Chapter 43

The depression in Zhou Linglu's heart could not be increased. After tracking for two months, she didn't even find half a person. The four targets seemed to disappear out of thin air. There were no clues. How much does it matter.

The search has continued until now. In fact, there is no need to continue. The four of them were probably swallowed by monsters. However, considering Tang Yan's treachery and vitality, no one dared to go down easily before seeing the corpse. in conclusion.What's more, the words of my father are always in my ears. In life, I want to see people, and in death, I want to see corpses!
A female guard picked some wild fruits and handed them to Zhou Linglu: "Princess, do we really need to continue? No trace has been found for two consecutive months, and there is no news from the Giant Elephant City. The four of them may have been killed long ago." The monster was eaten.

Recently, we have deliberately divided our teams into groups. There are only three or two people acting in teams, and there are also individual actions. If Tang Yan and the others are nearby, they will definitely attack after they find out, but there has been no report of being attacked, which shows that they are really possible. long dead.

Personally, I feel that you think highly of them, princess. Even if you survived for a while by relying on tricks, this is a dangerous psychedelic forest with a huge number of monsters. Any accident may kill them. "

"I also know that there is no need to continue the search. There is no news for two months. They were either eaten by monsters, or they had some special way to avoid tracking. The former is fine. If it is the latter, can they If we can hide for two months, we may continue to hide for another two months. It is difficult for us to search so aimlessly to gain anything." Zhou Linglu has never felt so frustrated like today, the psychedelic forest is too big and too messy, Even many guards of the palace lost their way. If you want to track down a few little children, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

What's more, that kid Tang Yan could already recognize the 'Water Curtain Tianhua', and ran away when he saw the mist, which made it even more difficult to track.

"Shall I issue an assembly order to return to the palace?"

"Go back? How to go back! What am I going to do with my father? This is the first time I have participated in an operation in the palace, and such a big mess has happened, even I feel ashamed." Zhou Linglu bit Noguchi, the sour juice Stimulate the taste buds, and the expression is bitter for a while.

"We can try to stop them between the Enchanted Forest and the Giant Elephant City. If Tang Yan and the others are still alive, they will return to the Giant Elephant City one day. As soon as he appears, we will immediately arrest them or get rid of them directly."

Zhou Linglu's eyes lit up: "Just like what Uncle Hua planned at the time?"

"This is the best way. It is better than such an aimless search. Of course, the premise is that Tang Yan and the others are still alive!"

"Okay, that's the decision, send the signal immediately"

clap clap!clap clap clap!

A burst of crisp applause came from the darkness of the woodland, followed by a playful voice: "Okay, it's really good! You've been busy for two months, and you've finally come to terms with it."

"Who! Come out!" Zhou Linglu and the female guard were alert at the same time.

"Of course it's the person you're eager to find, my princess, are you happy to see me?" Tang Yan walked out with a smile and blinked her eyes.

"Tang Yan!" Zhou Linglu lost her mind at first, and then her spirits lifted. "I've been looking for you for two months, and you actually delivered it yourself. I'm happy, of course I'm happy!"

"Princess be careful, be careful what kind of tricks Tang Yan plays again!" The female guard looked at Tang Yan vigilantly, this guy is smarter than anyone else, how could he run out by himself for no reason?
"As long as he comes out, don't even think about escaping. So what if there is a conspiracy? Absolute strength is a joke! He is only at the level of Wuling, Tang Ying and Du Yang are both Wuling, even if Ilinda came , is just a first-level Martial Ancestor who has just broken through." Zhou Linglu has long been firmly established in the second-tier Martial Ancestry, and although the female guard is only a first-level one, as a palace guard, her martial arts attainments are enough to suppress Ilinda.

"Princess, be careful, I'll abolish him first!" The female guard's face turned cold, and she drew her long sword and was about to attack.

"Wait! Don't be nervous. I didn't intend to escape when I came here today. I want to make a deal with the princess." Tang Yan continued to walk forward, and the right hand behind his back slowly gathered spiritual power, guiding the golden lines along the The five fingers began to emerge and spread.

"Ilinda should be nearby, let her come out first, it's not like the 'Ice Lotus' style of the Giant Elephant Academy!" Zhou Linglu felt a subtle breath.

The branches in front of them shook, and Alinda turned over and fell, but she didn't make an attack, but just looked at them coldly.

"Princess, let's stop shouting and killing. Regarding this hijacking incident, I want to talk to you calmly. We can guarantee that we will keep silent from now on, as if nothing happened, and even help you spread the word." False information. We have only one request, and we have spared a few lives. Whether it is for us or for you, this is the best ending, don’t you think so?”

"Huh? Suddenly figured it out?" Zhou Linglu looked at Tang Yan suspiciously. This kid was too treacherous to believe.However, considering Ailinda, the Wuzong, and Tang Yan's body skills, she temporarily decided not to act rashly, and looked for an opportunity to kill with one blow.

"I'm fed up with this life of hiding in the XZ. No matter how powerful I am, Tang Yan, I can't stand against the palace. Unless I never want to go back to the Giant Elephant City, I will be killed by you sooner or later. It's better to finish it in advance." " Tang Yan said very sincerely.

"That's right, we can discuss it calmly, come here, let's sit down and talk."

"Okay, let's talk about it in advance, we are here with sincerity."

"of course."

"Wait! What are you holding in your hand?" the female guard suddenly scolded.

"What are you holding?" Tang Yan raised his eyebrows strangely.

"I said, put your hands up!" The female guard watched for so long, and finally found the problem. Tang Yan has kept her hands behind her back since she appeared.

"Uh, you doubt me? Well, to show your sincerity," Tang Yan shrugged casually. First, he stretched out his right hand and shook it to show that there was no malice. Then he stretched out his left hand. There was a flash, and the left arm shook violently: "Golden butterfly! The seal of obsession!"

All of a sudden, a golden brilliance struck like lightning, bursting out into a bright golden brilliance, like a huge golden butterfly suddenly spreading its wings, swaying golden light spots, and blasting towards Zhou Linglu and the female guard.

"Flash!" The two had been prepared for a long time, and they quickly fired towards the rear despite being frightened.

However, the wonder of the Ecstasy Seal lies in its explosive and ecstatic effect, which enveloped the two of them in an instant, especially the female guard!The turbulent dots of starlight are like the divisions of butterflies, bringing a strong spiritual influence, and the consciousness suddenly falls into a kind of misty chaos. It is precisely this subtle gap, Tang Yan runs wildly, and the condensed eyes of silence burst out, condensing The Silent Eye with nearly eighty thoughts of resentment has the power comparable to a violent blow from the peak of martial arts, and it is Tang Yan's strongest sneak attack weapon at the moment.

Because of the confusion of consciousness, the protection of the female guard was reduced to the extreme, puff, the light of extinction shattered the spiritual power of the body guard, pierced through the shoulder, and the severe pain woke her up instantly, but

"Tiger seal!" Tang Yan strode and ran, his right hand vibrated violently, and the void bombarded fiercely. In an instant, the tiger roared and shook the mountain, the golden light flashed, and a golden tiger the size of a wolf roared and blasted towards the female guard.

Click!ah!The female guard's bones were shattered, she screamed out loud, and was sent flying violently, with scarlet blood spurting out in mid-air.

The whole process was only in the blink of an eye, and Tang Yan's battle experience forged by two months of life and death was perfectly displayed at this moment, showing that the level of strength is not the key to absolute victory or defeat with practical actions!

"Little bastard, you have pissed off my old lady!" The female guard finally stabilized her mind, and with a coquettish scold, spiritual power surged all over her body, and a bright brilliance was about to erupt.

"Dark Blue Disk, explode!" Alinda suddenly came forward, cooperating very tacitly.The dense blue ice butterflies rushed towards the female guard like a torrential rain. In the blink of an eye, a series of dense explosions erupted, superimposing a strong destructive power.

Wu Zong is not comparable to Wu Ling, any level is a huge gap, Alinda went all out to display it, and broke out a terrible destructive force, the female guard who was beaten by surprise was instantly submerged by the explosion.

"Catch Zhou Linglu first, catch the living ones!" Tang Yan turned sharply, and the ready-to-go Nirvana shot out towards the stunned Zhou Linglu. After a layer of afterimage, he drew out the steel knife on his back, and for two seconds, two strikes, and the cyan flame instantly superimposed twice the impact: "Two heavy blows of the flames!"

Elinda had also experienced extremely strong combat experience in two months. She tossed rapidly in the air and shot towards her in the blink of an eye. The sword glow raged, and the gorgeous blue ice crystals enveloped the sky.

Zhou Linglu narrowly avoided Tang Yan's two strong attacks, but was overwhelmed by Ailinda's offensive: "Second-rank Martial Ancestor?"

"The vision is not bad!" Alinda attacked with all her strength, no longer had too many fancy moves, no longer any messy movements, clean and neat, all killer moves, and entangled Zhou Linglu in a blink of an eye.

Tang Yan did not continue to attack, but changed his direction again and rushed to the explosion area that had not completely dissipated.There, the female guard was scarred and covered with frost, and she hadn't fully recovered.

"Shadow! Two heavy blows from the flames!" Tang Yan instantly swayed three afterimages, and the steel knife surging with ghostly green flames went straight to the female guard!
The female guard felt threatened, but her scarred body was unable to respond, so the steel knife slammed into her chest fiercely. Under Tang Yan's control, the ghost Qinghuo quickly rushed into her body along the scar.

"Ah!" The female guard's complexion changed drastically, and she let out a miserable scream.Tang Yan didn't give her a chance to fight back at all, and tried his best to cast two heavy blows of Lie Yan, smashing her body-protecting spiritual power, chopping her body, and in just a moment, the ghost green flame covered her whole body, and It spread to the internal organs along the wound, burning her body mercilessly.

The screams echoed in the forest for a long time, screaming and wailing, and finally came suddenly, and turned into a drop of spiritual source liquid with rich spiritual power in the refining of the ghost green fire!
(End of this chapter)

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