Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 282

Chapter 282

"Girl, save people quickly!" Tang Yan seemed to be struck by lightning, and she almost roared out after being stunned for a moment. , the black glow all over his body raged and flickered, resisting the coercion of the sky, and headed towards the ruins that submerged Tang Ba.

"In this rubbish place, there are still some people who are eye-catching, but... How long can we last?" The eyes of the mysterious Martial Lord flashed, and the sharp sword lights all over the sky suddenly gathered, almost in an instant , the sharp and fierce sword energy that permeated the world completely gathered around him.

The faces of Dou Niang and others who hadn't come and took a breath suddenly changed, and they were as pale as white paper. Even Tang Yan's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't care so much, and rushed towards the ruins, his hands quickly turned into The animal claws were tearing apart the ruins like crazy.

Soon, Tang Qing covered in blood and mud appeared in the messy soil. His whole body was bloody and blood was gushing out.After all, he is a Tier [-] Martial King. It is really far-fetched to face such a transcendent figure.

"The feast of death begins now! Thief tiger, take care of yourself below!" The mysterious Wu Zun let out a cold laugh, and the tens of thousands of brilliance gathered around him suddenly exploded, emitting a dazzling brilliance like a scorching sun. All creatures within a few kilometers felt the trembling.

There was a little silence on the tragic battlefield in the distance, and Tang Yan and others felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

The dense blade brilliance turned into a sky-filled storm, destroying and wreaking havoc with unparalleled power, and razed everything in a radius of nearly a kilometer. Dou Niang and others fled with their lives at the last moment, but were still severely injured by the dense sword light, and were submerged in the collapse. in the gravel dust.

Tang Yan used the eight-phase thunder seal to escape a thousand meters away at the last second, and Tang Qing temporarily put it in the golden lock. Even so, he was still so shocked by this overbearing offensive that blood oozes from all seven orifices. Slightly relieved, he rushed to the battlefield rolling and crawling.Where's the brunette?It's fast enough, it can't withstand this kind of offensive.

But... the canyon after the sword light raged was completely out of shape, it was full of rolling dust, it was impossible to see anything clearly, there was not even a single sound inside, it was like a dead place.

"Hehe, garbage is garbage, vulnerable!" Above the dust and mist, the mysterious Martial Master threw out his exquisite sword again: "Thief Tiger, you can really bear your temper. This time, who can help you?" The exquisite sword flipped in the air , getting faster and brighter, and just a few seconds later, the brilliance skyrocketed again, like a twist of dense steel blades, with a ferocious power like crushing everything, fiercely thrusting into the dust and fog, passing by the storm, Even the dust and mist swept away.

"Don't underestimate me, Tibingshan Mountain!" A ruin suddenly collapsed, and the scarred Dou Niang resolutely rushed to the blade Guanghua, and the phantom of the withered claws hit head-on.

However... the brilliance of the sword blade swept across, smashing the phantom with ease, and the raging storm seemed to have some kind of tearing power, sucking Dou Niang and was about to rush in, Gu Tong suddenly appeared, ruthlessly He knocked Dou Niang away ruthlessly: "Let's go!!!"Pfft! !The brilliance of the blade raged past, half of Gu Tong's body collapsed on the spot, blood stained the red dust, and the wailing resounded through the sky.

"No!!" Niang Dou condensed her pupils and screamed like blood.

At the moment of crisis, two huge beast shadows broke through the ruins and straddled the sky above the canyon, roaring and shaking the sky, and the vast and fierce power swept across the sky!
It's the Red Flame Tiger and the Nether Winged Tiger!
Their animal nature erupted, and they raged in the air. Amidst the ear-splitting roar, they wanted to use their animal body to counter the sharp sword.

The crimson flames and the blue flames almost burned half of the sky, and its body swelled to the largest size ever.


A series of changes appeared in just a few seconds, and the sword body was still unrestricted, filled with a sharp strangling whirlwind, slamming into the two-color flames fiercely, and the whistling and beast roars were completely intertwined.

"Hold on! You must hold on!" Tang Yan clenched his fists tightly, staring at the distant battlefield.

But... this little sword is too terrifying. In the blink of an eye, the two-colored flames shattered, and accompanied by a violent roar, the Nether Winged Tiger was slammed into the air, more like being blasted away by the Scarlet Flame Tiger. Seconds... poof!Click!Pooh!The crimson flames were replaced by blood, and the huge body of the Crimson Flame Tiger was shattered alive, turning into a thick rain of blood and pieces of meat, which sprinkled down the dark canyon.

The third-order demon king Chiyanhu died so tragically!

The mournful roar at the last moment, the last moment of knocking away his companions, and the bloody eyes at this moment made this battlefield fall into a brief silence.

Tang Yan stood there dumbfounded, deeply shocked!There is such a tenacious friendship between the demon kings. Is the life-sacrificing obstruction due to loyalty, or is it the protection of the natural savior? If the war tiger is present, I don't know if it will run wild and out of control.

After all, the tragic obstruction still hindered the sharp sword. After smashing the Red Flame Tiger, its brilliance weakened and its power also dropped sharply.

Roar! !The Netherwing Winged Tiger let out a mournful howl, staring absently at the blood and flesh scattered all over the sky, the faint blue pupils appeared hazy.

"As expected of a monster, the body is tough." The black-robed man in mid-air was a little surprised, and with a move, he controlled the sword to escape from the canyon.The fingertips vibrated again, and after throwing an arc in mid-air, the sharp sword blasted towards the Nether Winged Tiger again.

The third-tier demon king collapsed when he said it would collapse. What kind of fierce soldier is this?
The Nether Winged Tiger roared proudly in the sky, its bloodiness was thoroughly stimulated, it was fearless, and wanted to fight with the sharp sword again.In the ruins not far away, a huge rock crashed and shattered. The Golden Lion King struggled and crawled out, panting heavily. He might have felt something in the ruins just now. The winged tiger, and the sharp sword that was blasted down again, showed a little hesitation in its eyes, but still rushed towards the canyon without hesitation.

The two demon kings drove side by side, roaring with grief and indignation!Staying with each other for 500 years, sharing life and death for 500 years, 500 years of ups and downs, maybe because of the difficult living environment, there has been some friction and barriers, but under the stimulation of life and death, the love hidden in the depths of the soul, the past life and death together At this moment, it erupted like a tide.

There were bursts of roars, sorrowful and piercing.

The two beast kings resolutely guarded the canyon with their bodies, and their ferocious fire-breathing eyes seemed to be roaring clearly that they must not let their swords rush into the canyon, which would affect the 500-year transformation and evolution of the war giant tiger.

They can die in battle, but war tigers can't!

This is not only Juhu's wish, but also their long-cherished wish. Anyway, as long as Juhu can transform successfully, everything will be valuable, and their determination and sacrifice at this moment will not be in vain.

The surging golden glow is like tumbling fine gold!
Bright blue flames, like the evil spirits of hell!
The monstrous fighting spirit rolled and attacked, and the bloodshot eyes were fixed on the sharp sword that burst down.

But... At this most critical moment, the body of the Golden Lion King unexpectedly changed. First, the golden brilliance became more radiant, like a blazing flame, and its brilliance far surpassed that of the Nether Winged Tiger. Its body trembled violently and roared mournfully turned into a howl of pain.In the depths of the bushy mane, there seemed to be something wriggling.

At the moment when the sharp sword pierced through the money, poof, accompanied by a strange sound, a new head protruded from the mane of the Golden Lion King, and let out a slightly immature roar.In an instant, the aura of the Golden Lion King changed drastically, his eyes burst into lightning-like brilliance, the holy and vast power filled the audience, and some kind of delicate singing or prayer sound faintly echoed between the heaven and the earth.

The sharp sword pierced down and was submerged in the depths of the flames of the two demon kings.

Without any suspense, the sword light ravaged them all with cuts and bruises, and sprinkled blood all over the sky, but it might be because of the sudden change of the golden lion king that the sharp sword was bounced into the air.

Huh?The face of the black-robed old man changed slightly, and he stared closely at the newborn head of the Golden Lion King, in an inconceivable daze.Even the Golden Lion King himself was a little surprised, looking at Xinsheng's head fixedly, but the injury may be too serious and the energy consumed is too much, the head that just popped up slowly closed its sluggish eyes, and moved a little bit towards the temples. shrink inside.

At this moment, the Golden Lion King felt intense panic and roared anxiously, as if he was trying to save something, but... his consciousness gradually became blurred, he shook violently a few times, and headed towards the canyon. The sudden change just now seemed like a convulsion. Dried all its strength.

"I didn't expect you to be an alien species! I can't keep it!" The black-robed old man quickly recovered from his astonishment, his expression became even colder, he reached out his hand, clenched his exquisite short sword, and committed suicide to the canyon.

The delay is too long, this time I have to deal with these hateful monsters with my own hands, so as not to cause further troubles!

"Blackwater leech, if you dare to push again and again, you will be buried with me today!" Tang Yan suddenly roared in the distance, and the eight-phase thunder seal burst out one after another, rushing towards the canyon at the fastest speed in his life!

(End of this chapter)

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