Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 46 Giant Elephant City

Chapter 46 Giant Elephant City

Ten days later, Tang Yan and the others walked through the vast dense forest and climbed the rugged mountain road, and finally saw the Giant Elephant City.

The majestic and majestic Giant Elephant City is full of the vicissitudes of the years, and has a strong sense of vicissitudes and atmosphere.The city wall is tall and thick, with a height of 30 to [-] meters. On the city wall, more than a dozen horses can run side by side. The tall city gate tower is even more magnificent, simple and magnificent. More than ten meters away, although lotus flowers are blooming inside and schools of fish are swimming, if you observe carefully, you can see ferocious crocodiles swimming inside, sometimes emerging from the water, watching the passengers with scarlet eyes.

"finally reached."

Looking at the giant city in front of her, Elinda let out a long sigh of relief, recalling the experience of the past three or four months, it was like a dream, in which there were dangerous situations and more memorable places.

"Giant Elephant City" Tang Yan stared at this ancient behemoth like giant, lost his mind for a long time, used to seeing mountains and dense forests, suddenly seeing such a simple and huge giant city, his heart was full of shock.This was a spectacular scene that could not be seen or imagined in the original aristocratic family, and a majestic atmosphere gushed out from the heart.

"Why, after four months of absence, I don't know my family anymore?" Tang Ying waved her little hand in front of Tang Yan with a smile.

"I'm a little emotional, I came back alive." Tang Yan smiled, walked across the suspension bridge, passed the moat, and entered the city gate.In order to avoid causing a stir, Tang Jun and others took the Flaming Lion and Zhou Linglu back to the family as early as late last night.

"Huh? Isn't that the second young master of the Tang family?"

"Master Tang Er is back? Haha, let's go to Zuixianglou for a drink another day."

"A few beautiful girls are here, waiting for the second young master to drink soup."

A few young officers on the tower laughed loudly, and then bursts of weird laughter came from the wide tower.

Tang Yan remembered that these guys were all frequent customers of the brothel, and they could be regarded as friends with Mr. Tang, and they often drank flower wine together.

snort!Tang Ying snorted heavily. In the past, she would calmly ignore Tang Yan's bullshit, but today she felt sour. Even Alinda frowned slightly, apparently a little uncomfortable.

Tang Yan didn't care, and waved his hand vigorously towards the city tower: "Tonight, Zuixianglou, I treat you!"

"Okay! Hahaha! Second son, see you there!" A few young officers laughed wantonly, causing strange eyes from vendors and tourists around the city, and some girls who came to the Giant Elephant City for the first time turned pale, thinking that Wrong place.

"Tang Yan!" Tang Ying and Ailinda glared at him.

"Just kidding, I, Tang Yan, was being upright and upright, how could I go to that kind of place. Just now it was a kind of ridicule among men, so I didn't take it seriously." Tang Yan said righteously.

"A man?" Alinda looked Tang Yan up and down. Although after three or four months of experience, her skin was much rougher, but she still couldn't get rid of her tenderness.No matter how mature a 15-year-old child is, he will never be familiar with it.

"Oh? Teacher Alinda, what kind of eyes are you looking at? Don't believe me? Why don't we find a place to learn from each other?"

Erinda forced herself to remain silent.

"Tonight, count me in." Du Yang poked Tang Yan quietly, winking and smiling.

"Aren't you going back to school?"

"Nonsense, what am I going back to do? Go back and wait for them to harm you?" Du Yang seemed lazy, but he was shrewder than anyone else in his heart.Whether you like it or not, at least for a long time, you have to follow the second son of Tang.Otherwise, as a commoner, he would be easily persecuted by King Ling of Zhou.

"Teacher Ailinda, why don't you stay at our house for the time being? I have just arrived in Wuling, and I still need to ask you a lot of questions." Tang Ying invited Ailinda tactfully.

"Okay." Alinda did not refuse this kind invitation, and she could not return to the academy until she understood the current situation.

"Mr. Aileinda, pay attention to close the doors and windows at night, to guard against wolf and theft." Tang Yan blinked and laughed wantonly.

"That's God, that villain is back?" The vendors and residents on the roadside quickly recognized Mr. Tang Er, and all the smiles slowly froze, turning into bitterness and nervousness.

"Isn't he dead?"

"You look alive and kicking, like dead?"

"Hey, how do you say that? Good people don't live long, but evil will last for thousands of years. I think this kid has the blessing of a long life."

"Uh, the girls of the Giant Elephant City are going to suffer again."

In the Tang family compound, in the martial arts arena, many Tang family disciples are struggling to learn from morning exercises.

"Eldest Young Master! Eldest Young Master!" A servant hurried over and shouted, "Second Young Master has entered the city!"

"Huh?" The handsome young man who was competing with the guard suddenly stopped. At this moment, the guard's wooden knife whizzed towards him, slashed at his body, and broke into several pieces on the spot.

"Atonement, young master!" The guard hurriedly knelt on the ground, his face pale.

The heroic youth patted the sawdust on his body, without even looking at it, he said coldly, "Drag it!"

The servants waiting around the martial arts field rushed over, grabbed the guards on the ground and walked to the firewood room not far away, which was also their execution room. The men and women in the martial arts field were not surprised.

The servant took a few steps forward and said, "The Second Young Master has just entered the city, and the Patriarch and the Second Master seem to have gone to greet him. Do you think they are going there too?"

"Didn't he die in the psychedelic forest? Why did he come back?" The handsome and robust young man is Tang Yan's half-brother, Tang Gan, the young master of the Tang family, and the nominal heir of the Tang family.This year, he is only 17 years old. After completing his baptism for two years, he has reached the third level of martial arts. He is a leader of the younger generation in the Giant Elephant City.Although he is young, he is decisive and sophisticated in dealing with things, yet tactful, and is valued by all the elders of the family.

The servant hesitated and said: "I don't know about this, and Ms. Ying is also back."

The men and women of the collateral lineages of the family gathered around, feeling a little baffled by the sudden return of Tang Yan and Tang Ying.

"I've been missing for almost three months, how come I'm alive again?"

"This kid is big enough."

"I heard from people in the academy that Tang Yan seems to have completed his baptism."

"Are you kidding? I asked a student, and he said it was just a joke."

"Eh? Really? I guess so, how can a trash who can't gather spiritual power participate in the baptism."

"How did I hear that it caused a sensation?"

"The one that caused the sensation was Tang Ying. The activation rate was as high as 80.00%!"

"Eighty! The little girl is not simple. She usually keeps a low profile and becomes a blockbuster."

"I remember that when the young master was baptized, it was only this number. Our Tang family is about to give birth to a strange talent."

"Let's go, hurry over and have a look."

Outside the gate of the Tang Mansion, Tang family patriarch Tang Mingjing, second master Tang Mingzhong (Tang Mingjing's younger brother) and other family elders gathered here, waiting for the arrival of Tang Yan, Tang Ying and others.

The guards outside the door wondered to themselves, who are they waiting for?Looks like it's all here!

"Brother, Tang Yan is real." Tang Mingzhong lowered his voice and whispered to Tang Mingjing.

"The specific situation is still unclear. The old man asked to block the news and temporarily announced that everything is a rumor."

"Oh? Isn't that true!" Tang Mingzhong heard the overtones.

Tang Mingjing exhaled lightly, and said with a soft smile, "I'll have to interrogate this kid when he comes back."

"I really hope he can change his sex, otherwise the girls in the Giant Elephant City will suffer." Tang Mingzhong teased softly, and it could be seen that the two were still more concerned about Tang Yan's affairs.

"Father! Second Uncle!" Tang Gan rushed to the gate and was also shocked by the battle.

Tang Mingjing said: "Ganer, have you heard about Xiaoying? 80.00% spiritual pulse activation rate, you have to work hard!"

Tang Mingzhong smiled and said: "If you have the opportunity, help Ying Er as much as possible. The little girl is too strong and doesn't know how to ask others for advice. You should take the initiative as an older brother."

"Second Uncle, don't worry, I will take good care of Sister Ying."

"Huh? Here we come!" Someone in the crowd suddenly exclaimed. At the corner of the avenue in the distance, several men and women were talking and laughing as they came here.

"It's them! They're back!" The corners of Tang Mingzhong's eyes flickered dimly. He was only a daughter like Tang Ying. If something unexpected happened to him, he really didn't know how to spend the rest of his life.

"Father!" Tang Ying saw her father from a distance, and rushed over like smoke returning to her nest. Before Tang Mingzhong could speak, she hugged her and refused to let go.

Tang Mingzhong smiled and patted Tang Ying's shoulder to comfort him.The little girl seldom acts so intimately, and it can be seen that she has suffered a lot during this period.

"Father, Second Uncle." Tang Yan walked over, taking the opportunity to look at the familiar and unfamiliar faces in front of him.

Tang Gan came out from the crowd, patted Tang Yan's shoulder hard, hugged him tightly, and said excitedly, "Just come back!"

"Brother, miss me!" Tang Yan warmly responded to the hug, but snorted coldly in his heart.

In the memory of Second Young Master Tang, his elder brother was not an easy-going man, he was not too old, but the city was not shallow, and he often did things by unscrupulous means. He pretended to show brotherly love on weekdays, but in fact he punished Second Young Master Tang a lot.

Taking advantage of the situation, Tang Qian wanted to make a slight test. Tang Yan had been prepared for a long time, pushed him away without any trace, and said with a smile, "I'm going to the Zuixiang Tower to have a treat tonight, big brother will join us?"

Tang Qian took a deep look at Tang Yan: "No need, I still have some homework to do tonight, and I have to prepare to attack Wuzong."

"Little bastard! Learn from your elder brother!" Tang Mingjing knocked Tang Yan on the head unceremoniously. This little bastard, guarding so many people, openly invited him to the 'brothel'!
(End of this chapter)

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