Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 420

Chapter 420

Shameless!The five bald heads of the Pang family were moved by emotion, and they had long guessed that this girl had no good intentions.

Chocolate stared blankly at a gold coin in his hand, his face full of grief and indignation: "Brother, don't you think it's too much? You ruthlessly trampled on the dignity of a killer!"

"Okay, okay, it's settled! After the matter is done, I will use my head to guarantee that you can take as many gold coins as you can in the treasury of Delos, but the premise is that you must succeed! "

Under Tang Yan's signal, Dou Niang interjected at the right time: "According to your introduction, I can infer that King Zhou Ling is a man with strategies and plans. We will take action to break out, so I wonder if he has already started to prepare some preventive measures?"

"Hey, I don't have a problem yet..."

Chocolate interrupted eagerly, but everyone ignored it tacitly, and Tang Ba continued: "It makes sense, King Zhou Ling was able to conquer Delos in just four years, not only relying on his scalp, he should be a thoughtful And someone who is good at planning. Eight years ago, it was because he didn't take the young master seriously, so we let us escape easily. This time the situation is different. Since he found you, he will do everything he can to trap you here, even if He can't be captured alive, and he has to avenge his daughter, so it's really possible to take some insurance measures."

Niya said: "I can make a guarantee here that the royal family of Delos will see the situation clearly in the end, and will agree to your breakout plan. In this way, they will hold back in one direction with the attitude of burning everything together, We escape from another direction, they will do the best, and we have to think carefully."

"Hello, big brother? Big sister?" Chocolate looked around, completely ignoring him.

When he was about to get angry, Nalantu came over and said, "Brother Zhu, hello, my surname is Nalan. Nalantu is a good friend with Brother Tang Yan. May I discuss a question with you?"

"What? Another discount? Don't do it!"

"I'm not that... wretched."

"Buy pigs? Don't sell them!"

The corners of Nalantu's eyes twitched slightly, and he said patiently: "I have an ancient formation scroll, which records an ancient formation technique of space transmission. I have studied it for many years, and I have some experience, but I need some more detailed and professional knowledge. guidance."

"You want to hire me?"


"How much can you pay? I told you clearly that you must pay in cash! Pay in one lump sum!"

Nalantu smiled and said: "Don't worry, the benefits I bring to you are definitely better than these copper smells. This space teleportation formation has been passed down from ancient times, and there are many special concepts in it."

"Oh?" Chocolate calmed down.

"It needs to cooperate with space warriors to discuss and research together. I think... if you can assist me to complete it, it will definitely inspire you and let your understanding of space mysteries enter a new field."

"Really?" Chocolate was very shrewd, and his eyes suddenly lit up.


"Okay! Let's find a place to discuss." Nalantu took out the wallpaper and scribbled a few lines, and rushed to Tang Yan: "Brother, according to your fingerprint, you owe me 1014799999 imperial gold coins."

"Hey?" Before Tang Yan could react, this girl grabbed his hand and bit it down, blood flowed out immediately, Tang Yan struggled and cursed, chocolate restrained violently, grabbed his bloody finger and pressed down on the black and white words .

The scene was chaotic, and everyone's faces were full of confusion.

Chocolate carefully put away the IOU, and said with a satisfied smile: "Brother, there will be a date later. By the way, I would like to send you a word, you can really live a long life, and it will not be a problem to live for tens of millions of years."

Tang Yan shook his painful hand: "How to say?"

Chocolate chuckled, picked up the white striped pig, and disappeared into the hall, his shout came from a distance: "A good man does not live long, and a scourge lasts for a thousand years! You are a scourge of ten thousand years! Brother Nalan? Hurry up, I am in the garden!" Wait, let's discuss together and find the true meaning of life together."

"..." There was a brief silence in the hall, and Nalantu smiled shyly and quickly followed out.

"Young Master, are you alright?" Tang Ba asked worriedly, the bite just now was really hard, there must be no contagious disease.

"It's okay, let's continue." Tang Yanquan pretended nothing happened. "Delos can share part of the pressure for us, and chocolate can weaken the influence of the scalp drum. In this way, our hope of breaking through is very high. But it is difficult to guarantee that Zhou Lingwang does not have a killer weapon, so we have to come here."

"You also have a trump card?" Niya really had the feeling of being impressed.

"If I had a trump card, why would I still hide it until now? I immediately gave King Zhou Ling a second! I just came up with a bold plan when I was bitten by a pig."

Uh, that's all right?Everyone was speechless.

"Invite Mr. Odin and the others over, let's discuss together."

"You talk first, they will come soon." Niya personally arranged for the guards to invite them.

Mother Dou waited until she became interested, and they all came together.Although Tang Yan's personality is a little weird, but in terms of shrewdness and strategy, he is quite admirable in all fairness. Even Niya has to admit that this guy is definitely a talent for cunning and deceit.

"This plan of mine is very bold and risky, but there are many tricks in the plan, and the links are intertwined. No matter what ultimate moves King Zhou Ling has, I can kill those self-righteous old thieves and catch them by surprise. But this plan It is very dangerous, and everyone must work together and be as thoughtful as possible.”

Not long after, Odin and others rushed over one after another.Hearing that Tang Yan had another 'trick', he was very interested.

Tang Yan brought up a rough idea, which immediately attracted everyone's surprised eyes, but he had to admit that the idea was bold and crazy, and it really required careful and comprehensive planning.

They didn't even have time to eat the dinner brought by the maid, and everyone quickly got into the discussion of the plan, which was related to their life and death. Everyone tried their best to consider this more accident and discuss the countermeasures.In the end, Odin also moved the giant sand table of the army, and performed a detailed interpretation based on the four gates of the imperial city.

According to Odin's passionate thoughts, if this plan can be implemented smoothly, let alone the 2000 people can be rescued, even some of the Delos nobles who should have been abandoned will survive.But Tang Yan is not too optimistic. This plan is more than crazy, but not subtle enough. He can only take care of one of them. To save his side, the possibility of saving both aspects is not great.Because Zhou Lingwang is not a simple character, he must have multiple insurance measures.

The discussion continued until late at night, and finally a relatively detailed action plan was formulated.

Tang Yan stretched his stiff body and said: "Basically, let's settle down like this first. Everyone go back and have a good rest, adjust your state, and then consider whether there are any defects by the way."

Odin said: "I will persuade the royal family, and the Rubin Kimi family will also be handed over to me. They are temporarily excited, and they will be able to think about it in a few days."

"Patriarch Odin, I suggest not to disclose this plan to the royal family for the time being, but keep it as secret as possible. I am worried that there will be King Zhou Ling's eyeliner in the city. If we are discovered, we will be wiped out by then."

"Well, don't worry, you can rest here with peace of mind, and I will take care of other things." Odin recalled the whole plan, and he was in a very happy mood. This was the only time he was happy in four years.

"It's getting late, let's go." Tang Ba coughed dryly and motioned to everyone.

"Hehe, that's right, it's late, it's time to go." Everyone got up one after another and left with ambiguous smiles. Before going out, Odin turned around and said, "Tang Yan, if you don't mind, what are you thinking about?" Time to change your mouth."

"Huh? What should I say?" Tang Yan was surprised. Odin and the others had already left. Even the guards outside the door were waved back by Tang Ba, and the whole courtyard suddenly fell silent.

The hall was quiet, only Tang Yan and Niya were left sitting on the bamboo chairs, and the atmosphere became subtly awkward.

"Uh..." Tang Yan scratched his head, turned his head, looked outside again, looked at his feet, and looked a little embarrassed.

"Aren't you leaving? This is my room." Niya leaned on the seat, her lazy movements showing grace and charm.

"I don't that okay?" Tang Yan turned his head slightly stiffly.

(End of this chapter)

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