Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 419 The total price of the task

Chapter 419 The total price of the task
A gleam flashed in Chocolate's eyes: "Huh? You seem to be very professional!"

"Lulu?" Tang Yan looked at Lulu who was playing with the little golden monkey.I haven't seen her in six years, her size hasn't grown much, and her appearance hasn't changed much, except for the addition of two cute little meat wings, which are crystal clear and look very immature, fluttering from time to time.

"What kind of monster is this pig?" It was hard for Tang Ba to imagine how much magic there would be in such a harmless white-striped pig.

Chocolate immediately shut his mouth tightly, ignoring everyone's questioning eyes.

Tang Yan took a deep look at Chocolate, this wretched guy turned out to be a space warrior!I still remember that Nalantu once mentioned that behind any space warrior there is a terrifying space power. Chocolate can reach the second-level martial arts state at a young age, which means that he must have received very comprehensive guidance and possesses a very advanced space Martial arts.If this monster is another species, Chocolate's identity is worthy of scrutiny!
Chocolate seems to be wretched and unscrupulous, and his spirit is not normal. Tang Yan once thought that this girl had a problem with IQ and EQ, but now it seems that she was mistaken.

Why did such a character come to the southern wasteland?
Why did you show up in the Leiyun Mountains and persist in assassinating yourself?

Why would you be willing to be bound and return to the Rao family with yourself?

Tang Yan suddenly thought of a lot, and vaguely felt that things were not as simple as he imagined.

Chocolate subconsciously moved to the side, pulling the corner of his mouth forcefully: "Brother? I'm really good, but my eyes..."

Tang Yan moved closer to him: "What's your master's name?"

Chocolate moved to the side again: "Feed the old man with pig drops."

Tang Yan moved along with the trend, his eyes burning: "Where are you feeding the pigs? What did you do before? What level? Who is he to you?"

Chocolate looked hairy, and moved to the wooden chair next to him: "Feeding pigs on the mountain used to kill pigs. He said he found me from the pig's nest. It felt amazing, so I took it in, but I've always been skeptical about it. Brother, is Ye still interested in the old man?"

Tang Yan moved again: "Is he a space warrior?"

"It's just him? Don't be funny! I dug out space martial arts from the tomb at the bottom of the mountain, and it has nothing to do with him. He always wanted me to take over his duties and continue to raise and kill pigs. I swore to the death and ran away." Come out. Brother? Don’t look at me like this.” Chocolate was so stared at him that his mouth was parched, and seeing that Tang Yan was about to move, he quickly got up and sat beside him, but ended up squatting on the ground and screaming. stand up.

Tang Yan looked at the chocolate carefully. It seems that this girl's IQ and EQ are not high, or she has some flaws. It's obviously not a fake. Could it be that she is overthinking?

A smile appeared on the corner of Nalantu's mouth: "We just struggled with how to stop the scalp drum, I think now... there is a way."

Tang Ba doubted: "He can do it? He is only a second-rank Martial King."

Nalantu said: "He can't kill Wu Zun, nor can he destroy the scalp drum, but if he catches him by surprise, as long as he can appear in the main camp when we break through and affect the performance of the scalp drum, even if it only takes 10 minutes, we will You can win a precious chance to escape. If you think about the scene at that time, you can understand his role."

Everyone's eyes lit up, and their eyes focused on the chocolate.

The smile on Tang Yan's face widened: "Brother Zhu, it's time for the people to test you!"

Chocolate was immediately alert: "What?"

"Now there is a glorious and arduous task for you to complete, and only you can complete it."

Chocolate rubbed his sore buttocks: "Ye don't laugh, every time you laugh, it's always bad."

"I need you to go to the main camp of Dazhou in the evening of five days later, looking for a special place where there will be a special weapon that can control the spirits of millions of soldiers. You only need to help us delay for 10 minutes, Can save all of us present."

"It only takes 10 minutes!" Nalantu responded positively to Chocolate's suspicious gaze.

"No, it can't be done."

"What? You just need to restrain yourself."

Chocolate said with a bitter face: "Brother, it's not that I don't want to help you, I really don't have that ability. Both Lulu and I are not skilled yet, sometimes the scars are very fragile, and if you don't pay attention, a part of your body will be exposed. Daddy Zhou’s main camp is heavily guarded, so what if something gets leaked? Besides, I don’t know where it is, so how can I find it? How can I contain it?”

"I believe you can do it! The masses of the people believe you can do it!"

"Don't talk, no, no, I can't do it."

"Really quit? What about your professionalism! The two of us have signed a contract!"

"Brother, now it's not a question of quality, it's fate!!"

"Stop talking nonsense, answer it or not!" Tang Yan's face turned pale, and his voice roared!This guy is a talker, if you talk to him like this, you don't know how long it will last, just come straight to it, if it doesn't work, you will tie his pig!

"Hey! Be more polite!" Niya stared at him dissatisfied. Now she is asking for help from others, not to mention risking her own life.

But... Zhu Guli's arrogance weakened, his eyes rolled, and he asked, "Is this a mission?"

Tang Yan rolled his eyes: "That's right, a difficult task."

"How difficult is it?"

"But your success is related to the lives of more than 2000 of us."

"You mean, I'm risking my life, but I'm indirectly saving over 2000 lives?"


"What kind of people are they?"

"All of us, and the descendants of the royal family and the great families of Delos."

"Oh? Is there a Martial King Wu Zun?"

"That's right, we have a total of 5 members, including nearly [-] Martial Kings and about [-] Martial Venerables. If you succeed, you are a hero! You saved the hope of the Delos Empire! Accept?" Tang Yan's tone was a little slow , give him some stimulating inducements.

Chocolate stepped forward: "I'm a killer, and I'm never afraid to take over the task."

"Okay, happy, this is like a man."

Chocolate rolled his eyes, and a treacherous smile appeared on his wretched face: "But, I'm a killer, and any task has a price."

"Understandable, make a price."

Chocolate's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he suddenly became excited. He took out an abacus out of thin air, his eyes sparkling and crackling, and he muttered: "One Wuzong, the market price is 50 gold coins, and the total quantity is discounted, which is 150 gold coins." One, 1000 Wu Zong is 10 million gold coins; one Wu Zun, the market price is 60000 gold coins, one hundred Wu Zong is 120 gold coins! One Wu Zun, the market price is 5000 gold coins, and twenty Wu Zong is 1000 million gold coins. Two thousand For the noble young lady of Delos, the average market price is 10 gold coins, which is [-] million gold coins. Save the empire? Damn it, there is no market price for this. , Just... an integer of one billion! Hey, what a shocking number! Too exaggerated? No, it’s not an exaggeration at all. Only in this way can I highlight my great deeds and be worthy of praise by future generations. Okay, just one billion!”

Crackling recalculates, and the chocolate is full of brilliance: "101280 million imperial gold coins, we are good friends and regular customers, and the other martial spirits and imperial soldiers will come to a group price of 200 million. Finally integrate, go to zero , 101480 million imperial gold coins."

The smile on Tang Yan's face slowly faded, red and then white, red with white, white with red, and the clenched fists made a crisp creaking sound; Tang Ba and the others' eyes twitched, and finally He was panting heavily; the Pang family's five bald heads were full of astonishment, and in the end only the little star he admired was left, talent! !

Nalantu had a strange look on his face, and he held back a resentful sentence for a while: "He seems to have ruined the sacred image of a space warrior in my mind."

"Okay, for gold coins, no, for the sake of the people! For the great cause of the empire! I accept the mission!!" Chocolate felt relieved, and after a few rhetoric, he made another calculation with excitement in a blink of an eye, and said to himself: "Wait here! After one ticket is done, I can be disarmed and return to the fields, and return to my hometown. Enclose a few acres of land, feed a few sheep, find a partner for me, and I will find a little beauty myself? Hehe."

Tang Yan suppressed his anger and asked Niya, "How much money does the treasury of the Delos Empire have?"

"There are not many left. In the early stage of the war, a large number of weapons and equipment were manufactured, which consumed a large amount of reserve funds and equipment in the treasury. In the later period, King Ling of Zhou besieged the five peripheral families. When we transferred, we didn't care too much about the useless gold coins. For weapons and food, there are only a few gold coins. I personally speculate that the royal treasury can take out up to 3000 million gold coins. But...the royal family will not easily give such a huge amount of gold coins to a stranger."

"Brother, I accept, what?" Chocolate was very happy, looking at Tang Yan with bright eyes.

Tang Yan hesitated, then smiled and said: "There is no problem here, money is a trivial matter. But we have a strong relationship, so you have to make a discount?"

"I'm already very face-saving, and I didn't count a lot of odds."

"Give me a discount! Otherwise, we'll hire someone else, or find another way."

"This...uh...yeah, how much is it?"

"[-]% off!"

"Huh!!" Chocolate stared like a trademark.

"That's it. This discount will make you worry-free for many lifetimes. This cooperation is a pleasure, and I will continue to seek cooperation with you in the future. Also, when buying things, you pay attention to payment on delivery, especially when you are doing killer missions. We will pay a part of the deposit first, and when you really complete the task, you must pay in full. You know, we are not short of money, Delos is about to kingdom, and the billions of gold coins in the treasury will be arranged by me."

Chocolate was in a hurry, jumped up, and blushed excitedly: "[-]% off!! [-]% off! Absolutely no less! This is a great mission to save the fate of the empire, and it is even more related to my life!"

"This... well, it's [-]% off, but you need to pay the deposit first."

"Give it to me! The deposit is paid in cash! No IOUs." Chocolate felt a little wary.

"Of course, hey." Tang Yan took out...a gold coin from the interspatial ring, and put it in Chocolate's hand with a smile: "Put it away, don't lose it."

(End of this chapter)

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