Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 283 Defense Domain

Chapter 283 Defense Domain
While the field of defense was constantly flashing, Tang Yan's body began to lose weight violently. It was a body destruction technique!Overloaded display!The aura is constantly improving, reaching the peak vigilance of the first-rank Martial King!

At the same time, dense scales emerged from under the clothes.

Local demonization!Focus on defense!

Once in the body destroying technique combined with the semi-demon state, he was able to resist the earth bear king's critical attack. Although the bear king was weak at the time, he could still show his strong defense.At this moment, the body destroying technique is once again combined with the demon spirit pulse, Tang Yan is willing to give it a try, not to mention the assistance of the black water leech.

This old monster has lived for nearly a thousand years. Apart from studying blood-sucking and escaping, his defense is not covered.Tang Yan clearly remembered facing the destructive attack of the Earth Bear King with all his strength. It persisted for a full 5 minutes, and finally survived well.

Today, I will be stimulated severely to see how big its potential is.

"Are you crazy? You are looking for death! Stupid! Ignorant!" The blackwater leech was no longer calm, and screamed almost sharply.

"Winged Tiger! Resist it together!" Tang Yan plunged into the back of the Nether Winged Tiger, his fighting spirit continued to soar, and he looked down upon the mysterious warrior who had killed him with his vertical sword.

The Nether Winged Tiger has been irritated by the successive stimuli, and is completely determined to die.Seeing that Tang Yan, a human being, was able to rescue him at a critical moment, his fighting spirit was even more overwhelming.

"Hey? There's another fatal one!" Mysterious Wu Zun noticed Tang Yan's appearance, the canyon was suddenly stagnant, and the sharp sword was out of his hand, aiming at Tang Yan and Nether Winged Tiger.

"If you don't drink two catties of blood for me afterwards, I will never end with you!" The blackwater leech also swears, punching the scales on Tang Yan's back from the wrist, and the jet-black body stretches and spreads rapidly, like It is a crystal armor, densely covered and crystallized, firmly covering Tang Yan's scales.

Double defense!

The sharp sword slammed down with the momentum of tearing.

Tang Yan gritted his teeth tightly, and there was only one thought in his mind, absolutely not to let this old thing destroy the transformation of the war giant tiger, otherwise the giant tiger will be injured, not only himself and everyone else will be destroyed, but all the efforts he made in the early stage will be in vain.

The sharp sword pierces down, without raging energy, without expanding the sword body, it is completely the original appearance, but anyone can feel it, this time... it is completely concentrated in one place, and the destructive power is definitely far greater than before any attack.

The Nether Winged Tiger was aware of it, turned around at a critical moment, and decided to fight against the sword alone. As for Tang Yan... his courage is commendable, and he has his heart, but after all, he is a new king of martial arts, so he can't play much role at all.

"You can't handle it by yourself!" Tang Yan's face changed slightly, and he fell down uncontrollably.

All of a sudden!
The sharp sword pierced through the blue flames and powerful body of the Netherwing Tiger one after another!The self-confessed strong offensive and tenacious defense did not have the desired effect.The sharp sword fell straight into the canyon with scarlet blood, and hit the falling Tang Yan in an instant.

Clang!The ear-shattering sound waves spread, and the black water leech was full of cracks, making a sharp scream in Tang Yan's mind. As for the scales of the demon spirit vein... it collapsed without any suspense.

The sword light does not stop, piercing the heart!
The horror of this fierce sword is far beyond Tang Yan's expectations. The extremely fine sword energy remaining in the pierced part spreads and stirs towards the whole body. It looks like it just pierced the body, but it is actually being destroyed inside.It wasn't a sharp sword's deliberate attack, it was entirely the residual Ling Lie sword energy.

After all, Tang Yan was still the lowest level of Wu Wang, and he couldn't handle such a fierce soldier who could seriously injure even Wu Zun.

The screams of the Nether Winged Tiger and Tang Yan suddenly came out in the canyon. It was not because of lack of perseverance, but because of the unbearable pain caused by the sword light. The bones, tendons, and veins were injured everywhere, and even the flesh and blood were shattered.

The sword light was extremely sharp, leading the Nether Winged Tiger and Tang Yan to hit the deepest part of the canyon.

The Nether Winged Tiger howled fiercely, endured the severe pain, and ran away out of control. Its wings danced wildly, and its sharp claws clasped the sword light. At this moment, it had ignored everything else and only wanted to stop the sharp sword. Tang Yan was overwhelmed by pain Consciousness gradually fell into a coma.The remaining sword energy was destroying the body, far exceeding the healing speed of Immortal Yan Tian Jue. The scarlet blood dripped towards the canyon. As for the black water leech, it broke away from Tang Yan's back like a soft ball of mud. Falling down with blood.

"See how long you can endure." The man in black shook his palm, and a wave of coercion rushed down the canyon like a torrent. The way he crushed the Red Flame Tiger back then, he wanted to crush Tang Yan and the Nether Winged Tiger, and even destroy the entire canyon.

Tang Yan had already fallen into a coma, while the Nether Winged Tiger was in despair.

Death seems to be approaching in an instant, and the sharp sword is rolling and inserting into the deepest part of the canyon.

"Not coming out yet?" The corner of the mysterious Wu Zun's mouth curled into an evil sneer.

"Enough is enough!" Finally, the black and colorful giant tiger entrenched in the depths of the canyon suddenly opened its blood-colored eyes, its silent aura suddenly soared, and the dense aura was completely clear. In this instant, the entire canyon space experienced strange changes. It seems that everything has fallen into the quagmire, including the sharp sword, the speed has been slowed down by more than three times.

Tang Yan fell into a coma and couldn't detect it, but the Nether Winged Tiger felt that even the speed of blood flow was slowing down. From the inside out, it seemed to be poured with heavy lead, and the coercion from the giant tiger even made its soul are throbbing.

Break through? !

Under its eyes of horror and surprise, the giant tiger stood up slowly, stretched out its claws, and grabbed the sharp sword abruptly, pulling it off the winged tiger and Tang Yan abruptly.The dagger struggled violently, sending out clanging guidance, but was firmly controlled by the giant tiger. Both the brilliance and the blade were weakening, returning to the original body little by little.

Tang Yan and the Netherwing Winged Tiger fell to the bottom of the canyon as if they had been drained dry, surrounded by the broken flesh and blood of the Scarlet Flame Tiger, and the unconscious Golden Lion King, which showed the fierceness of the previous battle.

"Old thief Qi, you guys are chasing closely enough! I haven't killed you all these years, I really thought you were very strong? That's Lord Tiger, I'm injured! Today, I'll let you personally experience the full power of my war giant tiger Let’s see if you have the capital to torture you.” The giant war tiger stepped out of the canyon, its fangs probing, its eyes glaring, and the roaring sound trembled in its throat.

hum!The invisible suddenly rolled out, covering the space of hundreds of meters around the body, Ka Ka Ka!The fine shattering sound resounded through the ruins, as if a huge force was oppressing it, and some rough raised parts shattered directly.

Dou Niang was about to protect the unconscious Gu Tong to escape from the ruins, she felt as if she was struck by lightning, as if she was being weighed down by a mountain, and she fell directly towards the crumbling mountain.A rubble pile not far away was also crumbling and collapsing, and a weak body was struggling to climb out. It turned out to be Tang Ba who was seriously injured, and there was a black girl who was also scarred under him, but with the appearance of the giant tiger, The terrifying gravity was exerted, but it was difficult for him to move.

"What power is this?"

"The giant war tiger has broken through?"

The two looked horrified, staring in horror at the colorful tiger rising from the sky step by step, a strong sense of powerlessness invisibly grew in their hearts.

"This is... the domain? The power of the domain! You have actually penetrated the domain!" The mysterious military master finally changed his color, and his expression was extraordinarily dignified. He faced the giant war tiger head-on, and he could feel the horror of power the most, just like being in the abyss and quagmire. Any activity is very difficult.

field!The mysterious mysteries that third-tier warriors are qualified to touch, some second-tier warriors can also comprehend by chance. For example, the realm of rebellion of the leader of the blood sect, and the realm of annihilation of the second palace master of Yuhua Palace are extremely terrifying existences , although they are Tier [-] Martial Venerables, they are far ahead of the peers of the same level by virtue of their domain!

Monster beasts like the giant war tiger can actually comprehend it when they first entered the second level?
How can it be!

The mysterious Wu Zun's eyes were filled with extreme resentment, which was completely unacceptable!

"Do you think that I have been playing house with you for the past 500 years? I started to comprehend the mysteries of the domain a hundred years ago, and now I have stepped into the second-level demon venerable, and everything will come naturally!" A thick voice came from between the fangs, Echoes throughout the field.With the eyes of the war giant tiger concentrating, with its tiger body as the center, the surrounding range of more than 200 meters is completely included, forming a blocked space, filled with intense to terrifying gravity.

"This is... the field of gravity?" The mysterious Wu Zun snorted and snorted, almost lost his balance, took two steps back dignifiedly, without the slightest hesitation, turned around and fled resolutely.

Although this kind of domain doesn't have particularly perverted power, it is extremely difficult to deal with. At least with one's own ability, once trapped in the domain, one can only be tortured to death alive.

But he wanted to escape, the solidification of the entire space became more and more obvious, the gravity gradually increased, his escape speed was obviously reduced, and it was not like some kind of pure gravity space, a sense of despair and panic was invisible In the air, the desire to fight is also weakening, and even the consciousness is in confusion, as if to start the killing ring, but it is not a high-spirited fight, but a blind and chaotic fight under despair.

Blind chaos?Yes, that's right, that's the weird feeling!
Something is wrong!How can I feel this way?The mysterious Martial Venerable was uncertain, he believed in his own strength, so he would not feel timid and desperate, let alone be so frightened that he ran into chaos, that is to say... the influence of the domain?

"You are not in the field of gravity!"

"This is my giant tiger's unique domain. It's called Shouzhan!" The war giant tiger's eyes are like torches, and his fighting spirit is burning all over his body, as if in a real state. The vast gravity is like countless mountains being bombarded, shaking the entire space.

(End of this chapter)

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