Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 421 Body Massage

Chapter 421 Body Massage
"Okay, hang it up." Niya untied the bright red cloud-encrusted cloak, and threw it at Tang Yan.

Is there a play tonight?Tang Yan's heart felt a little hot, and he quickly took the cotton cloak and hung it on the screen.As soon as she turned around, Niya happened to unbutton the tight soft armor, revealing the close-fitting skirt, revealing a large piece of white skin on her neck.

Hey, how about playing temptation? !Tang Yan's eyes were straightened, and his mouth was dry for a while.

"Close the door, and pour a glass of red wine." Niya sat on the bed between the screens, lazily stretched her aching body, and couldn't hide a trace of fatigue between her brows.

Unknowingly, four full years have passed. Since participating in the war for four years, my nerves have been tense and I have been immersed in the cruel flames of the battlefield. With the step by step retreat of the empire, the hope in front of me has been covered up a little bit. There has also been despair, there has also been sadness, and there have also been feelings that accompanied the empire to destruction.

But I really didn't expect that at the moment when the hope in front of me was about to be completely covered, someone would forcefully tear a crack and bring light to my life.

Niya had never imagined such an unreal scene, let alone that the person who appeared would be... Tang Yan.

Not moved?It's because the haze in the eyes is well covered; aren't you excited?It is the ripples in my heart that are suppressed by my stubborn character.

Tang Yan is playful and mischievous, Niya is cold and arrogant, and their personalities contradict each other.Despite the entanglement of marriage and many ambiguities, it seems that there is always a film between them that they haven't faced up to or touched, lying in the hearts of the two of them.

The Qingshang questioned in the hall, and the rebuttals responded in the hall. The seemingly violent reaction seemed to melt the film just right.

Niya seems to have suddenly realized that the two people's very different personalities are not actually in conflict, but more like complementing each other.In the depths of my heart, there are really such ripples that I dare not admit but really exist, and after six years of burial and a series of stimuli, these ripples have turned into traces of warmth.

"I am very happy to help you." Tang Yan quickly closed the doors and windows, and searched around the entire hall and the bed behind the bead curtain. After confirming that he was safe, he searched for red wine and wine glasses with a smile on his face.

Seeing that swift figure and familiar bad smile, the corners of Niya's mouth involuntarily curled up gently, like the blooming of snow lotus, with a different kind of surprise.

Tang Yan came over with red wine, but he was a little obsessed.

"What? I don't know you anymore?" Niya took the wine glass and took a sip.The red wine soaked into the tip of the tongue, swaying a silky bitterness.It's been a long time since I tasted red wine quietly, nor did I lie quietly on a soft chair.This scene is somewhat familiar, yet also somewhat unfamiliar.

"It seems a little... different." Tang Yan also poured a glass of wine himself, gulped it down, and a hot stream poured from his throat straight into his chest and abdomen, making him feel hot and comfortable.

"Why is this cramped? A certain person is very happy in the hall, and he still accuses others sadly? I feel that I am heinous." Niya looked at Tang Yan with a half-smile, and recovered again under the dim candlelight. That kind of beauty is alluring, the beauty is thrilling, and the beauty is soul-stirring.

Tang Yan really wanted to pounce on her, but for some reason, every time she stood in front of Niya, she always felt suppressed by her aura.

This weird, very weird, and it makes Tang Yan wonder if he has a tendency to be abused, because it is not uncomfortable, but a repressed but irritable impulse similar to the desire to conquer.Secretly fantasizing, once the counterattack is successful, how violent the collision will be?
"I was expressing my feelings from the bottom of my heart. Don't be nervous, I'll rub your shoulders and relax." Tang Yan came behind Niya with a smile, and tentatively put his hands on Niya's shoulders , pressed gently, and seeing that Niya didn't mean to be angry, she suddenly became bold and kneaded slowly and forcefully.Although through the clothes, you can still clearly feel the warmth and smoothness. Looking at it from this angle, you can vaguely find a little... groove... Niya ignored Tang Yan's fiery gaze behind her, her shoulders were sore Feeling uncomfortable: "How did you get to know the three masters of Yuhua Palace?"

"There was chaos in the Dayan Mountains, and some gangs united to invade everywhere. I just took advantage of this opportunity to establish the Wagang Village, and made friends with the monkey tribe in the mountains. The Yuhua Palace was invaded, and I... just happened to When I met their Nine Palace Masters, I came to help them. They are currently staying in my Wagang Village temporarily, and they have a mutual care for each other." Tang Yan didn't hide too much, in front of a shrewd woman like Niya, the end of lying will not be the worst Miserable, only worse.

He spoke calmly and with a very frank tone, but the massaging hands moved towards the snow-white neck without any trace, and then quietly penetrated into the clothes, and began to enjoy the wonderful touch of skin contact.

Of course, Niya noticed Tang Yan's attempt, but she didn't pay much attention to it except for a smile on the corner of her mouth: "You mean, the relationship between you is pure cooperation?"

"What do you think? What is my personality, Tang Yan? Besides you who can love to death, who else would have a good impression?"

Niya almost choked on the red wine: "You have lust and courage, so you don't have any plans?"

"They are Martial Venerables, and the Grand Palace Master is still a Tier [-] Martial Venerable. They are all indistinguishable characters in the Dayan Mountains. They can kill me with a finger. If I dare to make a mistake, Yuhua Palace will dare to fight against Wagang Village As an enemy, I will not make jokes about the development of Wagang Village."

"But the beauty of the three of them seems to be no worse than mine, right? Is that why you're not tempted?"

"Just kidding! They are beautiful and have temperament, but in front of you, they are all jokes. Besides, am I, Tang Yan, the kind of animal for the lower body? You underestimate me! I can't control myself in front of you. Women are just floating clouds to me." Tang Yan bit the bullet and said cautiously.

Niya drank the red wine, smiled and said: "Don't get excited, I didn't say anything to you. This time the matter is over, I will follow you to Wagang Village. I will handle some things for you."

"Of course, everything is up to you." Tang Yan answered cautiously, for fear of revealing any flaws, and urgently found something to change the subject.Huh?Have! "You've been tired for so long, you must be uncomfortable all over, how about... Let me give you a full-body massage?"

Um?Niya raised her head slowly, just in time to see Tang Yan aiming at her chest with her face tilted. When she saw her looking up, she immediately pretended not to look sideways, with a serious face.

"Don't bother you, you are tired too, go to bed early."

"No trouble! You're welcome! It's my honor to serve you." Tang Yan hurriedly pushed Niya onto the bed.

In fact, Niya didn't resist too much, so she lay on the bed according to him.

ha? !There is drama!Niya is acting abnormally today, what a joke!Tang Yan's mind suddenly became active, and it was not in vain for my Jinpeng Palace to be impassioned, and it really succeeded in hitting Huanglong. "You relax, your whole body relaxes, and the service is guaranteed."

"Don't be too tired, you'll go to bed soon." Niya lay on the soft bed, feeling calm and safe.

Tang Yan moved his big hand and gently pressed the back of Niya's neck, feeling it quietly while slowly increasing the strength.His eyes wandered back and forth, secretly controlling the heat.Now that Niya is lying down, it seems that today she intends to obey.

Is it time to take a shower?

Do you want to change the way of aphrodisiac?
"Thank you for coming." In the quiet hall, Niya said leisurely, gently closed her eyes, and buried her head in the soft pillow.

"Huh?" Tang Yan was about to rush in, but was surprised to find that Niya hadn't moved.

After taking a closer look, his face suddenly turned bitter, and he actually fell asleep? !

"Okay, busy work for nothing." Tang Yan's fiery heart cooled down, he looked around, hesitated a little, and simply lay down next to Niya.

Niya slept quietly, not noticing his approach.

Tang Yan exhaled, hugged her gently, and suddenly felt...that's pretty good too.

No matter how strong a woman is, she has a weak side.

In the past four years, it has been difficult for her.

In the dead of night, the other courtyard is quiet.

The red candles in the hall were burned out, and the last ray of light disappeared.

At some point, Niya leaned against Tang Yan's chest, and Tang Yan hugged her delicate body tightly. The two of them breathed evenly and slept deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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