Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 275 The Mysterious Visitor

Chapter 275 The Mysterious Visitor
The refining of the ghost green fire lasted from early morning to evening, and continued toward late night. Tang Yan had consumed too much for many times and had to stop to rest and buffer, and then continued to grind his teeth.Even Zhan Zhanhu could feel Tang Yan's exhaustion, and saw his persistence and perseverance, and his eyes couldn't help showing a little complicated change.

In the middle of the night, the refinement finally made a breakthrough, and the dense green fire group began to emit mist-like spiritual power, which was very strong.All the monsters calmed down one after another, took deep breaths, and fought to get a few steps closer.The Golden Lion King stared straight, his eyes flashed with deep greed, but because he was afraid of the power of the giant tiger, he didn't dare to approach it.

Refining continues.

Since the formation of the spiritual source liquid, the giant war tiger is sensitive to the changes in the energy of the heaven and earth in the nearby area, as if it is converging here.

Could it be that the formation of Wuzun-level spiritual source liquid can trigger changes in the energy of the world?

The giant war tiger became more and more excited. The spiritual source liquid of Wuzun level is equivalent to compressing a Wuzun alive. How powerful is the spiritual power contained in it?

No matter where it is placed, it can be called a stunning treasure.

What is the origin of this little guy?There is such an incredible ability!
After the spiritual source liquid was roughly formed, Tang Yan ignored it and let the ghost Qinghuo refine it by himself. He began to rest and recuperate, preparing for repeated refining in the final stage, striving to achieve perfection.

The refining time this time was much longer than Tang Yan expected.

In the early morning, after Tang Yan got ready, he started the final tempering, which lasted until the evening of that day.

From start to finish, almost two days and one night.

The spiritual source liquid finally took shape, and at the moment when the ghost green fire dissipated, a spiritual power that was so pure to the extreme and so thick that it was almost misty quickly spread, not only the monsters were all quiet, even the soldiers who were resting silently in the distance The remnants of the mountain all showed expressions of astonishment and looked towards here.

"I'll put away this spirit source liquid first. I suggest going back to Tibing Mountain first, where it's relatively safe. I'll recover as soon as possible on the way, and I'll make the other two for you after I adjust my condition." Tang Yan is very weak now, really It can't be forced.

"Okay! Good good!" Feeling the preciousness of the spiritual source liquid, Juhu's voice trembled a little. No matter what Tang Yan said now, it was absolutely unambiguous.

"I want to trouble the three demon kings with something. On the way back, help me catch the two lowest demon kings. I will be useful." Tang Yan gestured to the three demon kings.

The attitude of the three demon kings was quite kind, and they nodded vigorously without waiting for Juhu's order, expressing their duty.They really felt the spiritual power contained in the spiritual source liquid, and once again appreciated the extraordinaryness of Tang Yan.In the face of such characters, it is worthwhile for them to let go of the dignity of the demon king and treat each other with courtesy.The relationship is properly handled, and when there are babies next time, it will be their turn to enjoy them.

The team set off overnight and returned to Tibing Mountain. Compared with the embarrassing escape a few days ago, this time it was obviously much more leisurely. The three major demon kings were frequently active nearby, searching for the breath of the demon king.Tang Yan said that he wanted both ends, but no one was willing to lag behind. He searched and arrested in the dense forest, causing unprecedented riots. Fierce battles broke out continuously during the period, and Langdong was a little scared to watch.

When returning to Mount Tibing, the three major demon kings captured a total of six demon kings, including the first demon king of the second rank, but all the demon kings in the dense forest were overlord-level existences, rebellious and manic, except for one who was in a coma. All the others died.

Tang Yan did not refuse anyone who came, and put all of them into the golden lock. Now he is not in a hurry to refine, he has to recuperate, and concentrate on dealing with Zhao Xian and Lu Jie.

The method used by Ghost Green Fire to refine the spirit source liquid is somewhat cruel, but this is the law of survival in the Qitian Continent, and it is also a story that is unfolding in the Dayan Mountains all the time.

Survival of the weak and the strong, it does not matter whether it is cruel or not.

After returning to Mount Tibing, Tang Yan explained to Tang Ba and the others, and then followed the giant war tiger to the back mountain for retreat, where all five hundred monsters were guarded.

The refining of the two third-rank martial kings and the six-headed demon king was not easy, Tang Yanquan regarded it as a kind of training and devoted himself wholeheartedly.

After Tang Ba and Dou Niang settled the matters related to Tibing Mountain, they led the troops to storm the Red Lotus Palace the next day.The Red Lotus Palace had already received the news, some people fled in a hurry, and some people stayed and stood firm, but without the help of the king-level powerhouses, the result was nothing but death.

On the same day, Tibing Mountain conquered the dangerous pass and completely destroyed the palace that could only be looked up to. All the precious items were looted, and there was not a single one left of medicinal materials, martial arts, etc., and almost even the luxurious bedding was taken away.

The news of the destruction of the Red Lotus Palace caused a strong shock in this mountain area, and some small gangs turned to Tibing Mountain with astonished eyes. They never expected that this gang that has always survived tenaciously would really persevere and become a new cutting-edge force .Especially after they invited the giant war tiger to sit in the town, all the astonished eyes were filled with a bit of horror, and no one dared to show contempt.

Some people planned to come to give gifts to congratulate, and they were afraid of the power of the giant tiger, so they could only wait and see silently, observing what kind of attitude Tibing Mountain would use to clean up the mountain area next.

Looking at the entire Dayan Mountain Range, the Red Lotus Palace can be regarded as the number one power in the row, and the giant war tiger is even more resounding and fierce.The destruction of the Red Lotus Palace and the re-emergence of the war giants were no small matter, and soon, under constant discussion, they spread across this mountain area and spread to the nearby territories, all of which aroused astonishment and attention.

Dou Niang ignored the attitude of the outside world, and while avoiding the retreat in the back mountain, she set off a vigorous reconstruction movement.The original simple cottage was completely destroyed and replaced with high-quality wood and stones brought in from the Red Lotus Palace for reconstruction. In the past, it was unthinkable that the "treasure hall" was also taking shape little by little in the eyes of everyone's expectations. Of course, the thing is still a treasure snatched from the Red Lotus Palace.

Tang Ba, Tang Qing, and Tang Hao established other courtyards in the three corners of the treasure hall, and slipped in from time to time to visit them.

After Tang Yan returned to Tibing Mountain, he stayed in the back mountain. The specific information inside was completely blocked by the monsters. No one knew about it, and no one dared to disturb it.Under Dou Niang's personal command, all the troops devoted themselves to the movement of remodeling the camp, and focused on building a magnificent gate, but intentionally or unintentionally avoided the name, and did not allow people to engrave "Evil Wolf Gang" Three big characters, this action fell in Tang Ba's eyes, he smiled strangely, and ignored it.

Lang Dong and Gu Tong seized the time to establish new gang rules. There are respectable and powerful people in charge, and Tibing Mountain is a famous and powerful faction. The corresponding rules must keep up with the ranks. like that.Some places have to be flexible, some places have to be more demanding.Tang Ba, who got the news, came over from time to time to give some opinions that he thought were reasonable.

All in all, Tibing Mountain was full of vigor and excitement, and everyone was immersed in the joy of victory and rise, and they were extremely busy.

Jade Palace.

After escaping back to Yuxu Palace, Venerable Yuxu immediately ordered all the wandering members to return to the palace and put all their strength on guard in case of an attack from Tibing Mountain. At the same time, he sent his confidant King Wu to monitor in person.

Ten days later, the war giant returned to Mount Tibing and practiced in seclusion; on the second day, Dou Niang led five hundred people to storm the Red Lotus Palace; from the third day to the fifth day, the Red Lotus Palace was looted; The rebuilding movement of the heart did not show an offensive posture.

Venerable Yuxu breathed a sigh of relief, but still did not dare to relax.As long as the war giant remains in Tibing Mountain, it means that there will be a day when he will attack Yuxu Palace, not to mention Tang Yan's cry that day will always echo in his mind-half a year!Destroy your Yuxu Palace in half a year!
Some confidantes suggested to take the initiative to attack, and come to a full-scale attack before the war giant has recovered.Anyway, there will be a battle between the two sides sooner or later, there is no need to wait for Tibingshan to attack.Although Yuxu Palace only has six great martial kings, slightly weaker than Tibing Mountain, the other elites of Yuxu Palace are far superior to Tibing Mountain. More than 3000 troops are enough to sweep their [-] remnants. After fierce battles, one day they will be able to Exhausted Tibing Mountain.

However, Venerable Yuxu is afraid of war giants, and also worried about the loss of Wuwang's subordinates, so he can't decide to pay attention. During this time, someone proposed to join forces with Shihumen. After all, Shihumen had expressed their intention to attack Tibing Mountain.Venerable Yuxu was still hesitant, thinking of the group of freaks and lunatics in Shihumen, and the conflicts over the years, he knew it was best to negotiate in person, but he still couldn't save himself.

Venerable Yuxu was actually a little worried, that is, Tang Yan would take the initiative to contact Shihumen. Once the bald lunatic was bewitched, and the two sides reached an alliance of interests, he would really be doomed.But Venerable Lion and Tiger is not a good stubble, but also a shrewd character. He should see the potential threat of the war giant tiger, and he should not accept the suggestion.

"Palace Master, someone is asking to see you!" In the middle of the night, Venerable Yuxu was silently figuring out how to solve it, when suddenly a guard came to ask for instructions.

"It's midnight, who is it?" Venerable Yuxu was a little impatient.

"There is only one person. He is wearing a black robe, and he cannot see clearly. He just said to help the palace master. He has a way to help solve the most troublesome problem right now."

"Huh?" Venerable Yuxu raised his eyebrows.

"The visitor's aura is very strange. The big offering has already passed, and he said that he can't detect the aura clearly. I hope you can go there in person, Palace Mistress."

Can't you breathe lightly?Venerable Yuxu calculated silently, vaguely thinking of the possibility, but he didn't dare to be too sure, immediately got up and said: "Let them in, I will wait in the lobby, remember, the attitude must be respectful, and you must not offend them. Also, inform all the offerings to gather in the front hall."

(End of this chapter)

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