Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 44 4 Big Butchers

Chapter 44 The Four Butchers
"You..." Zhou Linglu looked at the guard who had turned into ashes in horror, and felt a chill in her heart. She finally felt threatened. Ailinda and Tang Yan didn't come here to play tricks, but they had the certainty of victory.

"Princess, if you want to escape, I advise you to give up your heart!" Alinda wrapped around Zhou Linglu tightly, her attacks became more and more fierce, her moves all contained killing intent, and a large number of blue ice butterflies Haunting around, like a part of the body, every strong attack will be accompanied by their intensive detonation, increasing the power of the attack, and interfering with Zhou Linglu's counterattack.

"You want to kill me? You forgot my identity? I am the Princess of the Palace! I am the sister of the Crown Prince!"

"So what? It's the monster that killed you, not us!" Alinda didn't give her a chance to escape, and tried her best to entangle Zhou Linglu to prevent Zhou Linglu from displaying her powerful martial skills.

"Others don't know, but my father will definitely guess it! At that time, Alinda and Tang Yan, you will all become the most wanted criminals of the empire! Even your family and friends will be nailed to the thousand-year-old ice with ice picks, try Die with all the pain in the world!" Zhou Linglu screamed hysterically.

the wanted?Millennium Ice?Alinda's offensive obviously stalled, and these two words brought a strong stimulus.

Zhou Linglu's spirit shook slightly, and she broke free from the entanglement forcefully, her eyes flashed fiercely, her sword light turned, and in a blink of an eye, more than ten tiny wounds were cut on her arms, and scarlet blood dripped out.

"Ice Fusion Art!" The spiritual power surged and turned into a biting cold air, and the blood dripped into it, as if giving them life, and turned into mist sharp claws to snap at Ilinda.

"Get out of the way!" Tang Yan shot towards him, slamming the absent-minded Ilinda away, and accompanied by a sharp hiss, the light of extinction burst out, and at the same time, the strong ghost green fire covered the whole body .

Pooh!The light of extinction pierced through the crampons and Zhou Linglu behind them one after another, but the power of the crampons did not dissipate, and it hit Tang Yan head-on. The ghostly flames were completely extinguished before long, and layers of frost entangled Tang Yan tightly. , even the ferocious expression froze at this moment.

"Tang Yan" Ailinda fell not far away, looking at the stiff ice sculpture in a daze, a slight tingle flashed in her heart, she never expected that he would come to save her so desperately at the critical moment.

Zhou Linglu covered her pierced shoulder, took two steps back, turned and fled towards the dense forest: "If you kill one, you won't be able to escape, just wait, Alinda!"

"You can't go anywhere today, stay here!" Ailinda's face was frosty, and she felt an unspeakable anger burning in her body, and she rushed up to kill Zhou Linglu, no longer caring about the arrest, no longer thinking about the thousand-year cold Bing, the offensive gradually became crazy.

The two are both second-tier martial arts sects, Zhou Linglu's martial arts are more exquisite, but firstly, she lacks actual combat experience, especially this kind of desperate attack, secondly, her right shoulder hurts unbearably, and her entire right arm can't exert any strength. Can't even function spiritually.

"If you want to play to the end, I will accompany you to the end. Let's see who can have the last laugh tonight." Zhou Linglu stopped running away, and used her martial arts to meet Alinda, and took the opportunity to throw the last violent spell card into the air. Linda's face changed slightly, and she was about to intercept
A huge roar that was astonishing as a rock exploded in the air, accompanied by the rumbling and trembling of the ground, looking at the distant sky, sparks and ice crystals were scattered all over the sky, and the whole sky suddenly lit up at this moment.

"What's going on?" Zhou Linglu lost her mind slightly, and the violent spell card successfully detonated, but the light emitted was completely covered by the sudden explosion, even though it was far away, she still felt the terrifying power.

"Eagle Wingspan!" The ear-piercing cry of the eagle resounded through the forest, and a gorgeous huge fire shadow tore through the sky.

"Sky cone! Break it!" Accompanied by an old roar, five ice cones soared into the sky to meet the Hokage, and there was another violent explosion, scattering flames and ice crystals all over the sky.

But the ground was booming, and streams of magma burst into the sky, and the terrifying high temperature almost burned the entire dense forest.

"Tang Ba! Tang Hao! You are causing trouble for the Tang family!" An old voice echoed in the night, mixed with strong anger and panic.

"Death!" The ear-splitting roar shook the mountains and fields, a fire shadow, a bright and huge sword shadow, collided with an astonishing momentum, and among them, a huge ice cocoon that was formed in an instant burst instantly, and a shrill scream just rang out. Come out and stop abruptly!

"Elder Hua!" There were bursts of roars from the surrounding woods.

"Let's not leave one! Kill!" In the distance, two figures of flames stepped into the air. The wild momentum and violent flames were like two demon gods rushing out of the demon realm. The terrifying power shook the wild forest.

The silent dense forest fell into chaotic riots, and the roars of monster beasts resounded in all directions. The awakened fifth-level monsters roared to the sky, venting their dissatisfaction and power, but staring at the four flaming shadows, they felt the terrible killing Unexpectedly, these usually domineering fifth-level monsters disappeared one after another.

The mountain forest shook violently, cracks spread all over the place, magma criss-crossed, fire shadows raged, and destructive flame knives more than ten meters long bombarded the range of several miles in succession with a terrifying momentum of destroying heaven and earth.

The monsters panicked and fled in all directions, but the magma and fire shadows bombarded them indiscriminately, they didn't let these monsters go, let alone the dozen or so men in white inside.

Facing the wrath of the Four Great Martial Kings, they were vulnerable

Whoosh!The heavy panting echoed in the mountains and forests, and flame shadows shot around. They were fiery red male lions three to four meters long. The four paws and tails of each male lion were burning with raging flames. Out of manic wildness.

A delicate girl was tightly clutched by a male lion, it was Tang Ying, Miss Tang's family!
"The flaming lion has responded, Tang Yan is nearby! Assemble! Assemble!" Tang Ying shouted excitedly. After searching aimlessly for two full months, the flaming lion finally showed eagerness, indicating that it Smell the familiar smell, that is Tang Yan!
"Those are the four great butchers of the Tang family." Zhou Linglu stared blankly at the sky in the distance, a sense of despair permeated her heart, the aura of the four martial kings, violent killing intent, and familiar martial skills, in this Northern Desolation Territory Who else but the four big butchers of the Tang family!
As for the shadows of flames flashing across the forest, they should be the flame lions raised by the Tang family!Level [-] peak monster!
Tang Yanshan went crazy. First he sent Wu Wang Tang Qiong to look for Tang Yan, and then Tang Ba and others. The five great butchers of Megatron Northern Wilderness were all together!Even the Flame Lion, which was regarded as a treasure by the Tang family, was released.

How could a rich young master bear Tang Yanshan's frantic search!

Elinda also lost her mind for a long time and lived in the Giant Elephant City all year round. Of course she knew the reputation of the Tang family's five great butchers. They were Tang Yanshan's personal guards, absolutely loyal and absolutely crazy. Being among the top three of the six great families in the Northern Wilderness is largely dependent on them.

What is this for?Just to search for Tang Yan?
In the mind of Tang Yanshan, the patriarch of the Tang family, how important Tang Yan is, if the news is sent back to Giant Elephant City, I don't know how big a disturbance it will cause.

"Huh? Isn't this the princess?" A flaming lion rushed towards him. With its huge body and blazing flames, it looked like a mighty hero. Standing on top of him was a frivolous young man. It was Du Yang from the Giant Elephant Academy!

"You are..." Alinda was still a little surprised.

Du Yang shrugged: "Don't ask me, I don't know. The Tang family looked for Tang Yan like crazy. In the beginning, Tang Hao and the King Wu were splitting up. A month ago, they added another thirty flaming lions. There are also a large number of Tang family guards. Tang Ying and I were lucky, we hid in a cave for a month, and were lucky to be found by them."

"Tang Yan is right in front, it might be a little bit bad."

"Tang Ying led people to rush over. It's not bad for me. I'm more interested in this Miss Princess." Du Yang got down from the flaming lion and looked at Zhou Linglu with great interest, with a lazy face. Showing a sneer: "All of this was planned by you? I don't care what your purpose is, I only know that my best friend died because of you, remember clearly, one day, sooner or later, I will even pay for my capital with interest return!"

Alinda said: "For your safety, I advise you to surrender?"

Zhou Linglu's eyes were extremely gloomy, and she was still thinking about how to escape, but looking at the flaming lions shooting past one after another, the four figures running wildly from the sky in the distance, and Zhou Linglu who was staring at her closely, today I am afraid Doomed. "You will pay for what you did today, I swear!"

"Let's talk about leaving the Giant Elephant City alive." Du Yang pulled out a rope and walked towards Zhou Linglu, slapping him without warning.


Du Yang grabbed Zhou Linglu's long hair, tore it in front of her face, and said viciously: "Don't play the princess' temper in front of me, I don't like this! Also, the petrified martial arts in your father's hands will be the same sooner or later. mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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