Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 45 Tang Concubine

Chapter 45 Tang Concubine
Tang Yan felt a great threat. These ice crystals seemed to have a strange energy, not only froze the body, but even the meridians seemed to be frozen, just like the threat Ailinda had received back then.What kind of martial art Zhou Linglu practiced, even though Tang Yan didn't know much about this martial art, he knew that this kind of martial art of freezing meridians was unusual.

Tang Yan tried his best not to let himself pass out, and silently operated the Immortal Yan Tian Jue. Under the tenacious operation, the life mist in the dantian finally reacted, and a strong life breath diffused towards the meridians.As expected, these ice crystals melted quickly after encountering these life energies. Soon, the meridians were unimpeded, the spiritual power resumed, and the body once again filled with ghostly green fire.

Gradually, cracks began to appear in the ice crystals, and after a while they all shattered with a bang

Tang Yan let out a long sigh of relief, and continued to circulate his spiritual power to warm his cold body. After all, there was still a huge gully-like gap between Wu Zong and Wu Ling. At this moment, Tang Yan really felt it.

"Brother!" A surprise cheer came from the front, Tang Ying rushed over without waiting for the flame lion to stop, hugged Tang Yan vigorously, and jumped up and down excitedly.

"Huh? These are..." Tang Yan looked at the large lions gathered around, and vaguely remembered that there seemed to be a few of them in the family, but they were kept inside the family all the year round. The second son of Tang only saw them occasionally, but never cared about them.

"Grandfather released all the flame lions in order to find you, and more, and more." Tang Ying excitedly pointed to the distant sky, where Tang Ba and other Martial Kings were approaching rapidly.

"That's" able to walk through the air, a martial king-level powerhouse, there are still four
"Tang Jun, Tang Ba, Tang Qing, Tang Hao, the four personal guards of my grandfather." Tang Ying's face was full of pride, and the excitement in her heart was beyond words. For all the younger generations of the family, Tang Jun, Tang Qiong, Tang Ba, Tang Qing, and Tang Hao, the five martial kings who were given the reputation of butchers by the outside world, all existed like gods of war in their hearts.In ordinary times, I hardly see each other, and even if I do, it is only a glimpse. I never thought that one day I would meet completely.

"Master!" The four figures came across the air, restrained their strong aura one after another, and nodded slightly at Tang Yan, which was regarded as a family etiquette.

Tang Yan looked at them carefully, similar to Tang Ying, the only "butcher" he often saw was Tang Qiong, like the other four, he had hardly seen them, and now he could roughly determine who they were based on the descriptions of his family members.

The heroic and heroic man headed by him is named Tang Jun. He is the head of the five great butchers in the family. Strong ones, for some medium-sized families and forces, a Tier [-] Martial King is enough to sweep them away!
The thin man on the left is named Tang Ba, second only to Tang Qiong, and ranked third. He is a second-rank Martial King. He looks frivolous and stubborn on the surface, but he is extremely cruel by nature. He is a veritable executioner. Loyal to Tang Yanshan alone, he once even fought against Tang Ying's father, the younger brother of the head of the Tang family.

The man on the right is named Tang Qing, he is strong and honest, with a bald head and a big head that is very conspicuous. He ranks fourth among the five butchers of the Tang family and is a first-rank martial king.Like Tang Ba, he can't judge his heart by his appearance. Under his simple and honest appearance, he has a very heavy heart to kill. He is also one of the few people in the Tang family who can practice Lie Yan Jue to seven heavy strikes. Hard work can make up for one's weakness. is the best interpretation.It is said that Tang Qing's seven heavy blows were slashed out, and even a second-tier martial arts king like Tang Qiong dared not take it hard.

The middle-aged man at the back was named Tang Hao, who was relatively unconventional in appearance, but he was also a famous femme fatale, a first-rank Martial King, and ranked last among the five great butchers.The origin of Tang Qiong is similar to that of Tang Qiong. He used to be a leader of mercenaries who was not surnamed Tang. Later, Tang Yanshan subdued him and swore allegiance to the Tang family.

"Where's Uncle Tang Qiong? Have you found it?" Tang Yan could see that they didn't treat him as kindly as Tang Qiong, with obvious indifference in their eyes.

Among the five great butchers of the Tang family, only Tang Qiong often guards Tang Yan, while Tang Jun and others are either outside or guarding Tang Yanshan. The only thing they know about Tang Yan is that he is rumored to be a dandy, lustful, and unrestrained!Naturally, they won't have a good impression, not to mention that they have been busy in this messy jungle for two months in order to search for Tang Yan.

"It has been confirmed from the captives that Tang Qiong has encountered an accident." Tang Jun's face was serious, and there was no obvious change in expression, but his eyes were full of coldness.The outside world called the five of them the "Butcher Five". They were cruel and moody by nature, but they were like brothers and sisters among them. Tang Qiong's death hit them hard.

Tang Yan frowned and said, "It is impossible for King Zhou Ling to kill Uncle Tang Qiong."

"How do you know? Are you doubting our judgment?" Tang Ba looked Tang Yan up and down. It is said that this kid has changed his sex?Can you still practice martial arts?And the baptism was successful?

Tang Yan asked back: "Where are those prisoners? Did you all kill them?"

Tang Badao: "Of course I killed them, what's the use of keeping them? Even if it's true that the whole thing was done by King Ling of Zhou as you said, he will not admit that these people belong to him."

Tang Jun said in a deep voice: "This matter is very important. Before there is no absolute evidence, even if the evidence is obtained, it cannot be released to the public at will. These people will be a disaster after all, and they will be killed."

King Ling of Zhou is dominant in the Northern Wilderness, and he is also powerful in the Great Zhou Empire. Such a behemoth may have many secret followers. The popularity of the Tang family in the Northern Wilderness has never been good. With a counterattack, the Tang family can't afford to go around!It is possible to be framed.

Based on this consideration, Tang Jun did not leave a single person alive, and wiped them all out.

"There is still a prisoner here, but she has to keep it." Alinda walked over with Zhou Linglu who was tied up.

"Princess?" The faces of the Tang family and others changed slightly.

"Hmph!" Zhou Linglu snorted coldly.

"Where's Uncle Tang Qiong?" Tang Yan sneered and walked towards Zhou Linglu.

"Dead, cramp and peeling, a terrible death! Don't worry, you will have the same treatment as him!"

"You still think of yourself as the princess? Do you really think I dare not do anything to you? Du Yang, what is written on the slave's face?" Tang Yan's fingertips burst into blue flames, which condensed into steel nails under ingenious control Generally slender.

Huh?The little guy's control over his spiritual power is so fine that it can be condensed into the thickness of a steel nail. , Tang Jun has been secretly looking at Tang Yan, trying to find something unusual.After all, I have served the old man for more than ten years, and I have never seen him so irritable and anxious.

Du Yang showed an evil smile: "That's a good idea, I like it! Those who are assigned to mines or exiled into death squads are usually engraved with 'pawn', and women who are thrown to brothels and teahouses are usually engraved with 'servant', so keep it for yourself." How to use it, hehe 'nu'! If you don't mind, you can engrave 'tang' and 'nu', I think the princess will be very satisfied."

Zhou Linglu's face changed slightly, and she looked at Du Yang fiercely.

Du Yang looked at each other coldly. Although he was just a commoner, he had never been afraid of anything since he was a child.And when he thinks of his missing and dead friends, and when he thinks of King Zhou Ling playing tricks on him with earth-level martial arts, he feels an evil fire in his heart!

"Tang Nu? It seems nice to have a princess slave girl!"

Alinda's face changed slightly: "Tang Yan, don't be impulsive, she is the princess of the empire, and your insulting her is equal to insulting the empire."

Tang Ba and the others shook their heads secretly, the second son is the second son, and he is a lower body animal when it comes to women.

Zhou Linglu raised her head proudly and looked at Tang Yan coldly, not believing that he dared to do this at all.It is one thing to be arrested, but another to be humiliated. What is humiliated is the face of the empire, and what is humiliated is the dignity of the empire. At that time, no one can save Tang Yan, even the Tang family will suffer.

"It's okay, I have already caught her, so I have no intention of letting her go! Du Yang, hold her tight!" Tang Yan's fingertips with condensed green flames ruthlessly inserted into Zhou Linglu's forehead.

"Ah!" Zhou Linglu screamed and struggled violently.

Du Yang held it tight, his eyes flickering with excitement.

Alinda wanted to stop it, but found that Tang Jun and the others were indifferent and just watched coldly.

"Tang Yan! You're going to die! I will never let you go, and I won't let your Tang family go!" Zhou Linglu was frightened and angry, and the tingling pain from her forehead made her whole body go cold.

Tang Yan didn't care, and said while slowly carving words: "Answer my question just now, where is Uncle Tang Qiong?"

"Dead!" Zhou Linglu screamed.

"Don't blame me for not giving you a chance, well, after finishing one word, there is another one." Tang Yan wiped the blood from her forehead, revealing a clear word 'Tang'.

"How dare you! I'm going to kill you!"

"How did the slave write it?"

"One woman, one another." Du Yang chuckled.

"Oh, by the way, female." Tang Yan slowly reached out to Zhou Linglu's face.

"How dare you! Tang Yan! I'll kill you! I'm going to kill you!" Zhou Linglu almost went crazy.

puff!Qingyan touched the skin and slowly penetrated into the flesh.

"I said!" Zhou Linglu finally broke down, tears streaming from her eyes, she couldn't bear the humiliation of being a slave: "In the dungeon, in the palace dungeon! Being nailed to a thousand-year-old icicle."

"What?" The faces of Tang Jun and the others changed drastically. Tang Qiong is still alive?This is good news, but it turned out to be nailed to a thousand-year-old icicle?Is this to torture Tang Qiong to death?
"What is that?" Tang Yan asked Alinda curiously.

Alinda's complexion also became ugly: "It is a very precious material, which is taken from extremely cold places and can freeze people's spiritual power. Unless you are a person who is practicing cold martial arts, otherwise it will slow you down if you stay in it for a long time. Slowly reduced to ordinary people, and died of frozen flesh and blood."

"You guys are ruthless enough!" Tang Yan's eyes turned cold, he suddenly grabbed Zhou Linglu's face, and quickly carved the word 'concubine' on her right forehead

The left and right cheeks form a word Tang concubine!
"Ahhh! Tang Yan!" Zhou Linglu broke down completely, screaming hysterically.

"Is there something wrong with your husband?" Tang Yan sneered, and said, "We have to bring Zhou Linglu back to the family and find a way to imprison him secretly. As long as King Zhou Ling still wants his daughter, we will always have a chance to rescue Uncle Tang Qiong. Let's go, let's go home!"

(End of this chapter)

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