alone endure humiliation.

Living in the chaotic place of the Dayan Mountains, life and death have long been taken lightly.

They are not reconciled, the decline of the Red Lotus Palace is actually paving the way for the rise of another force, and for any force, this is the saddest way to end.

It's sad for Zou Yanting, but for the Red Lotus Palace.

The power and influence accumulated over the past hundred years have all contributed to the rise of Tibing Mountain today.

"As expected of a giant war tiger with a reputation for viciousness!" In the valley a thousand meters away, the bald man did not show up again, staring at the huge tiger shadow chasing Venerable Yuxu, his face slowly fell silent.

Su Jie's eyes were strange, she didn't expect Zou Yanting to be defeated so quickly: "The Red Lotus Palace will be replaced by Tibing Mountain, and there are still three major powers in our mountain area. But with the temperament of a war giant, and that Judging from Tang Yan's performance today, I'm afraid he won't let it go. Yuxu Palace will soon become their second target, and then it may be us!"

The five bald heads came together again, looked at the battlefield, clicked their lips, and started chattering.

"However, Yuxu Palace is not easy to provoke. Venerable Yuxu is insidious and cunning, enough for a black tiger to torment."

"Maybe both sides will suffer. With a little consumption, we can definitely benefit from it."

"We are actually very safe. When the black tiger is tossing around with Yuxu Palace, maybe the Blood Sect or Jiantai Mountain will aim at this place. When the time comes, a random alliance will turn the black tiger into a hairless bald cat. Haha ! Bald cat with no hair? I'm too gifted to come up with such a vivid description."

"Fuck off! A bunch of idiots, I am ashamed to be with you! Yuxu Palace will become stronger if it joins forces with anyone, and it will be able to accommodate us? Is this called safety? Safety you bastard!"

The five superstars sometimes mess around, and sometimes they can still come up with some insights in a daze.

The leading strong man met in silence, but still looked at Su Jie: "What's your opinion?"

"Depend on!"

"Focus on color and friends!"

"I made a serious suggestion."

"Aren't we smart? Or is Su Jie a woman? Boss must be overwhelmed."

"Well, it's possible, Su Jie, be careful, there is only one ultimate goal for a man to get close to each other - to have sex!"

"Yeah! Brilliant! Come on, give me a high five!" The five top performers clapped together.

"Get out!" The leading bald man and Su Jie roared in unison, so that they immediately lowered their brows and stared at their feet pretending to be stupid.

Su Jie rolled her eyes angrily, calmed down and analyzed: "Zou Yanting is dead, Tibingshan will be entangled with Yuxu Palace in the future. Our situation is both embarrassing and delicate, but overall, the most obvious thing is that we can't live anymore. We've settled down, we're going to have to go through something, we've got to change something. We do have to do something about it, but whatever we want to do, we have to be proactive.

I have three suggestions. It seems the most reasonable to unite with Yuxu Palace to attack Tibing Mountain, but there is no prospect. After the matter is over, Shihumen will continue to be silent in this mountain area, and survive with Yuxu Palace in mutual vigilance; Tibing Mountain's attack on Yuxu Palace seems dangerous, and with considerable unknown factors, it is likely to go to a desperate situation, or to glory; take the initiative to contact Jiantai Mountain and express its willingness to attach, the condition is to assist us in defeating Tibing Mountain first, and then Hitting Yuxu Palace, I personally feel that it is an opportunity, and it is also a relatively conservative attitude, which is also my preferred method. "

"Attachment to Jiantai Mountain? Thanks to you old woman who figured it out."

"I don't want to be a running dog."

"Based on our conditions, if you want to attach yourself, you have already attached, why do you need to wait until now?"

"Big breasts and no brains! A woman's way!"

"Does she have big breasts? Have you touched them?"

"It doesn't look small."

"I take a look?"


"How about giving her some medicine another day, so we can experience it with our own hands?"

The five top performers started to mutter again, making Su Jie's teeth itch from hatred.

The battlefield ended quickly. Because Zhao Xian and Lu Jie had no intention of fighting, they made frequent mistakes and were severely injured until they fell into a coma.

The giant war tiger didn't chase for long, and after a few symbolic threats, it soon returned to the battlefield. With a roar, the herd quickly gathered and brought two captives, Zhao Xian and Lu Jie.As for Tang Ba and others, they were all expelled to the periphery, and no one was allowed to take half a step forward.

In the depths of the herd, Tang Yan kept waving the ghost blue fire to increase the intensity of refining.Even though he was prepared, Wu Zun's refining was still extremely difficult. After two hours of refining, he still maintained his human form.

According to this momentum, this refinement will last at least one day and one night, or even longer.

The giant war tiger stayed close at every step, staring at the green and faint fire ball with scorching eyes, waiting for the moment when it would really take shape, refining this one, and refining the other two.With a Wuzun-level spiritual source liquid, plus two third-rank Martial King's spiritual source liquid, the war giant feels that it can try to break through the barrier.

The long-cherished wish of 500 years is finally coming true.

Dou Niang gathered in the distance with the remnants of Tibing Mountain. She knew that it must be a secret about Tang Yan, and it might have a lot to do with persuading the war giants to form an alliance.But feeling the strong hostility from the monsters, Dou Niang did not show a curious attitude, and arranged for the brothers to swallow the energy of the world and practice quietly.

"Master, do you have anything to say?" Gu Tong winked at Lang Dong and gathered around Dou Niang.

"Huh?" Dou Niang continued to circulate around the sky, absorbing the spiritual energy, and said indifferently after hearing the words: "What's the matter?"

"Tang Yan has invited the War Giant Tiger back, and it seems that he is planning to live in Tibing Mountain for a long time."

"Good thing, we've been looking forward to having a respectable and strong man in charge. Now that the war giants have joined, Tibingshan will have the capital to compete with Yuxu Palace. After a few more fierce battles, we will be able to get Yuxu Palace." With the approval of Lion and Tiger Gate, it becomes one of the three overlords in this area." Dou Niang and the others have not been in the Dayan Mountains for too long, and they know the fierce name of the war giant tiger and some rumors, but they don't know it. He was still in entanglement with Jiantai Mountain and other forces, so he didn't think too much about it.

"Although the words are correct, please take a closer look, Chief. War Juhu and the three demon kings treat Tang Yan very kindly. The three Tang family's three martial kings are also close to each other. Their center is Tang Yan, not you! "Gu Tong hesitated and said it out.

Niang Dou opened her eyes and looked at the two of them: "What do you want to say?"

Langdong lowered his voice and said: "They will not join our wolf gang, let alone follow your command, Sister Dou, and Tang Yan is young, but courageous, capable, and ambitious, such people will not Subservient to others."

Niang Dou didn't speak, but narrowed her one eye slightly.

Gu Tong did not continue to evade, and winked at Langdong, saying: "We are in a very embarrassing situation now. The nominal master of Tibing Mountain is actually just a foil, and will gradually become a pure thug. If it is true in the future Standing side by side with Yuxu Palace and Shihumen, the person they recognize will also be Tang Yan, not us. These words are a bit harsh, but we must face it from now on."

Langdong said: "We will continue to follow Sister Dou, as always. But we feel that you need to make a decision now, whether to go or stay, and you have to have a proactive attitude. If you leave, we will leave as soon as possible and continue to explore the Dayan Mountains , if you stay, you have to think about what kind of posture to use?"

"Guangzhu, please think carefully, no matter what, we will support you." Gu Tong left a sentence and left with Langdong.In fact, they began to consider Tang Yan's purpose of helping Tibingshan a long time ago, until he invited the war giant tiger, and the situation changed drastically.

They had to face up to the actual situation of Tibing Mountain, and hoped that Dou Niang could face it calmly, whether to go or stay, it was best to make a decision as soon as possible.

Dou Niang remained silent. After a long while, her eyes turned complicatedly to the herd of beasts not far away. Many monsters were fighting with each other. The scene was a bit chaotic, but the further you went in, the quieter it became, and you could vaguely feel the presence of the giant war tiger. Fierce and mighty.

(End of this chapter)

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